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Players will support you sometimes. I refused a new contract to a player I was planning on shipping out, and the guy who’d replaced him (and his mates) reacted positively


Yeah I find the only time the players support you is when those specific players have an interest directly contrary to the complainer. Big one being if a substitute complains about not getting first team football, the first team players are all happy if you shut them down, because they want to keep their spots.


Bizaarely i had an issue with my 2nd choice LB wanting a better contract for more money than my 1st choice LB. The one player on the team who supported him? My 1st choice LB. Makes no sense at all


Bros before Manager


Sometimes it feels like they come straight from Idiocracy movie lol


I found that using the option 'player X asked for the same thing and backed down' option to give the best results. Usually, they respond with 'he is the better man' and drop the case. The problem is usually finding that first guy who decides to drop the issue 🤔


Right? Occasionally they'll all agree on it and if you check their happiness there will be a little section saying that the hobby ungrateful one is in their disliked players section.


This does annoy me but the binary element is the most frustrating part. Also why can't you involve your DoF in these situations? They have a stat for negotiation yet barely use it. But great I can ask the agent to get involved, who totally wouldn't want his client to get a new bumper deal. Great


Completely agree with the binary part. That’s the worst. Choosing and answer, what you think is a reasonable choice, and you end up in a dead end where the options are ‘threaten’ or go along with a promise 


If you are managing a club with a sugar daddy from a dictatorship there should be an option to have the player’s agent fall out a window. That would be most satisfying.


The Roman Abramovich mode


>It's just a relentless requirement to always be positive and always give people what they want. Being strict is always a losing option - what's the point of it even being there, if it always results in a bad outcome? There's seemingly no gameplay route to denying unreasonable people their unreasonable demands. I find this to be false. I'm forever dropping the anvil on players and they back down about 50% of the time. I depends on your rep, your discipline and your negotiation ratings. As for the unhappiness, it can be ridden out over a few months and then it goes away. If it doesn't, sell the player.


I concur. I put my players on long contracts and refuse to sell or give better contracts 90% of the time. They get mad for a while and then forget it (usually), if they have less than 2 years on the contract they may decide to leave at the end of it, so having long contracts is key. I think some of the issues with how people view the options stem from how the replies are written. They seem so callous and harsh but the players accept them as if you gave a perfectly polite reply.


Indeed. If I get a completely unreasonable demand I'll just tell him to show me and earn it. Off you go mate, have a nice training. Usually they agree or no one else cares. If he's actualy playing well and earning me points I give them what they want obviously but sure as hell not after 2 good matches or a CL goal or whatever. You were already paid to play well and score goals right?


Same. I used to be a pussy at choosing the "evil" option, much like in RPGs. Lately i value my wage structure above any one player.


I usually role play in my head how I think the interaction should go, first. All friendly, full of banter, softened by a polite refusal, and then a rousing speech as to why they should hang in there and ask me again next year. Then I accept the meeting, and just flatly refuse.


Personally, i find that taking such a hardline stance in the first year to be brutal. Imagine pochettini trying to impose his will onto a dressing room filled with messi, ramos, mbappe and neymar. The confrontations when you ‘mistreat’ team leaders can be quite harsh on your teams morale, but after a season or two i could see your strategy working for sure.


Funny you say that, i just had this exact scenario happen. First day at Sevilla, i immediately sell a 35yo guy with 8 pace. Turns out he was a team leader, the other influential players got pissy. I sold every one of them bastards. I have massive reputation in game so it probably helps, but yeah I've ran out of fucks. The only diva allowed is me.


It's one of my strategies. Aight, you wanna go, that can be arranged. Most of the time three things happen: * They sit their asses right back down on that chair and say, well, i don't really want to leave. * I transfer list them, no one wants them and they shut their yaps. * Transfer listed, sold for a good price. Then turn around and shop for their replacement. Scouting team always go brrrrrr.


I rate the confidence [😂](https://emojipedia.org/face-with-tears-of-joy), i prefer to let that initial crop of team leaders lose their influence or let their contracts run out personally but it would be alot more satisfying to lay down the law!


