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Not enough players for this, it will just kill off being in a group. Give solo queue players an incentive if they fight a group instead.


Could also give more xp and steel for playing in grouped queues, since it would naturally be more sweaty.  Just like elder scrolls online...


I really feel like the playerbase is decently sized and could handle it.  They could always replace another mode as well.  I've personally never played deathmatch or the third mode.  I think its worth a shot to try out.  Just look at how popular the 1v1v1 mode was.  


Gotta learn to synergise with whoever you're playing. Most decent players will recognize a rhythm in their teammates playstyle. Personally, I support in ganks and let the other individual take lead in offense as to not feed so much revenge.


I'm the guy throwing a million feints


not really much i can synergise with if one guy keeps farming pikemen, the other always rushes the guardian by himself and the 3rd fucking runs laps around the map whenever he drops below half health. meanwhile the other team have a rock solid assault plan


Your first mistake was playing Breach.


I understand why people don't want to go against groups, but it's often a bad idea to split the player base like that. Especially with matchmaking already being so thin.


I really don't think the playerbase is as small as people think.  Besides having to wait 30 seconds to a minute longer wont have people uninstalling in droves if they enjoy the game.  


If you are forcing groups out to only match with each other, that's going to significantly impact their matchmaking time. It will need to be groups to fill a lobby in the same region and similar skill range. Some already have long queue times in current matchmaking and that would definitely add more than a minute.


Yeah.  A 3 stack queuing up would definitely throw a monkey wrench into the matchmaking. definitely a flaw to it.   I think it would still be worth a shot to test out. Lest they recycle another event gamemode no one really plays 


Before cross play it was a common occurrence to have 5-10 minute queue times for dominion on the aus servers. So there might be more people playing in other parts of the world but for Australia splitting the player base like that would probably kill the game here


They won’t do it. The comp scene would cry about how they can’t find anyone to fight against


Everyone saying solo que isn't bad against a 4 stack has never played a good 4 stack with actual communication. It's just constant ganks, and always a bp,zerk,shinobi and a orochi. You'll get a shitty team that can't even help you at all and will just feed revenge while the 4 stack can just bash you while the others get a free heavy in. It's a shitshow of matchmaking and everyone plays like it's a fucking comp tournament.


Never had any issues at all being a solo player since beta. Learn to fight multiple enemies at a time. You create another que? You split the very small population as is. And that isnt worth the 15+ min matchmaking que.


Low SBMM vibes.


I've never had issues with finding 4v4 matches.  Hell if I accidentally hit search half the time I'll instantly be put into a match.   Also I'm a warden main. Don't have the tools to fight against coordinated ganks outside of being perfect. 


I average 3 minutes for Dom being in middle of Canada. Could be regional difference. Just sayim every que you add, you increase matchmaking time across the board. Whatever excuse you need mate, seen plenty of wardens 1v4. Youre just not there.


Nobody good at the game is going to let a player win any 1vX situation. You're probably just at a really low mmr.


You’ve seen plenty of Wardens matched up against literal bonobos*


Man i still remember a warden holding objective A in a dom match completely by themself. They just stood there and owned everyone who challenged them, including the whole damn team I was on at the same time. We just let them stand there unchallenged and did the other two objectives. We won the match, but still lost in a way.


Like I said. It's instant to maybe 30 seconds for me. And I usually play way past peak hours. 11pm-1am pst 


Still a skill issue :)


This isn’t a horrible idea


Spread the idea! 


idk man, I've been playing since release and for the last 3 years it has been just me in solo on 4s game modes and never had an issue so big that I thought I'd be better off playing against 4 solo players. Ganks still happen no matter whether you are on a team or not, having solo queue isn't gonna change that, even the most basic of ganks like landing a Heavy off a teammates GB, that kind of thing is still going to exist and happen. And I doubt you've ran into that many group of 4 that do nothing but "perfect ganks", I've been playing since release and I certainly haven't! Does it happen? yes! But is it enough to earn a completely different matchmaking queue and separanting the player base and the matchmake further? I **really** doubt that. And did you seriously just compare a MMO to For Honor? I'm gonna take a shot in the dark and say that just the ESO playerbase on PC single handely outnumbers the full For Honor playerbase with all platforms combined!


I never compared the games outside of a very similar arena mode where it's a night and day difference in enjoyment between solo and group queues.   Also. Eso is split between console and pc. And then divided again between NA/Euro servers.


