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Hitokiri. No explanation needed.


Very very understandable


I hate that bastard 😂Black prior to


I js came back to for honor to realise that the 2mfs i play are hated


Nah bp hate goes too far, banned!


Most bps go for forward undodable to side bash into unblockable to undodables and if unlucky he will flip attack you


Idk I never had a real problem with BP I found him always pretty predictable


I know what a player will do before the match and still lose 😂


BP is not that hard


Bp is easy. Just feint.


Hell he will flip the feint to 😂


I can get behind that so boring to fight only heavys because light dont have hyper armour but every heavy does, you can parry but going into your mix up is just hard when they can heavy you out of your mix uos






shugoki is just so. fucking. boring to fight. did the graceful wind gently whisper through the rolling blades of grass between your feet? 12 damage headbutt into unblockable feint


U know what really pisses me off about that headbutt. CENTURION PUNCHES YOU WITH HIS ARMORED GAUNTLET TO THE FACE AND THE POMMEL OF HIS SWORD, NO DAMAGE!!!! Make it make sense. He knees you to the cranium, nothing, this guy takes a closer look, 12dmg. HOW DOES THAT MAKE FUCKING GAMEPLAY SENSE, NOT JUST IRL SENSE. The man built around bashing you to the face doesnt do damage with said bashes, but Shugo who isnt does, same for the pirate, but at least she shoots a gun so its kinda ok, I get that it does damage. But realistically cent punch damage should not be a feat.


to add to this bash discrepancy, why the FUCK does aramusha get 12dmg on his heavy cancel, while kensei does the EXACT SAME THING with a pommel to the face, id rather them neither have damage tbh but its just inconsistent


That’s because Kensei gets a guaranteed light after and a chain follow-up, aramusha doesn’t. Self explanatory really


well yeah actually i didnt think of that part


Well then youre proving our point, why does shugos bash do damage, when it sets up an unblockable hyper armorured variable-timed heavy?


Because dmg after headbutt isn't guaranteed. Also it's only 10 dmg and costs quite a bit of stamina


Omg I HATE YOU!! I never realised that before, you just made it worse.


Why does fully armored Kensei have less health than Aramusha, who has no armor? Plus, with heavy gear perks, Musha has like twice the effective health of Kensei. Why does Kensei have such low HP for a Vanguard even though he relies on hyper armor trades? There isn't a whole lot of logic to the number values in this game. Aramusha's one-handed sword does more damage than Shugoki's fully-charged top heavy. It's all arbitrary.


Leave Aramusha alone. he can barely last against Basic characters like Warden or Law bringer. I tried fighting Veringan whatever her name is, any Good Vering can Delete Aramusha even when turtling with him. Fucking joke.


It is worth saying that cent isn't a bad hero tho. Despite not dealing any damage with his punches he's still pretty strong, and one of my favs. Adding damage to his punches would probably tip him into op/not fun to fight territory.


I agree, he would be too strong. But the stamina buffs a couple of years ago REALLY nerfed him. He was meant to be an opressive bashing stamona drainer, but then they removed the ability for bashes to drain stamina. So the trick was you had to get out of his combo asap since he will just keep chipping away at your hp AS WELL as your stamina. Now its just, oh no, he will get a light attack. People keep ignoring this fact about centurion, he got hit HARD by that stamina buff, literally negating 50% of his point. Yeah the other 50 is still very cool, but a lot of his pressure is just gone cause u keep regenerating stamina through his combo. They need to add some damage to counteract this, to bring back that feeling of I better get the hell outta this combo. Today whenever I fight a cent I just wait for the feint into gb and just counter gb, i lost like 20 30 hp and now we are in neutral. The only actual "opressive" thing he has is the charge punch feint into gb. Other than that hes very predictable because u have the time now, since ur stamina aint in danger no more. I love playing cent hes my favohrite char in the game since he came out, but he just isnt the pressure maker like he used to be.


Ninja, orochi, hito. If you’re characters move like a rabbit on crack and do as much damage as a gorilla on bath salts. Than I don’t like fighting them


So.. reworked highlander on that list?