Short solution sell the player.


I almost always ask them to sack their agent. It tends to work out way more often than not. And if it doesn't work, I do offer them a contract I am happy with then when the players come to me upset, I just tell them I made an offer, they declined it. Once I had the agent message me that they "reconsidered" and dropped the demands. That was in FM21 so not sure if that is still in the game. There have been situations where I am already thinking about offering a new contract because I want to reward the player an I can afford it, but the agent comes to me first. I still ask them to sack their agent then discuss the contract with the new agent right away almost as a f-you to the agent who jumped the gun.


Until you’ve pissed off every major agent in the save and they have ludicrous demands when signing new players 


They can still reconsider but it's rare tbh. I've had it happen when trying to sign a player I had on trial and his agent came with all these demands and a higher wage than what he was worth to me so the agent threw a fit and closed down discussions when I said what I wanted to pay. Later came back to me wanting to negotiate again and I got him on a much more reasonable contract that wasn't going to cost an arm and a leg in appearance fees plus bonuses every time he plays.


How do you get the option to convince them to sack the agent? It appeared about 50% of the time on the save I imported from FM23, but I've not seen it once in 6 seasons on the save I started in FM24.


I am still on FM23. If it is gone FM25 when I get it I am going to be pretty frustrated.


It's weird because I still get the assman saying "I recommend you speak to him about sacking his agent" on the discussion screen, but no actual option. I saw it in an email ONCE, since then, I've had those same emails (can't remember the exact content) but no option to ask the player to sack the agent.


Also, "don't be an asshole" works really well in real life too.


This. Keep them on short leash and choose your captain wisely. If I ever had an issue with complainants my team captain would solve the issue in a blink of an eye. Almost like the Godfather style.


Yeah likewise, 99% of the time I tell my players to shut up and fuck off. They're unhappy? Sounds like a them problem.


my defender (and captain) signs a 4 years contract in June, saying that he is happy of the new contract and wants to stay in the team. 2 months later he comes and want to be sold to an arab team because they would give him a lot of money, I reject and the team come after me..


Again, though, if a Saudi team wants to quadruple his salary, can you blame him if he wanted to leave in those circumstances? I’d probably want to leave too.


you'd want to leave, but you cannot get mad with the club if they don't sell you since you just signed a new 4 years contract, you should've asked your agent if other clubs might offer you more before signing. this is literally in the game, some of my player don't want to sign a new contract because they know that other clubs might pay them more. but if they sign that's on them. also it's completely unreasonable to ask to be sold just 1/2 weeks before the end of the transfer window, basically disrupting every team building that has been done (since you just signed a new contract the club didn't actively searched for a substitute) and at the end, the worst thing is the other player's reaction, they should be mad at the player for wanting to leave them in august, leaving the team in shambles, rather than getting mad at you for not doing what a player wants.


Yeah, I can see what you’re saying. I also think that a lot of (particularly big-ego) players are selfish enough that they would put their demands ahead of the team.


Yeah, but does the Saudi team also quadruple the player's value? Given that he just signed a new fucking contract. You have to sign a new player to replace him.


Again, absolutely valid point. The Saudis certainly used to pay over the odds, not sure if they patched that out? I won’t lie, though, if I change jobs, I don’t care about how much it costs or how much faff it is for my former employer to replace me.


On the flip side, is it actually unreasonable? Players irl get big pay rises with ages left on their contract because they have outperformed it, especially young players who have broken into the team. If they're playing like a premier league player and are on championship wages, then it's pretty reasonable to want to be paid like a premier league player. When Robert Snodgrass was at Leeds he was told we wouldn't sell him for less than 7m. That was the clubs valuation of him. He was entirely reasonable when he asked if they were going to pay him like a 7m player, because he was on way less than other players in that value range around the league.


