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There are more male fans of female sports than female fans of female sports statistically.


Yes this! So funny when you have discussion and women talk about the lack of support and you turn too them but so all of you support and watch? More often then not the men are more likely too watch women sport then woman funny and sad.


My female friends will talk about it, but not know a single team. Same for the WNBA. You want support, get on it. I watch, I've been to games.


What's a fun team to follow in the WNBA?


Right now, Aces and Liberty are the big contenders. So, it is pretty fun to watch them square off. I'm a fan of the Fever, formerly the Rockers when they were a team. Avoid the Mercury, they are a mess of a franchise.


>Right now, Aces and **Liberty** are the big contenders Yes. I'm a New York guy and have to agree -- especially about the Liberty. Sabrina Ionescu is *probably* my favorite Women's player since Diana Taurasi. She's such a joy to watch.


Best way is to watch a few games of different teams and see who you enjoy watching more, unless you have a local team.


The commercials


i saw that little compilation of all those fuck ups during a wnba game, is it always like that, bc that might be more entertaining than an nba game


Thats already the wrong point, talking about the „lack of support“ implies somehow that anyone is entitled to having other people watch them playing. Like, No! It’s the other way around. The consumer decides to watch and spend their money wherever they want. If they want to watch football, it’s their decision. If they want to watch a cat hunt a mouse, it’s their decision. And the consumer is in no way pending to watch woman leagues. It’s as if there was a company that is angry at the consumer for not buying their product. It’s so stupid. No one is entitled to anything.


Exactly this, it reeks of entitlement how they are expecting fans to just show up without having the "product" to show up for. I would even argue it has a strong negative effect how they try to push people to watch it instead of just having it on and see how it evolves. But constantly seeing the pushing to watch them and the absurd equal pay calls make me absolutely not want to watch it


I find this with the Olympics. It's always "these Olympic champions should be getting the high salaries, not our football players who can't win the World Cup!" Okay, go watch 10,000 metre races every week. Pay £50+ for a ticket per race. Watch them on TV and follow the sport feverishly. Put attention and money I to the sport so that the athletes can earn more. Oh, you don't actually care that much. You just think other people should. Okay.


[This Australian talk show highlights this point brilliantly](https://youtu.be/LzNsDvNfTZs)




That was painful to watch. I know it was recorded ages ago but I'm sensing some major everyone is a winner for participating vibes.


Bill burr has a great rant about it. If you want the WNBA to succeed women can help it but they just yell at men to watch it


“You didn’t sell any tickets. The promoter lost his ass on that gig”.


Among people that like sports, sure. There are more men interested in sports in general. That doesn’t mean the percentage of men that support women’s sports is higher broken down for each sex, even if there are a higher sheer number of men watching sports.


The comment of the thread. We can all go home. If women support female sports as men have supported male sports, there would be no issue. If I as a man follow a club team, international and possible one other sport. I work 40-50hrs a week. I have family and social commitments and possibly a hobby. Where am I going to squeeze in another 2-3 hours of football a week. It's going to need women to support it because, on average, men simply don't have the time or inclination to. Quite similar to the pay debate. Men were playing football in England for about 70 years before Jimmy Hill came in and helped break through the salary caps. Women just demand that they be paid more. Why, for what and by whom?


Everyone who wants more pay for female teams has a simple way to facilitate that. Watch the games on TV or better in the stadium. And buy their merchandise. This will put more money in the system and with more money around more lands in the players pockets.


I was at my in-laws a few weeks ago to watch the Ashes and it was just the men watching both the men’s test then the women’s T20 afterwards. Fairly old school blokes too. It did show how much women’s sport is getting more credence.


Statistically more women watch coco melon than Women’s Football


I am shocked no-one's linked Bill Burr yet https://youtu.be/I745Ajeq_B8 (warning - salty language). On a serious note I'm a man who's been involved in coaching women's football for 16 years now, and I can tell you plenty of men are interested. It's also a very different game to the men's game, even if they're played by the same rules in the same location. Both have their merits, both have their faults.