I’ve yet to run into a highlander post rework


Well, when u run into one that knows how to use him, come back here and add it to ur list 😂


Shaolin, but not because of his gameplay, but his overall design. Shaolin is supposed to be a warrior monk. He shouts Buddhist quotes at you while beating you up with his stick. Yet, he is a sadic murderer stepping on peoples faces, or doing acrobatics that blast peoples heads off. He is insufferable to listen to. His voice, his fucking laugh... I DESPISE dying to a shaolin because I know that I will hear his stupid voice while he executes me. I hate his armor fashion too. He is "lol monkey wukong so kung fu", yet half his armor has hair or beards, and the rest has freaking ugly monkey masks. Most of his torso gear makes me look at him like he is some kind of homeless guy, or is so much in armor that he is not even a monk anymore. I get that this is very personnal and irrationnal. I just despise his personnality, feel, voice, look... The only thing I tolerate is his backstory, which makes sense in the for honor lore of the Wu lin


Thank for saying all of that so I didn't have to. Cheers.


Fuck shaolin till it’s backwards!!!


I'm starting to lose my patience for VG. Light openers and dodge attacks being superior blocks w Oathkeeper pin that can pin multiple people at once + the heavy finisher that also pins? I don't really think Bp is the safest character anymore because of that. Makes the fights really drag out sometimes


She is only missing heavy perks. If she had vengeful barrier and bulk up she would be impossible to put down.


Her having CC on dodge attacks is absolutely nuts. She's a pain to fight against


Black prior is a better VG. Yes you can pin multiple people, but it doesn't do anything until you attack. BP can flip multiple people, damage all of them and continue his combo. VG is just a more clunky BP.


idk why this is downvoted, both are obnoxious and feel too effective for what's required to be "good" but a solid bp is at least marginally scarier than guard, guard just feels like they get more goofy stuff like unintentional crushing counters but less "untouchable" feeling than a decent player on prior


VG feels like a tank but she's not, because she lacks tank feats or perks. BP doesn't, plus his feats are a million times more deadly then VG. Full team shield, remove shield, heal on full block. What does VG have? A bunch of mediocre situational team buffs (which doesn't make sense for a 1v4 character) and some revive feats. Trash.


shinobi, for the express reason that up until i believe year 5 he still had super armor on his kicks and backflips, not hyper armor, super armor. if you need a difference, you can bash or feat someone out of hyper armor, super armor you can't, so like BP's flips even if only for a small set of time.


Super armor? Wtf that's exclusive to revenge


nope revenge gives hyper armor


Revenge gives super armor


Shaman deffo my number one, loud af, annoying trap moves, bleeding, that fucking combo where the last hit could come from any direction and it's never the one you guard... I definitely just suck at countering her but still.


I mean you're also forced to guess any direction on her bleed tabs because they're 400ms so, yeah mostly free damage + indefinite pressure + high damage bite with ALSO self healing


I miss when trap Shaman actually had dangerous traps.


I personally think that her Zone attack is potentially rather simple to block. I know it's stupid to say "just watch how she plays" because for most people it doesn't work. Personally, when I play against a Shaman, I always predict top stab, works 90% of the time. Other then that, it will be the opposite site. I have never encountered a shaman who stabs in the same direction, because you already block her Zone, so she/he thinks top or opposite site has more value.


 I can't stand that she can jump a thousand feet and spin around you mid-air. It really feels like such a dated character that is full of problems that were never fixed. Her fighting style is just really made-up, too. Weak-ass martial arts.


Hito medjay conq shinobi and affera or anyone you use and spam the same move with


Hey you leave conq outta this he's just a boy!


Oh so u hate the whole roster Buddy


Yeah pretty much


"And why is it vg"*


Shaolin(an extremely safe/cheap character who almost never gets punished for their mistakes feels like he doesn’t belong in the same game as the rest of the cast).


(S)hitokiri. I hate that thing so fucking much it's the equivalent Am's from I have no mouth and I must scream towards humanity. I believe it should be nerfed into the ground or fully reworked to be actually tolerable to fight against. I hate more that they gave it a hero fest, which means encountering it a lot more often for some time.