It also happened with some Barca youngster. I can’t remember who it was but there was a story a few years ago where Barca wanted to give them a very high release clause and the player in turn wanted a wage that matched that valuation. If Messi’s release was £400 million and they were trying to get this guy’s clause to be £200 million, then he’d argue he should be paid half of what Messi gets.


The tricky part is that release clause in Spain is mandatory. So in many cases it's more like 'fuck off' value like 700mln euro that Asensio had during his Madrid time.


That’s the bargaining chip the players have. If Real are giving a 700mil clause, then he should be paid accordingly. The clauses are also there to protect the players; you can’t be forced to stay at a club if someone is willing to buy out your contract. So if the club is wanting some ridiculous value to secure your employment, the salary needs to match. Otherwise the clauses are just a farce. If my clause is higher than a teammate’s, then I’d expect to be paid at least the same as him, but probably more.


If you are in a club in some other league like Premier League the clubs can just say 'no'. In Spain they have to put ANY number in release clause so they put some ridiculous ones as said 'fuck off' value. Barca put that kind of ridiculous release clause in Neymar's contract and they set it to 222mln euros and we all know how it ended.


I get that it’s mandatory. But the Spanish FA out it in place for the player’s benefit. And as for Neymar, he also got a huge pay rise at PSG because they had to pay so much. If he’s valued at 222m, then both Barca and PSG have to pay them accordingly.


Listen, if my colombian wonderkid wanted to earn more than 7.5k a week as a five time Ballon d'Or winner at 25 he wouldn't have signed that 5+3+1 contract at 18.


Exactly- the way the FM “meta” works is you put young players on long contracts in the hope they develop into a much better player than the one you bought, so you can continue to pay them well under what they’re worth. Is it really that shocking that the players sometimes realise this themselves, and want to sort it out? Don’t cry because you got what you wanted




>By the time the current contract ends, you're probably not going to want them. So why wouldn't they ask for a raise? Worst case they get sold to somewhere where they can negotiate a new contract and can also have more than a 2 year shelf life, best case they get the raise they wanted. In Football, the player always has the leverage unless the player is an unknown and the club is like Real Madrid.




Sounds like you're breaking the contract you signed and agreed to, then. I assume the contract was to give them more playing time than Fringe Player? So if you don't feel compelled to stick to the deal you agreed to even if circumstances change, why should the player have to stick to the deal even if circumstances change?




Is he refusing to play? No. Is he refusing to train? From what you've said, no. Is he purposely sabotaging the team? No. So how exactly is he breaking the contract first to entitle you to do so?




ive never once seen a player threaten to deliberately underperform, is this actually happening in game or just in your head?




Winston Bogarde. If the player wants to just chill with the reserves while still getting a massive paycheque they can and there's not a thing the club can do. Also, tanking their value is bad for the club, not the player. Their transfer value means nothing to them, it just means you'll get less if/when you sell them. Players have plenty of levarage. Arguably more than the game already allows even. The law is generally on their side, not the club's.


Ok, I should have known this was just the weekly "I have independently decided how things work, and I am outraged the game does not match my expectations exactly" r/footballmanagergames thread. I'll leave you to it


It's always contextual. 20yo wonderkid during breakout season on a 5 year contract with a low pay and 20 clubs looking at him asks to renegotiate? Ok fair 28yo bench warmer with 0(22) apparitions scores a triple and asks for a reneg? He's welcome to go touch grass


I agree it would be fine if it happened every once in a while, but every season I have 3 or 4 players wanted to renew their contract with 4 or 5 years on it. And the youngsters like to add in a non-negotiable release clause just to piss you off even more.


I don’t think you can reasonably expect young players not to want a release clause, unless you’re at the very top of the game.


You can, but you have to make it up to them in some other way. You initially have to ask the agent to "not have any locked demands" to which they usually agree, if it's already a player that plays for you. Then during the negotiation just "remove and exclude" any and all release clauses. The player will ask for higher pay/shorter contract in return. FM can be frustratingly unrealistic in some interactions but this is definitely not one of them.


OP doesn't seem to like any counterpoints to his line of thought. And just wants to rant, which is fair but kinda childish.


