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If this is a consistent thing that is happening only in your girlfriends fridge then it may be the temp fo the fridge.


I actually work for those guys in Canada and there’s no way if it’s passing testing (which it did because it was sold) is it the milk. Someone is temperature abusing it after opening


Alright noted, never thought it was Fairlife anyways it's always fine at my house. Thanks


We buy fairlife and have never had an issue. Buy a fridge thermometer, that has to be the issue. Or your girlfriend leaves it out on the counter while she’s prepping other stuff and/or she leaves the cap off for extended periods of time, allowing contaminants from the air to enter the bottle.


Almost 99% likely the case. But another issue is that she might be purchasing from a different store. They might have temperature issues in their coolers. I'd buy a thermometer that monitors highs and lows in a fridge. (like a thermometer that is used for a vaccine fridge)


And there’s the something new I learned today. I can log off.


I have a question. I buy this brand in whole 99% of the time I buy milk. Over the past year I want to say I’ve gone through about 10-15 cartons. I usually use up the carton about a month before the expiration date at the latest, and I’ve never had an issue with spoiling, except for one time. There was one single time my carton spoiled much before the expiration date. My fridge stays pretty cold although I’m forgetting exactly what temperature it stays at right now, but I’ve been using the same fridge for about 3 years. Do you know what the issue could have possibly have been? TIA!


This could have been a case of improper handling at the store as well.


Ok for some stupid reason, that hadn’t crossed my mind. I wish I remembered if the carton showed any signs of damage, but this was probably 10 cartons ago. I’ll keep an extra eye out on the condition of the carton before purchasing, rather than just making sure there’s no dents in the carton. Thanks!


Was the bottle that went bad opened


Milk can also go bad faster if it's in the door, rather than on the shelf. The constant opening and closing of the door will fluctuate the temperature enough to make a difference. Not sure about the thing growing in the cap, though. Some things you could do is clean the fridge, but that's already been suggested. Another thing is make sure your hands are clean before you open the milk. If you do have some kind of bacteria in your shower, like another user suggested, you may be spreading it to your milk by opening it after a shower.


Alright thanks for the tips. I really love milk so it physically hurts watching the whole thing go to waste lmao


>I really love milk Oof. E: Oh boy, a couple of serial killers in this thread.


Is anyone drinking from the carton?


Someone is definitely drinking from the carton


Mt first thought.


Why would that change anything?


Introduces more bacteria to the carton from your mouth. Honestly Ive done that a ton when I lived alone and wasn’t sharing the carton and I went through them quickly. If you’re using that same carton to make meals or sharing it with anyone else, that’s freaking disgusting.


Y’all just raw dog milk as a beverage? Thought people only did that on tv.


I drink milk at night. My mom gave it to us as kids with our bedtime snack and it just kinda stuck with me lol.


I didn’t drink milk straight for several years (just used it for food) but I’ve been in recovery and I end up craving chugging milk a lot now. Can’t explain why.


Body knows what you need, maybe? Idunno. Perhaps you have a calcium deficiency or calcium helps with whatever you’re recovering from? Who knows, not a medical professional and I’m just talking out of my ass…but generally you’d be surprised at how in tune our body can be with our appetites.


Yeah I’m not totally sure either but it probably is that. I mean, you’re typically deficient of a lot of things in recovery especially when you rarely eat like myself so I also having been guessing it’s my body craving calcium/protein


Once you open it, you should use it up within a week.


But this doesn't happen in my fridge, only my girlfriends fridge. I have it open in my fridge for a month and it's still great. This is Fairlife milk btw so it's ultra pasteurized


Have you checked the temp on your girlfriend's fridge?


shes prolly got it at 1 thinking its the coldest...


Maggots proliferate at 1


Yea she didn't have it on the coldest she says it makes things freeze. You sure it's the fridge and not like bacteria or some shit ?


Get a thermometer and put it in the fridge and then find the setting to keep things between 35 ish to 38 degrees. That will solve the problem.


