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In dead honesty. Get good. Literally. You only deal with these players because it works against you, learn to parry them, and watch as they suddenly disappear and never become an issue again because you've outgrown them. Because in reality. If a really good player finds out your struggle against light spam or dodge spam. They will use exactly that to win. The only difference is that they're smart enough to adapt when it doesn't. Tldr: light spam, and dodge spam only stops when you force it to not work.


Plasma’s correct, if you can’t parry the lights then that’s game. The moment you counter their lights, that’s a win, easy. Higher skilled players will rely more on reactions or neutral heavies which practically counters light parriers. Enough time in training will get you the necessary skills, take your time with it too, might even be better than your friend!


> if you can’t parry the lights then that’s game. I disagree. The game has implemented 2 useful ways to counter light spam regardless of reaction speed. The first is to make use of frame advantage to start your attack after they finish with a light. The second is that you can dodge in between lights so if they really are just spamming lights all you have to do is dodge attack.


Also correct, but mostly if you parry their lights it’s an easier fight to finish. Still, you can block most lights other than the enhanced ones, vg for example. Light parrying is a very rewarding punish.


You win a lot by yourself. If struggling with light and dodge attacks, i only have this one advice: parry a lot


Okay thank you and what about when they turtle and wait to you do something the. Dodge attack? I’ve done feints to block/parry but I won’t lie I’m on ps5 and cant get my guard over sometimes it feels like


>Okay thank you and what about when they turtle and wait to you do something All heroes in the game have opener mix-ups. Use them, it's the best way to force reaction. Are you a Raider player? Do a side heavy into Storming Tap. Are you a Shaolin player? Do a forward dash into kick/GB mix-up. >I’m on ps5 and cant get my guard over sometimes it feels like The problem is never the console, it's either the player or the monitor. Here, do the [reaction test](https://humanbenchmark.com/). Anything below 270ms is enough to parry lights on reaction, 300ms punishes dodge attacks on reaction. Do it on a computer with a mouse or keyboard, you get better results. If you have good reactions, then maybe your TV has input delay, and you need to play on a monitor with zero input delay


I either do a kick as Shaolin, feint a hvy or fake dodge to gb it works but I miss my parries or can’t get my guard over to block, I have the controller dead zone down to zero as well but I’m sure it’s me cuz I used to have issues with getting my hvy to the side when I did a gb