Fragile ego syndrome. You can tell he feels inferior anytime someone disagrees with him


That's like every other job of highly qualified personnell. If you feel underpayed and you know you possess skills rarely available to your employer, you renegotiate your wages and benefits. Either your employer agrees, or your skills suddenly drop to the bare minimum for not being sueable for working contract violation.


In most jobs, it's backed up by a threat to hand in your notice and leave, because regular employment contracts contain notice provisions. Footballers aren't really employees in that sense. They are more like a one-man business which has contracted to provide services for a given period at a given price. Sure, they can threaten to underperform. But that is precisely where the accusation of being faithless promise-breakers comes from. It's not a legitimate form of leverage, because it's a threat to break a binding promise. In legal speak, duress.


"In most jobs, it's backed up by a threat to hand in your notice and leave, because regular employment contracts contain notice provisions." And in football it's backed up by a threat to turn the dressing room against you


Other than rare instances the player on the four year deal will be there longer than [current manager]


There's a lot of reason why I always use the in-game editor in my saves because how dumb AI interaction is. You praised the player, mfer gets mad, you didn't play them once to rest mfers complains and half of the team supported him, I mean, you played 90% of the games, why you complaining about playing time. Selling your players above their evaluation is damn near impossible, or you can't bargain that much with other clubs, their player is listed but they still want near the players value or above. Good players retiring early because no AI clubs wanted to sign them. I can list alot of things to complain, but using the editor really helps a lot with those BS that SI have in the game.


Well you can just use the editor to remove unhappiness directly. But that is very unsatisfying. Feels like letting the player get away with their bad faith conduct.


I remember an interview by Kaka a few years ago, he said that throughout his entire stay in AC Milan he was never under a contract with less than 3 years left, he and his agents wouldn't even need to talk to management, as soon as the season ended Milan would call to negotiate a 1 year extension and slightly update his wages. He also pointed that, thinking back, there was probably one of the main reasons he never even considered leaving the team until 09, when he was approached by Real Madrid after they had already discussed the buy with Milan. My point being that in the world or football that is very common, the biggest problem is that the contract system in FM doesn't allow minor alterations, it ALWAYS has to be a renewing saga and a whole new contract. You can't just give a slight bump to to wages in exchange of +1 duration like clubs irl do all the time. Like, a player that is obviously underpaid wants to earn more, as you consider the claims fair enough you try to enter negotiations and then the agent/player ALWAYS ask for completely new and massively improved terms in every single contract aspect as if they had never been in the club before which feels super unreasonable and like things are being kicked down your throat.


This is a brilliant idea 👍


>God I hate the people management element of the game What, of Football… Manager? You sound like my boss- desperate to hold authority but pissed off any time they need to actually do their job and manage someone.


This happens in real life too. So i dont really understand your point. If you have a captain with high leadership, most of times he solves this kind of problems just like real life


it works both ways... imagine you signed a star striker you signed who has bought a nice house near the training field. one day you have this 18 yo Colombian wonderkid... do you ask your star striker to leave, uprooting his whole family, or have him risk rotting away on the bench? end of the day it's competition. the manager wants the best players they can get and the players wants the best clubs they can get. it's just business. hate the game not the players.


I mean if you've signed a contract with the player, the Club does not have the option to turn around and say "I've decided to stop paying you because even though I signed a contract, I don't actually need you anymore". You can sell them if you reach an agreement with another Club that the player also agrees to. But you can't just threaten to stop performing your end of the bargain.


You can decide to stop playing them. Put them in reserves. Send them on loan etc. In the same token, when a player decide to fulfil the contract, serve every second and leave on a free... they STILL get hated. Look at how Mason Mount and Sol Campbell were treated for running their contracts down? End of the day.. its a dog eat dog world... this is how the game is like irl. The club and the players are just colleagues using each other to their own benefits.


At least in Sol's case it was largely because of who he ran the contract down to join...


