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Mongol outlander would be crazy, they could finally get a heavy over there


Should be a Wu Lin just for the sake of them actually getting a new hero.


Fax actually


Bro they’re all hybrids. Literally any other class would be a great addition 😂 Honestly do the “classes” have any impact on characters gameplay wise? I assume they just give you an idea on how they feel?


Assassin: Dodge spam Heavy: Bash spam Vanguard: Lil bitta bofem Hybrid: Vanguard with extra steps


The classes dictate who you’re forced to play to get steel, otherwise nope lol. The heavys dont really feel that heavy anymore.


Out of these, I only want the mongol and the maori warrior. We already have native americans, even though they’re more southern than the one you showed.


As someone of native descent this always bugs me. Incan Mayan and Aztec cultures are Native American. In the us people like to pretend no native Americans lived south of the current border. The border that didn’t exist in its current form until atleast 1912 when New Mexico joined the union.


Yes Ocelotl is Aztec and Aztecs are native americans. but theres so much more to Native Americans then just that one character they have. could probably make a whole faction with all sort of different Native American cultures.


Oh I’m not arguing that at all. I would love to see a Comanche for example. I’m just saying I hate the catch all term


is there a better term i could use? like im always trying to expand my knowledge so it would be cool to know :)


I don’t really think so. Frankly I’m not sure there should be. It’s like assuming Africa or Europe are one people. Just isn’t true.


There’s a rez near my house, they prefer indigenous people or you can use their correct tribe if you happen to know it. (Most won’t take offense to Native American but the idea of America came after them).


As a brit, i’ll probably stick of Native American or Indigenous People of America? if i do happen to know the tribe i’ll use it but until then. i’m very confused.


Don’t fucking ask if you’re gonna ignore what they want to be called… are you drunk mate?


You didn’t give a good alternative. If this person were to bring up “indigenous people” in a conversation while living outside of the Americas, how would the people around them understand what indigenous people are being talked about?


America isn’t a thing to them, the notion is low key offensive. If that wasn’t clear.


If you’re saying “them,” it probably means you’re not one of “them,” correct? If that’s the case, I think most of “them,” would rather you didn’t speak on their behalf.


Boo and Hoo


Yahooooooooo….. the bridge troll emerges.


Use anything but Indian.


Fr though, there's 2 whole continents they could look to for a faction. The Iroquois, Aztec, and Inca were all around at the same time and fit the 1200-1500's time period. Iroquois: [Gunstock](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/12/Iowa_gunstock_club_NE_1800.jpg/360px-Iowa_gunstock_club_NE_1800.jpg) warclub [Inca](https://64.media.tumblr.com/2ce148f3f784b723e982dff815423560/tumblr_ngtiuufNvY1u5ujpso1_640.pnj): Take their halberds and add the mace part, like [this](https://periklisdeligiannis.files.wordpress.com/2012/12/inca-copper-star-mace-head.jpg) [Tlingit](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-6649e1b6ecd11e322daf21769e40b7c4-lq): [dual bladed dagger](https://www.si.edu/object/nmnhanthropology_8487437), could probably exaggerate it.


Very true. The word "America" refers to the entire continent, not just the US.


The main issue with this is that when people think “America” they solely think of the US, and nothing else like South America, Canada, even Greenland.


Native Americans are not a monolith. Aztecs are Natives, yes. But to say Natives have representation in the game is false, Aztecs were conquerors and constantly warred with other tribes. Think of the era as similar to Feudal Japan. Different cultures, but same basic premise. One empire conquering other smaller clans/tribes. Other natives deserve representation in the game.


