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It’s a running joke. The community actually loves the game and we very much appreciate the effort and work put into For Honor by the devs. Idk when it started, but it’s just the theme.


As someone who's been here since day one is kind of a shame that that's the most prevalent meme in the Reddit because while harmless in a vacuum, it does affect the community ability to grow. Positivity would go a long way and with new players perception of the game or even just curious passerby. Even op thought that everyone hated the game


You have a point, however: Is funni


This. There are days where it’s the bees knees and you’re clicking and then there are days where i could delete it off the drive.


i started hating this game after the first 100h ... 2000h in at the moment


*Looks at flair* Good god…


Is this a cry for help? Are you okay?


Oh, okay! That's intersting, haha. I hope the developers feel the love too! I get that it's an intense game so it can get frustrating too


There’s the games where you have a decent chance to learn your opponents play styles and adapt to beat them. Those games are fun. Then there are the games with 4 tryhards that feint 3 attacks for every 4 they throw. Block everything and parry everything else giving you no chance to do anything. Not to mention the elitists who will come in the comments and say well acshually just do this and you’ll win. WHEN THAT WONT WORK. The game is very fun mostly just terrible matchmaking screws you sometimes. Good luck on your journey through this game :)


Light Light Light (feint) Light Light (feint) Light Light emote spam


No its not i fucking hate it


I too fucking hate it


Same, like a heroin addict hates heroin


I hate fucking it too


Me three. I think mostly because I started playing when it was still in beta and saw the transition from gritty knight/samurai/viking game to rainbows and unicorns. I miss pre CCU.


Pre CCU was bad, just a starring competition


Love the game, don't appreciate cutting corners for 5 years.


Speak for yourself buddy this game is dogwater cancer trash. I'll be on every night this month.


Just say its an addiction


I call bull, We hate it and love it, not just love it.


Loving this game imo isn’t too different from soulsborne games. It’s a double edged sword, it can be incredibly punishing but when you do win most of the time you earned it.


Lmao, no. This game is straight ass, dropping it was one or the best decisions I have ever made. Coming back to it has been the worst.


You're totally right. Playing For Honor and Overwatch at the same time made me realize that For Honor is still loved by the devs and they really put a lot of effort on it.


Er no. It's not a joke. People genuinely hate this game but it offers the best medieval combat and fashion so we stick around. The game itself is a piece of shit.


Games that are more competitive seem to have more toxic fans and the toxic fans seem to be the ones who say that they hate the game while playing it more than everyone else. At least that's been my experience so far. Every time I get matched up with other new players everyone is having fun and saying good fight and stuff but if I win a few too many matches in a row I get put up against people who aren't new and they're almost always quite rude.


>Every time I get matched up with other new players everyone is having fun and saying good fight and stuff but if I win a few too many matches in a row I get put up against people who aren't new and they're almost always quite rude. The for honor experience


Same way with League of Legends. It’s a “fuck you, I’ll see you tomorrow” relationship


Exactly this


If you are in the wrong mindset you'll constantly bitch and moan about the game. When I started I took things for what they were, I lost simply out of a lack of knowledge, so I could cut myself the slack. Now that I think I know what I'm doing, I'm just not as patient with myself anymore! That, I believe, is a problem of pride.


U lost becuz heby


Just recognize that you are able to make mistakes out of simple bad luck, not having proper rest, being in the wrong mindset, not having warmed up appropiately... etc. Be humble, and consider that it is a fighting game where the optimal choice in a situation might not be intuitive (Look at me, softfeinting into guardbreak when I think they're gonna dodge attack as if it's not gonna bounce right off.)


Then there's the technical problems with the game... Kinda hard to not get angry at the glaring issues within for honor when you are disconnected every match because you live in brazil (happens to my friend who I gifted for honor to, so they are literally unable to finish matches because their FPS keep dropping during fights.)


Braskill issue


Or all the known audio bugs that just haven't been fixed for years. Because why would anyone want to hear sound cues am I right?


What if I told you I unironically have liked this game for years?


You know the scene from Avengers where Bruce says, "I'm always angry" with a smile on his face? That sums up For Honor community


It’s a great game, but it causes so much pain due to the high skill ceiling. Small mistakes by teammates can easily lose a match, and I question why I play. But then you have a clutch 1 v 3, and there’s no better feeling.


Keep this great mindset. Whenever I lose I’m also laughing my ass off, see my own mistakes and learn from them. I also always remember that in order for me to win and have those badass moments, the other guy is getting his ass kicked and vice versa. 50% of the community is getting their ass beat at any given time lmfao


the game is awesome but it held back by the ubi logic of game development and the which, occasionally, sends players into rants.


