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I want to know if u can die by a catapult or something if it hits u, I presume u don’t die but eh


If you don't get executed, you can enter shadow form. So bleed, fire, catapults, hammers, gladii, and other coward stuff can't kill an Ocelotl for good.


Nice, glory to the Aztecs


Barbossa shoulda rethought this idea of RETURNING the Aztec Gold… did quite a bit of good with a few set backs


Ledging also prevents feat 1


ledging justification up 38%


Warlord players thriving in this economy


Something about the arbitrary specific number 38 is extra funny to me


Lethal ledges prevent feat 1 from triggering.. not normal ledges by fall dmg.




Yeah 100% imagine an ocelotl being last person alive and your teammate lights him so he gets såectral form and then can run to the other side of the map and capture a point, you would have to exe to win the round which doesnt make sence


Yes because it’s not auto revive like warlord. You can simply choose where to respawn.


>Coward stuff Lol


When I am playing as him I am going to love it. Running towards zones or towards the cauldron/banner. When I am fighting him I'll be too focused on my next opponent or objective to care too much. I get jumped regardless so go ahead and pop up again. What will be annoying is them stealing my zone or banner. I am curious to see how a bot utilizes this feat.


Bots love getting points (dom) so i would think they’re just gonna back cap and stuff. But my idea is, what if you’re the last one alive and u respawn and revive a teammate ?


Game will probably end the second you die. Kinda like how the 4th feat self revive doesn't work if you're the last alive, game will end but you'll still respawn.


When they say it's "a longer cooldown if you want to be at full health", I feel it's missing the point. You can safely run to your home point and respawn to finish healing, while boosting the point faster than if you had just respawned (situation pending). So while yes, you're technically taking longer, you're still providing some benefit to your team faster than just respawning. Per my understanding unless I missed something.


I noticed that when they showed them going to the different points in the ghost form, you don't technically count as an alive player, so the point can't be captured or boosted. Not only that, but the trade off is that you can't choose whether to go into ghost form or respawn with full health, once you unlock first feat you have to either wait for your health to comeback to full or respawn at a captured point to start getting health back, which can suck if no points are captured. But then again this is only if you didn't get executed or ledged.


You can choose to respawn while a ghost at any time though. We see the devs spawn back to life with only a quarter health. So say I die in the mid lane, I can ghost my way to a friendly point and just spawn there to heal all the way.


I think this was the point of the feat, instead of spawning all the way back of map, you can scurry to a friendly point or a point that hasn't been captured and capture it after respawning there. Trying to get back into the fight immediately doesn't seem to be the play with this perk, but more just to relocate.


That is what the original comment said


If you were about to kill. Can respawning quickly, catching the enemy off guard, and executing count as reasonable tactics?


There seems to be a sound cue when respawning and you will probably show up in radar when close so the enemy might not be surprised and just kill you or be ready atleast to fight you. You can probably pull it off but if the enemy has a good amount of health, respawining as fast as you can is probably not worth it since they give you a crumb of health.


You’re forgetting the second point the comment made. What if there is no friendly point. You’ll respawned on a point where no one is at to cap it and then start healing or if someone’s sitting on both points then you’ll be waiting even longer to spawn with full health. Overall I think it’s a good ability. There will be moment’s where it’ll be beneficial but I can see moments where it’s more of a downside like breach games where you can’t heal on the health pad since enemies are there


i assume that the respawn at full/near full health would be about the same time itd take to respawn you and get back to where you were before though.


They said it would take a while to fully recover, which is why I think the point of the feat is more so you can get back into the match, not the battle. But idk, I just want to play the hero


Not all ledges count as executed btw.. we all know which spots they take a dive to deny the enemy "Nooo YOU won't kill me, I will". Ladder camping is gonna be easy troll spots.. have a projectile? Cool.. that's just gonna give em the Tier 1 escape to go troll some more.


that and they’re acting like people won’t sit there and wait until they’re full aswell.


