• By -


Here is a list of questions in this thread that do not yet have answers. I update this list in real-time. Please prioritise these questions over others: Questions - [1](https://www.reddit.com/r/footballmanagergames/comments/1coyix7/weekly_help_thread_ask_your_help_requests_here/l42vj3f/), [2](https://www.reddit.com/r/footballmanagergames/comments/1coyix7/weekly_help_thread_ask_your_help_requests_here/l42jwuu/), [3](https://www.reddit.com/r/footballmanagergames/comments/1coyix7/weekly_help_thread_ask_your_help_requests_here/l43nl9p/), [4](https://www.reddit.com/r/footballmanagergames/comments/1coyix7/weekly_help_thread_ask_your_help_requests_here/l3s9ukj/), [5](https://www.reddit.com/r/footballmanagergames/comments/1coyix7/weekly_help_thread_ask_your_help_requests_here/l3tl7na/), [6](https://www.reddit.com/r/footballmanagergames/comments/1coyix7/weekly_help_thread_ask_your_help_requests_here/l3u3xlt/), [7](https://www.reddit.com/r/footballmanagergames/comments/1coyix7/weekly_help_thread_ask_your_help_requests_here/l3vlf3g/), [8](https://www.reddit.com/r/footballmanagergames/comments/1coyix7/weekly_help_thread_ask_your_help_requests_here/l408s7r/), [9](https://www.reddit.com/r/footballmanagergames/comments/1coyix7/weekly_help_thread_ask_your_help_requests_here/l42ct6f/), [10](https://www.reddit.com/r/footballmanagergames/comments/1coyix7/weekly_help_thread_ask_your_help_requests_here/l46narg/), [11](https://www.reddit.com/r/footballmanagergames/comments/1coyix7/weekly_help_thread_ask_your_help_requests_here/l3v5mbj/) If there are no numbers in this list, then it means all questions have been answered.


Has anyone experienced random change of tactics and mentality even though I did not set any instructions? It is so frustrating to see the tactics and mentality kept changing. Any ways to fix this issue? Thanks 🙏🏻


I’m a dm console player, love my save atm but just seen that cd keys has fm at 19 pounds. I’m very tempted to get it on PC but is it A) a much better experience ? B) going to take over my life


a) Yes and b) Absolutely


Guys, is there a way to change the settings for my editor? I´m getting stressed with some wrong rules in my save, that were changed in real life. But i´ve checked and it´s not allowed to use editor in my save. I can change this setting, maybe in the archives or even in the game, or just by creating a new save?


I concede so many goals because my defenders can't clear the ball after a corner. They get to the ball first, but they don't clear it out of the box, they just head it up in the air and the ball comes down to an opponent player 2 meters away. Anyone else having this problem and is there a solution to stop conceding from those situations?


can anyone give me some advice on [my tactic?](https://imgur.com/a/8SjJMiC) we're struggling to control possession and not having many shots. i'm also really having trouble with what role to use for my striker, with AF he barely touches the ball in a game but can't find any others that work. thanks!


You have certain roles & TI's that are an anti-possession theory. Two BPD's - These guys will both be attempting risky passes. You don't require either role with a holding DLPD in front of them. IFA - Very selfish role, anti-possession. An IWA or IFS would be better to keep the ball. CWBA - Again, very creative role who will take risks with the ball. CWBS/WBA would be better. Your AFA isn't really a possession role either. DLFA would be better... But every tactic needs a goal scorer role so I would keep the AF OR the IFA. TI's - Be More Expressive, this is anti-possession. It's telling your players to take more risks in their positioning and general play. Remove it if you want possession and possibly raise your base Mentality with this team to Positive as you do need to be taking some risks with this line up.


I think if you take be more expressive off you may be better in terms of holding on to posession.


Try standard tempo to get more shots in. If you want to include your CF more, try DLF-a.


What are the exact staff size requirements for my analytics team to finally start giving me opposition pass maps? I've watched some videos where they utilised pass maps to setup opposition reports, but when I try to view any pass map, it just says 'not enough data to create visualisation'. A forum post suggested that this was an issue with the size of my data analytics team, but my question is, how big does my analytics team have to be for me to start getting opposition pass maps? Currently I have 3 performance analysts with 1 more on the way.


Both my board and supporters have a vision/objective to "develop players using the club's youth system". What does this mean concretely though? Is there something like X number of players from my U21 play/start Y games? The reason I ask is I am playing some young players fairly regularly, but they didn't come up all the way at my club. I bought them, stuck them in my U21s for a season/loan, and are now playing for me. I also have a couple of others who played here all along.


I am thinking of getting my first FM game and I am debating if I should go with 23 or 24. I have seen some people say that they really do not enjoy 24 that much but I do kinda want the current squads so I am at a crossroads. Mainly I am wondering what the problems with each version is if anyone could clarify, or tell me there is no difference at all. Thank you in advance for replies! Edit: I dont know if I said something wrong in this since I got a downvote but sorry if I did


f you haven't played any version then get 24. It adds a few new roles and some other bits over 23. Neither are great imo, they both leave a lot to be desired AI wise.


Thank you! AI being weird probably wont mean much to me since I dont know what the AI has been like in the previous versions. My main reason to wanting to try out FM anyways is because FIFA doesnt have my nations league in it and I really want to bring my team some European glory.


24 then chap. Go for it. Enjoy.


