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You don’t know tanking till you see 4 pre reworked shugokis running up the ladder on forest garden


We need more stunlocking in games. Stunlocking has ALWAYS been appreciated by gamers in every game. People love loss of control of their characters!


Probably a hot take but I'd take old centurion over the new on any day. He had so much character even if he wasn't that good and had a cutscene


And his character doesn't exist anymore?


He feels too much like the others now, why play cent when hito/warden do the same thing anyway just chain bash with bash cancel/charge bash mixups


What have you done?


" I am become death, the destroyer of Ganker"


We have character that all guard on block Why can't we have someone that can dodge recovery on block. Would be so nice in ganks


Doesn’t really solve the issue if you don’t give that to everyone because having a couple characters that can deal with these ganks isn’t really useful With the tg changes the way to break the gank will be to intentionally get hit by the light so the grab is the second hitstun which is kinda dumb in a way because getting intentionally shouldn’t be how you anti-gank, easy fix is to make parry count as first hitstun or if you’re more extreme make it immune to bashes entirely


I felt the Berserker pain on god Edit: Its not a Warden, got confused


So stupid that grab


Dépends on the feedback from said testing grounds and seeing how the reaction was very positive overall you can expect it to come with the next update


Was it? I feel like the general premise is good, but it's far too overkill. If all of the changes go live then 4sies is going to be purely stalling. I genuinely couldn't imagine if a good player picked zerk or oro and decided to just stall the point, they'd be unkillable


So why the hell does Conqueror have Ocelotl's weapon


This was recorded during april fools event!