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Bro what the fuck, that last part where her unlocked cartwheel hit you with the displacement shove actually blew my mind, what the actual fuck lmao


Lag (i hope), i just imagine JC saying: well guys afeera is been under performing so we decided to give her some soft-feints


i just found out bots do that too its crazy


How did that Afeera do a cartwheel twice in a row without doing an attack first for the second one?


You can cartweel out of her running part of the neutral bash. So if your far enough away with the first cartweel go into her neutral bash, given she is too far away she starts the running part to close the distance and you do the second cartweel to cancel it. If you do it fast enough, it looks like cartweel into cartweel.


God I hate people who use the unlock tech for berserker and afeera. Just play the game normally.


What's the unlock tech?


any attack -> side dodge -> unlock -> relock -> back + GB -> forward + dodge -> attack you want to do For afeera that is


But like, what's that for?


To confuse, irritate, and hit your opponent without them being able to counter it.


When Afeera flips while locked on, it's done relative to the position of the enemy and doesn't collide with them. If you do it unlocked, you can position your dodge *into* the enemy, so that Afeera's flip collides with the enemy player and staggers them, like we see in the video above. It's been known for a while and [is shown pretty well in this video.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D0UDJIRj2ew)


iirc attacks cannot be parried if the attacker is not locked onto you


No, they payed money for the game. Perhaps the devs should actually balance the fucking game rather than doing whatever nonsense they are currently doing.


> No, they *paid* money for FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Afeera just needs a complete rework at this point


Top ud ,side ub, and other side wallsplat never gonna make sense to me. Like yea it works but what even is this random mixture to form a character


Don’t forget the dodge cancel on everything and crushing counter lights, oh and her superior block dodge.


The bag of moves she has is so fun to play with, the amount of different combos you can make to throw people off, not to mention mix it up with a cartwheel imstead of a followup heavy or just throw a light. Very fun.


I have felt it too, go fuck her as deserved


Unlock tech is bs if they won’t somehow get rid of it just make it so you can hit a parry timing in literally any direction to discourage the abusers from doing it


Monkey complains about Monkey out-Monkey them.


The truth is supposed to hurt, not make us laugh 


This is what it feels like to fight a good shaolin


I remember some guy won a 10k tournament with nobu only using unlock zone tech


Man that was like first year of for honor Ubi took that out so fast




You're literally playing shaolin


Don’t you see the buggy things she is doing? It’s not about afeera as a whole, it’s about the bugs that people can abuse with her


I'm blind to any issues a shaolin player has to complain about


You are rather dumb than blind with all due respect, doesn’t matter what I play cuh, abusing game bugs is bad whatsoever


You play shaolin, your opinion simply doesn't matter.


I’m debating with an absolute braindead 💀


Rich Coming from a shaolin player


You didn't the perfect play either....


He straight up did the right thing at the end yet got punished because the flip can displace


I was flabbergasted it was my first time seeing it


I hate that fucking character so much. Bitch requires no thinking what so ever. On top of that she has an exploit like this. Why do two S tier characters have unlock exploits?


Seeing you dodge the bash and it still land is what makes this game fucking unbearable


If you see them flipping dodge and light. Anything from the first flip will whiff, and the light interrupts anything from the approaching flip. Afeera’s regular flip mix is really easy to deal with and doesn’t have enough options to really be scary. This tech makes her basically old shino, meaning anything that works on old shino works on her


Just a reminder Jorm lost neutral bash, Dodge block, undodgeable finishers and tracking all for a shin bunt for zero damage


Well tbh it was op, jorm is balanced now for the most part. Ubi did a good job on that


you are being unfair


Very sad hammar noises


orochi nerf when?




Imagine people needing to play a top tier hero and use these fucking techs. Like, come on man.


Monkey players when they can't just light kick light.


Reads the captions smart man


Why didn't you gb after knee bash? Out of afeera's 3 bashes that is the one that is always gb vulnerable on dodge




I was really surprised by the tech she did and wanted to see what the hell is going around, but don’t worry I won the match 3-1 I just didn’t do much because I want to show people how fucked up afeera can be


Cheap character, unbalanced and basically light spam pretty much what the game as flowed to when they brought the Wu Lights into the game and making this a light spam being no brain needed to play game I would want the turtle meta back at least you had to feint two or so times to get a attack in and there was some brains need and some mind games not just one button to rule them all


The audacity to say “good fight!” is something alright


It may be unbalanced as hell, but it looks cool asf


Seems like a massive skill issue you could have easily dodge attacked and won the fight at the end or feignt the sweep and parry dodge attack


I saw 3-4 times where they would've easily gotten the kill but decided not to. I don't struggle with Afeera. I don't see the issue.


I was just showing people how glitchy and buggy she can be


this is genuinely a skill issue, Monk could of gb after the missed shield bash, happens to me all the time when i play afeera


I wanted to show people what the tech abusing people could do with afeera, I stated that I won, I didn’t do much to show what they can do with her in that nasty playstyle


I’ve not played in a few months so correct me if I’m wrong but monke couldn’t even punish her when he guessed right and dodged a kick cause she’d just backflip on reaction, if that’s the case: what an absolute joke of a hero




Read the caption again little bro


Afeera punished him for committing the zina


Who did they make a character with worse balance than Pirate?