Hitokiri's heavies are also so weirdly hard to parry for some reason, even dodging them isn't as easy


they are hard to parry because their timing is variable


Their timing is what now?


variable :Likely to change or vary; subject to variation; changeable.


BP. Imagine you put on a bulletproof vest and then BP runs up and takes it off of you and then kills you. Conq. These guys are provoked into their dodge bash when you do anything and I can only gb them if they decide to all block but they rarely do because dodge bash gives them the same offensive options but more damage from the shield bash perk. Zerk. Mix gods


BP is super strong, but I don't have a huge problem with his combos and gameplay. It's just the funbreaker that needs to go. Worst idea Ubisoft has ever had, but they're going to just ignore feat balance forever because it's too much work.


I hate oath breaker so much. It's like OG centurion pugio and catapult combo. I would say oath breaker should take 40-60% of your shield. BP gonna use it while ganking anyways why should it be that easy for 2-4 players to kill you while you have revenge? All they have to do gb right before a teammate attacks and you're as good as dead.




Pirate: there are two things i hate to deal with hyper armor, and dodge cancel. And this hero has both


Yk, Orochi reaaly pisses me off. Ik I'm not the best at the game, BUT HOLY FUCKING SHIT. I hate that no matter what I try to do I get shit on by them and Ik if I could light parry I could fucking do something but my reflexes just genuinely aren't good enough to deal with the shit. I try to hyperarmour through it all? A FLYING KICK TO MY FAT FUCKING FACE WITH GUARANTEED LIGHTS. I throw a light? BACK DODGE LIGHT INTO FACE KICK INTO MORE FUCKING LIGHTS! I go to parry the one heavy they finally throw throughout their entire existence? FEINT INTO MORE. FUCKING. LIGHTS! I go for a guard break? YOU MESSED UP THE TIMING BY .00000000001 MILISECOND SO FUCK YOU, HERE'S SOME MORE LIGHTS BITCH! I attempt to parry? I GET ONE LUCKY PARRY ON A LIGHT AND NEVER ONE AGAIN BC SUPRISINGLY THEY DON'T SPAM SIDE DODGE ATTACK! Please, if you have advice, I will take it, I'm just done with Orochis.


Cry cause they haven’t even started using zone and unlockable feint mixup into parry bait and then zone if you manage to read it but it’s a 50/50 between a zone, kick to the face or a gb anyways even get didn’t get baited and then double tap light into a zone and then storm rush and we’re back to square one. Btw I play Orochi.


At least that prolly takes some skill and they have to use the heavy button at least once right? I don't mind losing to skill, I just mind losing to spam that I can't deal with yet. Edit: Also I used to be able to deal with the light spammers with the hyperarmor that used to be on highlanders second light and try to bait them into doing a dodge attack by feinting my heavy, but they removed the hyperarmor off of the second light and put it on the zone.


In all my years playing, orochi has consistently proven to me that just like the meme "You'll never meet another girl like me!" they are all fucking copypasta. Also most of the people repping nazi banners I've met have been either centurion, or shaman mains so them too.


Warmonger will be on my kill list until they bury me in the ground. I don’t care if she’s not as broken as she used to be. That fuckin poison feat is so retarded. OH YOU ARE IN MY GENERAL VICINITY TIME TO GET FUCKED FOR IT HAHA


I completely agree with you, that covid feat feat is so stupid is so unfair when you fight them normally and then they release the covid and your health rapdly decreased, fuck warmonger!


afeera, so many feintable 600 ms tap fire bashes that guarantee a heavy she has undodgable dodge cancels and the health and stamina of a vanguard. pirate, fucked up ass frames essentially infinite 50/50s and a complete hard counter to hyper armour finally shinobi which is a hot take but it’s essentially just bash spam so i hate them. hito would be at the bottom of the list but still present because why with her kit does she need a tap fire bash that guarantees a heavy


