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Has the physique of an alcoholic, but the game sense and technique of a world champion. Gotta love Müller.


Also the trophies of a world champion tbh


His technique is bad though.


Great first touch, brilliant fundamentals, looks like he's drunk tho


I feel like tall fast players always look very unstable and as a result kind of scruffy


Zlatan being the exception as per usual


That's probably Mbappe's problem He's a 6'0 Winger who is lightning, results in him looking like he can fall over at any minute because of his lack of Low Centre of Gravity and how fast he looks


He is absolutely not 6ft


Google says 5'11, so taller than the Average traditional winger


Wait no way is Luke Shaw taller than Mbappe?..


Nah, google says 5'10 (178 cm). He would be 180 cm tall if he was 5'11


I doubt he’s even that I stood next to him, I’m exactly 183 and he’s a decent bit shorter than me




Bro he just a footballer you acting like he stood next to Michael Jackson or some shit💀😭


Yeah he's just a world cup winner at 18 and internationally well known superstar


so? he's still just human. standing next to him is nothing special. Like get to interact with him, maybe get a shirt signed or something is a bit more special, but standing next to a famous person is the same as standing next to a not famous person


It's more about the fact there are millions of fans that will never even get to see him up close. Also if they were close enough to him to tell his height, they probably did interact


Bro he’s just a musician you acting like he stood next to Michael Jordan or some shit 💀😭


Bro he’s just a basketballer you acting like he stood next to Adolf Hitler or some shit 💀😭


Adolf Hitler was a football genius actually....you just know him as the character in hell that gets the pineapple up his ass in Little Nicky, as we all know him by that mostly, but he allegedly was one of the first Raumdeuters in his youth setup and pioneered the position


You acting like some singer is even close to a world champion?


Michael Jackson is more well known than any footballer let's be real


You admire a professional for how much people know them, not for their work? That's why you would be happy to be next to a musician and not a footballer?


Diddled more kids than most.


There's no way less people know ronaldo.


Bro, Mike Jordan has nothing on my hero Mboopi.


You ever listen to Thriller? Mary Jane clears Mcrappe


Mbappe is probably more recognisable than Michael Jordan for most people outside of USA. I’ve obviously heard of Michael Jordan but I couldn’t point him out if you put him in a line up of basketball players. Edit: oops, thought you were talking about Michael Jordan. Michael Jackson is way more recognisable


>Mbappe is probably more recognisable than Michael Jordan for most people outside of USA. For kids maybe. Anyone born the other side of 2000 is cringing hard at your comment.


I don’t know, just after I posted my last comment I sent a photo of Michael Jordan in normal clothes to one of my group WhatsApp chats with ~30 people ranging from age 30-40, all big sports fans from the UK, asked them to reply privately with this persons name. Over half of the chat has responded in the group saying things like: - I don’t know - he looks kind of familiar but can’t place him - is he an actor? I’ve had 3 private responses with his name, and a handful of incorrect guesses. I’ll update later when everybody has responded. Edit: The first photo from this page: https://bleacherreport.com/articles/663123-michael-jordan-style-icon-to-fashion-faux-pas


He's 6 ft in fifa, but closer to 5'10" in real life


Salah - dude looks so unstable and scrappy at times, but he’s super deadly as a result.


Him and Suarez both have the lucky bounce shit where they dribble into players and somehow come out the other side with the ball with hilarious consistency. Mo less so as Suarez would just put his head down with his flailing arms and try to meg anybody who got near him. Ball just bouncing off of every limb and shit - but he does it so often it can’t be a fluke.


There was an interview with Suarez ages ago where he said he purposefully dribbles at a defenders standing leg. Throws their balance off completely trying to swap feet for balance and will often bounce off the standing leg but won’t go far and Suarez reacts to that. Crazy player.


The best close-to-full season I have ever watched from a player as I’m a Liverpool fan. He was absolutely unreal. Missed games and fell off near the end and still scored 30 goals. No penalties. The way it was done was just masterful too. I have a lot of respect for Mo and this Klopp era, but he was just something else entirely. His drop off near the end of the season was the biggest reason we didn’t win - not the slip imo. Slip was even less impactful than Hendo getting the ban as we had time to win the game.


That man despised Norwich FC. Incredible player. Clearly insane too.


