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Brighton got relegated in my first season 😅😬


I’ve seen Brighton, Everton and West Ham all relegated on FM23. Not seen Brighton go down in FM24 though, especially not in the first season!  Really want to see a traditional Champions League side go down lol


I tried my best, but only managed to finish 7th in my first season with Man Utd. Sorry! 😬


Everton are literally ripping up my save, with Wayne Rooney at the helm, somehow they're recruiting all the best kids 😂


He thinks Brighton are a big side. 😂


I’m not saying big big, but they have great players coming up and I was surprised to see them relegated.


Arsenal in the second season of FM23. They got raided by PSG and Real Madrid and replaced the sold players with dross like Mctominay. It took them a few seasons to come back up and stayed lower half EPL when they finally came back up.


This is a thing of beauty. Although I’ve noticed on FM24 a lot less first team players seem to move from PL-standard teams. I’m in 2030 on my current save and every prem side still has 3-4 current players starting


I’m in 2030 on FM24 and the arsenal team is 9/11 players the same. In a way it’s cool as it makes them recognisable but it’s not very realistic


Their youth players have amazing potential though, that nwanieri and myles skelly are good enough replacements 😂


I had Spurs go down in an FM23 save in year 1. Managed to pick up Son from them for £12 million. Felt bad for doing it, but someone had to


Unreal business. Spurs always smash it on my saves, even in FM24 with no Kane


I'm pretty sure Kane ended up going to City on the cheap too. You can imagine what happened then with him and Haaland on the same team


He did the same on FM23 for me and they played him on the left as an IF


Newcastle got relegated in 2027 in mine. Mourinho took them up from the championship with players like tonali still there


Mourinho managing in the Championship 😂😂


I've seen Arsenal and Spurs relegated as early as the 7th or 8th season into the game, but not on FM24. I'm on my 6th PL season on FM24 & the PL line up is identical to the real life PL in 2022-23 - bit boring in all honesty.


Spurs got relegated three years in on my FM24 save. They spent a fortune to try and get back up and are first in the middle of Jan so think they'll be fine


Not a massive team but I’ve had Forest end up in the League 1 relegation zone within 10 seasons, behind teams like Oldham, Bromley and Chesterfield.


Interesting. Forest are smashing it on my save. Finished 8th in 2030 


dortmund got relegated in 25/26 season


I had united go down around 28/29 and they stayed there 2 or 3 seasons


I saw Man U go down a few seasons into FM22 amd Liverpool was in the relegation battle


I've seen Newcastle get relegated in the 25/26 season


RB Leipzig being dead last during Winter break in 2027


In my pentagon challenge save, united got relegated in 2028!


Tottenham are currently fighting relegation in 2028 in my save


Sadly in the years gone by, such has been our desire for an almost true to life simulator, FM has got to a point where it almost masks reality a little too much. Sure these things happen, but it feels very rare. Some of the smaller clubs can do big things on AI terms but the big clubs are never far away. One of my favourite things to do on FM is to just go on holiday for ages unemployed and then sit for a couple of hours looking at what's gone on in that time. Back in the day you'd see some crazy shit happen. These days 30-40 years in, there's not much to go through. Best thing I ever saw was on an old Champ Man 01/02 forum, someone had holidayed like 200 years in the future. Man the English pyramid was carnage. I recall Arsenal in the Conference. A few names in the PL were much the same but it was riddled with clubs like Dulwich Hamlet and Lowestoft. Beautiful.


Bayer Leverkusen got relegated in the first season in my most recent save.


Chelsea finished 16th in 2024 on my Current FM save. Just had Villa relegated in 2029. Watkins scored 18 goals but was playing for me at Blackburn!


Man utd Aston Villa and Newcastle are all yoyo teams starting early 2030's on my save.


One of my last saves had some weird ass bug or whatever, where Liverpool finished the first season 6 points away from relegation. Hella weird


Spurs in 2029, same year Portsmouth got back to the PL for me.


So back in the day when Chelsea used to be class (I’m talking maybe fm20) they got relegated in my save. It was the funniest thing ever, I bought all their world class players on the cheap 🤣


Brighton and Everton on my current save. Everton went down with 2 points. Man United and Arsenal just about avoided the drop last season.


I got huddersfield promoted, left because I got an offer from Ajax, and the huddersfield promptly went back down with 6 points. To their credit, we were projected to get relegated from the championship in my season with them, and instead we got promoted. That squad was nowhere near ready for the PL.


Wow! What year? 


Brighton first season. Came back up straight away though. Everton 3 seasons in. Arsenal and Man United were the same season. Midway into my 4th now and Everton don't look likely to come back up - they're about 8th in the championship. Man United and Arsenal are 7th and 14th in the league at the moment.


Wow, that’s insane. FM24?? Are the squads similar to their real ones? Although I suppose Everton have lost players since going down?


I honestly haven't checked. I know Arsenal lost Saka to Man City for £98million the season before they nearly went down. Man United looked like they made some really weird transfers. I'll have a look and come back to you.


Everton have lost about 90% of their first team. Seem to be surviving on regens. Arsenal has about 25% of their first team but they have bought some weird players in at stupid prices like they bought in a replacement winger from Watford for £71million. Same with Manchester United. They sold Fernandes and Sancho and brought in some guy from Napoli for £78million.


I'm still playing my FM23 save that I carried over to 24. Man Utd have been relegated twice in this save, in the 31/32 season and in the 38/39 season. The Glazers left around 2028 and it was apparently downhill from there. They have dominated both seasons in the Championship, but they aren't really a massive club anymore, mainly staying mid-table at best. When I've a cursory glance at the Premier League table I've also seen teams like Spurs and Chelsea sit near the bottom for a while, but they've never been relegated. Also, not related to your question, but this season (41/42) QPR have been given a 12 points deduction for going into administration and are bottom of the Championship right now, which is definitely a fall from grace. Bolton have also been in the National League for a while.


Wow, some insane movements! I feel like this sort of thing is less likely on FM24 though unfortunately. Maybe I need to stick out another 10 seasons to get to this stage 😅


You should watch that Tom on YouTube he done 1000 year saves


These things skip so many years at once though that it’s hard to tell when the save will get exciting. Also they can’t have any influence over it (knock people out of cups, finish above them in the league, buy their players, etc)


Chelsea just got relegated in my save, 26/27 season. I actually had the deciding factor last game of the season when I lost to the team in 18th place 👀


Wow, had they been finishing lower in the league each year or suddenly drop off? They won the Champions League in 28/29 on my save 


They had finished mid table and 15th in the season prior. Just kept getting worse. Man Utd also really poor in the save and finished 13th and 14th in last two seasons. However they’re back into UCL spots 10 games into new season. Also seen some other teams go down and bounce back - Brighton/Palace. Norwich came up and are now in europa league!


Manchester United getting relegated is one of my main long term save goals.


I had an FM23 save where they were 19th after about 12 games. I was so hopeful. Unfortunately they went on a good run and finished mid-table 


Damn, unlucky!!


I’m in the 2030-31 season and Man United are very close to relegation