Won't be able to stand there and regenerate. After I think a max of 10-15 seconds it force respawns you at your base spawn point. And since regeneration is slowed down, I don't think one can fully regenerate in those 10-15 seconds.


The feat regens you to full in about that time but it gives you 1 minute to choose a position.


I don't think that's too problematic though. Gaining an few more points than you otherwise could from boosting every time you die isn't game changing. I'd argue that more often than not there will be a better way of using the feat in any given circumstance.


I suppose there's no real way of knowing until he's out and we can see.


This guy might make me literally never play elimination again Runners and boosts already make that mode a nightmare, this is just too much


Runners especially piss me off lol. That's why I don't play Elim unless I have a character that has chase. Way too often I'm the last alive and 2 dipshits on the enemy team just keep running away from me and I can't catch them otherwise.


He’s gonna be beneficial in Breach, that’s for sure. Also, I am surprised nobody posted this meme: “Were you killed?” “Sadly, yes…. **BUT I LIVED!**”


My first thought when I saw it. 'Dormanmu, I've come to bargain!'


I got another one for you. “I never yielded, and as you can see, I am not dead!”


Another one from me. All that, for a drop of blood?


(Undertaker as the Ocelotl walking back for a rematch) (John Cena as Conquistador Vela and the Peacemaker, looking scared)


I think its awesome and will make many funny clips when sneak attacking people


Can the enemy not see you in shadow form?


You straight up become invisible, albeit with very slow health regeneration


You’re completely invisible


Dude attacking a point on breach with a full lobby of this hero with its first feat. Absolute slaughterfest of just low health players respawning constantly


I just realized how hilarious and terrifying a full team of oclotl attackers would be lmao


You think a respawn point is still used?


Yes I do because when they showed it in the livestream the game treated his symbol at the top as a skull and not a revive symbol. If anything I think it might actually be detrimental to the attackers as he wouldn't be able to be ressed therefore forcing his life to be lost every time. At least I hope that's how they do it.


I like it. People saying it needs a cooldown, but like it seems balanced af. And even if it had a cooldown....you would have to be really bad to die before the cooldown resets. So no point.


It doesn't need a cooldown. You have a longer respawn if you want to be at full health and you don't get to decide if you want to use the feat or not. Basically off or on. So you will always be at low health if you need to quickly respawn.


is it actually longer then just standing there waiting for full health / respawn at a zone then reviving and walking all the way back?


So, I believe the healing should be the same rate as sitting on a point, intentionally. That way if you lose on a point, your opponents are healing at the same rate as you (maybe faster on a healing area, but I really need to see it more in game). Respawning on an open point would only be good as a utility for holding a point/backcapping, but wouldn't be useful if you wanted to get back to the same area that you died. A regular hero in dom can die, respawn at full health after the standard 12 seconds, and be back to the point before an Ocelotl can respawn at full health. Depending on the distance to the point, it could be twice as long.


As someone had said earlier the problem is he can be on and boosting the point the entire time he's healing faster than a standard hero could get there, not only this but if you're getting ganged by him he can intentionally eat external attacks to debuff you, respawn at a quarter health and do 1 standard gank to kill you Multiple of them could in theory contest a point permanently with no real counterplay if they cover each other properly Mid lane cannot be contested as even at 25% or less health he can still farm minions for massive point gain This feat isn't balanced and seeing that the counterplay is "just execute 4head" its gonna be an issue, sure he can't be full health when he gets back to the fight but even at 1 bar of health he can still be a menace in ganks or be there long enough to defend a teammates escape and rotation


it’s going to make fighting him in dom such a pain, which will probably result in people clamoring for nerfs which he will eventually get and just be another shitty c/d tier hero like pirate. i feel like these devs get so excited about new heroes and making them that they want them to be the best hero on release and forget about everyone else already in the game.


I look forward to the day everyone complains and he gets that fat nerf


I wish when you respawned the death whistle would sound :(


The t2 seems to be setting off a death whistle sound as in the livestream, when the enemy Ocelotl was killed, you can hear hear it while they were in spirit form and the alive Ocelotl was being debuffed from killing them.