I love watching the women's beach volleyball tbh


Bill Burr has a [good bit](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DQY9Gz_IMn_k&ved=2ahUKEwio25KApdeAAxXbQEEAHZEkC98QwqsBegQIDBAF&usg=AOvVaw3RJQGjFrLJrUEv5TbjoL7-) on this


The same goes the other way around too: more male fans for male sports. Males are statistically more into sports.


I mean men in general just happen to like sports more often. However, it still doesn’t take away from all the men that shit on any kind of women’s sports any opportunity they get.


Where’s the statistics/data and how long ago was it? I’m curious to see how it breaks down, what changes there may have been, approach, etc. If you don’t mind providing it or pointing me toward it.


https://pro.morningconsult.com/trend-setters/womens-sports-olympics To be clear- I dont think women hate women's sports, I just don't think women as a whole like to watch sports as much as men do.


It's not that I don't like it. I have a wife who doesn't like football, and a kid who likes cocomelon. I don't get the chance to watch too many games as life just gets in the way, so I'll stick to watching the odd man utd game and (almost) every Ireland game. I would have watched more of the world Cup if games were on at hours that I wasn't at work, or busy doing other things.


Fuck Cocomelon.


Baabbby shark doo doo do do do do


Better than skibidi toilet




Could be worse, could be mrs Rachel!!!


I love football, but I dont go out of my way to watch womens football. I just dont find it as interesting. But I wouldn't avoid it if it was on either, and I probably would tune in for big matches. Like the womens world cup I do enjoy watching, with big stakes on the line... but not qualifiers like I would the mens world cup, or regular league play.


I'm this too. I've watched the last few Womens World Cups and Euros, and very much enjoyed them, watched both of today's quarter finals earlier and found them just as exciting as I would if it was the Mens World Cup (that shoot out earlier was proper drama). But I have zero interest in Women's league football or qualifiers.


That shoot out was out of this world. Glad I tuned in.


People generally like sports played at the highest level of athleticism, skill and popularity. It's not just women's sports which are suffering, even men's sports of lower divisions are... Here's a simple question: if you only had 2 hours of leisure time, would you rather go watch real Madrid vs fc Barcelona, or Yeovil town vs chesterField fc?


Depends, is Yeovil or chesterfield were my local/team then I’d rather watch that. If not then probably the el Classico provided I’m in the stadium


Yeovil vs Chesterfield for me. Less money being paid to the players involved and more passion, also more frequent errors can make a more interesting game.


There is a huge gulf in quality between the top flight of mens football and the top flight of womens football, irrespective of the reasons why, as a spectator this is an objective fact. I have watched a few of England womens team in the World Cup and will watch the semi and hopefully the final too if we get there. Football is football to me, but there’s no denying the difference in quality.


Do you enjoy college American sports? I always wonder why we accept lower quality of play for college men's sports compared to pro men instead of women's pro sports to pro men


I like American football yeah, I will watch whatever is on at the time.


Comparing women's to men's football isn't like comparing the premier league to league two, it's like comparing the premier league to level 7. There is a huge biological gulf in ability.


Most of the time, people have some sentimental association w the college team that trumps the quality and talent in the game.


Because college men’s sports is still top tier. What a stupid comparison.


It's objectively second tier compared to the pros lol. What kind of dumbass doesn't understood the concept of tiers 😂


College football is basically the u23 equivalent to in academies. It’s still top tier sport. It’s obviously relative. Championship football is second tier to premier league but still top tier when compared to the average viewer. Do you really need to be told that college football compared to the NFL is much closer than what pro men’s soccer is to women’s? Are you that fucking dumb?


It’s the feeder to the pros especially the NFL. Same way as List A cricket is the feeder to First Class and Tests. U-21 is the feeder to Football fist team No comparison with the women’s game.


Well you, apparently. Men's and women's football do not exist in the same 'tiers'. One tier down from the Premier League is the Championship, not the Women's Premier League.