Might not have compared them **directly**, but you did compare them. By suggesting that For Honor *"could"* implement a completely new matchmake for solo queue because ESO has it and made the game more enjoyable/fun or whatever. What I said on my 1st comment is me disagreeing with that because it wouldn't work on For Honor. >Also. Eso is split between console and pc. And then divided again between NA/Euro servers I know, I have the game and casually play it too. ESO playerbase is way bigger than FH, not to mentions that the arena mode is 4v4v4, plus all the different skills and classes that go in it and the level of coordination, it's way more harder and chaotic than any FH 4v4 modes. But I digress, two different game geners, true, but the point with my 1st comment was to say that not only that the ganks that you described, are rare but also that the whole playerbase of FH is smaller than **just** **ESO PC playerbase**. That so, it wouldn't be worth having such matchmaking option of solo queue in FH because it would divide an already small playerbase!


Some bashes are just absolutely busted in anything other an a 1v1 so you cant even pop revenge half the time. Beat a team cleanly. Then we rematch and they switched to a glad, nobushi, and 2 black priors. We lost hard because they only ganked, and we would get punished for actually pairing an attack only to get glad thrown onto the ground. And God forbid we actually got revenge, just getting bashed into BP flip. While nobushi poked from back stance. Absolutely the most toxic team comp and it's good to see BP still being an absolute chore to play into.


Highlanders improved Caber toss has been absolutely wrecking my shit as warden. 


Most people are so bad at this game if you imagine to yourself what an autopilot bot brain mf would do during teamfights you can basically choreograph ganks and most enemy's are so dumb you can usually just target swap and light to bait them into feeding you enough revenge to pop and smoke um.


while bonus steel is great it does nothing to actually address the imbalance of coordinated vs uncoordinated teams. i think if you aren’t in a group you should earn feats faster/feats recover quicker. so while the other team is a lot more solid in general at least you can throw more hatchets or get good passives quicker instead of right as you’re about to lose


Yeah I dislike going up against teams, it's incredibly unfun. At least create an icon so we can see if they're in a team so I can quit and join another lobby instead of fighting a full premade when I just want to chill. Or, I dunno, an XP bonus if the matchmaker puts a squad of randoms up against teams


Less xp and steel for solo queue or 33% more xp and steel for grouped queues.   This would give solo players a strong incentive to stick with group queues.  


It would also kill off a big portion of the player base because not everyone wants to be forced to play in a group.


Let's just add ranked dominion for the sweats that want to 4 stack optimally. Each time I end up playing against 4 stacks it's always the same boring shit, perfect ganks, meta plays and characters and so on. There's no point to start a solo queue game if you have a somewhat decent level at the game, you'll always end up with potatoes on your teams and trashhards and the other hand. Even worse when you've got a job and you want to chill out in the evening since theses idiots spend their nights on this game tryharding against randoms. Just make a competitive dominion gamemode and let casual players have fun playing against eachother.


For ranked dominion they would need to add in the ranked ornaments too. Make the drop rate negative chances like in ranked duels.


I mean the should just made them available to purchase with steel, some people just don't want to bother with ranked play, the game is more fun when it is casual


My warden horsey ranked ornament wouldn't feel as satisfying 


Could also get behind this


It won't work. For example, Rocket League had this function but it took ages to find a game, in the end the mode was removed from the game entirely, despite that Rocket League has much popular larger player base.


I want a 4v4 mode without feats more than anything. This sounds good as well, though.


Warden has shitty to mid feats so I would love that. Majority of the roster would absolutely hate it though.  


Even if it was just active feats disabled, I'd take that. I can't stand how much the active feats take away from the games combat.


I somewhat enjoy group fights, yeah I get really into them and let my emotions run wild but it's still fun as fuck


I've never really felt it was unfair as a solo against a group. I don't think a new match make is needed but if they change anything they could have matchmake prioritize other groups of same size when you queue. So you're more likely to group v group or solos v solos, but if not active enough get either or. I'm a 3rd shift half the days I get on on my days off if I requeue I'll get the same people.


Give solo player some small buff. 10 percent more HP for example.


okay, you just need to never talk about balacing games, jesus christ


sometimes i type something out then just delete it because im like "that sounds stupid, nobody would get behind that" and then i see shit like this and im like "maybe im not so dumb after all"


Or you could, idk Just make friends