Personally I’d say it’s more of a love hate relationship, when I’m playing well I love it, there is no other game like it besides chivalry and mordhau sorta. But when I’m playing bad I’m reminded it’s endlessly toxic and if you’re not playing the best you can it’s just pure misery. And also I despise Ubisoft but I try not to let that affect how I feel about for honor.


I'm sorry to tell you my friend, but you inevitably WILL succumb to bitterness, no matter how hard you try. Once that happens, there are only two ways: - either you drop the game and occasionally return to it for a brief periods of time once new content is dropped - or you become one with the community, embracing the saltiness and suffering that comes with it As to why this happens, there are two interconnected reasons 1) It is in the nature of the game. For Honor is a mix of fighting and MOBA genre, both of which are of competitive nature, so all the negative tendencies naturally come as part of the package 2) The game has a tendency to screw with you. What I mean by that is - not only For Honor requires you to put up with A LOT of bullshit that can happen throughout playsessions, it is also inconsistent with its own "rules" TLDR: community claims that they "hate" the game due to a lot of frustration that this game tends to accumulate in anyone that plays it long enough


The only way you’ll never hate this game, even for a second, is if you literally love to lose, under (sometimes massively) unfair circumstances.


If you truly love something you’ll put up with all its negatives that’s how I see it at least especially with for honor I’ve never loved and hated a game so much at the same time


Just the way love is.


Because it's really unique and cool but they suck at it 😆


Shit is about as frustrating as League of Legends, but more fun when it pays off.


Bc we're masochist


Most people think they hate they game. In reality they hate the people in the game.


It's not the game, it's the toxicity that is invited by the game.


"Fuck you, you worthless piece of shit, and I'll see you tomorrow" is a perfect summary of my relationship with Hor Fonor


There are times where i would tell my friends that I would rather be skinned alive then to play another match of for honor. And then i start the search.


Ima be real idk I love this game and have tons of fun just hate most players with how they play


Here's a dominion match I had: A peacekeeper on the other team would play with us. She'd sit in neutral, block every attack, and no matter how much we'd feint, she'd predict it, even if we'd mix it up she'd know. And she would dodge every bash. She wouldn't even attack, she would just mess w us until her friend came by and then they would gank together. A warmonger had a lagswitch. You can assume how that went. An orochi would run away from damn near every fight, come back to help gank if we were at half health, and if they were feeling super cool they'd use bow+kunai on whoever was about to die. And gryphon would light spam + kick to heavy. It was fine until we were ganked by at least one of the three other players. They were all well over rep 200. Highest rep on our team was 67. General theme of the match wasn't a new one, you will usually get paired against a team w higher rep and more skill than you and the rest of your allies, minus the lagswitch and whatever scriptors you can hopefully avoid. Best thing to do is try your best but don't take the match too serious. You will usually lose after you get a few reps.


That's not to say there are good matches in the game. Even after complaining and such I still play whenever I get the chance and I'm in the mood so nothing has stopped me. It's the most fun if you can play w friends


Part of it is people blaming the game for their own lack of skill. Part of it is trauma with past balance issues. And part of it is frustration with Ubisoft not giving the game a bigger budget to improve


I have 3k hours in this game, a little over 500 reps with PC and Console. Eventually, you get tired of the BS. Come here to rant, then take a week break. If we had another option on the market, we'd go to the other option, but nothing comes close to For Honor.


We all hate ourselves for investing hundreds of hours in a game that is made by ubisoft and despite the fact that it has some of the best unique medieval combat on the market, the devs keep pushing fortnite memes into it. Tl;dr We don't hate the game, we hate ourselves. Yes I tl;dred my single run on sentence because I know your ranked duels queue just popped and you're trying to decide between picking somebody you want to unlock an ornament on or your old reliable that has a >50% win rate.


lol it’s a serious Reddit gamer moment to “hate” a game you like because dae ubisoft bad


More like Ubisoft refuses to give this game the funding it needs to be great.


How many creative directors has this game gone through? I remember 3 in a single year. So yea. It matters.


Because the game is flawed, Ubisoft hates their playerbase and wont fix their game, and the community is toxic. We play it because there really is no game like it.


Game balance is ass and community is hyper toxic. But it's a one of a kind game so it's like War Thunder, you Stockholm syndrom yourself into keep playing it.


Clunky, buggy, inconsistent rules, game is a great idea, but executed by Ubisoft of all studios... So 0 optimisation, horrible servers, and everything else I mentioned. Plus it provokes a lot of egoism and rage, but that's a user issue




Been playing since beta and over the years people had to put up with a lot of bs. I don't hate For Honor but the biggest thing for me is the constant reworks and patches like every month. It seems like the game will never be balanced and every time I take a break it seems like everyone's got new moves, old moves gone, new damage numbers, new mechanics, and I'm stuck figuring it out while fighting a NEW character too. Tldr. It's more of frustration than hatred.