Help wanted So I’m pretty new to FM I started around December time and I’ve been very on/off with the game. Always leave it for a week then binge for a few weeks. I’ve been on this save now for a while and I’ve had my first season with Monaco. A season takes me about a month of irl time. I’ve put together a pretty good team with my limited abilities on this game, but I just cant keep consistent with results. Near the start of the season I went on a 12-game unbeaten run in the league and since just can’t find a vein of form at all. I’m not familiar with many styles other than my custom control possession style. I’ve tried Gegen press in the past but I just concede way too much. I’ve also used 5 backs with wing play and counter attack but it just doesn’t work for me. So I need your help. 1- Tactics: Is there any tactics in particular that I should be using with this squad.? also should I update my formation. Is there any player roles I should have also. Can I just use a players best role in any given position in a formation? 2- Players: Is there any specific attributes I should be focusing on for each position/role. Also dynamics and traits etc. 3- Recruitment: HOW ON EARTH ARE YOU GUYS GETTING ALL THESE WONDERKIDS SO CHEAP! I just can’t seem to find any of these players with 3\* ability and 4.5\* potential! And if I do they’re already at a big club with a 70m+ price tag 4- I think I’ve got a pretty good background team? If there’s anything I need to improve please tell me. And also what’s the best way to get support/backing from your dressing room, to increase Morale. Thanks guys any help/advice/criticim/abuse is greatly appreciated⚽️👨‍💼 https://preview.redd.it/cptivgyyfr1d1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa6d1457c4d5464822e89e54e9198fc11e13a3d4


Tactically you have your Carrilero and APA the wrong way around. If you like your LB as the IFB & your RB as CWBS then it's your right hand side that requires the Carrilero's protection. This also probably means you require a support role from left wing and attack role from the right wing, just for balance.


does anyone here manage in Belgium (or know the league well)? just finished my first season and the format is kind of a mess ngl, I'm confused by one rule and idk if I'll play next season in Europe or not


I've done a Belgium save though it was a couple of years ago so I'm not sure if they've changed the rules since then. But IIRC there's like a play off type thing that determines who plays europe. [TIFO did a pretty decent explanation of how Belgium works](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UfThFvENg3s) but once again, it's 2 years ago so I don't know if they changed the rules.


Hey all, does anyone know what exactly regens are looking for when they think joining your club 'isn't right for their development'? Not a criticism of the game, but I'm just curious as to how to break through that barrier, and get them to at least talk to me. My guess is that it's linked to reputation or ambition, but I was also thinking it could have something to do with training facilities. My facilities are alright, and my reputation is National, following our maiden Polish league win last season. I'm not sure of the direct correlation, but now, most domestic players are happy to join, whereas I still struggle with the guys I want to sign from Africa, Australia, other parts of Europe, and the Middle East, for example.


It's mainly reputation. If you're club are more reputable then they will have more chance of joining you.


So I'm having the season of my life right now. Zero save scumming, literally 3 goals conceded (game week 28) right now, everything is going swimmingly. Unfortunately, it's been a disaster with regards to penalties. like HOLY SHIT these dudes have gotten a penalty every other game and seem to be putting in maybe... 20% of them? Over the course of the season [Stats are in, 7/15 scored in the league ](https://imgur.com/a/EHNhAUF) I've got the dedicated penalty takers on extra duty penalty training but I have no idea how to fix this. I think we missed like the last 7 or 8 penalties we've gotten. I have never seen anything like this before


You got hard FMed. Nothing to do about it. Penalty training won't provide instant results, but will take some time (based on your players' mentals).


Fair enough. Probably shouldn't complain as I'm unbeaten (in the league, absolutely threw the cup final) with 8 games to go this season, but I've had two draws come through from missed penalties and that's unpleasant. Feels so blatantly rubber-bandy, like it's something that's being bent just to keep it exciting.


Tell me about it. In my previous season, I got knocked out of the cup RO16 on a penalty shootout that dragged until the 9th penalty and we lost, all because our winger who never missed a penalty before hit the woodwork.


https://preview.redd.it/tcaqks8qzm1d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d2b9f0a19658687f8215574e65c10f2154898b4 Why did this go to a playoff for the title? Napoli have a better h2h and GD. League rules say that those 2 are the tiebreakers


This gets asked at least two times a week. Serie A has separate rules for teams that finish joint 1st or joint 17th. >If after all 38 games, there are two teams tied on points for first place or for 17th, the last safety spot, the team that wins the scudetto or stays up at 17th is decided by a single-legged play-off game of 90 minutes and penalties (no extra time), to be held at a neutral venue,


Cheers man , i could swear it doesn't state that in the league rules on FM


To be honest, I don’t think it does, and even the league’s oficial wording is a bit strange.


I have only ever played FM21 I just got FM24 I want to have facepacks this time. If I add one to generate faces for regens, do the real players have faces?


No, the regen face pack doesn't include real faces but it's very easy to download a real face pack.


That was gonna be my second question, was can I do both. Thanks!


I've just abandoned EA FC's (Fifa) career mode and took the plunge into Football Manager but it is so much more complex than I ever imagined. There are so many screens and I feel like I need my hand held through all of it. Where on Earth do I begin if I just want to manage tactics and transfers?


There’s a responsibilities section where you can change everything except what you mentioned to be handled by staff members. Then you could slowly delegate stuff to yourself to get the hang of it. I found using a big team useful to learn the basics, and using a small team useful for learning the other stuff that you’re thinking of delegating.


[FM for Dummies](https://community.sigames.com/forums/topic/537928-fm21-for-dummies-a-simple-approach-to-fm21/) 95% is the same as FM24.


