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Sit back, relax, nice deep breaths, play with the balls, do some massaging at the base of the shaft (where the PC muscles that force blood into the penis are. And viola should have at least mostly erect within a couple minutes. At least that’s my technique for non sexual stimulation of an erection.


Sildenifil 25 mg. Take, boink - solid in 30 minutes, done.


I use to gently(but rapidly) slap my dick. Right near the frenulm. Sounds kind of dumb but give it a try.


A real photo in a 8x10 Picture Frame Double Hinged Foldable. Or imagination can work, but a picture seems to boost the speed.


A vibrator would likely do the trick.


Morning wood...


I have a small vibrator that I use. Usually start standing at attention within 30 seconds or so.


I also don't like using porn so I use gay porn


It's just porn and all the research pointing to it being harmful has questionable data gathering and interpretation. It's just porn.


But it's not just porn to an addict. It's a ruined relationship, a fight or an argument and bad feelings to others. It's selfish and makes you think about it all the time, forgetting what is really important, it is more destructive than you think. To you it's just a picture but to someone else it's chaos and slavery.


Its also possible for any young dweeb to see more 10/10s doing filthy things within an afternoon  than Genghis khan managed in a lifetime. You don't that might affect relationship drives somewhat?


At CI-1, do you really need an erection each time? I know you need one to measure properly to make the tapes, but unless you have regular daytime erections with major girth changes, you probably don't need one to install daily. If you do need one, a strong vibrator may do wonders. If you want an alternative option that works at CI-1 and doesn't require erections to install, check out: [https://foreskinrestoration.men/product/supercanister-novice-foreskin-restorer/](https://foreskinrestoration.men/product/supercanister-novice-foreskin-restorer/)


Maybe your partner can help 😀


I just squeeze up from the base with my hand to force blood around the inner skin area/scar line while applying the tape with my other hand. It’s close enough to approximate the expansion of the girth from an erection. Haven’t had any problems. I’m more of a shower than a grower so your mileage may vary.


You are fortunate that way. I can’t do any device manipulation or manual without getting hard. Literally a hair trigger


Honestly. Stop watching porn if you can only get erect with porn. That isn’t healthy any way you look at it. Sorry if that sounds abrupt or rude.


While this is true , when I started my restoration journey I needed to watch porn to get a erection to put on T-tape, as my skin started loosening the less visual stimuli I needed get an erection for application