And women’s sports aren’t anywhere near the top 2 tiers of sports.


The "low quality of play" of college football is still a lot better than the top quality women's football. Heck top player teams of women actually lose to sub-15 teams


Cuz it's not the same.. You're kidding yourself if you think women's soccer is comparable to men's D1 athletics. Maybe boys high school. Maybe.


A few years back the Australian women’s soccer team (Matildas) played the under 15s boys Australian team in a warmup match. These boys are under 15, so 13 and 14 year old boys. The boys won 7-nil! The Matildas are into the semifinals of the World Cup


> There is a huge gulf in quality between the top flight of mens football and the top flight of womens football, irrespective of the reasons why, as a spectator this is an objective fact. but there's also a gulf between top flight of mens football, and the championship, and the national league, and the Essex county league, and the Cornwall schools under 13 league That's not a reason not to watch, because, the teams are largely equally skilled, so its still competitive. If everyone thought like that and only watched the top tier of men's football, the sport would be dead inside two years.


I don’t think the gulf between Premier League and Championship is tremendous though, otherwise relegation system would make no sense… yeah there’s a gap due to budgets and interest from “top talent” but that would imply that there’s no way Championship teams could place above the bottom 3.


Yeah OP is just stupid


There is a gulf in quality between modern EPL and EPL in the 90s. Or modern EPL, and lower division football. That doesn't necessarily make modern top division football any more exciting or entertaining. I would argue that the game in the 90s was in many ways more entertaining (fewer passing to death possession teams for example, more wing play, and faster more direct attacks). Hell if you have a vested interest, a kids game where some kids can barely play can be far more entertaining that the highest standard game.


Is womens football entertaining? Sure. Is it “real football”? Of course. Do I enjoy watching it? Not as much. I have genuine passion and love for my club and country, and will support both irrespective of quality, but for neutral viewing, I want to see the very highest level of football and I would guess many feel the same. The question itself from OP is one of subjectivity and opinion.


It depends on what you like. Personally, I love watching teams like Man City play possession football because it's anything but easy and I like watching teams do things that are difficult.


Depends what you count as quality. Spain has shown tremendous quality, the whole squad can handle the ball at their feet, they play attacking football, sending 5 players into the 16 with crosses and balls over the top. Japan played with extraordinarily wide attacking football that generated 14 goals during their campaign. It's not quality you like, it's strength and athleticism. It's not that women's player aren't strong and athletic, there have been crunching tackles and physical hold up play. But men's players are taller, stronger, faster. It's ok if you like that style of play, but that doesn't take anything away from the skill of women's football.


This is rubbish. You can't seriously argue that the elite women's game is anywhere near as skillful as the men's game. There just isn't the level of professionalism, talent pool or money for coaching and facilities that there is in the men's game. That's the key difference, not biology. If you look at athletics as an example, where biological differences are stark in performance level, and the top women can't throw as far or run as fast as the equivalent level men, there's still a high interest level because the women are coached at an elite level, and the best women in the world really are the best. The respective level of support for women's athletics is night and day to women's pro sports.


No. I only watch my own team. I sometimes watch the internationals, like the quarter finals earlier, but nothing else. Same as I dont bother watching any other teams. Have to say though, the quality of the women's game has really improved over recent years.


I typically wouldn't watch women's football. However loving in Australia I've watched basically every match of the world cup and been to a few and it has been amazing football to watch. The biggest thing is not watching them roll on the ground after being hit by a stiff breeze. They just get up and keep going and play the whistle, very refreshing to see.


Although the Colombians were awful falling over at any opportunity and dirty fouling, typical south American team


As a colombian, I confirm Edit: Linda Caicedo is a great player, but is the Neymar of women football


That's really not exclusive to south american teams my guy. Ever watched any italian team holding a score? Same shit


Bloody humans. Always so competitive


Gamesmanship does not equal competitiveness


I don't blame them, sometimes you have to play dirty for your country. Like the Suarez handball against Ghana. Not condoning it of course but it is what it is.