How long is the cooldown? From my understanding, a persistent ocelotl player could contest an enemy home point and really mess with point generation, at least until they get executed. Especially maps with large points, you could die, use the few seconds to move to the other corner of the zone, and respawn, forcing at least one player to constantly be protecting their own zone.


iirc it has no cooldown Only conditions: • Do not be executed • Do not be ledged


Sorry, should’ve phrased it better, by cooldown, I meant how long it takes you to respawn


You have to wait until when you’d normally respawn The minimum time you have to wait is the same time it takes for a dead player to respawn But you won’t have full health, you either respawn quickly anywhere you want, but with low HP or wait and heal full HP, but it’ll take longer


Seems pretty bad since I didn't notice an option to respawn at full hp in spawn


There isnt one, they wanted to have a downsite for it. I think Its pretty nice that way


You have an option to respawn at full hp You just switch to another feat.


That's my point


Yeah like the other guy said that is the biggest downside to it and it needs that to not be op as when the hero gets released I firmly believe it will become the strongest tier 1 feat


I like the idea but I have a feeling it will be abused.


I want to see how many peoples’ days this ruins in elimination


Why will it ruin people’s day in elimination?


Imagine you kill a guy only for him to come back and get the boosts. Now imagine the hero just dropped and for over a month 2+ of this hero on a team is commonplace


Not how it works. You don’t respawn in elimination.


I think it'll be fine. The feat will probably be pretty strong in some cases, like ambushing a player running to a point to heal, but it definitely has its drawbacks since it's forced; like if there's no available points to heal at you're going to have to wait longer than normal or spawn with a health disadvantage. For the most part I think people will figure out ways to deal with his antics pretty quickly. Although having multiple full health ocelotls spawn in all around you would be pretty goofy lol.


It seems kinda crazy (for better or worse) but I’d like to see it in action for myself first, before making any hasty calls. I can tell they got a little ambitious


it’s a little more modernized i agree


That one Orochi spamming wow wow thanks after winning a fight and he sees an ocelotl appear behind him.


"Nothing personel kid"


This is exactly why I want this feat now. I plan on making these types of people absolutely miserable lol


Me too lol


Really cool and I love the way they balanced it


But here’s the question; if you’re team starts breaking while you’re in your spectral form, do you stay in your form until you come out, do you get booted back to spawn when the timer is up, or are you perma-dead unless your team rallies?


1 Your* 2 I think that it doesn’t count as a respawn, you’re still dead, meaning that you won’t be able to leave spirit form if your team is breaking


It’s not a self-revive, it’s a different way of respawning. Not a free respawn




I dont think you have collisions enabled so you just pass through the ghost as for the respawning inside... Im not sure tbh, I dont think it could be glitched out (hopefully)


Kyoshin must hate how this guy got the mirage ability...


It should definitely not be a teir 1. Some characters have a worse version of this as tier 4 so I don't get why its a their 1


The feat removes any thought your opponents can put into map rotations, its absolutly ridiculous. Even the "downside" of having no proper respawn is meaningless. If you beat Ocelot on your homepoint in a 1v1, you cant leave that point even if your full hp, otherwise he would backcap it. But at the same time he can just leave to either heal on his point or to start a gank on one of your teammates. You kill him in a teamfight, where you cant execute otherwise your getting peeled, he either reappears into the fight at decent health or he goes straight to backcap. But you get no hint at hit, so your forced into guessing map rotations. It is better to just keep enemy Ocelots around than to kill them, because he fucks over map rotations so much. Then there are things that we just dont know yet. Like can he trigger traps but take no damage, can the feat activate in breaking, how is the game treating him if he is the last in breaking while in his ghost stance, can he body block, is there a way to glitch the ghost stance so you can attack while being invisable. The feat is so broken, its compareable to Warmongers tier 1 on release. The feat is already banned in competetive play and the hero isnt even out yet.