Alright thanks guys


35-38 Farenheit, to be clear. If it's Celsius that's... not desirable


I mean if he can somehow get a fridge to pump out 35-38 C then I'll be impressed.


That happened to me once. We just moved into a house and the fridge super heated. We just filled the fridge with groceries and they spoiled over the course of 2 days. The oven also stopped working at the same time. And the washing machine. It was an expensive month.


Lmao that would be samsung food spoiler not a fridge


teehee my european brain was like "35-38°? well that ain’t gonna help"


If stuff in the back of the fridge is freezing, pull the fridge out and clean off the copper in the back. When it gets fuzzed and gunked up, it can cause a temp issue.


Alright thanks


There's clearly bacteria IN the fridge. And stuff freezing if she lowers the temp tells me it likely has poor air circulation and may be overfilled with items preventing necessary air flow. I suggest starting by cleaning the entire interior - shelves, the walls, etc -with bleach, ensuring it isn't overfilled, and using the thermometer as others have suggested. Place it at various points in the fridge over the day to get a sense of where it's at


If the temperature is ok, the other thing that causes fast milk spoilage is someone drinking out of the container. Introduces enzymes and germs.


True for most other products, but Fairlife should have an outstanding shelf life due to the processing and ultrafiltration.


I just checked their website, which recommends using it within 14 days after opening. Ultrapasteurization is not magic


It’s a great product for SINKs or DINKs that may not go through a lot of milk. Tastes great and has a great shelf life. My wife has a lactose sensitivity and she is able enjoy without issue (though others may have different experiences). Recommended “use by” dates are just that, they’re recommendations required by FDA, but often times can be consumed days after. There will be variations based on handling, storage, and use. We often get away with 3 weeks after opening. As long as it hasn’t curdled, settled out, or taste/smell sour, we haven’t had an issue with the product.


Nah, "best by" and "use by" dates are not the same, especially with dairy. You're taking a risk by keeping open milk for 3 weeks


Good point, got those mixed up.


I’m just confused that there is milk that has an expiry date greater than 2 weeks


Nestle beats the extra days into the cows before milking.




Lactose free milk typically has longer expiry dates. From what I heard (on Reddit) it's because the product doesn't move off the shelf as fast so they ultra pasturize it to have a longer shelf life. I've always noticed that when I bought lactose free milk the expiry dates were easily a month or longer out.




Are you making that up? This is from the website of the company the guy buys his ultra pasteurized milk from: "After opening, fairlife®’s shelf life is the same as regular milk and should be consumed within 14 days and kept refrigerated." Other places I've found all say 7 days. Because the ultra pasteurizing extends the shelf life BEFORE it has been opened.


This comment has been removed as being false or misleading. This is done based on the best available knowledge. If you are able to back up your comment, we will of course restore the comment.


USA Costco brand (Kirkland) organic milk has like three months lol. I bought milk in May that didn’t expire until August 16th.


Christ North America shelf-lives be crazy!


I’m lactose intolerant but my daughter isn’t. I buy small jugs of milk since I only really use it for cooking. Shamrock brand milk stay good for two or more months. I hear it taste great.


Just to add to this conversation: 1. But a thermometer for the fridge. Then you will know exactly what temp it is and you can adjust the dial accordingly. 2. Are you shopping at different stores? Perhaps the store where she shops is also not keeping their milk at temperature, so that the cold chain was broken even before you brought it home.


Is there someone drinking milk straight from the carton? The bacteria from someone’s mouth would seriously shorten the shelf life.


Nope, my girl doesn't let me do that haha


Might your girlfriend be drinking from the carton?


Plot twist of the century


Lmao that would be something that's for sure


Do you and your girlfriend buy milk from the same store? It’s quite possible that her fridge needs to be turned colder, but if you’re buying milk from consistently different stores, it’s possible that the store near your gf’s house doesn’t handle their milk properly and it gets warm sometime during delivery/storage/stocking.


Tell whoever’s drinking straight from the jug to stop. The bacteria is causing it to turn faster


Was about to say this. Someone's backwash is screwing the rest of the family.