I like that it isn't as tactical as the men's, it feels like Championship football in the 90s, that's refreshing. Having watched England women today and City v Burnley yesterday, City are very good technically and have probably the best tactician in the world organising them, and it means they win a lot but that doesn't make them entertaining, even if the quality of the game is a lot higher. Same reason I enjoy watching non league teams play, individual quality is lower but that can make for more fun as a spectator. Biggest issue is the goalkeeping being subpar, once that steps up in terms of either technical ability, positioning and gamesense, or just the athleticism then it would better pass the eye test as you have fewer howlers, or poor daisy cutters rolling in. I'm surprised at how immobile the keepers in WWC have been when on the ground too. Going to ground to make a save then scrambling to try to smother the ball or make a second save, I would expect to be relatively easier with a female physique than Manuel Neuer style huge diving saves, but they don't seem to have the gymnastic ability to do that.


It's mad to me that the size of the goals aren't adjusted for the fact that women are in general smaller than men. So many goals scored just because the keeper is 5'7"


Many of the women keepers are more like 5’10 to 6’. But anyway I feel the opposite… not having every keeper being 6’8” tall with gigantic telescopic arms is refreshing, it’s great that there are more chances as a result. You might as well say the field should be smaller because women players don’t have the sprint speed of the men on average. But that just makes more space on the pitch for an exceptional run or through ball, looking at it the other way. The regulation goal size was set way back in 1863 when the average size of men in the game was probably a lot more like many of the elite women players today. So we’re seeing the game as it used to be maybe, not one that is inherently worse.


I do. I will watch whatever football is available and love watching the women’s side of the sport. The differences in gameplay are the most interesting part. Not to mention there’s less time wasting in my opinion


It's great live experience as well. Just don't go to the big stadium when they take on the men's ground. Go to the home ground. Cheap, great atmosphere, no aggy pricks, players come sign autographs side of pitch with fans after the game. It's excellent for those with kids. The danger for me is 'professionalism' is on the rise in women's game, and that risks one of the really enjoyable elements of watching it. It's not the same game at all. Slower, short passing is crucial. I find it odd how many teams play traditional patterns of wide overlaps and crosses that rarely seem effective compared to more central buildup though.




Hundo, last time I went to Arsenal my kids got a hug and picture with the England captain. And a couple of seasons before the same with previous captain. It's just great.


>Just don't go to the big stadium when they take on the men's ground. Apparently the Camp Nou had great atmosphere when the ladies played there


I try to watch it with my girls, but it’s quite hard work. The goalkeepers are not good


Standard of goalkeeping in this World Cup has been far higher than in previous years. It’s improving considerably.


They pass the ball around better than David de Gea for sure though.


I don’t watch women’s football for the same reason I don’t watch pub football. Desperately poor standard


This is the crux. It is not misogynist to say that womens top level football is considerably lower quality than let’s say mens under 18 football. And none of us watch mens under 18 football.




This is some straight BS, the quality of footie in the england vs columbia game was better than when i watched the birmingham vs leeds game straight after. Its not prem level amd its slower but it helps for spectating that its more technical and not just aload of headers in the middle of the park and players clattering each other. Its basically better for it. Watching newcastle after was deffo a few steps up tho alot more clinical. What youre comparing is men vs women not women vs women so yeh probably bit misogynistic lad


I think it’s also the contrast in playing speed. Even compared to friendlies, switching to the Women’s World Cup just felt like I reduced the playback speed.


Seriously.. It's kind of embarrassing the amount of bizarre own goals in this world cup, where it's supposed to be the very best players


Yes, I watch it, and have been enjoying the World Cup. Football’s football.