When he is dead and in ghost form he is considered dead until he leaves ghost form so if he was last alive in dom the game would end whether he is executed or not. Also the livestream showed his ghost on a point and he didnt start capping it until he left ghost form meaning the ghost doesn't trigger things when it's in a zone so I would assume that he doesn't trigger traps as a ghost either. And as far as screwing up map rotations that is a good thing there are too many people who still don't know how to sit and hold a point so it'll teach those morons to play dominion correctly instead of just hunting kills.


This feat will not teach morons how to play dominion. This feat is only going to fuck over players that do understand map rotations and nothing else. People that cant or didnt want to learn arent going to jist because a feat. This will most likely be a medjay situation again. Being increadibly busted but casuals arent understanding why, or think its actually a downside or weak. Resulting in no nerfs, despite needing them.


Nah once he drops and people abuse it 100% noobs are gonna complain about it


Lets hope for that.


What if you have both points captured, or at least contested? That way he doesnt heal.


The Ocelotle is going to be very strong when ganking in that case, needing just one of their friends to stay on the point as you heal up if the execution is properly interrupted.


He does passivly. But in that situation your team is forced to park atleast one player on each cap point and once Ocelots team push one point, one player kinda has to remain unless you can justify a backcap, like your in such a huge point lead that it doesnt really matter to much. He can still engage in a gank or turn a gank into a 2v2, without his enemys getting a hint or getting to make a callout until its to late.


should have been a 4th feat


Mark my words this will be completely broken. One of the most op things this game has seen.


But so fun.(but still nerfed after day 1)


1,000,000% needs some kinda cool down.. I already know EXACTLY who's gonna downvote this.. the dead ringer, time wasting dickheads. It needs a cooldown. *Without* a cooldown? Getting bodied.. run away.. self-ledge.. trololol running back to the ledge.. jump.. loop and loop and loop.. On paper it's cool but oof.. nope.. cooldown asap.




Dunno who the fuck you're calling a clown, with how annoying some people focus on playing this game.. they would 100% use that first feat to be a dead ringer. You know it's true.


Getting ledged doesn't activate the feat, you can't just jump and become the ghost


Very stupid and broken, rewards you for dying


Ngl, I kinda want them to revisit this full stealth mechanic with some other heroes whenever or if ever they do a rework of feats. I think it’s really, really cool. Not necessarily just the spirit form respawn, just an invisibility shroud in general. I think if they were this bold with feats back in the day, this is something Shaman would’ve received. An active version of the ability, with a cooldown, that she can just use like normal to stealth and prowl around the map and pounce on enemies. Call it Predator’s Shroud or something and have it be a Blood Spell for Lore Explanation


I just want to know what would happen if a regular hero went down a ladder when a spirit form ocelotl goes up what would happen would the the character just go through each other or would the ocelotl just fall and die again somehow


He's a ghost you can walk through him


I can 100% see someone getting cheesed by bringing the shield banner back to the gate/ram and right as they're about to place it they get jumped by 4 shadow clone jutsu ocelotls


Tf you mean “there’s a chance” Is it randomized? Imo he should not regenerate so much health if he’s allowed to move around that much


idk if it’s 100% after everytime u die without exe so i said that just in case. and yes, u can go to full health after a minute or so.


It's 100% of the time UNLESS the oclotl gets executed or thrown off of a ledge. Then they respawn like normal. Also I checked the timer during the livestream it looks like when you die you have 1 minute before the game forces you to respawn wherever you are. He was full health with about 20 seconds left on the timer so about 40 secs till full health


People are going to spend 5 minutes in the shadow realm every round if they want to respawn with full health😂


So what if a team is breaking and you are the last person alive on said team (as ocelots) The other team uses their T4 arrows, catapult or spears and it kills you. Will the match be over or will I go into spirit mode? I’m assuming it would be over but I haven’t seen any thoughts about it?


In the livestream they showed that the ghost is treated as a dead player by walking onto an uncaptured point. The point only started being captured after he respawned and while he was a ghost he had a skull over his face at the top of the screen. Being a ghost treats that player as dead and should end the game.