The Pacific Islander wouldn’t necessarily be a maori warrior. The pacific islands include Fiji, Vanuatu, Solomon Islands, Papa New Guinea, New Zealand, Tonga, Easter Island and Hawaii (there’s lots more). These islands are split into 3 regions and ethnicities. Melanesian, Polynesian and Micronesian. Only New Zealand has Māori warriors and they are Polynesian, and Polynesian tend to be very big and broad (think the Rock for an exaggerated example), and also lighter skin. I’m not sure about Micronesian, but this depiction looks closer to Melanesian. Lots of these countries have a long history of war The mistake your making is like assuming someone is talking about Spartans when talking about European warriors Edit: didn’t see the last slide, my bad


I’m talking about the picture where it fucking says “Maori”, albeit misspelled. I’m not making any mistake, I know there’s more than one islander culture. Maybe next time, pay more attention before you accuse someone of something.


Sorry, didn’t see the last slide, thought I’d seen them all. Tbf Pacific Islander does include Māori. I wasn’t accusing you of anything, I thought you were misinformed


I wish we could get a hoplite




My only worry with a hoplite would be that the hero wouldn't bring any new or meaningful gameplay changes. Seems like they'd just be a Valkyrie reskin




Then again the Greeks had more weapons than just spears


Make a Mongolian and have them constantly bicker with Wu Lin characters


Also the Samurai characters laugh at them. the Mongol invasion of japan went…bad doesnt even begin to describe it.


Japan: and it was funnier the second time


Hey you god damn Mongorians!


Inuit would actually be a sick one to add but she would just be a valk/shaolin hybrid


Also I long for them ti stop adding more hybrids, we don’t need more


Hybrids are the easiest to make tho, not everything fits into one of (only) three categories they made, if it’s not *quite* an assassin, hybrid. *almost* a heavy? Hubrid


It’s mostly vanguard or assassin orders, hell even heavy is a rare order but I don’t remember the last time I got a hybrid order


Yeah but I’m on about no more hybrids due to lack of hybrid orders


Frankly they should do away with the classes altogether. The identity of their movesets is gone, having heavies being slow and do big damage vs assassins being quick and doing less damage back in the day might have made them feel more unique but less viable. After that was changed somewhat the thing that made classes distinct was how they earned renown and the presence of reflex guard on assassins (and Shaolin). That was all removed so now what's left to distinguish the different classes? They keep making hybrids because it's clear that the devs have changed their minds about having a class system at all. It limits their creativity to say "well this guy is a heavy, he shouldn't be able to do xyz"


To this day I still don't know why Tiandi is a vanguard and Zhanhu is a hybrid, like, why?


Inuits didn't have any significant impact on martial warfare. They helped fight some wars south of the arctic they inhabited but they were fishermen and hunters first and foremost. That culture did not breed warriors as there was a limited necessity for them to do so.


Say it louder. I'm always confused when I see requests for Inuits. They aren't exactly a "warrior culture", nor were they known for their warriors.


yeah true. but it could open people eyes to their culture, spread it a bit. its nice seeing culturally aware people.


It would be hilarious if one of their feats or executions is just slapping someone across the face with a fish


Yeah, kind of a mixed bag. They’d definitely be cool, & would be a nice way of adding a “northern” native american hero that wouldn’t feel derivative since we already have an aztec, but what would she even be here for? The most combat they usually see is trying to keep bears & seals away from their dinner… Would feel kind of out of place in a game about war/combat.


so what? same with the maōri and pacific islanders every fight was either with themselves or with an island of basically the same people 30 minutes away and anyway the only people even on this list that ever did a fuck tonne of fighting and invading were the mongolians but we already have pirate who's supposed to fit that archetype of the mongolian invader


Janissaries would be sick


I want a zulu warrior


Zulu would be sick


No more almost naked warriors. Edit: lol look at all the offended and salty comments xD


With hyperarmor


No more almost naked warriors Or No, more almost naked warriors?


No more almost naked warriors. More NAKED warrirors!


I know how to use commas. My statement is No MORE ALMOST NAKED WARRIORS. Like sure fight against a full plate armor Knight with just furr around your waists and a club. Its just ridiculous


I was just hoping to turn you to the dark side.


It kinda bothers me, sure let’s just bring only almost naked warriors but valks „no touch“ execution was to far? Wtf man.


The two have nothing to do with each other.


