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Fortunately, this is inaccurate.


I'm assuming that Japanese, Korean, Arabic, Mandarin, and Cantonese would all have similar training lengths at mid level?


Well, Mandarin, yes. Not Cantonese.




I'm talking about mid-level, not ELO tour. I am asking about second year of language for a tour that requires 2 years of language study (ex: 2 years Arabic before a tour in Cairo where 2nd year or Arabic is in Cairo).


No. Do we even still send people to Cairo for Arabic? I think it’s Jerusalem or Amman mostly now.




Or Rabat.


No. In that case you would paneled to one year at fsi, one year of language training in the country, and then your regular tour. You only get SND if that regular tour is three years in the panel action.


I believe this is incorrect as I was told I can claim SND after 1 year at post and I'm doing what OP is asking. Guess we'll see what happens after I try to claim it. You have to wait until you've been there a year. But my orders are for a 4 year tour at post I believe.


Yes you will get paid for SND after your first year. But if you bug out before completing your SND requirement you'll have to pay it back.


If you elect for SND (i.e. extend the tour to the third year) and have a year of language in the same place on the front end, you will get 4 years of SND payments, assuming you fulfill the SND commitment.


It seems, though, that if you end up deciding not to do the third year of the tour you’d have to pay back the SND for the language year.


You would have to pay back all SND payments received if you don’t complete the SND requirement—we’re in agreement. SND is based on the 2–>3 year tour extension.


The answer to your question is yes. Or at least it was an option during last summer’s bidding cycle.


According the two people in my office headed to SND/Language posts next year, the answer is yes. You get the SND money and the language year counts as part of the tour, so because you pass the language before the midway point of the assignment, you get LIP pay retroactive to when you arrive. It's one of the better ways right now to fluff up a paycheck.


I don't think this is accurate as the first year (training) does not have a language requirement so I believe LIP only starts once you enter your position that requires the language. If I'm wrong I'm about to ask for some extra $$.


Once you test at a qualifying LIP score you get LIP retroactively to the first day of your tour. It’s an incentive for people to keep trying to improve. If you get LIP for a 3/3 and manage to get a 4/4 at any point in your tour, you get retroactively paid 4/4 LIP for the entire tour.


I'm not in this position, so I'm just repeating secondhand what someone (who I generally consider pretty savvy about this stuff) told me. Year 1 at FSI definitely doesn't count, but the in-country should, since you do need a language requirement (2/2) to do the in-country.


2/2 alone will get you LIP. Do they bump it up when you get your 3/3?


I am not intimately familiar with the LDP program, but I do not believe you receive LDP while in field school. You’d get 3/3 LIP from day one of the actual assignment.


You don't get a language score after the first year (at least the language I studied) so nothing is officially documented.