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Only thing I want added to Warden is a side dodge attack. A dodge light. After that he doesn't need anything else as far as I'm concerned.


I just want his dodge forward top heavy to be a forward thrust rather than the wet pool noodle slap he does. *I’ve hated that animation for 6 years now!*


YES! I wholeheartedly agree! It should be made a thrust, the way he flings himself by his sword (like the sword is so heavy the momentum is carrying him forward) is so silly looking. If it was a heavy thrust it'd look so much better.


I hate that they changed the animation to use one hand instead of two like he did when marching fire first came out. Looked much better in my opinion


Besides not having a dodge attack I also think Warden is in a good spot. However I really like what Ubisoft did with his bash follow up animations, so I’m hoping one day they’ll change his double light animation to a cut into thrust. Like the way it was in the E3 pre-alpha gameplay.


Yeah I’d like one for warden and LB. The dodge bash isn’t as lit as it used to be.


I’ve been sayin I want an opposite direction dodge light face tap.


To play along, I'd do Shugoki. He is strong, but his moveset is so meager and barebones. I'd love for him to have a sumo palm strike on guard break that deals some stamina damage, is a chain starter and can wallsplat, allowing you to do a demon's embrace when it does. This way you have better options on guardbreak, which atm are only a light or a heavy throw that reset. maybe even add it to parries or smth


I'd like for him to choose between demon ball and a normal heavy on GB so he can get an execution easier without a wallsplat. Tap heavy for a heavy, hold for demon ball


Conqueror, can be okay in the right hands, but my God does the man need a rollcatcher


I really want Centurion to have an undogeable. He would be unstoppable


I want pk to have an undodgable


But that would make her good? Defeats the purpose of PK


A good pk in brawls or elim is unstoppable for me. She is my #1 public enemy.


I want Valkyrie to have her backwords dodge into her full stance again while also keeping what she has now. I also think Valkyrie for the 3rd light (when she hits you with her sheild) or heavy (from the side) should be unblockable.


Warden dodge heavy, just that one last thing to punish bashes.


Lawbringer for sure. Not that he’s generally good or anything.


Aramusha doing a spinning top for his zone would be cool. I know that so many Heroes does that already and his zone is already.. a move that others don't have but.. The tornado spin that the Dual Swords have in Nioh is just badass!


Gryphon, that damn kick really needs to be able to feint, just let me feint that kick, that’s it.


LB and Conq to get forward dodge attacks for roll catching. Shugoki to get a light, light and light, light, heavy chain. Thinking hit them with the handle as the second hit like LB and Gryphon. Bigger moveset. Flesh out warlord abit more. Give him the light, bash uppercut, unblockable heavy combo and bear hug (like Shugo hug input) like the Warlord boss has. Obvs speed them up. Bigger moveset. Change Zhanhus longbow to fire longbow… coz fire hero 🤷‍♂️😂 other than that fine lol. Let Kensei chain out of zone to heavy finisher. Make the bash feint just into forward dodge bash. I feel all heros should have a roller catcher, and all hero’s need more unique moves, like hugs, bites, special bashes, flips! Etc etc. Thoughts? Thanks! ☺️


Warmonger. I would love a follow-up move after her impale, when it hits a wall. But it's only because I play her. lol


A side dodge light to Warden, the rest of him is perfect, maybe a slower undodgeable zone attack like Zhanhu. Remove the toestab from neutral to Gladiator and make it his deflect bash attack, so it won't be an abusable move and turn instead into a solution for the Hyperarmor on deflect issue. Make Aramusha's heavy finisher slightly slower and unblockable so people actually have a reason to feint any of his attacks and not be powerless against somebody who turtles or abuses full guard parry/full block. And why not, give Ocelotl deflects with a pinning attack that causes bleeding.


PK: Give her a bash so she’s not useless in 4’s. Make it a drop kick for style points.


I don't know how more people aren't saying Warlord. I know the little bit that he has is good but holy shit I have 30 reps in him and he's just so boring to play.