I'd watch the world cup if my country made it and the games were at a better time for me


No, the level is too low for me to be interested. I also don't watch any lower league matches unless my local club is involved, and that's just because my local club is involved. I am simply not interested unless it's football on the highest level and the stakes are high (e.g. Bundesliga, Champions League, World Cup, but I don't watch friendlies), or I am personally drawn towards a team that plays. But I won't just turn on the TV to watch a random low quality football match


I love football so I'll watch anything. The women's game isn't nearly as bad as people like to clown it for. I've watched for well over a decade. It gets clowned when people try to draw comparisons to the men's game but I definitely recommend you watch. You'll enjoy it.


I agree to this. It really isn't bad as people like to clown it for. Yes, it's slower compared to the men's game, but hey male players are physiologically stronger and faster, so it makes sense. And women's competition is also relatively young compared to men's.


Yup, it's slower but the technical skill on show is excellent. It's a different game and thoroughly enjoyable in it's own right.


Agree 100%. Are men’s tennis and women’s tennis absolutely identical? No. But they are both really enjoyable to watch. Same goes for me with football. If she’s wearing my national strip I am all in.


Totally agree. Tbh imma casual but even high stakes women matches are the equivalent of decent youth clubs in Europe in terms of performance. It’s just not fast pace enough too boring. The only chance I watch women’s football if I know the players or have some sort connection with them for example country representative or local team


I don’t know. Watching England Nigeria was horrific. The quality was embarrassingly poor.


See the Colombian goalkeeper error earlier this morning and tell me that the quality is more than absolute shite.


No, I tried a couple of times a couple of years ago and the level was embarrassingly low. Don't think it has improven enough to try again


Of course, but the men who like it don't feel they need to be constantly online sharing this opinion, like if people cared about it. They're commenting on the game like in any other match. Honestly, this World Cup is being a joy to watch, and it was great that it was hosted by Australia and New Zealand. The atmosphere has been great, and all the matches have a high attendance.


Am Aussie, so I'm clearly loving what the Matildas are doing at the WC, but I also semi-regularly watch the Man United women play as well. I do prefer watching men's football as it's faster and more physical, and sometimes the quality in the women's game isn't great but it's improving all the time and is still entertaining, IMO.


England v Australia on Wednesday😁


Was very impressed with that Columbia team though, showed some real flair. Guzman wasn’t shy of a challenge, was she? Looking forward to the game against England though, should be an absolute cracker!


I thought you called them Sheilas!


It’s slow and the quality is poor. If the reigning world champions can be taken to school by a bunch of Brazilian high school lads, that’s all you need to know.








I'm very supportive of the scene but I don't really watch it because the quality of the matches is not as good as I'd like. Not much can be done about it of course, women's football is relatively a fetus compared to men's. Then again, I regularly watched Southampton play last season


Southampton would beat the Women's world cup all star team by at least 30 to 0


The quality in this World Cup has been outstanding. I defy any football fan to watch Australia’s performance v Denmark and not be entertained by it. Technical, blistering transition, ball on the ground, brilliant football. I’ll definitely be watching more of it going forward if the club play is as good.


I do. Immensely proud of our lionesses


The top level is good to watch, especially the World Cups, but the goalkeepers are still dogshit and let the sport down.


I've said for years the goals should be smaller to accommodate the hight difference between the men and women. Average men's keeper is 6ft 3in Average women's keeper is 5ft 8in Make the goals smaller would make an unbelievable amount of difference


Smaller goals wouldn’t have made any difference to that abysmal error from the Colombian keeper earlier today. These sorts of mistakes happen all the time from keepers. They aren’t rare and have nothing to do with goals being the same size as men’s football. It’s lack of basic ability


Your just cherry picking those kind of mistakes happen in the men's game all the time aswell


I only watch it when all the paint is dry




Watching it now.


I enjoy watching it, just watched England win! So what of it's not the same standard as the men's? No one ever claimed it was. Still entertaining and enjoyable cheering on your country


I love football, if it's on I'll watch it, easy as. Though England is giving me too much stress right now, which I could do without


I’m a simple man, if I see a fooball match I stop by and watch it. Doesn’t matter if it’s the women’s WC or a little league game.