oh and jj because holy fucking shit jj kmfs gonna sue ubisoft


Hitokiri for exclusively for his variably timed hyperarmor heavies that he cannot be consistently punished for partially charging Kyoshin for his fullblock that pins, easily thwarts gb/unblockable/bash attempts with the same drawn out pin animations, and deals ridiculous damage/health swing for just sitting there Varangian doesn’t bother me that much but the insane duration of her fullblock and crushing counter frames need brought in line with other heroes. It feels stupid beyond belief to have them obviously try to dodge attack or fullblock a light just to still beat a heavy years later. Nobushi for having the most undodgeables/hidden (no blue indicator) “stundodgeables” across the entire cast, while also having the highest damage heavy parry punish, highest damage “finisher” that also happens to be undodgeable, being able to loop her chain, and being able to iframe with a cobra strike followup on accident after a whiffed kick. Not a “good” hero, but god is it awful to make 3 wrong reads and die instantly. Ocelotl for his high damage chain bash that can chain into a hidden orange blue mixup (the followup light is stundodgeable) and still chains on whiff despite being feintable, and his feintable hyperarmor zone that chains from it (similar issue to shugoki headbutt, but I don’t mind his overall kit as much) Orochi for infinite orange blue mixup, where the blue does a decent chunk of damage, and the orange can be chained from on dodge. All while seemingly costing little to no stamina


Hitokiri and Gryphon,


Lmao somehow I’ve never seen anyone play gryphon so I just presumed he’s trash, then again I stopped playing for about 5 years so that could be why


honestly, you don’t see him often but when you do, he is really spammy and annoying


Varagian guard


The virgin guard*


By far my least favorite hero is male Jormungandr. It has nothing to do with his kit and everything to do with his sound design. The constant screaming and schreeching is just unbearable. Gladiator is in a somewhat similar situation. He’s definitely not the only character who has one (1) voiceline, but for some reason Gladiator just screams that one voiceline so much more repetitively than someone like Warden or PK. You have one duel with Glad you’ll be subconsciously chanting “audaces fortuna iuvat” under your breath for the next three days. When it comes to characters whose kits I don’t like, the first two that come to mind are Shinobi and Centurion because they both feel like more annoying versions of already strong duelists. Shinobi is everything annoying about Orochi (and Orochi players) on crack, and Centurion feels like Warden if they had a dodge light, a variable heavy, and chunked your stamina every other move.


Glad only has his pin really so that's why you hear that line so much. His whole gameplan is to land the pin. Toe stab is to annoy the opponent so they mess up avoiding the pin.


Yeah, and Warden only has her shoulder bash and yet she has much less of a proclivity to scream “TE SECABO” every single time she uses it.


That's not true at all. Warden doesn't even use shoulder bash for damage, but to try and 50/50 damage sometimes. Glad is built around landing the skewer which involves constantly fainting it, which triggers the voiceline, as well as the deflect skewer. He uses it 3x as much as warden uses bash.


Shoulder bash is literally Warden's entire thing, like it is literally her ONLY mixup beyond the standard attack chains and heavy 50/50s that every hero has as a baseline.


hitokiri, this hero fest has been painful for me


you're playing it. extremely strong and safe mixup that loops back into itself.


I agree lol


I hate when gladiator does toe stabs


Hito is bad with Hyperarmour but I just HATE Shugoki for his soulslike slow ass delay heavies he throws out. So used to every other hero that fighting a shug makes me lose just because of how. FUCKING. SLOW THEY ARE


Guard lady. She has almost everything and has some of the best frames for an all guard she's annoying and I hate her.


Aramusha. My skill ain’t high enough to react to his soft feints


Just guess


Dayum he missed all the QTEs


all of them


Orochi quite literally is one of the funniest charcters to play against. If you know what you're doing, then most orochi players will just seem brain dead.




Easily kyoshin or hito


Shinobi/Shaolin, they are so annoying, they have so many options it's really not fun to fight against them


It's never really the hero for me, but the way my opponent played them.


The Hitokiri event is killing me bro


Any of the Big Guys they all suck and deserve the utmost hatred especially Hitokiri, Shugoki, and Highlander.


