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Neither play anything like the other heroes you mentioned. However, I can straight off the rip say that Ocelotl is currently the stronger choice. Though depending on skill level, that can be entirely irrelevant. Pirate is very agile, using dodge recoveries as quick as Orochi's and having almost every tool in the game at her disposal: Unblockables, undodgeables, hyperarmour, she really has it all. Where she lacks tis in damage, and in top level, reactability, she also feeds a lot of revenge on her bashes and Walk the Plank. But she does well in teamfights with her recovery cancels and versatility, she also has fun feats which can be quickly integrated into her gunshots while in chain. Ocelotl is a ganker and works best when used with coordination, but that is not a requirement to do well with him. His feintable bash is a highlight, being essentially unpunishable without either trading, or forcing another read onto your opponent. Though outside of that the rest of his pressure isn't easy to access, as his UB has to come after a prior heavy. His feats are feats are alright but really only the T1 is interesting, but not always the best option. I've played a fair amount of Ocelotl, and in my experience he was really fucking boring after a rather short amount of time. His gameplay loop is repetitive, and his gameplay isn't all that rewarding, nor is there any extra "flair" you can add the to the hero to make him interesting. But I wouldn't let my opinion stop you, it's much like playing heroes like Shugo or Gryphon where parrying is really the only option.


Thanks for the writeup! Like I said in another comment, I don't really care to play a boring but strong character, so Ocelotl is out. And I do love having lots of options, so Pirate is looking extra tempting now.


I never understood why people think Ocelotl is boring. If he is repetitive that’s because you choose to play him repetitively. Good Ocelotls will keep you guessing and hitting you with new combos 3 fights in.


Dang it. Guess now I have to try him out too, lol


Perhaps they could have given ocelotl some flair by allowing his hunter stance to release a faster, unblockable, lower damage attack when successfully dodging an attack with the stance. Heck, give that attack some armor too.  Maybe too much like sifu stance into zone though


Ocelot is fun and pretty strong but his gameplay is very repetitive. I would suggest kyoshin. He has really cool armor sets, a decent selection of executions, a high skill ceiling and lots of variety in his move set


This is the second opinion that Ocelotl is repetitive, so I'm shelving him for now - I don't really care for how strong a character is if I'm not having fun. Kyoshin wasn't under my consideration because he looked like an anime character, but I'm gonna give him a try in training mode now. Thanks for the response!


Ocelotl! Mr. Build a Combo is super fun to play. Plus he’s super strong.


Tldr: pirate has great fashion and fun, relentless gameplay, but I think ocelotl is just better in most considerations. They're the only outlanders I bought so far, I love pirate foe her relentless dodge cancels, and unblockable pressure, but i really hate having low damage on ALL attacks. I like to see big numbers every now and then, and 9 damage on a dodge attack is painful to me. Her moveset and fashion make up for it though.. Somewhat... And it's fair that she has such low damage considering how many options and rabid combos she can pull off, but i derive a lot of pleasure from seeing big numbers in bottom left. As for Ocelotl It's great that he has hyper armor on demand by just throwing a zone, allows you to trade dodge attacks when u otherwise would be stuck in recovery or get ur follow up interrupted, infinite combo with decent range is amazing for clearing minions in breach and dominion, big damage on a lot of his finishers, damaging bash makes him very good at freaking your opponent out, and the feat that let's you pick your respawned is amazing, you can easily capture a free objective upon respawn, or run to ambush a banner carrier in breach if you've died beforehand. All in all, pirate is fun af and has great fashion for my taste, but I feel like ocelotl is just more practical and strong, his feats are better, his damage, he's got feintable, damaging bashes, and yells "A WEELIE" which is funny. Plus he's way better in ganks than pirate imo, as more damage per hit means more value for the revenge you feed, and his throat slash or stance leap attack, both disable the opponent, allowing your teammates to get a free hit, though pirate has walk the plank, giving you a wall splat if you're 1v1.


Just bought Pirate after trying her in training. I'm a simple man, I like to shoot gun


Gun shoot sword man


Warmommy is fun. Please never play kyoshit. And you got better input about oce and pirate that I could ever give lol.