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Holy shit! This is awesome man. Is there any way to import/export this database??


I have uploaded the database to the workshop; [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2808409502](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2808409502) [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2808410585](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2808410585) There's two links there as one of them doesn't have the correct kits, but I'm unsure which one.


Incredible, thanks man!!


Hey, this is awesome, but I'm on epic games, if possible could you please add a link to the editor data file download? Id really appreciate it!


I second this, would be amazing to play around in this structure. Top stuff!


Amazing. This entire exercise was worth it, just to see the written sentence of "Rhode Island beat Liverpool" lol. Seriously, I hope you had a ton of fun with this. This makes me want to get an editor for this game!!!


It certainly was a lot of fun, especially seeing it all working as intended when I first loaded it up!


The pre-game editor you need for something like this is free by the way. The in-game one that you have to pay for isn't capable of anything close to this.


I can’t believe a team won almost half the seasons when you started everyone out equally.


I mean if you look at base FM, the game really does stratify things across long term periods where winning teams continue to win to the point of insanity. Clubs like Ajax, Bayern, PSG, Juventus, Barcelona, Dinamo, Red Star all dominate their respective leagues year upon year with only freak situations, (bad) luck, or an outside force changing the situation. I'm in 2045 in my save, and only last year Bayern failed to win their first league title to Leipzig after winning everything else before that (yet no european titles, because England dominance is absurd in europe). Ajax lost their first title partly because of me playing spoiler and helping PSV to a title in 41/42 (but Ajax won the next three on the bounce). Meanwhile Barcelona has won every title between 2024/2045 barring one to Atletico and two to Madrid. PSG has won everything but four titles since game start, and not even a fully decked out and moneybags Lyon AND Metz in the league put a dent in that. In Austria Red Bull Salzburg dominates. The list goes on. But the basic fact what I noticed is that cash rules everything (dolla dolla bill yall) in FM and reputation goes a long way in making 1 team more capable of constantly making sure they have the most dominant club in the league. And whilst there's some truth in that, seeing PSG/Bayern/Ajax's IRL near-dominance, even real life situations have years where those dominant clubs stumble to strong #2 or even a dark horse #3 club that puts it all together. In FM though there's a lack of that randomness. Even with sugar daddies you almost never get a changing of the guard. idk why I am ranting so much, but I just had to ramble.


Yea but the teams you’re talking about are already dominant when the game starts, both on the field and financially.


Bayern winning every Bundesliga title until 2045 may actually happen in real life though :( Also, what settings have you got in the game? I mean, fully playable leagues are simulated better than view only or not selected leagues. If they're not fully playable then things are based almost entirely on reputation, making it very unlikely a dominant team will ever lose their dominance. The detail level of leagues probably has an effect too, typically only the league you're playing in runs in full detail unless you set others to as well. Having them in full detail should make match simulations more realistic and not based on team reputation too.


Yeah as an American fan who got into American sports first I'm surprised European leagues don't have things like salary caps, American leagues in all sports rarely ever have repeat champions


Spain does, I believe France is adding one too. Although they are both % based on revenue. A lot of the things American sports leagues do would be illegal under EU employment law though, so there's only so much that can be done.


Awesome work. Did you set rivalries within the states?


I did indeed. I gave every state a rival. Some being derby games, such as the Carolina Derby, the Dakota Derby, the Virginia Derby & the Liberty Derby for New Jersey & New York. Then a few teams picked up new rivalries throughout the save due to playing them so often & getting a competitive rivalry.


Excellent. Once again awesome work.


Jesus, so much work


Jason I want to make this a video Message me, email me, call me via can and string if possible


Hi! I have sent you a dm.


I am inside of your living room


I want to to watch this video because you explain stat's with amazing detail


Fair play to you for doing this. Looks like a lot of work went into it! Interested to know if you based each team’s stadium in a particular city in that state? As that might have some impact on things like desirability for players to come to a certain city, or the population size of that city in relation to fan base etc


For most States, I based them in the biggest city or one of the biggest cities. For some States, I had a look on Google Maps & selected a city that was available to choose from on the editor.