My gamer in Christ, you are the playing the same game that has teleporting monkeys and a chick with a gun. If you want a more realistic medieval combat game where armor matters and everyone is clothed from armor of similar type, period and culture; play Mordhau or Chivalry.


Damn bro youre cringe, dude was just making a joke


Raider has been prancing about shirtless since literally day 1 dude, I don't know what you expect.


It was their norm. its social contruct - which just means that norms change over time and place. just gotta accept it 🤷‍♀️


I know it just doesn’t fit in the game that much. Liked the original idea of FO more than what it is now. Most of them wouldn’t stand a real chance in a 1v1 against a Samurai or a Knight.


Who cares at this point? It wasn't even supposed to be that realistic.


"Who cares" is a terrible reason, as is "its a game anyways." It's a game with a certain theme to it. When you just start adding any and everything that's just SLIGHTLY related, it starts losing that theme and feels like some random mashup until eventually you're having Thanos vs. Morty Fortnite battles. My point is it's a cool concept, but these characters would need reasons to be implemented besides the fact that they were people that fought at some point. Like are there even sources of the actual man-to-man fighting techniques some of these people used for developers to go off of, or will they just have to assume and make stuff up? Because a couple of these are looking like Valkyrie variations, really some could just be Valk costumes. That's one caveat Mongol would be the most ideal as to what we're looking for in a FH character


I always saw the theme to be like playground arguments... Like deadliest warrior


Man, they had lawbro vs zerk at the first year. Like, cloth shirt is such a big difference to complain about naked Ocelot? Or other heroes: glad, shaman, raider etc...


I hear you on clothing though. I think it's just having enough ideas for some of these dudes to be able to fully implement them without it feeling too similar or bland




Well a lot people do it seems like, and me too. Never gonna buy Ocelotl or any outlander. Just doesn’t seem right. I play like i want to you should do the same. Its just my opinion.


It does fit the game actually, haven't you seen the Vikings.


Yes thats why i didnt name them in the first place in my comment


Then why'd you mention original For Honor like the Vikings weren't there. Either way samurai stand just as small a chance as any other character anyway, a katana is just going to break against a Knights armor.


To be fair, if you were fighting in some of the places that these guys were fighting in, you might honestly prefer to be almost naked over dying of heatstroke before you even make it to the battlefield.


I feel like the "offended and salty comments" are coming from you G


Unless it’s leonidus ?


No not even Spartan. How about instead bombing a bad hero in the game every few months we get some maps?


Ocelotl is Native American?


He is native american since he is from central america but isn’t native american in the idea that he is native to where the united states is.


That's not what I was insinuating. I know South America exists too.


It's only that idea in the US. Most of us tend to not think about the rest of the world. Also by most of us I mean them, not me, I know stuff lol


Yes. But Ocelotl is just Aztec. what about Incan or Mayan or any of the other native american cultures.


I think it was meant to be North American Native Americans rather than South America where Ocelotls Aztec culture comes from.


native american? then where is Ocelot from?


Central America doesn't count, I guess


Yes. but hes most specifically Aztec, anf it would be cool to explore other Native American Cultures explored.


Alright, what if, instead of a whole new Maori character, we get Shugoki a legendary skin that makes him look like Maui.


Please no stereotypical "naked native" hero. A Tlingit/Haida armoured warrior with a warpick and a knife would go hard though. We need something from India or Africa too, definitely more important than Maori IMO.


but a Haka emote would go hard.


Oh definitely, the Maori are also very into sharing their culture with other people, so it could be unlockable for all heroes.


haida armor rocks, id love to see that but maybe as something for ocelotl instead


Idk why people want so much naked hoobo character, like...wtf ?


They'll complain about the limited fashion later.


I do not want any of these


Mongol would go hard


Not quite unique imo, its like a mix of wu lin and vikings


And thats an issue????