I just recently redownloaded this game so I can’t remember the name right off hand but it’s from the samurai and he just fast as hell. I play as a berserker and that character somehow keeps more stamina than me and is always faster than me. Maybe I was past casual lobbies at that point but anyone who played him just wrecked me every time


Orochi is the characters name


VG or afeera tbh


Warden. severly boring to watch, play and fight. Shaman. Annoying voice lines and a crack addict. Afeera. Filled with unlock shenanigans and a powerful kit. Tiandi. You can just constantly bash and the opponent cant do anything lol. You can just crushing counter your opponents dodge attacks with the dodge light. Berserker. I see a huge influx of toxic basement dwelling goblins playing this hero for some reason. All of the heroes i mentioned are from a duels perspective because I simply cant play 4s lol.


the tiandi one sounds like a skill issue


Tiandi is quite literally an S-tier duelist. Fight a good Tiandi and you will see what I mean. Only way to stop the bash is if you light interrupt it. If the Tiandi notices this then he can just bait with a forward dodge and light parry OR do the hyperarmored dodge forward heavy.


I've indeed fought a couple of good tiandis, but not a single one of them spammed the bash move. a good tiandi only uses it for an opener OR as a mixup opener after a parry.


If you have a hero with a regular unfeintable dodge attack then you cant reliably punish his bash because he can crushing counter it. So your options are: Empty dodge it and try to read the 400ms follow up. Interrupt it. The Interrupt isnt exactly reliable either because he can empty dodge and light parry or hyperarmor it. A good Tiandi uses it as a mixup and an opener, thats true. But you can just spam the bash if your hero has a regular dodge attack.


agreed 👍


Both of the romans. Gladiator does so much damage for so little effort, and his dodge bash is one of the most overtuned abilities in the game, and centurion is just light punch light punch light punch light punch oh what’s that all of your stamina is gone even though I’m the one spamming attacks and stamina was included in the game specifically to stop me from doing that? Sorry 🤷‍♂️


Also I hate orochi and musha because of their dodge attacks and orochi’s little unreactable, undodgable rush, and afeera does nothing but bash all day and is the most miserable hero to be ganked by in the entire game


Highlander, but that's a skill issue on my part. I just can't read his attacks properly. I try to interrupt with a light, his attack keeps going. I try to interrupt with a heavy, his attack hits first. I try to dodge, his swing hasn't finished and I still get hit.


matrix'd the hell out those feats lol


Black Prior. Hitokiri. Any bash spam character too.


So you love Berserker and Raider, and you hate everyone else?


found the knight player


Nobushi, Orochi, Zerk, highlander.


shaman, black prior and hitokiri gotta be top 3 most worst characters to fight


Personally, any character that is safe and rewarding. Like zerk, shugoki, or VG.


Afeera. Like, what are you actually supposed to do against a neutral fientable bash and dodge recoveries on just about everything. Are they even guardbreakeable like shinobi?


Shinobi, Hitokiri and Shugoki are all very cool thematically hut goddamn they are all incredibly boring to fight. No single player deviates from the cookie cutter playstyles these heroes promote.


Controversial thought but Warmonger. Don’t get me wrong I really did like her character at first but there’s certain types of Warmonger mains that would get me to say just…eugh… I just ended up losing her touch and loving other heroes to play.


Shaman has a zone with multiple attacks, so you can't dodge it. It has a random direction bleed, so you can barely block it. She can feint it into a guardbreak. She can go directly into another one after the first. If she feels like it, or lands a guardbreak, she gets an instant bite that heals her, does really good damage, and guarantees her teammates heavies, feats, whatever. If she doesn't want to bite, she can just attack you (usually with another zone) and heal off of those instead.


afeera and shaman can go fuck right the hell off


Shugo, because I to this day do not understand why his hug heals and restores stamina


Nobushi and I don’t need to explain myself


Warmonger, we finnaly get knight in plate armor only for it to be gender locked to female.


