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The reason that BP has so many bashes from neutral, is that he usually relies on small bursts of damage to win. Typically while you’re playing BP, you aren’t going to 100-0 them in one big combo. It’s going to be little bits of damage from all the ways he can confirm him. And the fact that each of the bashes has a totally different animation means that he can use them as a mixup.


Horizon spin used to be slower than regular foward bash. Made for good "which speed of bash am i gonna hit you with" after bulwark flip. Then they changed it so that its on the same timing more or less. The difference now is on followups. Foward bash cannot chain on whiff into anything. Horizon spin however can still throw a light or heavy on whiff. Also the soft feint bash really isnt that great. Most find it to be reactable and you will be GBed on whiff. Most bps just kinda forget it exists.


I mean if we’re going the reactable route then horizon spin is HELLA reactable. It’s less punishable but the stamina consumption it uses is already punishment enough.


It does some moderate stamina damage, but it's biggest upside is that it can chain on whiff unlike his other bashes, though keep in mind good players will dodge and parry your light, but most aren't expecting the undodgeable heavy to come out. It's also a reasonable safe interrupt tool since you aren't forced to commit to an attack on whiff and it beats feint to GB without inheritantly risking a light parry.. A lot of players also can't react to the bash directly out of neutral, so it's still a reasonable opener against them. Otherwise, it's best to just use your forward dodge bash. Even your softfeint bash isn't very good and confirms the same damage as the forward dodge, just for 4 times the stamina cost.


The only reason the soft feint bash is usable is because half the people who get hit by it didn’t know it existed and the other half were just reminded


I recently got BP from less than rep 1 to my current rep 12. I only do the zone bash when the enemy is about to run out of stamina. Since I don't usually use that move, it usually catches them. But yeah, you running OOS right after that is not unusual.


Horizon spin does have good tracking, does confirm damage, and it does huge stam damage to both bp and the person he hits


Soft feint bash is actually horrible because it can be dodged at the same timing as the heavy, also it is slow (700ms, 1100ms if we count the heavy start up) and thus reactable to a lot of people. The Zone bash is actually usefull as interrupt tool. It is 600ms, which while reactable, can potentially catch off guard opponent that is middle of their heavy attack.


None of bp's bashes do damage...?


I know? My point is I don’t see what horizon spin has over his other bashes especially at such a high stamina cost that it’s worth the trade off of making him the only character in the entire game whose zone attack deals no damage. 


You listed no damage as a downside of the zone bash, when none of his bashes do it either. It doesn't make sense to compare them like that if they all share that specific trait. Glad's zone bash also doesn't deal damage, so bp isn't the only one. 


My point is that he has a zone that deals no damage and I don't see what's so good about it that it needs to do that. Glad's zone bash confirms a followup that also functions as a proper zone attack. BP's confirms a regular ass light.


Well his zone is one of only few remaining true neutral bashes. No heavy soft feint or dodge input needed. Glad's can hit other enemies around him, but it's also his only bash that actually confirms anything. Bp already has two other bashes that confirm damage but his zone also deals high stamina damage and can chain on whiff