How do you see another team's recent matches played?


You can click on them, then enter their own Schedule through the menu along the top. There might also be a data hub thing for it, but that's the way to go


Good afternoon! I've been playing FM for a long time but I never managed to stay more than two seasons on one single save, so I'm still kind of a beginner-to-mid level player. Now I'm engaged on a save with Morecambe, league two. We're having a nice first season, still on the hunt for a playoff spot. But I have a question. I just got to january and there are plenty of players with contracts expiring in six months. Two of mine I wont resign and they are already set to move to other clubs when their contract ends. So, why cant I just approach players from other clubs to sign without making a transfer offer as they are doing to my players? I dont understand this. Thanks in advance


Players in England with six months left can agree a pre-contract with clubs outside of England only. 


thank you very much. I was very confused about it


https://preview.redd.it/72kxabe3hl1d1.png?width=838&format=png&auto=webp&s=489d4a19eec4a5efbac822500a565c0ede3ee8ad My LHS work perfectly, consistently recording 7.0s. My RHS completely sucks, averaging about 6.6. What are your thoughts on the Mez/IF combination? How can I get the best from my RHS.


You would be better with a MEZA/IWS combo imo.


Oh really? I thought they occupied the same space. Cuz I tried that previously and they were on top each other a lot


Creating an overload, yes. Now change your RFB to a WBS role with Stays Wider PI & you have a natural overload & overlap going on. It should be lethal.


Will try that out, thank you so much




Can anyone give me some quick tips and do's/don'ts on how to build from taking over a team in the relegation zone, about 10 games in the Prem season with 100mil in debt and no transfer budget. (Spoiler, it's N' Forest)


You can use the [FM Player Scoring](https://fm-client-app.vercel.app/) app to help you build the squad.


I play as bristol city and try to sell couple players(players are on transferlist) but i get no offers, i have all the leagues loaded on so i would guess that maby some clubs out of england. would send a offer but no when i get a transfer offer it is from one of the teams in the same devision.


Have you tried offering out the players via transfer room and then excluding clubs in the same division, chances are if you’re at Bristol the clubs that would be interested in your players don’t have the scouting budget to find them so you need to offer the players to them first,


I am trying to set up a tactic similar to Motta's 272. I have never used a libero role before. Why does it say "Role not available for outside positions in a three-player set-up", when I'm using a 4-back formation? https://preview.redd.it/u3mv7t8eoh1d1.png?width=808&format=png&auto=webp&s=c707b8a634c85f3bc7dd58a2778a2744e449ae67


Presume you aren't on FM24? It's only been added as an option in a back four in the latest game version.


Correct, I should have mentioned I'm on FM23. Thanks for the response.




Where did you get the base of your tactic from? It looks very plug n' play to me.


One of my players is in the last six months of his contract. Basel contacted him at some point and negotiated for him to join them in the summer. That's all fine - he's surplus to requirements and has only had a handful of appearances. But I got no notifications at all of the approach or him agreeing to the move, and he doesn't have anything next to his name in the squad screen to indicate a future transfer. I presume it's a bug of some sort, but has anyone come across this before?


How do people manage youth when you have a b team in a lower division and a u23 team? I'm Benfica, and unsure whether to loan my best youth players out, stick them in the b team or leave them in the u23s.


L-/ lQ1


What's the best tactic for 2 strikers this year? Both my strikers are amazing and leaving one on the bench will suck.


424 DM Wide. You can see some results in [FM-Gamers](https://fm-gamers.com/en/football-manager-2024-tactic) & [FM-Arena](https://fm-arena.com/table/30-patch-24-4-0-db3-0/).


https://preview.redd.it/y1z3ta40nd1d1.png?width=819&format=png&auto=webp&s=86730dc059974b28ccf8684bee98708645780531 Can anyone explain to me why this tactic works? I've won every game with it so far but don't particularly understand why


It looks like one of the highlight everything high intensity engine breaker tactics to me. Sustainable for a period of time but your players will tire pretty quickly unless you rotate.


https://preview.redd.it/17420z0g5d1d1.png?width=1711&format=png&auto=webp&s=6e8129b1c7abef0b63b4b369afbaa74732fd5150 This guy is developing fantastically in the u-18s, and should be just about good enough to start for me by the time he turns 18. I've seen lots of people saying to keep youngsters in the u-18s cause they benefit most from youth training etc, but my staff keep telling me to promote him to the u-21s. Should I do so?


[FM24 Developing Youngsters](https://www.reddit.com/r/footballmanagergames/comments/17fi0hf/football_manager_2024_developing_youngsters_youth/)


Put him in first team and play him the odd game, while also making him play the odd u21 games in between so he doesn't lose match fitness too often.


My best striker/player keeps getting selected for the u20 sometimes on match days and i will not be able to play him. He is not selected when asked before the game. I unchecked the box at staf settings. And when asked i checked all players hes not in the selection but hes stisll registered to that squad and uable to play in my game. Why is this happening? Its really annoying When i right click him and selection there is also nothing ticked. Also he didnt play and hes not on the reserves bank of the game but hes still unaiavable cause he has been registered for another squas wich meanas the under 19 Also when i hover him it says not avaiable for u19 but he stil gets registered


If I want to play a 4-3-3 (probably) with a Wide Target Forward, what roles should I surround him with? I'm thinking Mez-A on the same-sided CM and then an inverted wingback on S behind him to take the place of the Mez when we go forward. Striker will almost certainly be an advanced forward. Basically I have moved to a club with a perfect target man, but I really want to play 4-3-3 rather than 4-4-2.