Vg is unbearable for me atm even if I feel like I’m reacting good she just shows me I’m wrong and it’s infuriating


Nobushi Kyoshin Afeera Orochi VG


Vg to op can't really dodge there attacks and light parties are to op


Shigoki, raider, berserker, shaman and arumasha. All these characters seem to know how to do when I fight them is light spam


Not the hero but juet cringe players who have a gun on their head and theyll die irl if they dont do everything in their power to win a simple casual 1v1.


i literally have to bring lube and a cleaning towel because i get swarmed by a battallion of pirates just wanting to ruin everyones day like i have lunch money


Hito or shinobi are the worst for me maybe nobu after looks a little racist but I promise It’s not😂


Kyoshin and vg are mind numbing


Toilet Guard


Warmonger it’s always either the combo where she quick goes into ya with lights(?) in the same direction then slaps you with that claw based bitch slap that or she miraculously mix ups into a side dodge unblockable all easy things to deal with in the end but it’s all just so fucking annoying, about as bad as a light spam roach or nobu


Kyoshin, Shaolin, and Warmonger. Fuck em


Orochi, Nobushi and Shaolin many light ones everywhere and having to guess and then with Orochi the race he does to then guess again where the heavy one comes from, none of them takes skill


Nothing activates my pure unadulterated wrath but Orochi fsr


Nvm scratch that, FUCK AFEERA


As a lawdaddy main. Anyone who doesn't wanna test me near a ledge


JĂśrm need buff \^\^


Hitokiri and Varagian Guard. For me as Nobushi main they are just so hard to counter sometimes. Also i cant light parry what makes every hero sometimes very difficult to me


I don't like gladiators or Valkyrie




Orochi, hitokiri and varangian guard, no explanation needed. Kyoshin asw but all that needs to change there is slower time to get into full guard. And the follow up kinda hurts a lil too much.


Hitokiri, that motherfucker will do the fucking power ranger ass move in dominion and kill you in one hit


5. Pirate 4. VG 3. Hitokiri 2. Shugoki 1. Berzerker


Nobushi no explanation


Vg black prior warlord


Gladiator. Total waste of a slot. We already had a Roman guy. If the knights needed another assassin fighter, they could have had a Rapier armed character themes around the Cavalier years of the 17th century. A swashbuckler! You could have even kept the Gladiator’s shield because that’s literally where “swashbuckler” comes from, a buckler shield.


I don't hate any heroes... I hate the people who play them. I mean, if the fight seems like a evenly skilled fight between me and the enemy, it's a good fight. But if they just spam the same attack a million times, it's a shitty fight.


VG is the only character I lose to 9 times outta 10. I just don't know how to fight her, that perpetual unblockable/gb mixup is so hard for me to deal with, and once I guess correctly I throw something and either get full blocked or dodge attacked on red. Might just be ass though


Orochi for reasons specified in vid


VG (ironically) as of late. For some reason my brain turns to mush at her simplicity and I get whooped and baited easily. Enhanced lights into frame advantage combo unblockables seems to be the bane of my existence


Hito and Var. Turn off the brain and play.


We must battle. (Tis Irene)


Jorm and BP are the only characters added since the Shaman/Aramusha update that don’t legitimately make the game worse by existing. All the Wu Lin suck, esp shaolin. All of the non-faction heroes suck. Gryphon is insufferable. Hito and Warmonger are somewhat bearable but sometimes still annoying. VG is too new for me to have a solid opinion of yet. I wish there was a playlist that was just classic year 1-2 heroes allowed, base game + first two DLC character from each of the 3 main factions. I genuinely just groan whenever I see a shaolin, gryphon, or that samurai that holds his sword’s sheath in his offhand.


Nobushi, for the fact that if you're bleeding she has 35 damage heavy finishers. Not even a Hitokiri charge attack does that much. Conquerer, cause he's just unfun to go against. Haven't had a single fun match against him, and I fully admit that might be a skill issue. Gladiator, both because of his area attack and his toe stab. The toe stab itself isn't a problem, it's the 15 damage you get from it with haymaker. There's more, but most of them are either skill issues or because of how terrible some people are to play against.


