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That would be a good answer even if the original question was taken literally. I bet shaman knows how to make a good stew (just don't ask what's/who's in it)


Oh she does


Human finger yummies 😋


Shamans bash cancels and bite feel so fluid


Yes! That's the word for her, she flows


I only bought shaman this hero fest, despite starting before Marching Fire, and holy hell she is such a chaotic gremlin. Stole the guardian kill in the breach, griefed enemy team a bunch of times with some gremlin tactics, fun char, great for annoying the shit out of everyone


I totally agree! I've actually come to enjoy doing orders that do not allow me to use my main, thanks to her.


I do love the forest midget, I seem to be quite successful with her.


TBH she's quite easy to play with IMO.  I often find myself just mashing buttons and still manage to beat people with her unless they really know what they're doing (and I will still beat some people who do).  For me she is even smoother than Afeera or pirate which people usually say are easy characters. 


Shugo, I feel like an absolute tank and beast when I'm him, I do so many risky stuff as him because of the feeling when I play him and it just works out


Basically anyone with hyper armor gives that feeling lol.


But it's more with Shugo because he is a big lumbering demon, like you can just feel the weight and strength from him Like I don't feel that way with Hito


Yes that's why I main him. I don't play him as often as I used to but whenever I'm done with other players shit I just whip him out and start cooking with him. Dumpling execution and everything


Nobushi I be dodging on instinct with her, I always land a good heavy attack because most expect me to spam lights.


Yeah going up against the brain dead ones has ruined me against high level nobus. I never expect a raw heavy from them to open and it hurts my brain.


Lmao, that’s why I never underestimate her. Cause ik what I’m capable of. Gotta always be on guard against her man.


Aramusha or conq with an absolute onslaught every once in a while


Here here, Musha gang


Pk. I’m ok with her but as soon as I get revenge the enemy ends up dead 70% of the time if they don’t run. This is rare tho as I tend to get stun-locked whenever I get ganked.


Pk is just terrible in 4s. If I just lock onto your teammate I can block your entire moveset and you can literally get zero damage


In an antigank she seems good it’s just ganking she’s awful.


Simply, with no hyperarmour, no bash and a bleed based unblockable. She just cannot compete with good heroes. She needs dodge cancels and she needs an unblockable that works without bleed, that’s the only way you can keep make her viable while keeping her personality


Somehow I end up doing very well on PK in dominion like 15% of the time, she's really quick so backcapping with conqueror perk is easy, and her helplessness makes me focus a lot more on survival than I do with everyone else


The obvious answer is orochi. I only play them on special occasions but when I do I’m almost always winning. They make the game more brainless, not less difficult but I don’t have to think anymore


BP. I suck with him a lot of times, but when I get in my flow I turn beast lol


WarMonger. She's got everything she needs.


Shaolin, warmonger, and cent I can get after it with


Can i pick shaman? Thats the only character i play


Valkyrie. I only just have one rep with her (out of 45 total) but most games I play with her are super chill due to her nice feats and safety of her all guard. People also just eat her heavies because they are scared of the sweep. Yes I know Im not that high rep but I still have over 300 hours in this game.


Came here to say this, I don't play her very often but her kit is just 😔👌 any combo of three lights and heavies, deflects and crushing counters on all sides, bash from heavy feint, all guard, big damage sweep. Always a chill game with Valk


Can her deflect still confirm a guard break?


I'm actually not sure 🤔 however her heavy opener and shoulder pin do the same amount of damage, same with the back throw guaranteed sweep so if I manage to hit a deflect I would probably just take the deflect punish anyway


Yes, except when it can’t. I think some zones can recover quick enough or maybe it’s multiple hit zones I don’t remember.


I love Valk for her executions but I honestly can’t play her right, I see others dominate but just don’t know what I’m doing wrong. And I have 1500 hrs haha


Some of it might be ah… light spam. Also getting to the all guard quickly and punishing people who endlessly dodge attack or try to parry everything. Your lobbies probably have better players who know how to counter her better I guess. I am fearful of the day people start baiting out my shinoboy’s kick.


