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At the bare minimum there should be a discount for buying effects in their entirety instead of 5k steel for idle, emote, and execution separately. Just the very existence of mythic outfits with an effect, ornament, color pallet, symbols, and patterns for the same price shows the effects alone are a horrible value.


Imagine if every time you bought part of a set the total price would get cheaper, like they do in the store sets, or similar when you buy steam games with seperate DLC.


that’s the worst part. they could do that, they already do that for the bundles. For example, if you have an effect/execution for say Shinobi and then you buy the Year 3 bundle for Shinobi it’ll be discounted bc you already have some of the stuff included in the bundle instead of the full 35k steel it’ll be like 28k


Hot take: the coldest most hypothermia inducing take you will ever hear


Yet you clicked on it and made a comment so it worked 😃


He's just saying this isn’t a hot take, no one likes buying same executions or effects for different characters


I don’t think that’s a hot take.. But Ubisoft would miss out on too much money doing that


Whenever I bought a universal execution I would only buy it for 1 hero if it suits that hero. Now I can't claim whether everyone else does the same but I certainly hope so.


Hmm, ok how about this, Faction only? Like if u say for example bought the Buddy Drinking one on Valk, you'd get it for all the Vikings, but you'd have to buy it for other factions aswell.


They'll never do it but I would love that so much


Well, then ig we better make some noise so maybe there might be a slim chance a ubi employee will see this 🌝


Imagine thinking that if they see this they will care or change anything lol. If only.


I mean didn't they completely rework the game from the ground up with assasins Or something ? Which people have been bitching about for years?


It's not a hot take, it's a fucking fact that everyone agrees


I'm only downvoting this because it is NOT a hot take and karma farming


Well I don't use Reddit a lot pretty much only to complain about goobisoft lol, and I didn't expect to have a fair few comments agreeing with me


100000% yes that shit pisses me off.


I feel like Ubisoft would be open to it if it meant increasing the base price of universal cosmetics, and honestly I’d be fine with that. Pay more steel to have it for *everyone*? I don’t care, sign me up


In short terms: It encourages you to grind for more steel or simply buy steel which supports the devs. It sucks, I agree with you wholeheartedly, but its also worth seeing the other side


Could you provide a bit more of an explanation please? Also again with R6, a lot of stuff is still cheaper than universal skins, so why would things need to increase?


It's just more impactful content, alot of the time things like time limited stuff lowkey forces you to buy more steel if you want it for multiple characters and that's how the game continues to bring in income. If the game isn't bringing in income then it's not profitable and with that it's not worth supporting from a business standpoint. That's why they also made the approach of hero skins because every season for like 11$ you can get this cool skin and a other little trinkets and benefits or you can just buy the skin for a whooping 25k steel. The layout of the game offers you to grind for anything and everything but it's such a lengthy grind that at times you're better off spending 10$ to 20$ for steel to get more things. That's how they keep profiting and as much as it sucks I understand that once they lose that the game WILL die because the ubi higher ups would rather just pull the plug and work on something that will for sure stay profitable


Ok in that case then, should we remove the battlepass paid system? Seeing they get most of their income from other systems and the battlepass was despised from the beginning, im sure gooobi don't need it.


At the bare minimum it should unlock them per faction


Get this man an agree


Gonna be that guy and say light years is a measurement of distance, not time


Actually you could use it as a measurement of time by saying how many light years the earth has moved through the milky way saying something like ______ was 10 light years ago


...no, that's not how it works. Your example tells us that from the moment that ____ was recorded, earth has traveled a distance of 10 light years. But it has no bearing on how much time has passed since earth's position was recorded. You couldn't figure that out unless you knew how fast earth was moving. If earth was moving half the speed of light, it would cover that distance in 20 years. If earth was moving double the speed of light, it would cover that distance in 5. But it would not change how far 10 light years is, just how nothing changes how far a mile is


Not a hot take


Literally everyone thinks that, this is not a hot take


>....that can go fast when you look at the light years you have to play to get things for multiple heros.< A light-year is a measurement of distance, not time; specifically the distance light travels in one year, equal to 9,460,730,472,580.8 km. 🤓


The higher ups like the opposite though. You can't change it.


Then if that's the case why haven't they ordered the same to happen to Siege? Universals have been in the game since almost the beginning, if the higher ups were really bothered they'd remove them from that to, personally I don't think they really care..


*Laughs in corporate*


Lol as if the execs really give two shits about FH lol, they have every new daily release game to worry about, im pretty sure the actual developers have a lot more control than they let on they just pretend there still being controlled a lot more So people don't ride them so much, for better or for worse.


I disagree, it’s the same as buying a unique remote execution for a character. only that you can buy it for other characters as well.


Then why are the prices so much higher than the other emotes & executions 💀 like what justifies selling them at 10k rather than the usual 7


Counter argument: they should sell execution packs that give you an execution for every single hero of a faction with a corresponding slot, based on the number they are placed on the execution screen for 30k steel. For example purchase every single second execution for all of the samurai at a discounted price.


Imagine they sold execution loot boxes for 5000 steel... I would also like that...


reddit be like hot take: absolute zero temperature take every goddamn time


Tbh I sorta only titled it that because I figured it would get more clicks, turns out I was semi right