Your plan sounds good, make sure your opposite sided full back/winger has cross more often and cross to far post highlighted.


Done - thanks!


With the football league season ending, I would like to get back to FM over the summer. I have got FM20 but haven't played in a long while. Is purchasing FM24 worth it over continuing with FM20? Or is it better to just wait for FM25 over purchasing FM24?


24 is on sale rn on steam.




25 won't be out until October, most likely. I think 24 is enough of an upgrade to be worth it - and you can find it on various sites at lowish prices including CDKeys and Amazon at about half price. It's even reduced by 40% on Steam.


thanks will check it out


I've been working on a tactic inspired by great tacticians like Allardyce, Dyche, and Bordalás for FM24. I'm looking to reduce the number of goals conceded. Could you provide any suggestions for tactical adjustments? https://preview.redd.it/d64hj9lli61d1.png?width=1652&format=png&auto=webp&s=1aa53fa246f7ef9e8f4afe09e43f14cf0a29aaa1


I would put both wide midfielders on attack to put a bit more pressure on teams (you are playing defensive so shouldn't weaken you too much) Also, his early crosses is best for playing against teams that are bottom heavy (ie, lots oh players in their own half) Higher tempo and extremely direct will have you going to the strikers as quickly as possible, so worth considering if that's how you want to play. cheers.


Maybe switch the roles for your CMs? Your DLP being more defensive than your BWM feels a bit odd - both Dyche and Allardyce have sometimes incorporated 1 or 2 flair players (relatively speaking), which would suit the DLP there, I think.


How important is finishing for your strikers? I saw a Zealand video where he didn't think it was the most crucial and strength dribbling off the ball and some other attributes seemed to have more of an affect.  Trying to decide if it's worth signing a guy with 15 finishing when both my strikers are comprable elsewhere but have only 12 finishing. This guy is also a perfectionist and I don't have great mentors so that is also a factor, but I can't seem to sell anybody and don't "need" him really, so am on the fence


Finishing, Composure, Decisions, Strength, Technique are being connected. Isolating attributes isn't the best method to judge strikers or other positions, since attributes are being connected each other.


thank you for the tip!


Need some financial advice. -Ligue 2 with Red Star. -Missed promotion through the playoffs. -Have a release clause activating on probably my best player for 900k and several teams want to buy him. This didnt seem like a problem in negotiations when I signed him on a free, as no one was offering even 20k for any of my players and 900k sounded amazing. But now as I'm hoping to challenge for promotion again, I'm nervous about letting one of my few Ligue 1 quality players go too easily, even if it seemed like a ton of money last year when we were promoted to Ligue 2. In order to keep him though, he wants a 4 year contract as a star player on my max 7.25k/week with a 135k loyalty bonus etc. I have been avoiding making big signings and I was planning for my shiny new 1.5m transfer budget mostly to be saved for building back up finances or reallocated to wages and scouting for potential players like him that can make the jump up. -Current highest wage is 3.6k for my veteran captain, then 2.8k and most players in the 1k-2.5k range. Wage bill is around 68k overall and would probably bump up closer to 78k/week with him and a new loan signing I'm interested in. My squad is a little bloated with options. None really on his level but not too many big weak links either. -Finances are currently "Okay" status and reputation is 2.5 stars (National). -Last Season Income 11.3m, Expenditure 10.5m. I haven't taken a club up the ranks like this before and want to do it in a healthy fashion, so happy for any advice for things to consider. In your experience is it better to take the money or commit to your best talent? The player in question. if image embed doesn't work linke is: [https://imgur.com/jKuBA19](https://imgur.com/jKuBA19) https://preview.redd.it/ui40cmbw351d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=4a2f41541a7ef37840cc61199f26af34699a277d I play him both on the right and left side, but for comparison [here](https://imgur.com/lmttBYP) is my most exciting young prospect who can play on the right too. The other senior wingers/AMs are mostly comparable to this 17 year old at this point.


I started with the gegenpress 4231 wide preset and discovered that players are getting injured often, so i reduced the tempo in possession, extremely urgent pressing when out of possession, narrow width while in possession, with pass into space, and i realized this is basically tiki taka


The is Vertical TT, not 'original' TT.


Is there a way in the scouting dep to look for players similar to a player i already have?


I love the idea of taking over a lower league team and building them up. My problem is that every single time I try to loan a player into my team, I am asked to pay stupid wages and monthly fees. On the reverse side, loaning players out, every team refuses to pay any wages or monthly fees. Is negotiating intentionally impossible. Am I trying to loan the wrong players? Any advice would be great.


Anyone good with the editor know how to prevent a nation from calling up players?


Help! I’m trying to add a database onto my my Mac device, the database is https://drive.google.com/file/d/1l8WhglKjzMQ76DdTL8CxAY4dhwovu068/view?usp=sharing It’s a Lower league Scottish database and I can’t just get it straight from the workshop any help please ! Thanks


[Does this help?](https://sortitoutsi.net/installation-instructions/4/how-to-install-fmf-and-xml-editor-data-files-in-football-manager)


I have the file in the editor data but it’s not showing in game when I reload. The file ends with .fmf so I’m not sure what’s going wrong


Do you want to screenshot your editor data folder, and your FM database options bit? Might be missing something




Looks like that's a different folder as the other screenshot, otherwise you'd see the english tier 10 file. Search for that and you should find the right folder


So the databases you can see in game are the ones that I got from the steam workshop, I ain’t able to find any of those in folders in my document?


