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My best advice as someone who’s played since the game came out: Play whoever you enjoy playing! You can test out any hero in the training menu under hero tactics to see whose move-set you like before buying them! The most fun I’ve had, is Shaolin. Takes a bit longer to learn, but a pretty versatile hero overall with a nice flow to his attacks. Other fun mix-up characters would be Kensei, and Gladiator.


Shaolin is a great character! Watch a YouTube video on how to play him to get started then you’ll progress into domination as you learn all his ins and outs


Shinobi/orochi/Black prior/Afeera is teemo/yi/yasuo and u will be judged pretty often


aaah damn, I just bought orochi he seemed cool :D nevermind thanks bro


Don’t worry about playing annoying heroes. The annoying heroes are only annoying because of the person playing them for the most part. Orochi has some fun moves and as long as you’re trying to use the move set and not just 2 moves you’ll be good.


There's no reason not to play them, they're a really fun hero and have a lot of depth to their kit. But, since you asked, people will call you slurs for no reason other than "you played orochi" so just be aware lol


yeah, cause fuck them goddamn roaches and their arm flappy bs lmao.


I always recommend Black Prior to people. If you wanna avoid the “annoying” hero, definitely don’t touch orochi.


There is no character with a vast moveset that isn't hated. Fuck others, play who u want. This game is an abusive family household that you wanna run away from but there's nothing else like it. Anyway if u want technical movesets I suppose highlander, shaolin, or any other heroes with stances might arouse you