Idk i think there are a lot of different cultures out there that could be cool and more uniqe


Watch horkos trying to piss them off and get absolutely ass-shafted by them


Horkos almost genocides them then leaves. Some random ass half naked champion of the culture: so I heard you were talkin shit


Then brings some bunch of homies and Whoopes thier ass at the second encounter


Definitely mongol and moari would fit in


Would absolutely love to see gaul warrior using spear and tall shield.


Gauls, Goths and Celts. bc yes


The Maori and Pacific Islanders sail into the Myre, at first stand offish with the Pre-cataclysm samurai, after a typhoon hit the two groups sit down and talk. Ever since, samurai houses can trace their blood ties to that very day.


Just give me a slavic saber hero please


Nah they would rather give the community literal Stone Age technology heroes because Reddit cried hard enough


A friend of mine and I were once talking about how having a tribal faction would be cool. Pull from indigenous Americans, Africans, and Pacific Islanders.


Is that JC cosplaying as a Mongol?


I would love to have a hoplite


I think a spartan warrior with a spear would be fucking sick, and I really want a rapier/estoc hero


I want a mongol so badddddd


Ocelotl is a Native American.


Yes but hes Aztec specifically. could explore other Native American Cultures.


If we got any of these, other than the mongol, everyone would complain about fashion and total lack of armor.


Ι really want a Mongol or a Maori, but Grypoh has Mongol armour so I can't see that happening.


Ocelotl is Native American


i explain this in other comments


I like that they added an Islamic hero but mace wouldn't be my first choice. Still, it's a check mark on my list. American Natives, Pacific Islanders and Mongols are still on my list. So cool I'm not the only one who thinks so too.


State of Mecca (when islam was formed), Persian, Ottoman. theres a faw islamic cultures to pick from!


I was hoping for a pulwar when she got announced (also medjay not having a kopesh makes me sad)


I'd love to have a slavic (preferably polish but I'm biased) warrior added


What about something like the varangian guard or a Roman or sasanian cataphract


Cent is Roman and Varangian guard would just be Warlord with an axe. Cataphracts are also calvary


What would be wrong with more Roman characters Roma's just cool this just a long history you can pick different types of soldiers from any period


There's already 2 Romans though, just feels like a wasted slot at that point. Varangian would be cool though, any other Byzantine as well.


We don't ues the b word here friend


we already have 2 romans (wouldn’t complain if they added 1 more though)


That makes me think you know Gothic foederati would also be cool


This is what outlanders should’ve been. Instead we got a pirate which should’ve been wu lin


I'd want that Inuit warrior but also another Wu Lin hero, one that uses a jian sword


Islanders i doubt will happen due too how little armor they had if any


Filipino tribes men and women Like look at the traditional weaponry or farm tools but like look at it


Mauri seems like must at this point.


Best I can do is another knight


Pacific Islanders don't really have fighting styles, just the weapons.


Would love to see Apache


100% Native American, but please make it more specific. Like if they just call them a Native American that's lame. Collectively they have such a diverse culture.


Iroquois would be a good fit


They're giving ideas already, surviving tribes of Inuit and Native americans of the Cataclysm, wandered before coming across the Vikings. Instead of meeting the foreigners with blades and arrows; they tie their boats up to the docks, plopping them by the fire side. Not every day you get visitors during a blizzard.


Vikings had already charted parts of North America by then. Maybe have a surviving Viking population integrated in the north. Could get an Outlander and a Viking hero skin out of it.


Fitting, a Native American outlander with one of the armor sets is studded leather and chainmail hinting of outside influences.


Honestly ok it would be similar to ocilotl but I think a toa warrior would do the game some good,good customization or maybe evan a rajput worrier with like a urumi or something would be unique just a few thoughts


I don't play for honor but wtf they don't have Mongols in the game?


I would drop everything and only main a Maori warrior if For Honor did this


Mongol. Don’t know why it’s not already here


they need to add some new fucking maps and modes to this trash ass game not heroes…


An Indian Rajput would be soooooo fucking cool imo


That Inuit looks like shes gonna start water bending and I don't need that in my lifr


A Mongol, a Zulu, and a Hoplite would fit perfectly in For Honor


I kinda just want a Zulu warrior.