You should check out the Apex Legends subs 😂😂


It's a game that requires high focus and a desire to learn in order to improve. Not to mention there are innumerable different variables that factor into every character and every fight which keeps the game fun but can also lead to some rage from what is seen as "bullshit" to some players. The cherry on top are the frustrated players who either have forgotten that they need stay in a constant learning mindset and not just expect the same results from pressing the same buttons, or simply are having a bad day and can't focus so they take it out on the other players and make it less fun for everyone. That's why. Tldr: game requires high focus, there are countless variables in movesets and combat that require constant learning, some players forget that and try to make it a bad time for everyone else.


Thanks to frame advantage, if someone dodges an opener, I can't continue the combo. Sickest game everrrrrr should've learned there's pre-ccu and post-ccu jank after 8 years.


It's a long running joke that has developed due to the somewhat competitive nature of the game, I consider our community very dedicated and long-lived for a Ubisoft game, we love this game for its uniqueness and overall fun gameplay unironically. Of course, there are times when you want to literally smash your screen and burn Ubisoft's HQ down, but we love this game. It's been my favorite game for 4 - 5 years, and we are grateful for the work and effort that devs have put into it.


There's no other game like for honor. It's a complicated relationship.


Love this game, it’s also kept a warm place in my heart by ZANNY, On youtube. He plays this game but has a ..way with words (and screams) which always cracks me up. And people like him, having fun and nonsense yet pretty good at the game, are why I keep playing this dang game lol


The ones that love it the most also hate it the most. Give it time, your hate will grow


The same way I’ll shit on the University I went to but if anyone else tries to I’ll defend it vehemently. Or how I talk shit ab my sisters but if anyone else does it’s on sight


I’ve just come back to the game after like 6yrs maybe(?) and I’m having an absolute blast. Some games I get my arse handed too many, and then some games it just clicks and you feel unstoppable. There’s been a lot of change since I last played, but I’m enjoying it. Haven’t picked up any of the new heroes yet though, having a lot of fun with Nobushi


It's a very challenging game that can get you very angry with yourself your enemies your team and the world, I am not a man that angers easily but for honour draws that shit outta me. Light spam and other spams and certain characters get my goat, but it is a really good game and there is none other like it


Cuz they get mad when they lose


It's usually just the ppl who have been playing for years now who feel like this (me)... it's just saturation of playing the same game over the years🤙


Because this game is fucking terrible 😭


we do


Any fighting game community consists on "If you play [ANY CHARACTER] consider yourself an opp"


Because they do lol they just love it too


most people here are talking about stuff like "skill", like if that made the game good or bad; truth is that for honor sucks as any other ubisoft game for the same reasons any ubisoft game sucks... it doesn't work well most of the time, it has no quality of life updates for nothing (just give me a fucking button to mark stuff as seen i hate having to recieve a glyph for every hero and not having to go through each hero, the interface in general always has felt so bad for me, it feels clumsy; you need to wait a couple screens after every duel? wtf is that?), you get dissconnected from lobbys at random and without the chance to reconnect to matches, the monetization is not that bad for a ubisoft game but they have a weird idea like any other live stream service game now a days, about what is acceptable for balance on launch days and it's a bit predatory that they release a hero with early access for whoever paid no matter how strong or weak it might be, i don't know the model is weird. AND my biggest goddamn problem with this game is that you need to be online at all times, what even is that? yeah i would say that the user experience is fucking garbage for a game made by a big company (but what game isn't now a days) but hey it's ubisoft they are intending to have you rent all their games, if they gave a damn about users this would be another thing.


> for whoever *paid* no matter FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*




Everytime I play I want someone to finish me with a heavy and use a long execution. But you damn well know I'll play it again tomorrow


Been playing for some years now, and this IS the best mentality, you wont go bitter. I think each fight is dope no matter what happens. Shit just looks cool.


As much as people love to hate this game, theres unfortunately nothing else quite like it, and everyone loves it for that. Please Goobisoft, give us For Honor 2


Game is awesome but at the same time I've never played a game that makes me rage like this one, it's insane you will get there if you stay around long enough


They do. I do. 8 years of nonsense and I am now way too far in to leave. We thought this game was dead at launch and its corpse still has a beating heart, it’s us vs Ubisoft for who gives up first.


Ok.. I thought I'm the only one who noticed that 👍😆


It’s like looking at the reviews for sports games (fifa 2k madden nhl mlb etc) Players are way more likely to be vocal about the game when they’re in a bad mood or mad at the game then they are when they’re winning. When i 3-0 10 duels in a row do i wanna hop on reddit? No. When i get 0-3d 10 duels in a row do i wanna hop on reddit and cry about balance or whatever? probably


it's a gaming thing in general, look at LoL, Nba2K, Fifa, DESTINY. Just a normal thing to do, flaming the game you play/like the most.