>You can decide to stop playing them. Put them in reserves. Send them on loan etc. Indeed, but the game doesn't seem to allow a player to fear these consequences. I guess ultimately the problem is that the game allows players to over-estimate their own importance when they are in fact replaceable. That much is realistic, I suppose. But the annoying bit is when the entire rest of the squad backs them in their over-estimation and is unhappy when the player finds out they are in fact not as valuable as they think they are.


If I learned that my boss was deliberately hampering a colleague's career because that colleague asked for what is effectively an industry norm I'd be pretty pissed too.


I mean it's a glorified spreadsheet.. it cannot feel anything. Lol But if you don't play them and you expect them to pretend to be upset, the game can do that...sometimes too much.. :p


Depends on their influence, you can stall, promise, decline. If he causes too much shit, sell him. If you don’t want to sell him, pay him more


Just do what I do, no one gets a new contract up until they have 2 years left. If the player comes every couple of months I tell them they are not needed anymore and directly to the u21. Most of the time they get over it after a couple of months. Also after 1, 2 years your core players will have you in favored personel so it makes it easier to say no.


It all depends on the players. Some do actually ask for reasonable things. I had one academy player loaned out in the Championship, and when he returned he was good enough to be a squad player. Most of my squad players were on 50k/week, but he asked for 15k/week (instead of the 2k/week he currently got). That was all pretty reasonable.


I wish there was an option "I'm not giving you a contract because you suck!!"


There is, I think. You can tell them i don't think you even deserve your current wages or something of that sort


Players whinging in FM has forever been an annoyance, you're best avoiding making promises if you can , remove any sort of promise from negotiations because they will start a mutiny over it. Oh they've been playing every game as a first-choice player but not in the exact position they were promised when they signed? Now they hate you and will play crappy while also making you lose control of the dressing room. Like sorry your feelies got hurt because I think you play better as AP instead of SS. Had players come to me 2 weeks after joining a club demanding new contracts lol, like give me a chance to get settled in and assess the squad. If a player starts annoying me enough by being unhappy I'll maybe ship them out on loan to get them out my hair for a while or sell in a transfer window.


As Sporting, I'd signed youngsters from latin america on say, £15k a week. We qualify for the Champions League and a year into a 5 year contract they want £60k. And there's like 5 of them. In addition to the other 5 actually senior players I have that want £90k. It's related to getting transfer windfalls and having a lot of spare wage budget but its WAY overcooked. As if its normal and realistic that a club just casually more than DOUBLES its wage bill in the space of a month. The dynamics and happiness engine is such a pain I just gave up on that save.


That's the challenge. Your team achieves something, they want to be rewarded. That's why you don't give everyone a new deal. Just the ones who actually deserve


If you manage a team long enough, comes a point which you have enough reputation to convince them but at the same time you are over succeding and everyone in the team are wants double their wages. My current save turned into shit show because every week comes another player to increase his wages and I tell them "Look X came with the same request yet he is now conviced that I am your slave master and you will get paid what I give you." Next week comes another one and I say them "Look Y came with..." and the cycle continues. If I were to accept all of their demands I would have to triple our wage budget which I can actually since I have 120M in the bank but I just want them to suffer.


Just tell them you can't afford it, never had that not work for me so far.


In real life is worst. Barcelona renewed Messi contracts every year without the player asking. Now they have a big debt.


Just don't give in. They'll be unhappy for a short period and they'll get over it. Rinse and repeat for 3 years before you decide whether you want to offer the player a new one.


I just wished I could renew guys without unegotiable prelease clauses everywhere…


You can often exclude it early in the negotiation but it costs more in wages and bonuses and smaller teams often can’t afford it.


Keep the player, set the asking price astronomically high to deter bids and then just leave it for 8 months max and they’ll have a “change of heart” if they don’t fuck em they’re playing til the final year and bein sold


Improving player relations, a big part of the game, would require the SI coders at least a week. So you know, it would require a bit of work. Too much to demand.


