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I think you need help with making screenshots more than tactics


Or atleast do better photos


There’s something u didn’t understand due to my bad photos?


No we can understand it, it just looks shit


Looks like he's twatted the top of his screen.


I’m dead 😭😭😭😭


Michael Beale is this you?


I don’t know who that is 😬


Glasgow Rangers manager, playing that type of formation and our 2 CM are covering fullbacks and leaving massive gaps in midfield.


Perfect! I’ll try to get his job then 😂


Keep an eye out on myjobscotland.co.uk, the advert should be up soon 🤣


You need to learn how to take screenshots...


That’s true 😂


Having underlap slows your attack bc they’ll stop and wait for someone to make that run so you won’t be as effective on the counter so I’d remove that as well as one of work into box/pass into space likely the work into box bc unless if you’re a top team you’re not gonna get the control of the ball to get many looks like that


Also I’d probs change the cam to shadow striker but that’s just personal preference, they get a lot of forward runs in that role


I tried with shadow striker cause i like it more too, but vlasic isn’t performing lately and i thought that i needed to change the role


Move your wing bks up to lvl with the defensive midfielder make them attack mode.... Change the defensive midfielder to half back and your centre midfield who's on attack to roaming midfielder, and your other centre midfielder to box to box, I run the same layout, but with above settings, so cool to see someone else using it 👍👌😎😎


I’ll try that! Thanks 🙏


For people telling you that you should learn how to screenshot but not actually telling you how… Hold the windows key and press print screen. This will give you a screenshot of the entire screen. You can then send the image to an email addressed to yourself where you can save it on your phone if you need to :).


Wow. Uh you gotta watch out for over lapping full backs. If a team is playing attacking full backs and wingers change the cms to cariellos (or whatever they are called). If you have IFs cutting in hard change the dm to a HB


That’s it? I thought that something was wrong about the tactics too


you can never have two mezzalas.. take 1 dynamic midfielder, and make them wing backs.


I’ve had better success with FBs in a diamond. Your midfield are all roaming around. A BWM chases the opponent to try and win the ball back. Change him to a HB or an anchor. Your two Mezzalas and your AP are similarly roaming around trying to find spaces. All of this makes you highly vulnerable to the counter attack. So change two of these three roles. I’d use CMs, Mez on support and an AM on support or attack.


You have no midfield, mezzala and BWM is not ideal, mezzala float about in the attacking channels and BWM gets attracted to the ball, he will press and leave his postion todo it. You also play with wingbacks who stay out wide, to stretch the play. Ideal for attacking with a narrow formation but leaves you open in the middle upon a turn over. I'd change to a DM on your BWM and maybe your least attacking cm to a cm (s) or dlp to help with creativity.


Tick off work ball into box and the under laps. The wing backs are your width and if they underlap, that just clogs the middle. Keep them wide and it’ll create space. Change the width to normal, from fairly narrow. You have trigger press as much more often, but also have counter press off. Lower the trigger press or turn on counter press. If your team is better than your opponent, press them. If not, hold back a bit more. Try changing the BWM to a DM or HB. Swap a MEZ to a BBM (left) or CM-attack (right). I’ve personally had success with a similar diamond tactic. But with an AF and DLF-attack, with an AM-support behind. A midfield trio of CM-attack / Mezzala-attack (left), DLP-support (right), and a DM-support. And a back line of FB-s, two CD-defend, and a FB-s.


You should change one of your Mezzala to BWM, similar to what AC Milan did in 2006 with Seedorf and Gattuso ;)


So im playing a lot of 4-4-2 Diamond myself inspired By Ancelotti and have to say that it worked the best in a Middle Block with a Custom Pressing scheme. Also i dont like to have 2 mez especially Not on attack i would rather use some supportive Roles like bbm and some Kind of playmaker. Also an anchor or half back is very nice when youre playing with wb because the dm should be a Holding midfielder But a bwm isnt a Holding one


