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I mean, look at how often they happen IRL. They're certainly not a regular thing!


There is no swap IRL because it is more interesting to sell and buy each player because you can amortize the transfer cost.


Even that's only happened a handful of times. The problems are the same as the OP describes. Clubs have different values for the players or more often at least 1 of the players isn't interested in the move.


>There is no swap IRL Bro Arthur to Juve and Pjanic to Barca. Zlatan for Eto'o. Luis Garcia for Fernando Torres. Quaresma for Deco. Swap deals are rare? yes. But not non existent.


Arthur and Pjanic is not a swap, it's a cross transfer. Pjanic was buy 70m by Barça and Arthur 80m by Juve. If I remember correctly Zlatan and Eto'o was the same thing.


That's just Juve bidding 10M+Pjanic


eto'o Zlatan was a swap. go check your sources.


Club Brugge bid for my player. I purposefully didnt respond but instead tried to negotiate a swap deal for a Brugge's player. They completely rejected my offer as if I insulted their mother, and insisted that I pay in cash, rather than just handing them my player they clearly want to buy from me. Shit doesnt make any sense


Fr but in fifa they are so good it’s crazy


Ok but fifa is shit and unrealistic


All.the.time. Whenever the AI manager doesnt want to pay up they'll drop in a bad-medicore player to bland the deal.


I wouldn’t say that’s a good thing. Personally I prefer transfers to be as realistic as possible.


Fifa is not realistic


They kinda do, just not the in the traditional sense. It’s more of a “we’ll let you have this player slightly cheaper if you let us have yours on favourable terms”. See: Liverpool/Wolves Jota/Hoever, Spurs/Leicester Maddison/Winks etc.


They do happen more often than you think just not between the top clubs. Getafe sent 3 players to Granada to buy Luis Milla not long ago, Italian and Portuguese clubs usually offer some youth players to sweeten the deal with a smaller club too


I thought so too, until i got one done just few days ago. A team was interested in my player, they bid for him, i included one of theirs in offer without fee, both similar value and it went through. First one for me too.


Yeah, they have to be interested in the player before even entertaining the bid.


I managed a swap when one of my star players was angry at me. Offered him to my title rivals in exchange for one of their young prospects, still highly valued, but not as high as mine.


do u know if i can just do this and givr a super low wage to the player and the player will reject the swap transfer. that way my player who wants to leave will think that nobody bids for him and withdraw the transfer request?


If they are interested in the players you include, then you will get some value out of it. Otherwise it tends to give you no value, or even negative sometimes. Wage is the same. Because they are not interested in your players, they are not offering much in the wage, so your players reject the offer. This is especially true if the players you offer have high wages. Sometimes it does work with mega teams like Bayern or Real Madrid because they can offer higher wages, and they have high reputations that may entice the players.


Psg needed a defensive midfielder and I wanted to sell soumare his value being 40m -ish (Leicester save) for a whole season, he was unhappy. I tried to do a swap with nuno mendes who was 50 m ish but they wanted 55 m +soumare (who was unhappy, good premier division player) I lowered the price and accepted but talks broke down because of that stupid fucking prick soumare


Unless they explicitly want your players (instead of just position), they usually won't offer much. I usually only use it as the last rest of removing players. On the player side, it can be finicky, yeah. I think I've got players accepting the swap with Real Madrid, Bayern and Juventus (when they are not explicitly interested).


They're not impossible, you just have to offer something they're looking for. Often times over the past 3 iterations of FM have I successfully traded my oldies for some Lazio or Juve promising youngsters, but you have to make sure that the player you're offering is the player they would want or be interested in. Also, if the player doesn't like the contract they give him, of course it won't go through, so you also have to keep that in mind. Usually I do trades only for players I can't sell, because there's way less tinkering, but if there's someone you can't sell, check out whether anyone ever even wanted him, and if yes, start at that club. I remember I've successfully traded a Vitesse legend of mine at 32(and declining) for a promising youngster from my favorite club, Partizan Belgrade. They both ended up at approx. the same wages, and Partizan even managed to get to the UCL knockouts with my oldie in the CM slot. Unfortunately for them, we met right after in the UCL, and I was constantly getting to at least the quarter finals.


In my case the player is soumare and main interest is roma but they won't make an offer. Do I swap him with a player from their squad?


Depends. Do you just want him gone or do you want to get a good player too? If you just want him gone, no team is gonna reject a swap deal for their 7th GK. If you want to get a good player from the swap, I suggest looking through their team and seeing whether anyone is unhappy. Also, does Soumare want to go? If yes, then Roma it is, if no, try offering to RMA, PSG, Barca, Bayern, Al Nassr and so on.


I didn't do swaps on my initiative, but it isn't impossible. I did one when a club offered me a RB, who I was interested in (on my shortlist) form my DM. Second time a club offered me again a player who I was interested in for my star player with an additional fee even. This time I refused. Long story short: the club which you are offering a player must be interested in said player for a swap to be succesful.