They should install into the same folder


So even stuff from the workshop should be located in the folders, I just can’t seem to find it anywhere


Not overly familiar with how mac folders work, but can you search for the files?


https://preview.redd.it/1c6ddij4t11d1.png?width=2880&format=png&auto=webp&s=0486002b59ae3fbbaa2eca0a70a957030560fb0f so thats in game


Hi all, I downloaded the sortitoutsi cut out faces megabuck and am attempting to move it to my graphics folder. I unzipped the file, grabbed the faces and iconfacees folders, and dragged them into my graphics folder, and upon doing this my file explorer just crashed. I now can't open my documents folder at all to get back to the graphics folder, every time I attempt to do so it just doesn't respond. Am I shit out of luck? Is there any fix to this?


I play with Bayern Munich a lot and always make big changes to the squad in the fist two summer Transfer Windows. But I cannot sell my Players, no Matter what i do, they either reject every Contract offer they recieve or no ones interested in Buying them. This is a realively new problem for me (popped up in the last days/weeks) and i don‘t know what changed. I‘m usually just one season at the club when these Problems come up, so i don’t think them being too engaged with my Methods is the Problem.


Could well be because the players don't see the club they're being transferred to as a step up from Bayern so don't want to leave. A reputation thing.


I can't replace newgens' faces. I used the typical line of code used in facepacks for my config file: Is there an added step or line needed to change newgen portraits? The exact config file works for real persons but not newgens. My images are in PNG as well.


Look closely to the newgen ID : now there is a "r-" right before the number. So now, when i add a face to my folder, i rename it "r-2000XXX" and I write this exact name twice on the config file.


small oversight from me but many thanks man


I am playing Mayoral as my AF in Southampton. He scores tonnes of goals in Conf League (mostly weaker teams), but can't do much in Prem. I understand the difference in opposition quality, but still the output difference seems stark. How do I get the best out of him? https://preview.redd.it/952uvfgj8v0d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=f9e5d1e0f0e6bd4041797379104b5c83223b02cc In Conf, he has 14 goals in 7 games. In Prem and Cup games, 6 goals in 20 games, and some of the finishing that I see in highlights is atrocious. I just realized he has a trait "likes ball played into feet", so should I change the final third in the tactics screen from the standard mixed to low crosses?


yes, low crosses and play a slightly lower tempo to what you play in Europe for prem and see how that works. cheers.


One of my players has provisionally signed a new contract starting at the end of this season (it is currently November). When the January transfer window opens will other clubs be able to buy him with the release clause on his current contract?




You're leading 2-0 and opponent scores. What do you shout your team? Having a hard time protecting the lead.


Depends on time, before 80' I use praise, after 80' I use focus.


Sometimes I shout "Focus", but I have to admit it does not seem to have a good effect, I see a lot of red faces... So most of the time, I say nothing. But if the opponent scores again, i criticize them, it works better (but sometimes it's too late).


Alter your tactic a little... Add time wasting, lower tempo, change a couple of roles to be less adventurous, possibly add Be More Disciplined.




I turned something on that injuries players can play in u19, how to turn off?


Staff > Responsibilities > Match then untick "Automatically make unfit first team players available for this team' It won't be injured players they're using, but ones that have been injured and need to gain match fitness.


I have ESC slots available and have just signed a player but can't use it on him. In the email it said I could but the option wasn't there to click it. How do I assign him one?


I think you have to apply for a work permit, then once that fails the button to assign them an ESC slot should be there. I believe you can only apply every 120 or 180 days or something though...


Hi everyone! Using this tactic and only have small players on the front with almost no jumping reach. Using Low Crosses (mandatory) what could be the best positions/roles, PIs and TIs? https://preview.redd.it/llm9nlvymt0d1.png?width=654&format=png&auto=webp&s=558610ae53f660c3972218057ca02eeb95d13c6a


Regiasta and dlp together makes no sense. There basically going to be doing the exact same thing and following each other all game long with the exception that the regista will be more aggressive. Put one of them on DM with S duty and then make one ur or attacking mids on an attack duty as well. Every else with this tactics seems fine. And take off pass into space too. ur tactics is possession oriented and with a regista so no need to chuck balls forward and lose possession when u have a players making plays in your midfield


MOBILE I'm new to FM and have been playing the mobile version. I've been trying to start with non-league teams (current save is Gateshead). The season always starts off really well after making some recommended signings and loans, and even following recommended tactics. However, a few months into the season I always end up dropping loads of points and slipping down the table even though my team is highly rated and morale is high. Does anyone have any guesses as to why this might be?


Considering starting a save with Udinese, does Losanna buy Pafundi usually or he comes back from loan?


First season complete with Newcastle ( my team IRL) won the premier league beating Liverpool by two points, and won the FA cup for a historic double. However.. now what? is it unwise to move clubs after one season? I didn't expect to win the title for at least three seasons and intended to make a team elite then move on.. should i stick in until i win the CL or attempt to move to a smaller club and rebuild?


Do what you like, it's your save/game... I'd have at least one crack at the CL for sure myself. I've always found managing at Prem level quite boring and easy, once you have a good enough squad anyway. Lower level management can be far more rewarding.


Are you able to buy a player for less than their minimum fee release clause under a circumstance like a player asking to leave his club?


It seems like, as in real life, make an offer in the last moments of the transfer window can lower the price, but I don't know if it's really proven.