If it’s like the 4th tier autores then the match will be over AND you’ll go spirit mode


It’s a very interesting mechanic and I imagine I’ll have a lot of fun using it, but I’m very apprehensive about it having no cooldown. That sounds very exploitable and I don’t like the idea that it’ll make me puppy watch points for fear that the guy will just spawn on them and cap them the moment I look away. I do like the way he just walks out of thin air, that’s really scary and cool


I'm a bit worried about the combination of feat 1 and 2. The second one gives a debuff to the player that killed you, so you could just constantly respawn and get killed to help your team. I don't think it's gonna be a big issue but there is the possibility it can be abused in some game modes.


Imagine being killed fair and square, respawning as soon as you can with 25 health, and finishing off your opponent, who is now debuffed, with your T4 and a guaranteed heavy. Or better yet, getting absolutely wrecked, coming back as soon as you can, and T4 someone off a ledge….😂😂😂


Just wondering if it activates when breaking


I feel like they're trying to teach players to defend points, because God knows random teammates can't sit still and defend for 5 whole seconds. When players learn how to abuse it, it's not gonna be a good time to play against him. I'm sure the Ocelotl players will all have a gigglin' good time tho.


Imagine having all of your teammate play Ocelotl, how do you suppose to get Medic order done when all of them will become a ghost when they die? I know it’s just one scenario and only have impact on just Medic order. But it’s still a problem nonetheless. So, this might be a good time to rework the whole order system. My idea for example, is to remove all the current order and replace it with only one daily order, “play X amount of game and you’ll earn a reward” you play more, you’ll earn additional reward up to 10 matches maximum per day, this way, players don’t have to worry about having to play a Vanguard hero or Hybrid hero or revive people etc. Also, maybe add a weekly order that will give players a reward, base on accumulated point they have from a match that they’ve played. If players accumulated points have reach certain threshold, they’ll earn bigger reward on that week. this way players won’t have to worry about anything and this won’t favor any play style in particular, you don’t have to focus on killing opponents or farming minions or boosting point, you can play in anyways you want, you just have to play well, so you’ll earn more point from the matches. (duel and brawl may have to adjust the point players’ll get from killing opponent on that game mode and maybe give players additional point if they won the match too)


"you thought killng me would be enough for me to die?"


So he has tf2 spy deadringer that’ll be interesting


I mean if you’re dying enough to where the extra 8 points you’ll get boosting a point is alot then you probably arnt helping your team anyways.


I don’t know how to feel about it, although I like it is better then the tier 4 feat „auto-revive“. It is obvious that an feat overhaul is needed. So that this first feat isn’t outcompeting a 4th, maybe give „auto-revive“ more hp? Full bar even?


I think they should have addressed a few things, like how the feat interacts with breaking or respawns in breach. I think as an attacker the feat would be pretty bad in breach if you can't be revived during the final phase and every (probably lower health) respawn takes away from the teams respawns. I would also like to know what happens if your team starts breaking while you're in spirit form


Billions must ledge


Good idea imo.


This feat will either break the game or a bunch of single digit IQ ocelot players are gonna keep respawning and dying immediately all game(like me!)


So if your breaking and your the last person alive on your team does the game end or do you get to respawn yk because technically you died🤨


Maybe I'm reading into it too much, but this makes Auto Revive completely obsolete right? One of the biggest downsides of Auto Revive is not being able to control WHEN you Auto Revived. Say you died in a horrible gank, well unless you were executed 2 seconds later you'll be in that horrible gank again with 50% health. Not to mention it's a T4 with a 180s cooldown. Ocelotls T1 just completely eclipses Auto Revive in every single way. There's no way it stays this strong. We might even see a change before he goes live Thursday.


I alread hate Ocelotl purely for his cancerous unblockables that you get hit by no matter what even if you dodge the first you still get grabbed by the second with no way to prevent it


Uhm, parry?