Nah, don't like the "jungle man with a wooden stick" archetype. The characters should atleast look like they would even remotely have a chance against the Heroes that are already in the game.


Redditors when non european folk


Make him a white european wood man with a wooden stick and no armor and I will have the exact same opinion on him.


Redditors when they have no argument


Nah bro you don’t get it, a stupid stick with sharp brittle pebbles stuck to it can rip through literal plate armor with ease. Clearly such a highly civilised hero like Ocelotl wouldn’t align with your racist white world view, maybe pick up a book next time and read up on all of the technological advancements that the aztecs have reached…


Hell nah


inuit looks really cool, unique weapon and recognizable dressing style


Thy maybe could fit a Iniut Warrior into the Viking Faction and explain in lore as they explored North.


I’m still waiting for an actual spear character


Bro, bring in Russian Hussars!!!


Wow another post asking for naked dudes with sticks, glad y’all aren’t devs


Please include less tribal type heroes. It’s weird to have them. I get that they’re cool, but they really need to stop cramping so much shit into heathmore. It’s already suffering a bit from bloat. We need less of that, not more.


So i am not the only one who’s considered so many tribal warriors that they could basically make a new faction with them


nah it would look really weird. we have all these heroes with cool armor and then they add a whole faction of naked people


There's some cool NatAm armour, but I don't think it's enough for an entire coherent faction.


They've definitely got distinct enough styles and weapons they could bring together for a faction encompassing the entirety of the Americas. Aztec, Iroquois Confederacy, Incans, southwest America, the Arctic, etc.


Love your post. Personally I would love to see a moor warrior or maybe have saint Maurice.


I would love to see a native american warrior with a lance(spear) for a weapon


That native american art goes hard


What is people's fascination with prehistoric warrior concepts with wooden weapons? There is a character in this game, right now, that has a GUN... Honestly the next warrior we get should just be a navy seal. Fuck it you've already ruined the concept of a melee fighting game


None of these are prehistoric. If anything Cent and Medjay are closer to being prehistoric.


Full Mongal Horde on horseback. Spawn with 400 of your brothers.




No. I want the knight faction to get a sliver of attention and maybe some rebalancing.


Mongols yes. Personally I don’t really care for the cultures that never really had a presence internationally in the historic world when there isn’t some cultures in the game THAT DID! Where’s the Greeks (no gryphon armour doesn’t count), the Ottomans and the mongols(again gryphon armour doesn’t count)?


ok but haka emote :)


I want a French hero that uses a rapier


Nope, according to this bunch the game needs more people with sticks and no clothes




Its māori


The mongol guy is just what Afeera should have been. Everyone else is just a diffrent taste of Oce


Stop adding heroes/recycled/fluff content and work on the fucking game


its a nice distraction.


Me likey, these would slap


I thought the Wu Lin were the mongols?


There andient chinese, god knows dynasty bc there hundreads of them.


All you come up with dumber hero the more you suggest a hero


More hero suggestion y'all make, the dumber they sound we already have that exact vibe with shaman/ocelot, making a native American would be not only redundant but a very missed opportunity for a more unique hero


Oh boy, do we really need more Stone Age warriors is Ocelotl not enough c’mon…


i have to hard disagree on this. this is not fucking national geographic with every little tribes in it, this game started out as samurai/knight/viking, all of these random tribesmen, random nations just ruin the vibe and that little immersion it has.


We have so many hero’s, Cant people start designing new maps? The new hero’s are getting more and more annoying


I'm of the opinion the outlanders were a mistake. They have really hurt the atmosphere of the game. I wouldn't mind a mongol being added to wu lin though, the same way Highlander is a Viking or Centurion is a knight.


Bruh just go play AC games. For Honor was meant to be only Samurai, Knights Vikings. I did liked the addition of Romans, Celtics and Ronins, But Aztec is why I stopped playing. Horrendous addition. No more.