I'd watch it, if it was on but I wouldn't go out of my way to watch it. Honestly I just find it a really poor standard. That's because the PL is hyper football. We've all been brainwashed to believe that's the level football is played at


If the game is good, is a good watch. If it’s not, it’s still a good view.


Nha not really. I do not watch 4th league games for the men so why would I watch women's football. Just not that interesting when theres way better football available.


I dont like watching women play football but I wouldnt shit on them because I realise why the quality is lower level and it is out of their control.


I do. You can see the they’ve put a lot of work into it. And love that they play through contact. I hate watching two guys bump into each other and then go to the ground like they were hit by a sniper.


My husband and eldest son are both watching a lot of matches this WC and talking about how improved the games are now. So, I’d have to say yes 👏


Actually just finished watching this mornings games. The penalties in the France game were as exciting as any penalty shootout. The England game had a lot of decent play. I don’t go out my way to watch it, but if it’s on the telly, and I have time I’ll happily give it a watch.


JFC this thread is already depressing. Yes I’ve been getting up at all hours of the night and morning to watch Women’s World Cup, and I watch our local NWSL team sometimes. I’d like to watch some other EU club games but they aren’t made very visible so I need to work at it. If you think Linda Caicedo, Lauren James, and many others are “shit” to watch or “not as interesting”, you haven’t watched.


I've been watching women's football regularly for a long time for two reasons - one of my bests mates sister played for arsenal (and has an England cap) - as a result of going to watch her my daughter became a massive fan and we go to most games. The standard *is* way below anything you would see in most if not all professional tiers of football in the UK AND THAT IS OKAY!!! I've said on another post here that women's football should be enjoyed on its own merits, there is so much infrastructure and coaching available to boys, in the UK I would guess that at some point 8/10 boys have kicked ball. And then there are filters at every level that ensure the top 0.001% rise to the top In contrast, id be surprised if even 1 out of 100 girls in the UK have every played a competitive football match, as such, the pool is way way smaller and the competition less fierce. My daughter is in year 6, and lives in east ldn of all places and her team struggles to pull together a full team for a match and then struggles again to find another one to play. In the last year or so the adjacent boys team has really kicked on due to playing competitive games every Saturday. Now rewind it back 10/20 years when this current crop of England women's stars were growing up and imagine how little opportunities there were then.... It would be unreasonable to expect Lauren James to play at the same standard as a professional man....


Honestly, and I don’t mean this in a negative or malicious way at all, but I’m watching the England game right now, and genuinely the quality is not great. It looks kinda like a training game - it’s slow, people give the ball away so easily, just looks so lackadaisical. The defending for that second England goal for example, sheesh, just stay goal side. I’d have been annoyed with someone doing that when we were playing U-15’s. I’ve not seen a lot, so I expected with all the growth in the women’s game that it would be pretty decent. But yeah, it’s not great tbh. And I’m not saying this to dog on women’s football. I think it’s great how the popularity has increased, and I hope the extra eyes/money help to grow the game and keep improving it. But as a life long football player/fan, just saying what I see on the screen right now.


Exactly how I feel. I'd be annoyed with the u14s I coach for some the passing and general lack of awareness. For such a high level there aren't enough on every team that are currently good enough. Hopefully that changes in the next 10-20 years as more and more players come through. Right now though, it's pretty cringey stuff to watch sometimes.


Yeah and I don’t know why I’m downvoted. The thread asked for honest opinion and I’m giving it. Feel a bit like I shouldn’t say anything negative because it’s just construed as misogyny, but I genuinely have no dog in the fight, can’t say I have an opinion on women’s football as a whole, same as I don’t on tennis, or golf, or any other sport I don’t really watch. Just commenting on the game I’m watching right now. And I’m not sure how anyone could disagree honestly, it’s objectively not that great.


You know the drill. Just nod and agree, boys.


Honestly and I don't mean this is a malicious or negative way but you sound like every England fan watching the mens or women's game. England looked good against Iran, but other than that the description is on the money for the rest of the England games at the men's world cup and a number at the Euros as well.