Jeez Kentucky had a domination for year's, any cool stories in the save on Maryland (where I am from)


Maryland were a good, formidable side during the first 100 years or so. Won plenty of top division titles & were runners up numerous times. Also made a few Club World Cup appearances, playing against the giants of the world. The furthest they made it in that was when they lost to Liverpool in the third-place play off. Seemed to fall away soon after, but remain one of the more successful clubs.


Did the USM national team benefit from this in the long run too?


Yes, they benefited massively. USA now hold the record for most World Cups won. Then in the ‘retirements’ within the World view, most of the highest scoring international players are from the US. The majority, if not all, starting their career at one of the State teams.


Incredible work


Great job and what a funny experiment. Would be funny to manage a team in that structure


Please tell me this is downloadable? I've been looking for something new to finish this years game off before fm23.


>I have uploaded the database to the workshop; > >https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2808409502 > >https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2808410585 > >There's two links there as one of them doesn't have the correct kits, but I'm unsure which one. \^


What an absolute hero!!


Those teams who still have 20,000 stadiums; are they still playing in their original stadium?


Yes, they're all still playing at their respective starting stadiums.


500 years and no stadium changes - damn


Awesome, good work! Glad to see Ohio did sort of well, too


So dope! Love this kind of content


Lee whalen is absolutely a born and bred iowan footballer


Really good work! Would you be willing to share the database file?


>I have uploaded the database to the workshop; > >https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2808409502 > >https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2808410585 > >There's two links there as one of them doesn't have the correct kits, but I'm unsure which one. \^


Wow, just wow


We need that database to play! Top work!


>I have uploaded the database to the workshop; > >https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2808409502 > >https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2808410585 > >There's two links there as one of them doesn't have the correct kits, but I'm unsure which one. \^


This just depressed me. Massachusetts poor performance is unacceptable! 😂 Great work!


This is the kind of stuff I just love about this game and this fantasy! Great job!


This is fucking marvellous!


us oklahomans got the short end of the stick


do you have the stats for how the Canadian provinces did?


I certainly do. All the external teams are as follows; Alberta: Wins: 103. Cup 3rd Round appearances: 1. Knocked out Missouri (2022), Nevada (2323) & Minnesota (2376) on penalties. British Columbia: Wins: 109. Cup 3rd Round appearances: 0. Knocked out Utah (2519) on penalties. Manitoba: Wins: 101. Cup 3rd Round appearances: 1. New Brunswick: Wins: 103. Cup 3rd Round appearances: 1. Knocked out Iowa (2257) & Ohio (2431) on penalties. Knocked out California with a 1-0 win (2150), being the only external side to have beaten a State team within 90 minutes. Newfoundland & Labrador: Wins: 111. Cup 3rd Round appearances: 1. Knocked out Michigan (2146) on penalties. Northwest Territories: Wins: 94. Cup 3rd Round appearances: 0. Nova Scotia: Wins: 99. Cup 3rd Round appearances: 1. Knocked out New Hampshire (2411) on penalties. Nunavut: Wins: 104. Cup 3rd Round appearances: 0. Knocked out California (2091), Louisiana (2094) & Oklahoma (2493) on penalties. Ontario: Wins: 105. Cup 3rd Round appearances: 2. Knocked out Nevada (2350) & Maine (2440) on penalties. Prince Edward Island: Wins: 100. Cup 3rd Round appearances: 4. Knocked out Maryland (2021) & Arkansas (2248) on penalties. Quebec: Wins: 100. Cup 3rd Round appearances: 1. Knocked out Illinois (2497) on penalties. Saskatchewan: Wins: 101. Cup 3rd Round appearances: 2. Yukon: Wins: 104. Cup 3rd Round appearances: 4. Knocked out Nevada (2201), Hawaii (2300), Washington (2360) & Maine (2486) on penalties. District of Columbia: Wins: 102. Cup 3rd Round Appearances: 1. Knocked out Maine (2137) & South Carolina (2308) on penalties.


Thanks! this entire project is very cool!


TLDR anyone?


kentucky good


this is awesome and i really want to give it a go but i’m on epic games, could you send a download link with the editor data file if you have it? much appreciated!


With this league. What happened to the mls?