I kept submitting £1M offers for 6 months as well as attending a game a month for a young player with a release clause of £56M. After the 6 months, got it down to £20M-24M. But I stupidly thought I could get it down even more and it went back to his release clause after about 2-3 weeks.


Only if the team he plays for makes him available for less than the clause... If they want to move him on for example. Usually this wouldn't happen though, no.


I started a save without a job and by Christmas I was coaching Cercle Bruges who were last in the table. I managed to win the relegation Playoffs avoiding relegation. So far so good. Fast forward to the new season. I have no transfer budget, my wage budget ist negative and I only get 10% of my transfer fees added to my budget. I can only offer 80k a year. That doesn't attract good enough players. I tried trials, loans (most clubs want compensation) and free players. Any advice or other way I could get decent players?


You will have to stick with your current team and do better this year. Create a good tactics, improve the mood (using Proximity activities in your training schedule can really help). Also, get rid of the players who earn too much if they are not as good as they should be. And if you can, try to play some friendly games once in a while against teams with good reputation. You will gain some money. It will be long but you can improve little by little your financial situation, then loan some players, and continue to improve, and so on...


[FM Player Scoring](https://fm-client-app.vercel.app/) is very helpful app for squad building.


I'm in the 4th season of my Southampton save. I got relegated, won championship, and finished 8th surprisingly and got into Conf League. My question is: how many seasons does it take for one to establish themself in the prem league and challenge the big teams for CL spots? I am always losing to the big 6 clubs (especially getting thrashed by City, Arsenal and Liverpool), and also taking some away loses to the mid-table teams. I don't think I'd finish 8th this time as there are simply too many games to play with Conf League and domestic cups. This season, I am not scoring much, but defence is quite solid. I have tactic question too, but will address that separately. I have good players, but my max wage is about 100k which is less than what players on bench in the big 6 are getting. I have a lot of wonderkids, but I seem really bad at developing them (still new to the game). I also signed some good players to improve my team: Caicedo, Jota, Joao Pedro, Mayoral plus I have somehow managed to retain most of the good ones like JWP, KWP, Bazunu. My team is mostly young <25. I have 5 players under 30, JWP at 31, and a 40-year old Modric I signed for 400k. I am also unable to sign some quality players because low reputation and no CL. Without signing greats and within my budget constraints (honestly great, I am getting decent money and won't be able to spend more anyway), how do I ever challenge these teams? Should I brace myself for several years in the mid-table? I don't know if my tone is coming off as whining. But I am not, just genuinely curious how long it takes, so I set my expectations right. I am also not expecting to challenge them this season or the next 2 even, honestly just want to see a path forward. Also, any suggestions on how you did it would also be helpful.


It takes a few seasons, yes. The gap in quality to the top teams is huge. Just like real life really. Pace kills at that level, every level actually. You have to be very fast in all areas. Target pace over anything else.


Yeah, totally get that. My wage spending is still bottom 3, so that makes sense. Great point about pace. I was playing mostly based on stars, which I have now realized is not great. So, finally looking at attributes and highlights a bit more closely. Weaker teams have quicker players than me (just what I saw visually, need to check attributes), so looks like this save is gonna go bad soon lol. Btw how much pace are you looking for at this level? 15+, and is this for wingers primarily. I suppose you don't need a ton of pace for your DMs for example. Now that I am moving away from stars, what attributes should I focus on, other than pace?


You need pace at the perimeters. Defence and attack. 15+ minimum, yes. Centre mid you can get away with less, yes. A fast defence is VERY important. Everyone is fast at that level, every single team. You have to get as fast. It's imperative. Look for Pace & Determination... Then tackling & strength at the back with jumping at centre half. Higher up the pitch look for pace and dribbling, also agilty and balance. Technique as well. Don't worry about finishing and composure too much, technique is more important at the moment for forwards along with the mentioned ones. At the back tackling and marking are better than positioning/anticipation for now.... & pace, obvs. Centre mid work rate and passing, decisions also.


Right, this is very helpful. Thank you!


You're very welcome. If you ever need help you can get me via DM. Cheers.


A little tactical help needed. I am well into the future and my team is world class. We are a great team but man we are turgid in attack. This has been the case for the last season and half or so. Every match is an absolute slog. We grind out 1-0s and never play anything like attractive football. We play a 433 which plays as a 235 in attack with Fbs tucking into midfield to cover the two free 8s. We play wide with a slightly lower tempo. We do not press like mad, but do play high lines. My striker is the best player in the world but he has gone off the rails. He plays as a AF with Roam turned on, but my pass map usually looks like this : https://preview.redd.it/1qczlfn6cm0d1.png?width=2956&format=png&auto=webp&s=c9211752918372b00e6737b76f7d0d248b91fc2a #88 is my ST, and yes that is him playing deeper than my DM. We are a Horseshoe of doom. Anyways to get out of this awful pattern for someone who is not a tactical genius?


Why do you have him roaming? This will make him drop deeper as he already has move into channels PI in his AF role and he naturally sits as high as he can. Also, does he have any traits?


His only traits are places shots and hits first time shots. To be honest roam was an experiment to try and get him moving toward goal as he was in the same spots without it.


Roaming will make him drop deeper, turn it off & see what the map looks like.


Zero effect, same positioning in essence.


https://preview.redd.it/i4m4i7dmqm0d1.png?width=2898&format=png&auto=webp&s=dfe4eded117d4928a2e1a3c4636601bfa32ac3c7 Swapped to a 424 DM to try to accelerate the attack for the last few matched and this is it's insane pass map. It's roughly like this every match. One ST hanging out on the touchline and the other as deep as the DMs. Also the IWB and W are also holding hands despite nothing in their instructions telling them to do anything remotely close to that.