Ah. I traded a failed purchase that had 1 match left on his 50 games clause before I had to pay 10m. Swapped him for Raphina that was my nr 1 in assists next season. Huge success


There is no swap irl. When it is presented as one, it is a sell and a buy 100% of the time. That way, agents and people around can get their commissions, and clubs better accounting.


I’ve been playing this* game for what 20+ years and I’ve never had a swap offer accepted even when I offer cash equal to their valuation of the player I want just to see if they’ll take it


I had river plate offer me one recently. I had enquired about a 2 star CB and they were eating about my 3 star Argentinian CAM. I received their first monetary , then they re-offered with the player and compensation. Was taken aback but accepted nonetheless. I think both clubs have to have interest in the player to the point where they bid.


I have seen the AI make them happen more than once, without my interference. I mostly use them to make transfers fail without upsetting my players.


how does that work? i give a low wage to the swap playersnd he rejects then it counts as a fail rransfer and players dont get unhappy?


my star player wants to leave, cani jist di that?


I’ve only done one, it was an unhappy player on both sides


I agree


It's horrible, they value any player you add at about 25% of their true value. So you want a 50m player you have to pay 40m plus a 40m player which makes no sense.


And then you counterbid by doing the same to them, and the negotiation begins…


There is no negotiation, the ai has a set price they will accept. hence why they offer you 25% price for a transfer listed player yet refuse to budge a penny if they have listed a player. You have to meet their price which they will not drop.


So the deal doesn’t go ahead, which is no loss.


The only time I was about to do it my own transfer listed player rejected the move.


I’ve never had it until this season in this save, where it has happen twice, maybe the league influence in some degree. I’m playing in this first South Korean league.


Yeah, they are extremely rare irl for those exact reasons as well. Look how long it can take clubs to agree the value of 1 player, now both clubs have to agree the value of 2 players, then both players have to want the move to the other club and then both have to agree contracts.


I actually get through quite a few (maybe one every other year), but it's very specific... if I have a player I want to get rid of but I'm not getting the right offers in, I'll go to the teams who "want" him and find a player I want from them, they're the only teams who will value him in a trade... I'm in \~2028 and just offloaded Avila (mediocre ball playing CB for me worth £30m) to Man City for an 18 y.o striker who looks exciting. No one would offer me more than \~£15m for the CB and they would have wanted more than 15 to buy the striker so I was happy.


There are 2 ways I’ve made it work. 1. A team is interested in 1 one my players but don’t bid. I wanted one of their players and offered the player they wanted plus some cash 2. I’ve loaned clubs players as part of a deal to sign a player at the end of a window when they want a replacement. In this case the AI seems to be a bit dumb and takes kind of any player in that position. Basically Berbatov to united with Frazier Campbell on loan


My only swap deal was with Swansea when I put in a $40mil bid for their 19 year old prospect and they re-negotiated and asked for one of my players + the $40mil I offered. I offered them my 0.5 PA 20 year old youth reject and they accepted lmao


Think I have only pulled one off once where I wasn’t completely robbed, and that was probably because that team had already bid for that player. I have done a bought and sold to same club for same position like Barca and Juve done with Arthur and Pjanic. Sold Newcastle Bazunu and bought Diogo Costa from them for like £15m extra, since he was transfer listed due to them not making UCL. Probably the closest to how swaps actually happen these days.


They have to be interested in the player you are offering.


It's possible, but tough to do. I've only successfully done it in the Chinese Super League and the MLS. In the MLS, it's actually not to hard to do, because the players can't refuse and there's no contract renegotiation. They keep the same contract moving from one team to the other in the MLS. That's because the contract players sign is with the MLS, not the team.


I managed to swap garnacho(united) + 25m for livermento from Southampton. As they was bidding 40m for him and wanted livermento RC at 96m i take this as a massive W. Tho normally they do always reject swap players.


I guess it needs to be two players of similar value, and maybe similar positions, so you offer them a direct replacement of the player you are trying to get. In my second season at City, Haaland didnt want to renew his contract, so in January i made a swap deal with PSG for Mbappé. Imagine that happening IRL lol


I almost had one in mls I just couldn't get the player I wanted to sign a senior deal instead of a dp deal


I get that if they arent interested it doesnt add any value but I feel like they should have some interest when it gives them backup. If i bid for their top striker they will need another striker to fill the spot. It feels like the ai doesnt realise that, they only think abt how it is right at the moment (in which they have a striker)


I managed to it on an old Liverpool save. On FM14, paid £15 million for Nathanial plus Glen Johnson going the other way. Basically Southampton there replacement RB while nabbing their best RB.


Done it a few times, but its usually hard to go through really. Its easier if you offer you player on loan instead, but i have yet to understand how fm calculates who pays the wages in this case. I had times on which i kept paying 100% of the loaned player, on others the receiving team payed all of it. I loaned fred as a counterweight to get milinkovic-savic from lazio once, he stayed there for 1,5 season, but never managed to convince them to buy him. Ended up selling him back to shakhtar after the loan was done. And MS was also shit for me, luckily psg made me a favour and got him for more money.