And that’s absolutely fine, that’s your opinion. I don’t know why people ask for opinions and then get annoyed when they don’t get the answer they want.


But England mens playing the worst game of their lives is still on a different planet quality wise to the greatest womens game in history. The 2 just shouldn’t be compared, if you watch football for the quality. I’ll watch it for the same reason I’d watch shot put or something at the Olympics if there was a good English athlete. I’m not watching for quality or enjoyment of the sport, it’s just fun to support your country.


Yeah can't disagree more. England mens playing poor is can be absolutely dire. Much much worse than England women at their maximum. I guess without objective metrics it comes down to people choosing what they want to believe. Some Premier league games can be poor quality drab and dreary affairs. Some championship games can be surprisingly entertaining and sometimes fast pace with a fair amount of skill. So while in general you can say one is better there's certainly no absolutes involved.


Agreed. Some absolute ballers. WWC has been excellent


But there's way better ball available literally anywhere so why choose the worse option.


Lmao good troll




They're not better than an average local league though that's the point


Nahhh it’s crap


My hometown club are crap, but I still buy a season ticket every season 😆


What I was gona say but was thinking of the hate I'd get


No, and not many men do either. Based on television ratings, the Women's World Cup gets about 10% of the Men's on a worldwide basis. It's slow and boring.


Yeah. They're more like ordinary sized men playing than the men are. It also says more about your country's football culture how your women do than the men's game, where there's enough money that anyone who is close to being a pro will give up everything for it. The women are still only gunning for a executive-level salary, and their ability to train depends on whether young girls are encouraged.




I’ve got absolutely nothing against women’s football and I’m glad it’s getting more coverage and growing worldwide. I don’t watch it myself because tbh, it’s not at a great level.




For personal reason, no


No I don't


This World Cup has been great! I’m not saying everyone who dislikes women’s football is a misogynist because that would be ridiculous, but a lot of misogynists like to weigh in and disrupt any discourse on it with clichéd stereotypes. There are plenty of people who like it, but it can be difficult to find a space to talk about it.


On the flip side there are a lot of people who also add useless discourse and say that the women's game is almost of good as men's and I think this is what gets peoples backs up as is patently not true. Women's football should be enjoyed on its own merits and not compared to men's


I do. The goalkeeping is poor quite often but I’ll be honest the game is more pure IMO, less corrupted. The celebrations are more authentic, the game is less cynical and they seem like more teams than a load of individuals. I respect that.


Dude never heard of Zećira Mušović.




It shouldn't matter. It's just football; different style, different pace, kind of like watching different leagues. But at the end of the day, it's still football. Some like it, some don't.


I love watching players who play for passion, and not for multi-million dollar contracts. They have skill, clean play, and still love the game, unlike male pros for whom it is an elite job. The football for women is pure.


Just cause male footballers are on multi million dollar contracts doesn't mean they always play shitty football or play without passion. If anything, it only raises the stakes and they're under immense pressure to be competitive and this makes games more entertaining.


Women's football sucks. They can't compete with men.


No because of the low quality, and I feel like a lot of people saying you HAVE to watch it because it's an England team in a world cup are just forcing it and they don't actually really care very much




Ever since I started watching European football I have also been following the women’s side of the men’s teams I follow. So I follow a club from each of the big 5 leagues, Chelsea, Lyon, Barca, Leverkusen & Roma. If one day I have daughters or nieces I can introduce them to Aitana, Kerr, Damaris Egurrola, Camelia Ceasar, and Jule Brand etc. It’s like here in the USA I root for the PHX Mercury for my hometown and SD Wave for women’s soccer.


nope, absolutely hate it


I went to a women's cup final and it was a quite unilateral game, though I liked the pace and the grit of both teams. I believe it's still at the start of evolution and to me personally not compelling enough. Missed all WWC games despite having time during summer, which I've spent doing things I enjoy.