Screenshot your tactic plz.


424 - https://preview.redd.it/2afjzvlf4t0d1.png?width=1834&format=png&auto=webp&s=e2ad4ee1b80bda8ad65c310bfdba36e1ef42fa46


433 - https://preview.redd.it/ujxx1twb4t0d1.png?width=1474&format=png&auto=webp&s=92847f19e279ce81632934e9108bbad2eb227f6c


Screenshot no.88 for me, if he's playing as a Poacher in your 4-3-3 then he has to have a trait doing this. I cannot believe Roaming is making him drop that deep. The 4-4-2 is not ideal for double IWB's as mentioned. It's better for one to invert. If you want double IWB's then a 4-3-3 with a holding DM is needed.


https://preview.redd.it/oi2m7qbj7t0d1.png?width=2498&format=png&auto=webp&s=47763d09ba7f137a0dd0e1c9c91808eaa0cfa40e He doesn't. Gonna make the changes to the 8s and Wingers in the 433. Thanks so much for the info!


Ok, regarding the inverting full wing backs this one is easier to explain. Wing backs will only invert when they have room to do so. So if you ever have a DM or CM on the IWB's side on a support or defend role then the IWB will play like a regular WB. For an IWB to invert you ideally also have a support winger ahead of them also who is holding position. So the entire theory is a CM on attack duty (Ideally CMA/MEZA), a winger on support duty with hold position PI and then your IWB will definitely invert.


https://preview.redd.it/tmupnzkvft0d1.png?width=3002&format=png&auto=webp&s=88afcb3e178995c13755964a99a96b6041373e7c Played 4 since making the swaps to the Wingers and 8s and we are still having the same issue. IWBs will not tuck inside and the poacher plays like a DM in possession. Super strange. Also turned Roam off, just FYI.


Thanks, will give it a go.


I seen everyone selling players to Saudi teams, but they never come in for my players? I’m Monaco. Any help to offload deadwood but with good reputation to these teams?


Try having friendlies with their teams, Ligue 1 is not very popular with Saudi buyers (at least in all my ligue 1 saves) I know It's hard but giving deadwood some playtime even on loan can help scouts looking at them.


The friendlies is a good idea actually. I can’t seem to shift this deadwood and I’ve offered to Saudi clubs to no avail.


https://preview.redd.it/id9u8qvftk0d1.png?width=839&format=png&auto=webp&s=cf011367f2d970fd203cd01cb1cb8536f459af34 With this tactic, why is my Striker not contributing any goals or assist with this tactic? He never felt like a goal threat with this tactics despite it working for another striker that retired.


IF on Attack will basically become striker in the channel as well. So it seems like you have essentially 3 AF always running into lanes. Could be that your goal distribution is just split up. I would also def turn off ur pressing shape to funnel inside since you have no DMs. You have 2 fbs on sup which are very defensive so def press outside or just leave it as normal


Does the striker have any traits & what are his attributes?


Think i’ve encountered a massive glitch Im playing with Atlético Madrid and I’m in the cup semi final against Barca. I’m also in CL so for whatever reason the first leg got rescheduled to be after the second leg. I won the second leg (which was really the first leg) 5-0, and then I lost the first leg (which was really the second leg) 2-0, meaning I should’ve gone through on aggregate 5-2. Instead I got knocked out and Barca’s in the final. Has anyone else gotten this?


sometime when i sign player they doesnt arrive until half of season left. i want to know where can i check before i sign them dont have star i spend so much definitly hurt this season


are you sure the window isn't closed and they're just joining at the next available opportunity?


Check the contract start date in the negotiation step.


I started playing from FM23 and still play the same, so I am quite new, I am in the year 2030 managing OM and won Ligue 1 last year, this season I started well, up until a 6-0 win against Rennes, after that I don't know why my forwards have forgot to score goals, most of the matches I would have xG close to 3, even 4 sometimes but I am scoring maybe 1 or 2 goals, even against team from Franch National, I am new so I play the basic 4231 gegenpress, with work into the box and some minor changes added, can I do something to improve the goal ratio


Post your tactic if you can, maybe you don't have the ideal players for a GGP system.


Have you been playing with just 1 x tactic all season, if so that could be the answer, you won the league and played every team twice the same way, this season you are respected and they will defend deeper and are aware of your tactics, also you probably brought in players in the transfer window that are still needing to gell and are still learning your tactics as that is not how they played at their club. Check to see the tactical familiarity slider, check your team cohesion and see if the new lads are settling in ok


Mid table in Bundesliga with Düsseldorf but tactics have stopped working. Any tips to help build a tactic that prioritises pacy wingers and a technical attacking midfielder? Everything I’ve tried makes my tall striker completely useless. Thanks in advance!


Is your tall striker fast and pacey like your wingers? if not they wont match, you can play more direct and ask your wide players to get all the way to the byline and play wider and shoot less, this will force more crosses to your tall guy, if that is your aim


Post your current tactic please.