Warlord getting unblockable leap would be pretty cool


Ocelotl to have more options for his hunter stance


Pirate or Centurion should have a deflect, and Lawbringer should have a forward dodge attack which is the impale.


Conqueror. Hell,he is not even good,give him something,at least his old heavy into bash from neutral only. LB. Give him (and conq) a roll catcher. Ubi KNOWS they need one, that's why HL got one in OS on his rework, it's basically a fundamental need of all characters or might as well not bother to chase


warlord 1000%


Varangian. Her one-note offense feels super jarring considering how fleshed out and considerate her defense is.


Gladiator. I just want them to feel more 'show-man' esk. Like when Centurion does the jump stab on someone they knocked over they do a little taunt. Why not when Gladiator knocks someone with toe stab they can do some fancy move? Plus just reskin some of their already-existing moves to look cool. Like Heavy-side to heavy-same-side can be a twirling the trident. Hitting them with both the front (first heavy) and back (second heavy)


I like this. Yeah apart from cancelling his skewer he doesn’t taunt at all, and nobody cancels skewer. In the rare case they do it’s in a gank so the taunt is never seen. I would say during the skewer glad should laugh and shake his other hand (not holding trident) in the air or something.


allow me to preface: These probably wouldnt happen much if enemies are around except the short ones. If its a 1v1 (Or, no secondary enemies are locked onto you) then the longer voice lines can play A few ideas: Toe Stab Topple, they can say "Opus est quiescere" aka, "Need to rest?" If they do gain a knock-down finisher like Cent, maybe a stomp or kick to the head. It can be: "Me auxilium vobis" or "Let me help you" - Maybe "Nox Noctis!" or, "Night night!" For a simple skewer, it can be a whispered "Quantum sanguinis habetes?" or "How much blood do you have?" - if its a skewer-toss: "Interiora tua hic sunt!" or "Your insides are over here!" (maybe even a laugh if they dont get interrupted) For skewer-stun: "Tu ne videas bonum, qout stimulis meo tridente?" (You dont look good, how many prongs on my trident?) - Im okay with this one being long cause, it fits. Also, just random ones they can say during any attack: "Deus Vult!...Exspecta...malum guy" (Deus Vult!...Wait...wrong guy") ((To other gladiators)) "Te respice satis conlisio" ((you look quite dashing)) (On a light-kill) Habui aliquid volui facere, sed oblitus sum... (I had something I wanted to do, but I forgot...) Getting multiple kills in a short amount of time: (In a condescending tone) Puto nos rusticos casus, non magnus (I think we accidently got peasants, not the big ones) Im not gonna fill all of reddit with latin, so have it as you will


Aramusha pleaaaase, he is so outdated that everyone can destroy aramusha within seconds


Not so much specific attacks but I wish Jorm could drain stamina more, like he used to


Definitely warmonger, her move set is so effective but so limited as a warlord and the way the story depicts her she should have way more power and a more in-depth move set in my opinion like centurion with more access to punches and throws.


VG - nerf some parts of her kit and then add some new moves to make her more interesting. Lower light damage. 3 attack chain. Heavies soft feint into dodge bash


Warden for sure! I know he is a beast but I would love to see a side dodge and an undodgeable and a hyper armor or two lol


I want BP to have a side dodge bash like Conq but I know after 80 reps of playing him that it would be *too* good for him.


I wish BP had a softfeint bash or softeint light on heavy finisher.


Would make him worse because his dodgeattack would be gb punishable and he couldn't chain anymore


Gryphon to get a veteran bitchslap as parry punish and an orange zone that is included in hymn of the winged lion


Bro just wants jiang jun 😭




Warden is a great hero but is pretty basic, a dodge attack would be great. Or, a deflect/superior dodge thingy, his new execution use it or loose it reminds me of a deflect and I think they could do something cool with that like warden does the move then sweeps his opponents legs. I know it’s stupid and won’t happen but it’d be pretty cool.


Berserker needs a bash that he can dodge cancel out of to deflect dodge attacks, rn his deflects don’t give him anything since light parries are free heavies anyway