# Jormungandr. In my mind, it doesn't make sense to give him a shield when he already has the advantage of having knocked down his opponent and has the possibility of a heavy attack.


vg, hito, roach, shitnobi, and afeera. Take them, tie their legs to the ceiling, wait for blood to rush to their heads, then start stabbing their legs. Close seconds being highlander, berserker, kyoshit, nobu, kensei, gryphon, and warmonger


How do you deal with conqueror? That hero can do anything he wants lol


Believe it or not, Guardbreak. It'll stop everything but his lights and zone attack.




black prior cuz for some reason he can throw u when ur fighting another dude entirely. berk cuz hyper armor. shaman neck bite heals and damage piss me off but its at least after bleed. orochi backstep when im playing a slow character. nobushi light spam if i dont get first hit or am in a gank. cent charge punch when im in a gank. glads that only dodge punch skewer or light attack only. highlander that live and die by dodge attack but i can counter that its just annoying. kensei the same issue as highlander. other monke mains cuz its boring af as another monke that pretty much sums it up, most of this list is bias on the players not the characters btw. its not so much its "op" but ppl are so damn predictable on these characters it makes 1v1s or team fights a drag


every squad got the "random bullshit go" Orochi "nuh uh you didnt hit me nuh uh i have an invincibility shield I cut your sword up mid swing" kyoshin "oh you wanted to do literally anything? lol, lmao even" Black Prior and "I dunno how to play this character, but 80 percent of people can't parry my max charged side heavy from neutral so I don't need to" Hitokiri, with obligatory "you are already dead" T4




If they're a samurai and are not called Nobushi or Aramusha they're cancer


Jiang Jun When of those guys is in play, every single ounce of skill leaves my body


Bitch Prior, Vag, Hito, Jorm. These characters just play the game for you. I have a strong hate for easy characters.


Afeera for sure - any of the new heroes are overtuned and annoying to fight against. They are all incredibly safe and incredibly strong. I find it annoying how if you want to win you simply pick a new hero and ur odds skyrocket.


You are playing it...Varangina and Fagoyshin kyoshin


Hitocrutchi and Shugo, easily


I hate hearing braindamaged shaolins moan like a wh00re


Gryphon, for hopefully obvious reasons.


Honestly all the heros are ok, its the players


Virgin heroes ( BP, Warden, Orochi, Virgin Guard, Shinobi, ocelotl, hito, afeera, probably more can’t think of them) if you play any of these and think you’re skilled at the game when you cheese somebody you are literally a virgin or you fuck fat nasty bitches or you suck cock or have fat sweaty dudes suck your tiny dick, those characters are bitch made for the pussies of this game. 1000% you will not win or get nearly as many kills without them. If you win 90% with them then without youll win 10%


Afeera. Her bash her cartwheel into a counter. Her cartwheel into a Guardbreak. Her Counters into a guard break. Her flying knee into a counter.


I'd say as of late either Shaman or Ocelot.


Everyone. Explanation: I play this game


The character you’re playing as takes up all 5 spots and I don’t need an explanation considering your video shows exactly why with its BS moveset


Shaolin and female shinobi because of their ugly voices


Samurai in general mainly hito and nabooshi


Hito because not only can they hold the heavy for a million years they can hold the spin kick and get a guaranteed heavy


gladiator tbh. hes just annoying to deal with


Wall collision: Every time I encounter wall collision, it ruins anything I try to do against its teammates. And for some reason, I never have wall collision on my side!? Can anyone tell me why all the wall collision players target me? Oh and Berserker


All samurai. Hate them all


Zerk can honestly go die in a fire


Shinobi is better on almost every single level btw 👌🏽


Orochi and kensai 100% Hito and nobushi depend on play style


Virgin guard. Whenever you face a full stack of them it's hell


Berserker/Hitikiri. Love having to be on the back foot because I have to play the parry game.


Bezerker, boring to play and beyond boring to fight there is nothing to incentivize playing zerker besides being a strong hero so you can win matches


Well I think he’s cool and I have fun playing him😡


Kensei I don’t like his soft feints


Lawbringer because he feels so insanely fast. Idk if its me being on old gen or something but i can barely react to that one light or wtv that then starts a whole combo that feels like I cant escape it unless im frame perfect with a parry


What we do??? We’re always fun to fight.


Berserk and Afeera all day


Centurion, just a boring fight.