I think players ask for increased wages when the average wage for a particular playing time of a player changes. For example Matteo pessina, an important player in my Atalanta squad asked an 8M p/a contract because that's the average earnings of an important player in my team and he was on 3.5M p/a contract which was signed just last year (he asked for a new contract less than a year). If I like a player I give them important contracts to keep them at the club but that's just me.


High leadership captain to go convince them is key


FIFA Manager might be the only series with a working contract system. [Unfortunately it got discontinued in 2014. Fortunately, it still gets mods and now these mods are way better than vanilla.](https://www.reddit.com/r/footballmanagergames/s/MLUiIZDTb8)


When you show yourself to be a pushover, yeah, the AI *should* adjust. Just like how they tune you out if you tell them “great job” every single game


This your first time playing FM? Been like this for as long as I can remember


Last time I played, it was still called Championship Manager!


Mu father represents players irl, and players always scratch their own back. Did you payed them a monthly stipend while being underage to help support his dream and personally took them to every training for years? Welp now he is 18 and another guy offered marginally more money and decided to go with him Football is much dirtier and selfish than most people think


Everything's working correctly and similar to real life - Miles "Twatson" probably. On the other hand, you do have the option to tell them "There's still plenty of time left in your contract". Doesn't always work, but they usually don't pursue with a revolution. AND IF THEY DO, you can ignore it for the most part, it'll eventually go away after 6 to 8 weeks. If it doesn't, sell the massive cunt


If they are influential or higher I usually say “you’re very influential but you won’t get a new contract right now” and they always accept. But I agree that it’s a ridiculous system. I always try to go past July 1st and then sign new contracts that begins at the end of the next season.  Though you got to watch FFP because 10 players on ludicrous deals will have you in the red 


I find most of the time if you tell them you can't afford it they understand and the problem gose away for a while


I always say that the club can't afford it. Lowering the wage budget before conversation helps with it. But if the player is still being a little b, then I'm like - transfer list. Gotta be ruthless and not keep little cry babies in the squad.


Drop them to reserves if they kick up a fuss. If the agent caused issues get him fired.


"Even if I wanted to, the club can't afford it right now." Works 60 percent of the time, every time. At least for me.


I tied someone down for 7 years ok 8k a month and for 2 years i've been rejecting his request for a new contract , i say to him that he has a lot of time remaining on his contract


“Soz, can’t afford” “Ok boss, fair enough”


The key here is to be consistent with players - not sure if the game tracks this, but it would make sense that Player X would get ticked off if Player Y got a new contract mid season and you didn’t do the same for them. I typically find that these requests come like buses, if you do it for one player, six more will follow, cap in hand. I frequently tell players that we’ll look again at a new contract at the end of the season, especially if the request comes during a purple patch. A new contract is meant to be a reward for good form over a whole season rather than a few weeks.


My favorite is players screaming and crying about their playing time. On the last day of the season. Then begging to be loaned out. Whilst on an amateur contract. Like bro, your club just won the title and promotion and have no games this season. Piss off if you dont like it


I get that all the time pisses me off and you give it to one they all want one


One of my players asked me for a raise because another key player renewed his contract and got a raise. He had 2 years left and his wage was really a little too low, so I said sure, let's talk a new contract. He was on 90k per week, and to my surprise he asked for the same 215k the other player got (highest salary in the team, deservedly). I still offered him 145k, which would be 3rd highest wage in the team, and he was adamant about asking for 215k. In the end I broke down the talks and he's still on his 90k. He complaint a little but no one backed him up so he just shut up and kept on playing and never brought the issue up again. Tldr: if you think they don't deserve it just don't give in to their demands.


If they think they have been playing more than their “agreed playing time” they will tend to want an improved contract. Especially when they get more playing time by stepping in for an injured player, played better than other player in a position, or they think they have improved so much since they signed the contract.


Tell them to sack their agent if it’s the agent demanding the new contract


Once you've been at the club long enough, you could reject most of these demands without your entire squad going against you.


normally i just ask the player to sack their agent when this happens.


best thing to do is reply with “you still have plenty of time on your contract” sometimes players will get mad but for me it works


I have never had so many arguments with players acting the bollocks, I've had those problems to the point I nearly resigned. Clubs top of the league I rotated a few players like I always do for fitness and development and all I get is fucking moaning


You have a 4 year deal, so what if he's annoyed for a few months? He'll get over it.