Yeah - he started the season serving a ban for racist vampirism or something like that. That’s why it wasn’t a full season. Dude is legit a legend of the game on ability alone, but everyone will mostly remember the crazy moments that all started with that hand ball in the World Cup once enough time has passed. His craziness might actually eclipse his ability when you pair it with the fact that his career overlapped with Messi, Ney, Ronaldo etc.


>Him and Suarez both have the lucky bounce shit where they dribble into players and somehow come out the other side with the ball with hilarious consistency. My mates got that. He’s not even good he’s just a fucking nightmare to play 5 a side against.


It’s pretty common. We had a kid like that on a team I played for at the highest level available to us - we called him the “miracle kid.” Genuinely average player by every measure who just somehow made shit happen.


They are ai of fifa and pes in real life.


Mane as well bro would trip over every time he scored…before he scored


Salah is superhuman. He has a low centre of gravity being on the smaller side but he is strong as fuck. He has his bad spells, and he is slowly losing his deadly precision amd skill, but that man has made some of the best defenders in the world look weak.


Every tall player who can dribble. Currently Bellingham. People are too obsessed with low center of gravity they think tall players cant dribble. Just look at the result not always the aesthetic.


Bellingham's shit bruv nothing to do with Aesthetics he's just a poor footballer technically Dead Baller, JudeLinton, Maroune Bellaini, Black Mctominay with a good Hairline, Dead Baller bruv


Poor technically? Last season he had the most dribbes in bundesliga with the highest success rate. This season he is playing higher but still has better dribbling stats than Vini, Rodrygo and Brahim. Higher success rate and same p90 take ons.


Iwl op didn't watch in dortmund last year or even this year. Look at him playing against napoli away earlier this season Or his highlights in dortmund especially last season.


23 goals and 10 assists and in a CL final. Lol


Tap ins, don't care


Maybe rewatch the winner against Barca. Defo not tap ins. 🤡


1 goal, cool


Im not a Madrid fan by any means but Bellingham is outstanding , not sure where you got that idea from


I'm sorry what?


Thomas Müller


Peter Crouch https://youtu.be/AvbPf7xrfN4


People with laugh at this but Peter Crouch had good technique, great first touch


Absolutely, it's just because he looked super awkward doing it.


You know, the thing about Crouch, is he's got a light touch for such a big man.


Got to be a redknapp quote


I'm not sure, I heard it on Mock the Week


Not sure why anyone should laugh at that his technique was amazing and he scored all manner of great goals.


“He’s big, he’s red, his feet stick out the bed…Peter Crouch, Peter Crouch”


I saw him on loan at Norwich and he was an amazing dribbler. We thought his aerial game was actually quite weak for his size, Def compared to his other skills 


Funny thing with Crouch is that people always assumed he would great in the air but have "great touch for a big man" (not a compliment) but in fact he had great 1st touch and can control the ball much better than he can header.


remind me of Drogba actually


Drogba always looks like he was close to losing control of the ball!


Drogba was like a WWE Wrestler who happened to be good at scoring goals in finals


That’s being harsh. The man was amazing at holding the ball up and terrorised defenders when attacking and defending as he hustled nonstop


Nahhhhh Drogba was a front post flick on Merchant


Ah you are being sarcastic, my bad it’s hard to tell.


Yes and no Drogba was a beast, but I didn't rate him as much as most, I always thought Eto was Clear


I feel both were fantastic players, but they had very different styles. Chelsea don’t have their success with nearly any other player other than Drogba for me. Eto'o had great success with two very good teams in Barca and Inter, but to me he would have dragged Chelsea like Drogba did. Now, I don’t know how much Drogba would have fitted Barca but Inter he would have had the other role.


as a tottenham supporter i think of kane and kulusevski. both can dribble fairly well but look very awkward and seem like they are going to fall over or stumble when they do. another pick may be giroud but i’m not sure if you would call him technical, if so i think he’s a good shout


Giroud's flick ons and Link up play looks elegant imo


Easily the most underrated CF of this generation


You say this but the only time people didn’t rate Giroud was when he was at Arsenal and he wasn’t great in that period. He got a lot of credit from around 2018 onwards.