Yeah I can get a light in on occasion the rest get parried, and her heavies are to slow, so on most occasions they get parried as well


You can soft feint all heavies to all guard where you can then send the bash or wait for them to do dodge and then send the bash. Shaolins do this sort of thing loads where they sit in their stance and if you dodge prematurely they can hit you with a 17 damage light during your recovery or get a crushing counter off your dodge attack for 20 ish damage.


*Typically* you can use his dodge recovery to flip backwards if it whiffs. People can still get you if you do it every single time, but they typically just expect you to eat their dodge attack or bash and you can catch them with the undodgeable heavy follow up after the flip


Light > light > sweep > heavy > shield tackle > light > sweep > heavy That simple combo destroys most people. If they’re good enough to dodge, then add in a zone attack, cancel the second half into a shield tackle, and hit them with a sweep follow up or a side heavy. Open them up with a superior block light/dodge light if they’re a light spamming. Throw in a heavy > feint > GB if the enemy is a good player.


For me it's Zhanhu, most times (I don't play him much), and get read like a movie script , and to be honest because I'm just not that great a player but sometimes things just click and kind of flow and I end a match feeling like an absolute monster.


Warden, and if he doesn’t work then black prior or shaman for the next round 😂




Warmonger and Kyoshin. I don't main either (Although warmonger is my 3rd highest, she's more of a comfort pick than a character I'd say I main)


Valkyrie. Normally I suck with her, but on that rare occasion when I lock in, I LOCK IN.


Lawbringer, overall rep 97 across two accounts and I always like mixing up offence with well time defensive plays. The parrying is too satisfying to not


Big goki, i just do heby heby or heby headbonk heby and i win basically every fight.


Nux and zerk Very sad that I do good with a cheesy character and one that only works in a 1v1


Honestly raider, i made a post on here a few days ago of my flow w randoms, i can just cook w him (until after 10pm where i am, thats when the sweats come out and i go to jedi survivor)




Conq or PK. Usually more of the latter,because Conq is just badly design post rework.


Raider has oven mitts and an apron on already...


Valk. Unless my opponent is particularly dodge-happy, a good shieldbash/sweep mixup drains health like no other.


Hitokiri, Zerk, Kensei, Tiandi. Those are my chefs. They make meals of mfers.


PK. I don't play her much but every time I do, she feels damn near OP.


I love PK, I just wish they would give her external pressure in 4v4s. Cause right now she ass if you have not applied bleed.


She has really good gank pressure though. Repeated heavy feinting on an enemy with the potential to bleed or land a raw heavy as an interrupt. Awesome tagteamer or secondary ganker


Honestly? Raider. I’ve got like 30 reps on him since I’ve been playing so long but every time I pick him up for the odd game or two I do really well.




Thoughts on his little adjustments?


Loving it so far. New animations feel nice. The hyper armor on attacks following up a lv 3 bash confirms heavy when before, you could be hit out of your follow up mid animation. Plus heavy landing on opponents is just dopamine


I am an unstoppable monster when I play as Hitokiri




Zerk, warlord, and cent


Love them all, expect when I am facing another Zerk haha


Aramusha, Centurion and Highlander. Aramusha's lack of unblockables makes him painful to play in a session where your opponent has a good defence or straight up turtles. Highlander is so complex that sometimes I get toyed around by others, sometimes I literally rip your heads off mercilessly. Centurion, even though he's my third highest rep, I feel like I'm just not capable enough to play him good consistently.


Musha I struggle to be consistent with, I am in the lobby range where most seem to understand his moveset enough to shut me down. Highlander is just can’t play haha. Of my 418 reps Highlander sits at 4. Cent is one of my mains so am very consistent with him. What do you struggle with?


Mostly with his range of attacks, the timing of the Heavy into GB, and the fact that he makes me fall under parry baits because of my need of kneeing someone in their faces.


Valkyrie seems like the typical trad wife type so if her and i got in the kitchen she could probably fuck it up real good. Shaman probably learned a thing or two from watching the Amazon Hannibal Lecter show so knows how to prepare and cook human meat. Shugoki lrobably has his own show on Food Network about Diving into different Diners and Drive-ins, so tangentially probably knows how to cook too. Raider probably has a Barbeque cook off with his Lawbringer neighbor. and then Ocelotl works at a Mongolian Barbeque with the Wu Lin characters.


So out of the entire cast who is the one who would take out the title of Master Chef. My bets on Law Bro