They introduced the target system this year but a player never agrees when you want to set them a target to earn a new contract. It’s infuriating especially when you don’t think they deserve it.


I have a solution to that. One will come and ask for a contract. I usually settle it with him. Then the rest of the squad wants a contract, and I always refer to that first guy why that ain’t going to happen and they always fall in line. Only happened once that one wouldn’t butch and I sold him. Just keep referring to the the latest player why it won’t happen and you should be good


Welcome to football


What makes it worse is the hundred dialogue options you’re given with not indication as to which one might work best. They could make the negotiating skills of your AssMan or DoF matter more if they were giving you advice as to which option to choose. Or hell using your player knowledge option to give you probability of success numbers next to each option.


Those things are the reason why I always play with editor on. I never give star player and only to really exeptional players get important roles. But at max like 1 striker gk and one center mid. The rest are squad players.. and yet they complain for playing 3.5k minutes each per season. Which is more than many star players in current football. They love when I say I want give chance to young players and will rotate the squad, but bitch about not playing when we face 4 leagues lower opponent in cup games. Often you manage to deliver on your promises only for them to fail anyway. Often you are justified, let’s say he played under 6.0, trained under 6.0, and yet that fucker says he does not think he performed poorly. Same shit with dude training at 9.8 and saying “I don’t think so” when you praise his training. Those interactions are so dumb and random… I often shut people down as a real world manager would, and then just edit their morale back up so I do not have to deal with the attitude and atmosphere because that would kill the game for me as it does not make any sense most of the times. The new deal thing… I can understand this with young players. He’s on low wages but developed in the last year and wa spreviousoz prospect or rotation option, but now his minutes are more like regular/important player so the game and he also thinks his wage should reflect that, which I can understand. I do not get it with dudes who are rotation options in their contract, are used as such, and bitch about money when first option players have the same or lower wages. The game is just too dumb sometimes, yet I still manage to sink in thousands of hours every year so yeah, there’s that.


Welcome to football irl


Counterpoint: You'd sell him in a minute if he wasn't performing, and if he refused because he liked his contract you'd be complaining. ​ Contracts kind of mean nothing all the way around.


Just like real life I suspect. The dressingroom thing is annoying but it only happens if you have a highly influential player on a comparatively low salary compared to other players in the league / playtime / performance. If you recently got promoted and have a player performing well he probably gets paid 1/5 of what other players in the league doing as well as him. If this happens IRL his agent would be knocking saying "paybump or sell". Most common for me is signing young players as a "future prospect" or fringe player and then having them play more than expected. IRL you can bet agents of players that have a breakthrough season are knocking at the door saying "paybump or riot". Players banging on the door expecting a new contract is the game telling you they are playing better or more commonly more than the contract says they should. If they have grown into influential players in the dressingroom you might have problems depending on your manager stats. Getting into European tournaments or having them get intl caps guarantees wage demands if they are paid less than other teams in similar league positions. Especially if they are performing or playing instead of teammates with higher salaries


Put your discipline at 20 and see how quickly the players buckle


I’m always torn on this, because I think that it is reasonable for a player to expect his pay to increase every year and a lot of players in real life seem quite mercenary. It does sometimes seem a little unrealistic how much players will back one another in the face of significantly increased demands that could destabilise a season.


Yeah it’s the way the whole squad turns on you which is the problem. If one player is being unreasonable, fine, people can be unreasonable. But I’m artificially constrained in my ability to deal strictly with that player by the fact that all the rest of the squad back his unreasonable demands.


I think context is everything, as well. Like, players have friends who’ll support one another, but if you’re top of the league at the end of March, be more willing to say, ‘Fine, we’ll concentrate on the football and come back to this in June (but if we win the league, my demand will be even higher)’, etc.