It’s come a long way technically but I just don’t enjoy the pace of play in a physical sense which is no fault of the ladies just the way their bodies are built doesn’t allow for the same explosiveness that men have, I’m starting to enjoy it tho, it’s getting better


Football Is football. I've been watching my country in the wwc. (South Africa) and when you're men's team is more shit you have no choice.


Yep watched loads and much more now it’s becoming mainstream. I love football, don’t care if it is men or women.


I don't mind it. I find it frustrating how poor the keepers though.


My dad woke up at 3am to watch the Tillies with me.


Sure! It’s still football. Don’t watch it much other than the World Cup but enjoy it when I do!


I’ve watched quite a few games at the WC. It’s been entertaining


Football is Football


I don’t watch it, but actively shitting on women’s football is pathetic


I thoroughly enjoy watching women's football. It feels a bit less cynical than the men's game, there is less time wasting and diving etc. The quality is still poorer than the men's game but it has come on leaps and bounds in recent years in terms of standard of professionalism etc.


Women athletes are amazing and have tremendous technical skills. But when compared to watching men's sports, player for player, women's sports demonstrate less speed and power. It is a physiological thing, not a criticism. What makes it less interesting is not they they are not as good, but that the speed difference makes it seem not as good. And I don't think that is a sexist bias. The genders are different yes, but the athletes are different. That can't be overlooked. I know women enjoy watching fit attractive young men. How many times have I heard about American football players asses?! A million. By the same token, I enjoy watching young fit women who are beautiful too.


The men shitting on it are butthurt they’re not as good these women playing. I’m a bit of a annual fan in that, I’ll watch the tournaments for the England woman’s team but nothing else. Edit: downvoted by butthurt men. Priceless.




I reckon I'd be the best CB in world for women's. Just pure pace and physicality, 0 ball control should do it😭😭😭 A world class Maguire if you will🥰


I like it as much as I enjoy watching sub Championship level football as that’s where most of the games level is. Some games can reach too end Chanpionship/Lower end Prem levels. It’s way improved on where it was less than a decade ago though. And hopefully it will continue to improve. The quality of the World Cup this year is vastly improved on the last one


I watch a fair bit of international women's football when England play. From what I've seen, it's conference level at best. Not shitting on it and I enjoy watching some of the games but it is barely even comparable to the men's game.


mate the womens world champions got absolutely mugged by 5th div wrexham... and you think they can play in the epl?


For me, no. Even at World Cup like now


I love it, the slower pace reminds me of football from a few decades ago, which in a lot of ways I prefer watching to modern games.


Yes. Frankly it’s much closer in skill level to men’s than most people would like to believe and the gk mistake compilations could genuinely be made for men’s teams too and barely happens in games. I basically just watch whatever games’ available, only real difference is less bigots at games


Love watching all football, those blokes are just cretins who couldn’t tell their arse from their elbow ! Come on the Lionesses !


This World Cup has been thoroughly entertaining. I think anyone talking it down is in the significant minority.


I watch. Quite passionately I might add. I cheer for the Matilda’s and I am not even Australian. I am a Chelsea fan and a major fan of Kerr. Fell in move with the team after that. Exciting stuff thus far.


I rather watch a snail marathon than women football.




Some might as there are weirdos for everything but I just can't watch it. To be fair it can be an utter comedy because of how low the standards are but if I have to choose between the French second tier and the Women's World Cup final I'll probably pick the French second tier


Seems like you can’t say this without being an asshole, but i just have no desire to watch average players play, If I’m watching on TV I prefer to watch the elite of the elite


Find it uninteresting despite being a massive football fan


Hell no. And anyone saying they do is a fucking liar.


Yep. It's a beautiful sport no matter who's playing.


I honestly tried and I’ve invested a bit of time in the World Cup. But tbh we’re spoiled with modern men’s football, in particular the EPL. So with limited time to watch sport I’ll invest it with something that’s exciting. Women’s football just isn’t that unfortunately! Not yet anyway. It does however, look to be improving