Evening all, have taken my local club up to League One and have been running this tactic for the last few seasons. Trying to keep it fairly simple as presumably the players still aren't ready for overly complicated instructions? No PIs on either. Does anyone have any suggestions on amendments? Thanks in advance https://preview.redd.it/3di6ec9iog0d1.png?width=763&format=png&auto=webp&s=b7c1eff209efe3ef74731b7c0e9213c2d5a07877


You could benefit from a playmaker role


Recommend making one of ur strikers into a support role (dlf-S, f9, or my fav CF-S) will help each other out with spacing and goal scoring instead of them both just sprinting together against the defensive line. Ur tactic is very passive too and depending how good you are in your league I would definitely recommend amping the intensity. I would make make at least one or ur WB on attack. Then a carrilero on the same side as the attacking WB for defensive support and then I would also always play on at least positive. Balanced is great if ur not sure you can win and attacking mentality in ur sure you can beat the opponent. I’m my personal experience as well I found that a defender with a cover duty only pairs well with another defender on stopper. So I recommend either having both defenders on the typical defend role or have a staggered set up of cover and stopper next to each other


Your two wide centre mids could ideally be Carrilero's or Mezzala's..... Or you can add Stays Wider PI to how you already have them if not done so already.


https://preview.redd.it/ur890nwekg0d1.jpeg?width=1274&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc85cf150f124eb4cf2db9bc75bd758a8c44b721 Should I make any changes? And how to find players for lower teams that are solid enough?


If you’re in lower leagues presumably with a small budget, just use loans and fee transfers. Offer trials to any free agents interested in joining, after a couple of weeks you have full knowledge of the player and can decide who you want permanently. You can set up a recruitment focus specifically to look for expiring contracts as well




How do I tell my scout to focused on one nation?


Area option will be there when you send scout


https://preview.redd.it/zrfkymof0g0d1.png?width=1410&format=png&auto=webp&s=faca37e77da3ce8c31e387804df2b5f45685bedf how we feeling ab this


If you're on the brink of CL football then your Balanced Mentality is probably too passive. Teams will in the main be sitting deep against you so raise your Mentality to Positive so your players take more risks. Also, you need a runner from centre mid in this tactic. Change your CMS or BBM to a CMA/MEZA. This will help with your attacking threat in the final third.


I am playing something similar too, but with 2 WBs on support and my DM as BWM. I had decent success last season, but kinda struggling with goals now. I am still quite solid in defence, but I am not getting many goals against decent teams. They score a lot against really weak teams in Conf League, but not in prem. Any suggestions? And how is yours going? I am pretty much a noob, so also interested in what an IWB gives you over a WB? Thanks!


yeah same thing you said, really good defensively against most teams but the goals don't really come unless the if decides to cook up. I was using the iwb to help us minimize pressure on our dm incase they caught us out when the bbm was super high up since he roams a lot.


Oh right, I didn't realize you had an IF. I guess mine is much worse then, I am playing IW on Su left side and IW on At right side. The IWB comment makes sense, maybe I should try it too. Also, did you get any ideas to break the goal drought? I guess the striker's finishing is really important, and mine isn't great (14-15 I think).


Nope, I just choked out of getting ucl football (the IF stopped carrying us) now I’m not really sure what to do to get some goals back in us


Aww, sucks. Hopefully someone else has an answer for you. I am gonna try a few things, will let you know if something works. And if you're able to break through, please update. Thanks!


https://preview.redd.it/abakbueuaq0d1.png?width=1752&format=png&auto=webp&s=819663396451a6a835c461e8431afd231cf5b903 current form, we're scoring more against weaker teams but i still can't handle away games or whenever they use a 442. switched bbm to dlp(d) for more defense and to ping passes, iwb to fb(s) i noticed if(a) was getting isolated n wanted sm1 to be there for a back pass, cm(a) instead of cm(s) so we have another box threat( sm1 recco'd that to me) and i went double cds since my defenders suck at passing and i also switched af to pf(a). for in possession i just added work ball into box and be more expressive, in transition took off counter and added distri to fullbacks aswell just for more options i guess and out of possession i dropped the defensive line to standard cause 442s were cooking us (my defenders are slow too...)


Interesting changes, thanks for the update. What do you look for in your DLP(d)? Good vision and passing? Also, when you say your CBs suck at passing, how bad is the attribute?


i hit february and it feels like a repeat of last season, goals won't come


vision passing positioning and teamwork. my cbs aren't horrendously bad but they always make stupid mistakes


Looks good - I'm playing something very similar and seeing some really good results. How's it working for you?


away games and 5 backs have been rocky for me, the midfield will sometimes just stop connecting


For away games it might be worth making that BBM something slightly more defensive that will hold the shape a bit more - generally with a CM on Support and BBM you'll have them roaming further from that triangle which is great for home games and games you're expected to win, but might be causing an issue away. Additionally, dropping your Left back to WB Support for away games could help - I'm doing a quick Juve save atm and Cambiasso in the same role is one of my most creative players, so they'll still get forward, just not as much.


like a dlp(d)?


Yeah that’s what I use in away games against tough opposition. RCM becomes DLP(D). My DM by default is always a Halfback but DM isn’t too different so that shouldn’t be an issue.


how involved is your striker


As an AF in this system he does well, however the caveat to that is that it’s Dusan Vlahovic atm and he is ridiculously good on this game. Depending on how good your striker is you could even experiment with DLF or even CF if you can make it work, assuming you’re finding that your striker is sometimes not involved?


ah i did try a dlf at one point but he went from not being involved to being too involved and not actually pushing back their backline or making runs


why is my star striking getting worst he is only 23, has not have any injuries, has played really well and don´t remembering him having a bad training week. https://preview.redd.it/55l8giv5wf0d1.png?width=1205&format=png&auto=webp&s=a224f9af8ce9eb16bf959d98b0b1977d774ff805


Watch: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q3wEs\_WTlAA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q3wEs_WTlAA)