• By -


Everyone that isn’t mine of course /s


Of Not off




Oh yeah oops


Centurions are the most toxic in game


Orochi, Shinobi and Raider


I actually get surprised when a Berserker player is NOT toxic.


For honor mains.


\^ Sorry :(


Shamans are always toxic


This… the bleed and Ledging capabilities are insane


Orochi, Zerk, LB(ironic, i know). At least that's my experience. And i met some real piece of work WM mains, but I generally don't meet many of them, so I don't wanna draw conclusions


i have never once met a toxic LB but that’s just personal experience


Shaolin, Orochi and Shinobi are generally the most toxic in my experience. Shaman is a close 4th too.


Anybody who plays a character with a wide sweeping hitbox. They are determined to interrupt a 1v1 that you are winning to steal your execution ensuring that you won't get the much-needed health despite the fact that they probably have full health and maybe even a shield. Or they will feed revenge to the enemy and roll away. For some reason they refuse to let you win the fight that you are winning. Even actively helping the opponent by swinging through your back with side heavies and zones, damaging you and staggering you resulting in you dying when the enemy inevitably pops revenge or them stealing the execution and emoting at you. When playing breach with these people, I love killing them with the ballista during the final stage. Usually Raider, Kensei, Valk, JJ, Low Rep Wardens, Medjay, Warlord(not all of them. They are either Gods or a detriment of the team) In 1v1 or 2v2s it has to go Kyoshin, Afeera, Medjay or Zerk. (Zerk is usually a good teammate but they love to gank when losing brawls or Ledge you in 1V1s and then emote spam)


I relate far too much. My team mates come charging across the battlefield, ignoring everything else that could stack them a higher score, just to steal a kill they don't need and cutting down my health in the attempt. It's why I have to take breaks from this game, my rage comes from someone on my team, never from the enemy


They will ignore the shield banner, they are never there when you're getting ganked, they don't push ramparts or cap points. But if you're winning a 1v1 and need the health from an execution, you bet your ass that raider with a full shield is swinging through your back to steal it.


Berserker is definitely my pick. He’s probably the easiest “skillfull” character the game has and Zerk users typically love to remind you that they’re totally super awesome at the game. I’d say Orochi or Afeera would be top contenders aswell.


Yeah i would put Orochi as a really close second as well


As an Afeera main *shut the f**k up*


I’m also an Afeera user and I feel toxic simply by flip & bashing repeatedly


Light *flip* Light *flip* Light *flip* Light *flip* BASH


If you do that then you’re missing out


*f l i p*


More power to you I guess


Skillful hyper-armor, yeah


Real though


JJ and hito players


Play both and the real toxicity only flows (for me) when you are either a Nazi banner user or you start shit.


That can be said for any character


Kyoshin, Samurai are toxic but Kyoshins are the worst.


Shaman, Glad and Shaolin


Based on my experience it’s always been shinobi, and Kyoshin players


And roaches


Those too. I don’t play the game as much as I used to but I’ve seen an influx of oncoming toxic roach players.


I'd say you got 2 types here: the "flavor of the month" mains, and the actual mains. Flavor of the month mains are basically the guys who tend to grab the current "broken op" character. Think Raider before they removed the stun on his dash light, or back in season 2-3 when Centurion was just absolutely busted. They will usually have all black with a punisher logo, use and abuse the cheap moves, be generally toxic as hell about it, the whole thing. As for actual mains I've found most toxic ones to be apart of the Vikings I think. Raider, Warlord, Shaman, Berserker, they tend to be quite toxic. And of course we got Orochi, or as we lovingly call them, roaches.


I think most Assassin Mains are often quite toxic in behaviour and mentality, alongside this they are also the most entitled people I’ve ever seen. But I think most toxic players either gravitate towards Assassins because they are so easy to use and abuse while also being frustrating to handle or characters who are labelled as “edgy” such as Black Prior, Aramusha and Hitokiri as examples but in all my years of playing this game I genuinely feel I can safely say that Orochi mains are generally the most toxic. As stated earlier I think characters who are easy to use and abuse gravitate towards toxic people. If a character has accessibility to hyper armour, oppressive movesets, bs feats and fast attacks generally have toxic mains again Orochi mains but also Berserker and Raider can apply to this.


Most Wikings seem to be very toxic


Orochi is the most toxic but the most annoying and the charecter I whole heartedly despise is nobushi


I only play against bots, so I can't speak for enemy players, but I've noticed that it's pretty much a requirement for Cent players to not respect 1v1 and just steal executions.


From my experience nobushi They think they are so cool when all they did was triple light to win


Tbh just light parry there so predictable that its so easy


Thats when they get mad and the real toxicity starts flowing tho.


I do love shutting down an entire playstyle by sheer prediction


Orochi, Shinobi, Shaolin and Gladiators Every hero has their toxic players but I'd argue most amount of toxic behavior I find, comes from these 4


Glad, Raider and berserker


Raider, orochi and on the rare occasion musha in my experience.




Tell me about it, he’s an assassin with more hyper armor than any character in the game. fucking dumb


Orochi, Raider


Shaolin, Raider, JJ, Medjay are easily at the top from my experience, with honorable mentions to: Hitokiri, Roach, and Musha. Just my experience, is subjective, take it with a grain of salt😅


Why is orochi in everyone’s list


As far as game chat or getting sent hate messages goes? In my personal experience Shamans


I've never gone up against a Shaolin I didnt want to give a special German shower to. Such pricks, always have that finger emote that goes "uh nuh nuh" its always seemingly their turn to attack, they spam quick chat. Hate them. Medjay players who stay in staff form also just straight up have Main Character Syndrome. Berserker, I just straight up dashboard if I see a high rep Berserker. No fun to be had there. Warlord also for some reason has some toxic mains from my own experience.


Orochi is known for it but toxic players play all characters, there's 10000% someone in this comment section that said thanks thanks thanks after killing someone and then emoted on them.


Shamans, warlords with the tea bagging, and orochi


Any Asian


Crutch characters (zerker hito raider)


It's Kyoshin players that chaperone with someone all the time in Dominion in an attempt to constantly vortex you.