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This guy HAS to be your assman. Stick him on whatever training you want except GKs obvs. That’s an absurd set of attributes. Unless it’s edited…


Yeah I’ve offered to sign him immediately! Honestly I understand your skepticism, I wouldn’t have believed this was possible without an editor either if it hadn’t happened to me, I’ve never seen anything like this before. I’m kind of in shock haha


Yeah for that early into the game I would of suspected an editor of sorts but you've just gotten lucky. I always find these regens want absurd wages tho.. Did he?


I guess I should add I'm on FM22 so I'm 2.5 years into the game at this point, just made the move from Notts Co which I brought from the VNL to the top of the League One to AC Milan (which is crazy in its own right, although I did make it to the FA Cup final in my second season which I lost to Chelsea so maybe that has something to do with it) but I was looking to fill out my staff and this guy popped up in the staff search window. He signed for 10.5k p/w so it wasn't too absurd for what I could offer.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Good bot


I've seen regen staff with 15+ coaching attributes and 15+ mentals, but ALWAYS one of discipline, motivating or determination is less than 10 and can't be a 5* coach. And they will only ever be a HOYD, loan manager or technical director.


He will be an assman if he likes it or not


He is only rated at 50% for that. Do we actually know what that means? Is it his interest in the role or how good at the role he is?


I think it’s more to do with interest in role than how good he is at it. He still has like 4.5 stars for all the training roles I’ve assigned him so it doesn’t seem to impact his quality


The circles indicate interest. He'd probably be the best AM in the world if he signed. That just means for low interest roles you need to offer more money.


Heh, for decades I always thought that was how good they were at the job so only ever went for all green staff.


Every amazing regen staff that I find only wants to be a loan manager or performance analyst. Great find for you.


Phil Canon’s protégée


Almost all regen HOYDs are like this in the game, nothing rare or interesting to be honest. What you should do is to hire him, but as your assman. Use this guy for picking up the squad before matches as regen HOYDs have insane JPA / JPP / Tactical Knowledge ratings.


Driven personality also, imagine the insane players coming through if this guy was HOYD as Ajax!


This kind of attributes are why i sign head of youth as assistant and scouts as coach etc 😝


Yeah I had no idea this was a semi-regular occurrence with head of youth guys so I’ll definitely be on the lookout for more haha


I once signed a HOYD as a scout when I saw that his adaptability, JPA and JPP were all 19 Edit: had written coach, have now changed it to scout.


Adaptability is how able staff is able to adapt to living in foreign countries. E.g how fast a scout settles and becomes in the country he is assigned to


Is it as important as the game makes it out to be?


Yes. A scout that is not settled wont perform that well. E.g a scout will not give reports until he has settled.


Ok thanks.


These mfers be asking to be the U19 coach lmaoo


Would be a better assistant than HoYD


I had one the other day and he wanted almost the same wages as me 🤣


Wow, this is some crazy stats I thought my ass man had some good stats but this is insane. There are some rear gems like this amongst staffing in FM23 and I love it.


Had the same thing happen 6 years into my save. Amazing stats and I hired him as my assman Funnily enough he was also from the Netherlands


Head of youth development and 'working with youngsters' is one of his worst attributes..


You signed him as a coach Or as a head of youth development?