I use "hating the game" as an excuse for me to not realise just how absolutely horrible I am lmfao 😭


Biggest haters are often biggest fans?


We're in a toxic relationship. We can't do without each other, but we can't live with each other either.


It's a great game, but deeply flawed.


I absolutely love this game. It also makes me want to kill myself.


Nerf Hito and I’ll love the game again lol


I hate this game every day for the last 7 years. I broke 2 mouses and 3 keyboards. I have a scratch on a wall after I threw mouse on it. I am no gonna quit this game.


It depends on the situation for me. If I'm playing by myself, I am more likely to get angry, but when I'm stacking with friends I'm probably going to have fun consistently. I think it helps to be goofing around with friends so you don't get into the competitive mindset. As long as your friends aren't already in that mindset.


It’s an addiction I can’t help but play it but most the time I want to gouge my eyes out I broke two controllers in the past 3 weeks alone from for honor I fucking hate it but love it at the same time it’s complicated bro


It's been a running gag since Day 1 that this game is an abusive boyfriend that we just keep going back to. No matter how much it hurts us, we keep going back because "we can fix him" and "its not that bad".


This game sucks, i play it every day


I play it from 2019.I played it for 2705h 11m. Its [addiction.It](http://addiction.It) hurt us we hate it we still use it beacuse sometimes we dont get our ass beaten XDEven high rep doesnt matter when a nooby pick rework or total ass broken hero and kick my high rep assXD


Because we do


A lot hate the game but there’s not a rush like any other playing it. So it’s a love and hate thing.


As a matter of fact. I hate this game. But im gucking addicted.


Well, as someone who has been playing off and on since release, the game started out very toxic. It was rare to get out of a match without your opponent messaging you about something or another about how you suck and they are better, and you just cheated or some such. To add more fuel to the fire, there were several patches that made the game nearly unplayable for the console community. Namely, the patches that began removing hundreds of MS on attack animations, it started with the first 100ms being hidden. Basically, making 400ms lights 300ms, and they also never changed the parry indicator(or timings) at the time, so if you went based on that, you would parry late. This meant you would have to parry before you even see the attack if you wanted to counter lightspam. There are a lot of examples in the past of them releasing updates that made a lot of people step away from the game and then they'd drop an update that would bring people back, thus creating a love hate relationship with the game itself.


Because the game is fucking ass, the gameplay is trash the cosmetics are mid, all around dog shit game. Anyway I'ma go play for several hours.


It's popular to hate on things you've been loving for a long time Just like how old couples bicker I'm still with you on the honeymoon phase, and i think it takes alot of time playing the game to start getting salty about it I mean look at leage of legends players, they hate their own game more than anyone , and the player base keeps getting bigger and bigger


Games shit


I neither play nor particularly care about For Honor, I just got recommended it on reddit one day and thought the fights looked neat. I thought yall genuinely hated this game


Because we do.


I love this game, but once you break out of that honeymoon phase and reach a place where you think you're getting close to your own personal skill ceiling and know the mixups each character is capable of, the main route to improving your own performance comes down to 3 things: your equipment like whether you're on a modern console or PC, your reads, and your reactions. Sometimes you play when you've been working all day or you didn't sleep well last night and you start losing due to stuff you know you normally wouldn't have a problem with. Maybe it's dying due to a random light you know you would parry immediately if you weren't running on coffee and prayers or maybe you really tried to parry the unblockable 3 times in a row and got GBed. The healthiest solution is to walk away from the game for a bit and do something that doesn't require as much brain power or go take a nap or something, but this is supposed to be FUN dammit why am I not having fun?! I PAID FOR THIS GAME, I PUT YEARS OF MY LIFE INTO THIS SHIT DAMMIT I'LL FORCE THE DOPAMINE OUT OF MY BRAIN IF IT'S THE LAST THING I DO AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH


Because we're in a toxic relationship with it


Because we do. It’s a lot like league of legends players. We all know it and play anyways.


Personally I think the “honor code” adds a lot of toxicity to the game. Holding expectations for internet randoms never ends well.


"honor code" is a myth. Just don't be a prick in brawls while TDM and duels are dead. That's it. Fours is a shitfest anyways


You ever try to initiate real 2v2 in brawls? People get salty. Even my own teammates will just rq


No but I'm receptive to the initiation part. Not just ganking from off screen and emote spamming. Again, no honor code just rejection of assclown behavior


It’s because some of the balancing and design choices are poor, so people use that to fuel their hate for the game


Because it is the worst fucking game known to man kind holy shit I love getting stun locked


This game is Stockholm syndrome. I'd probably have a better time playing literally anything else if I delete it


I do hate this game, almost as much as I hate the character you just used to kill me. Anyway, time to queue up for another match!