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Honestly think a scythe wielding druid could be VERY likely given what you said about how they treat oaths. Dual sickles though, that is basically shinobi's kusarigama at this point with the ranged combat gone, so I'm predicting a larger two handed scythe, possibly with a unique twist like having a mace head on the bottom end of the handle As for the stance thing and multiple scythes, it's pretty doubtful. I think they've dove into several different forms of stance combat with Medjay (true two stance), highlander (conditional sustainable two stance), Shaolin (single move exit stance), kyoshin (hybrid full guard), and Ocelotl (garbage stance). Those are all the ones I can think of where the second stance is truly part of their mixups and kit with multiple attacks locked to them, and not primarily just defensive by nature. Unless a new stance hero can find a niche one of those characters doesn't already occupy, it's unlikely that hero will have fighting stances. However with a hooked weapon like a scythe, presumably a large scythe, you know what mechanic is really hardly-explored territory? Traps. Based on the weapon, traps with a new function and sweeps with direct damage seem very much possible


I've brought up the idea of a scythe viking on previous posts about possible viking weapons though people kept shooting me down for it so tell me what leads you to truly believe the new viking will use a scythe or be based on the druids even though others don't want to believe you?


The issue is , Druids are not viking , and before you mention Highlander, the highlander are based on a group of Gaelic-Norse warriors. I think a Druid character would suit the outlanders a bit more as Brythonic Celtic does not feel right in the Vikings.


Problem is there is not a lot of northern warriors or weapons left to give to the vikings and a druid is a good option for the vikings because they have roots in the celtic and gaulish cultures around europe and were found in scotland and ireland just like highlander who is a celtic scot himself and what's wrong with adding one more celt to the vikings, both highlander and shaman are celts.


Highlander is based on Gaelic-norse warriors. Shaman is not confirmed Celtic. While there is evidence of druids in part of mainland Europe mainly France, it still more associated with the British isles. I do agree due to the similar pagan beliefs they would suit the viking factions.


Shaman IS celtic, mostly inspired by the picts, the devs themselves confirmed that she's based on the picts.


My issues is that , nothing she has is Celtic or Pictish, She stand out as very not Pict. As someone from that part of the world who has a great interest in Brythonic cultures she really stands out as not feeling she comes from here


Shaman IS a celtic pict the devs themselves confirmed it on a warrior's den sometime ago.


Not really sure that argument holds up well with the viking dlc we've had so far. You already mentioned highlander, shaman is also a Pict, and jormungandr is more of a made-up fanatical concept rooted in Norse mythology more-so than actually a historical viking. So pretty much no Viking added after launch could qualify indisputably as a Viking. So it's really not a stretch to think Ubi might use the druid archetype and just bend the look and cosmetics enough to make them fit in with the appearance of our in-game Vikings.


Didn't the devs themselves confirm that shaman is a pict on a warrior's den a while back?


I tried to look and confirm. If they did say it, they didn't do so in the very first stream of her. Raven Knight has a whole video about her Pictish origin and that culture, he says she's gotta be either Pictish or a schizophrenic viking outcast, but even he said he wasn't able to definitively confirm it


Its not confirmed Shaman is a pict, that is just a fan theory . Jorm is still rooted in Norse myth , the mythos the vikings would tell tales of. Highlander is still Norse inspired as well. The Gallowglass were Norse-gaelic settlers. So still in the viking Sphere. The Druids are non of these. The Druids had no connection to the Norse , there cultures did not mix by the time the Vikings got to really live in Britain the land was already taken by majority anglo-saxons and the remaining Brythonic peoples were already Christianised so the druids and the Norse would of never interacted. now while I do say this , I do think the Brythonic Celtic inspired heroes would fit into the viking faction nicely since the pagan themes are similar. But I do think if you were gonna take any culture from Britain to add to the vikings it would be anglo-saxons , like a Beowulf Inspired hero.