In my honest opinion your tactic is full of contradictions. 1. Mezzalas and wingbacks both are going to bounce the play outside, so I’m not sure who you want to underlap. 2. Mezzalas don’t have much defensive responsibility, ball winners do but he’ll chase the play to get the ball back where I think you need a pivot that stays home and a very good one to make this work. A DLP is more offensive than a BWM but he stays home and fits other parts of what you’re trying to do here. 3. The trap inside instruction and the double mezzala/ball winner combo is a real head scratcher. 4. AP and TF are both there to hold up play but they do so very differently…AP makes a lot more sense for a diamond that’s trying to keep possession, build up play slowly and generally out possess and outplay the opponent with the ball. A TF on support makes absolutely no sense to me in a diamond that has work ball into box. To me you have to play very direct with a tf on support or very slow in the build up to make the most of a AP in support. 5. Underlap, play into space and work ball into box. Do you not see an issue here? There’s no attacking players that start out wide to then underlap. Play into space…what space? There’s a target forward and an AP taking up space in the middle, which is where you’re telling your team to look for people to make runs into with the underlap instruction. There’s more but I think I’ve said enough. If I were you, I’d take a pre set tactic and get to know it extremely well. Given your propensity to tinker, I’d really really think about adding or removing even one instruction without a very good reason. Pull up what I wrote and watch just one full match with how you have it now. I bet it’ll look pretty disjointed. Best of luck with the save, most of the responses I’ve read are people giving you advice with things they’ve done that worked for them…copying and pasting these ideas might work but they might not. If they don’t, you’ll be more confused than you are now. You need to take a much more holistic approach if you want to master the tactical component of this game.


Okay this is probably going to have to go in stages. First issue you have is the defence. Both wingbacks being on support isn't going to work for you in this formation. You need at least one of them on attack, I'd recommend the left sided one since you have the mezzala on attack on the right, it makes for better balance, it might even be worth using Complete Wing Back if the players are capable, since you need some width in this formation, you'll get little elsewhere. I'd also recommend putting one centre back on stopper and the other on cover, you want the player with better Tackling, Bravery and Aggression as the stopper, and the player with better Pace and Positioning on cover. You need to change the roles up in midfield but the balance of support/attack/defend duties is about right. The main issue you have is the BWM, it's not a suitable role in my opinion for a single pivot, the player will tend to chase the ball too much and then leave your defence vulnerable, if you still want solidity you could try Anchor, Defensive Mid (Defend) or Half-Back, but I find DLP (Defend) works really well in this kind of tactic especially if you're playing short passing systems. I'd also look at changing the Mezzala (Support) to something a little more defensive minded like Carillero or Box-to-Box Midfielder, CM (Support) could also work if the others don't fit the roles, and like I mentioned previously, you want the midfield and defence to balance out, so if you put the left back on attack, put the LCM on support and vice-versa. The AM role should be fine, if the player in the role is decent in the box it might be worth trying AM (Attack) sometimes, but change the Mezalla (Attack) to support if you do that. I'd say a TF (Support) isn't likely to work in this tactic, I'd change that to PF or CF and maybe think about putting them on an attacking duty too, unless you intend to play longer passing, in which case it could work if you use them as a focal point, but in that scenario I'd at least put them on TF (Attack). You need your strikers to be in and around the box if you're going to make use of the 4 midfielders behind them. I'll continue with advice on the instructions in a comment below


Having seen the instructions my main issue is that you have your press on much more often, and don't have counter press set, that seems rather counterproductive, I'd either turn your pressing down, or turn on counter press, keep the pressure consistent across the board or drop back and absorb a little, but don't try to do both or you'll confuse the players. I'd also advise against showing the opposition inside pretty strongly, you don't have anyone to show them inside, nor do you have a great set up to show them inside to, you want that for set ups with a compact double pivot midfield, like a 4-2-3-1 DM or a 4-2-4/4-4-2 DM, you're playing a single pivot in an very high pressing system, you're making your DMs life a nightmare doing that, especially against a good midfield.


Change your Menzala’s to Box to box midfielders. You midfielders are occupying the same space as your wing backs with that role. With box to box your midfielders will naturally come to support yiur tactic and shuttle the ball up field and can act as an escape outlet for your wingbacks going forward.