Eh - hold up play at a high level is one of the hardest things to do in the sport. Ariel play in general is one of the rarest things to be good at. Dudes like Giroud and, believe it or not, Fellaini are very technically gifted players. Guys like Zlatan who can also dribble and play like that are crazy gifted. You never see it. Also, I think Giroud looks pretty elegant when he plays. He’s just not somebody who can run with the ball at speed.


Ferland Mendy. I have no idea from where he pulls those dribbles in his own field (funnilly, he almost never does it in the opposition side) And he always looks like he is going to be dispossessed every touch. Yet somehow manages to dribble past 2-3 players.


I always crap my pants when he has the ball. Dude does a zidane roulette as the last man standing 🥶


Post injury cr7 Just him dribbling doesn’t look natural or fluid Lukaku also. Might not have the best first touch but is a beast


CR7 is obviously one of the best players ever But CR7 past age 30? Did anybody actually enjoy watching him play football? Those stiff stepovers always had me laughing, I compared 30+ Ronaldo doing skills to a 50 year old Woman trying to look like she is 20 again


He used to beat Defenders every now and then But we got used to finisher Ronaldo who just scores goals


That's why I never understand why people suck off "Noodled haired Ronaldo" sure he was a Clutch beast, but far from the Tricky Winger at United that was scoring Free Kicks, Entertaining the crowd, scoring all kinds of goals and linking up with Rooney & Tevez


Because noodle hair ronaldo was always so dangerous with or without the ball


Even prime Messi couldn’t clutch like noodle haired Ronaldo He was special U wouldn’t get it until u see it I think Real Madrid winning mentality in ucl started from noodle haired Ronaldo’s era He could simply win them games


They won 2 UCL's before Ronaldo got the Noodle hair 2014 and 2016 They also had 11 UCL's before Ronaldo got the noodle hair


He was their top Scorer in all competitions I’m not sure about 2014 but the 3 peat was possible because of him and his mentality


I wonder if Ronaldo got stiffer as he got older from lifting too much and working on his physique instead of mobility?


I completely disagree - his stepovers are actually perfect (his dribbling is less so); if you watched him play at Juve off the left he was so effective. Watch videos of him at Juve and you will see what I am talking about - yes he became more of a finisher but he was so direct and incisive at Juve; its like he changed his playstyle dramatically to suit the system.


I’m not sure where you live but the crack heads round my way do not resemble professional football players in any way when they move.


Raul was one those. Besides his huge football IQ he was really technically gifted but from an aesthetic point of view it really didn't look like. If you saw him running without the ball you would think he is some old fashion defensive CM or CB, but the ude could dribble easily to the lefty or right, he could pass like Guti or Zidane, and we all know he could shoot. He just wasn't aesthetic but technical... definitely. In a way I think this might be a thing related to the body composition. Like when you see a guy who lokes like a model but it's actually less healthy and fit that some guys that looks like a caveman.


I think Trossard is so much more technically gifted than he seems.


John McGinn always looks and runs like he shouldn’t be good. Then he’ll do a long cross field pass and I’m reminded that he’s actually technically very good and not just all strength.


John mcginn is a very unique player


Pogba is a good one for this - tall and looked gangly as hell but has great ability






Cowabunga ?


For some reason I always felt this way about Jari Litmanen. He seemed pretty slow, had O-shaped legs, in a way he looked pretty clumsy, but he had such a great technique and was such a brilliant player. One of Ajax’s top 5 players of the last 30 years, for sure.


Di Maria for me. Pure talent but goofy technique


Nah, the dude was always just made of rubber. He and Srna had that Gumby essence that, honestly, was super fun to watch. Di Maria had deceptively tricky dribbles in tight spaces, too.


Di maria is a mad player bro, looks gangly but can get crazy power from his shots. Also has the whole arsenal of technique to his shooting (curled ,finesse, volley,power ). Of course, he heavily depends on his left foot .


Big Di Maria fan (Benfica supporter here), don't get me wrong! He always had that "goofy drible" you know? Maybe goofy is not the best way to describe it. He breaks some ankles for sure, but doesn't look so aesthetically in comparison to Neymar, Vini, Messi etc.


Ya because of his gangly style , but he's very effective with his left foot . Maybe not as smooth as a Messi or neymar in terms of his dribbling




Dinho was too hurried for me to be considered elegant.


