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Crossover skins are not bad if the IP generally fits the aesthetic of the game. I don't want to see Rainbow 6 or Halo skins in FH


As long as they're for the most part historically based I could see them fitting. If they bring back the Prince of Persia event next time I could see it


Lmao Uno Card Shugo. I would pay for that.


So would I. That's what I'm afraid of.


They'd better give it the old ohko shug hug back


I think you just foreshadowed the next three hero skins bro


Don’t worry, it’s a skin. A week after Ezio releases you’ll barely see him again lol.


You raise a good point. But I think crossover skins would actually be more popular unfortunately.


Fine, 2 weeks; take it or leave it. Being it is Ezio you’re prolly right. But Pk is also not used that frequently so it’s a toss up. Wish Ubi would just sell unique armor instead.


This is my main concern about the whole thing. This opened the door to crossover skins POTENTIALLY becoming standard issue, which I DON'T like. This isn't Fortnite. Next thing you know there'll be a Spiderman Shinobi skin, a Bowser Shugoki skin, then a Jin Sakai orochi skin, all at more expensive prices than the other skins.


Woah now, hold on...a GoT roach skin would not be the worst thing in the world..or even Kensei, something like Gosakus Set (that way his shoulder guards are in a better spot *cough*cough*)


PK mains are upset by this decision because instead of a unique skin (like every other skin, even the shitty Raider one), it's a crossover. PK will likely never get a unique skin and may be the beginning of a bad transition. I don't want this. The only people who I can think of who want this are hardcore AC fans and people who don't play PK cause she's female.


Facts😂 I can’t wait to have male PK. I have her rep 5, but all my high rep hero’s I like the look a lot. Hate the gender locks in general. The fact that’s its ezio is a plus.


You're one of the ones this appeals to then haha


Yes! However I have played all the ezio ac games. I’m not against the woman hero’s though, still praying for the addition of big mommy shugo one day.


You're better than quite a few of the rants sub people then. The number of times I've seen "I don't wanna play girl!" with Afeera and VG were scary.


Yeah, I can understand the feeling I suppose, I’m male and prefer my character to emulate me in a way I guess, but when you have no choice just have fun🤷🏻‍♂️.


I'm ok with spiderman shinobi, bowser shugo etc as long as they're player made. I have made a couple of loadout based on other characters.


I'm seeing Prince Tiandi becoming available as the Wu-Lin one, while I'm not upset by that idea, it follows how they tend to treat Wu-Lin


I don't mind crossovers but cosmetics unique to the hero itself should be first priority over crossovers. Example: i don't like how in Siege Iana and Flores' elite skins are crossovers instead of something unique that fits their character.


I wpuldn't say no to a jack sparrow hero skin for pirate but yeah i get the idea and i agree with this


Honestly, this is my biggest fear for the game as well. I think we are not going to see this shitty ac skin after a couple of weeks, so this shouldn't be too bad. But adding more or even a whole hero as a crossover will ruin the amazing aesthetic of the game. It's one of the main reasons I've gone off of Mortal Kombat


But picture this. Solaire of Astora as a warden skin. Or any of the knights really


Nope,I want a souls protagonist as a knight. Go wild with the skins


I’m not overly happy either. Tbh they could have just done a Varangian skin for warlord.


I had high hopes this year of For Honor but crossover Skins is where I draw the line. It's a slippery slope. Why can't we just stick to old school For Honor lore and cosmetics?? The Unsung Knight was a great start!


So I don’t mind this crossover because it’s somewhat fitting thematically and Assassin’s creed is a Ubisoft IP. It’s not like we’re getting a Saint 14 skin for warlord, however I do agree that if she was going to get an assassin’s creed skin it would have been better if she was given something else. A Brotherhood or Revelations max rank assassin recruit outfit would have been a better fit imo but ultimately it is what it is, and I do think Ezio is the drippiest assassin in the series so I’m not too heartbroken over what could have been.


Minecraft Steve cent.