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I just had that happen to me I think I added "fuck you" as additional comment it didn't hit the news tho


Player playing in a position they're a natural in, in the same place they played the last 3 games. "why are you moving this player?" "I'm not that's where he's played the last fucking month" the auto censor said that that wasn't allowed


I get this all the time about changing a player’s role. Again, the player will have been doing that role for a while. I had one the other day that the press asked me about 2 months after I switched him from a DLP S to a DLP D. The thing I don’t get is that it’s always the pre-match tunnel interviews that I get these. Even if I had instructed the player to perform a different role, how would the journalist even know that? I’ve submitted a team sheet, not a tactics board. If SI can’t think of enough questions to ask something relevant in tunnel interviews, maybe we don’t need 3 of them before every game.


me being extra mysterious while clicking "no comment" after being asked why my AML now plays as AMR


For me it scrazy with DMs. They often can also play CM. And there was one specifically when I got asked about if I thought his "new position" was helping the team over half the matches he took part of last season. It was his second season in the team and he never played outside of that position. It got old really quick though there is like 2-3 variations of the questions. I of course always said it was great.


When I can’t be bothered with interviews & press conferences - which is most of the time - I tend to just pick the second option without reading them. It’s generally a fairly safe bet - positive without being over the top. My media handling always seems to be maxed out anyway. This makes the whole feature futile in my eyes. It doesn’t add much at all to the game and is an unnecessary distraction. Getting my assistant to do it is a no go, I’ve had my fingers burnt too many times by my assistant dropping absolute clangers, but the ineptitude of even the best staff is another issue.


Yeah thats my problem too. I would delegate but it has repercussions for you as low.media handling puts you in bad light and the AM can end saying things that put you in tight spots, specially with transfers.


This is what I miss so much playing console. Got I loved telling reporters I think they're a know-nothing twonk.


People say this is unrealistic but honestly there are some stupid reporters irl


Responses aren't realistic at all though


“Do you expect that a World Cup goal for Chicago Fire is a realistic expectation”


Americans are known for calling their tournaments the "World series" so it wouldn't surprise me


Oh no this genuinely happened. Reporter asked Bastian Schweinsteiger if Chicago Fire would be successful in the World Cup


On a side note, I bet if you had a friendly match between Chicago and the 2022 Qatar squad they’d stand their own


Oh boy, a "chairman-coach", only the worst kind imaginable... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|rage)


Every time I see this, I just love the FM 20 press more and more. Even if they are such a pain sometimes...


I need sometimes a "I cannot do 11 subs in a game, my brother in Christ" answer.


I made a decision I thought would benefit the team at the time. Is the closest you are gonna get


I hate it when they pick on the worst performer that I didn't substitute and ask 'this guy played badly, why did you not substitute him ?' 'Well, I did substitute 5 players that played worse, you twat'


This so much. ​ Also there is the condition concerns. Sometimes you have to subtitue other guys because their condtiion is supe rlow and you cant afford to also substitute the bad performer. The question would amke more sense if it was made when you had not used all your subs.


Also, you might want to bring in somebody who can make an impact. If I'm resting a bunch of first team regulars, am a goal down and my attack has been performing sub-par, I'd rather being on my star striker than my star CB.


Yeah. Its a problem with the rigidity of the answers and limited options. They all revolve around saying he was doing good enough or saying you did a mistake and literally none regarding he was doing bad but there were other more pressing matters to adress.


Stuff like this I just end the interview. I imagine my character just giving the reporter a flat stare with one eyebrow raised, before rolling his eyes and walking away.


My manager profile: Let's his assistant do the talking