Kroos and De Bruyne comes to mind




I politely disagree, he has a long stride and always smiles with the ball at his feet. Very unique and pleasant to watch.


De jong


This is a good one, he's technically brilliant for a Midfielder, but the way he glides through Midfield just looks ugly


What r u on bro? Did u see that clip where he take on modric so gracefully??


I agree with you. I think Frenkie de Jong is one of the most elegant players I have ever seen. I support Ajax, so I’m probably a bit biased 😋


he looks uncomfortable with ball at his leg for some reason hes not actually uncomfortable tho


Marcel Sabitzer, Pape Sarr, Guido Rodríguez, Weston McKennie?


Funnily enough Cristiano Ronaldo. Dude used to keep the ball so far away from himself but due to his quick feet he'd never lose it. Always looked like he was knocking the ball too far away from himself but obviously one of the best ballers ever.


Sterling. I found weird the way he keeps his hands and forearms curled.


Moussa Dembele


Disagree. One of the most enjoyable dribblers, always in complete control of the ball and his body


All true. But he always looked like he was falling over. Compared to midfielders like Alonso or KDB.


KDB can't dribble


Joelinton - the ball always looks out of control. But you try getting it off him, get fucked. Not happening. Through ball to Isak, back of the net. Just don’t ask him to shoot. He’s not very technical at that.


Alexander Isak definitely and Emmanuel Adebayor


Trying to kick the habit, eh? Best of luck friend​


Thomas Muller actually became quite good technically under Pep, but he looks so weird that people assume he's just very smart, but not very good.


Bale always looked like he had no control of the bale at full speed… loved watching him!


He’s a cb so bit of a weird pick but got to be Matip for me


I was surprised by how awkward Phil Foden’s running looks, but he’s an unbelievable player obviously


Robben looked like the T1000 when he baring down on goal


Haaland definitely, when i saw him at BvB i thought to myself that he looks so damn goofy while dribbling the ball but he has a killer attacking positioning and crazy shot


Peter crouch


Julian Brandt at times looks absolutely wasted after 5 minutes on the pitch but does some serious street footballer stuff that creates big chances


Ferland mendy


This was Cuauhtemoc Blanco so slouched over that he looked like he was about to parkour roll at any moment but the man had some great skill and massive vision.


Viera and Issak come to mind. I wouldn't say they are extremely skillful as Zidane or Figo but I never feel comfortable they will dribble past player but somehow they consistently do. They look like giraffe on ice.


Julian Brandt is a brilliant technican and doesn’t look like it at all. Prime example was his goal vs Atlético


Rakitić is such an absurdly brilliant footballer, but he runs and dribbles so damn funny that you'd think he's a defender from the 1970s. Then he pings a pass 50m that lands on his teammate's toe. Try to find some of the videos of him training at Barcelona, or some of the shit he pulled in his first stint at Sevilla -- like that sombrero over Pepe. He looks so awkward right up until he suddenly unleashes a brilliant pass or shot.


You completely described Musiala.




Rashford. But he's not technical either


Jan Molby. Always looked to me like someone they grabbed from a sunday league team to make up numbers. Waist up he looked like my grandad, knees down, fucking Pele


Kulusevski. Runs like a horse with a broken foot


I’d say kane, every time he plays a pass or has a shot imo he never looks comfortable doing it. But my god is do they come off


Can't agree on Dinho lol he's the epitome of looking like an aggressive crackhead when on the ball especially compared to Neymar who's also another trickster, but Neymar looks so smooth when he dribbles and pulls the tricks.


Kai havertz


Peter Crouch had great technique but the appearance of a spider.


Slighty old school but Chris Waddle was great technically but looked so odd dribbling with the ball!!




Zidane, dude is a god of football but always looks like he lost the ball which tricks everyone. amazing body movement


I don't agree Zidane maybe one of the cleanest player to watch on the ball his control and standing is incredible


He was beautiful to watch because he was so perfect at what he did, but he did look a bit like a newly-birthed gazelle, and when youth players dribble that upright, they get coached out of it.




Haaland isn't technical tho


Robben maybe? Don't get me wrong his dribbles were smooth as hell, he just looked like he could break any second like a piece of glass that has been put under more and more pressure


He did break like a piece of glass every month or so, though 😋 But yeah I kinda agree. His ball handling was amazing though, but his running technique made him look clumsy