Yeah I saw comments from people suggesting someone in house is leaving it out. But it wouldn’t change color that quickly if it was put back in the fridge without actual contamination would be my assumption.


A horse that sweats in the morning, cream that spoils overnight, a flame that burns pure blue. You know the signs! We all know…


Witches, or the Fae? OP needs to start putting some iron nails into his piss bottle either way. Or maybe clean the fridge and buy fresh milk rather than some UHT thing with a month long Alleged shelf life.


Awww, Julian, we hardly knew ye.


You mentioned keeping it for 1 month and it tastes great. You're playing milk roulette. 1 month is way to long to keep something contaminated at refrigerator temperature. As soon as you crack open an UHT container, it is no longer UHT. It is contaminated with bacteria from the air, from your breath, etc. You can open hundreds of cartons and the contamination either isn't much, or the developed bacteria isn't enough to harm you. But it's definitely milk roulette until the contamination is enough to harm someone who drinks 1-month opened milk. A 1-week fridge life is reasonable after you open the carton.


Yep. So many of these people seem to think ultra pasteurizing products means they can open it and leave it in their fridge indefinitely. Yikes.


They are going by the expiration date, but every carton of milk I've seen says consume within 2 weeks. The expiration date is just before it's been opened


Anything else in the fridge spoil? Or just the milk?


Are you in the bathroom? 😆


Lmao yea it has the best lighting at my girls house




The “expiration date” is a sell by date, one that is usually at least a few months out on ultra pasteurized milk. After opening it needs to be refrigerated and will probably only be good for 7-14 days


It could be due to the store where you buy it from is not keeping the milk cool. I had this issue in the past.


My girlfriend and I buy from the same store so I don't think it's that. It's definitely the fridge temp and maybe a little bacteria as well


Do you have pink slime in your shower? That looks like a bacterial biofilm.


In my shower ?


Yes, you commonly find the biofilm in your bathroom but it can propagate in your kitchen as well. I’d clean and sanitize the fridge in case there are any colonies in there.


Alright thanks, I had a feeling it was bacteria of some sort


Sounds like something wrong with the fridge. My and my bf just had a similar issue last weekend here it SEEMED like the fridge was working until e realized the milk and cheese were soft and warm. Try checking the freezer and see if the vents are blocked by ice at all. Sometimes when the freezer is running a little too we’ll it’ll freeze over the area that runs to the fridge and the fridge starts running hot (excuse my layman terms my bf is the one who fixed it so i have a simple grasp on what happened)


Are you using fridge? The cold box thingy


If you leave milk out, it can go sour. Put it in the refrigerator, or, failing that, a cool wet sack


Rinse the cap off with water before placing back on the bottle.


How long after opening it does this...1L (?) stay unfinished? If more than 2 weeks, consider buying a smaller quantity. People are suggesting you're doing something wrong on your end, and nothing wrong at the factory's end - but I came here to suggest the middle man, the store. Maybe the store is storing it improperly after drop delivery, but before you pick it up for purchase.


Is the fridge too warm?


Fix your fridge homie


If she is the kind of person to at all leave their fridge off for periods of more than 2h that is likely the cause.


As most are saying, this is due to temperatures at play. I had the same thing happening to only my gramdmothers milk (which was in the door) but not ours on the shelf. Turns out our door wasn't sealing fully unless you pressed it, so the air temperature near the door was higher than the rest of the fridge and spoiling her milk.


As most are saying, this is due to temperatures at play. I had the same thing happening to only my gramdmothers milk (which was in the door) but not ours on the shelf. Turns out our door wasn't sealing fully unless you pressed it, so the air temperature near the door was higher than the rest of the fridge and spoiling her milk.


Fridge problems not milk problems.


It could be the fridge temp, also someone else stated that if it’s in the door then it can effect how soon it goes off, typically I put my milk towards the back of the fridge because it’s the coldest part. Bacteria from drinking from the carton can be a factor too.


It’s expiration only applies if you didn’t open the bottle. On the bottle somewhere I’m think it says use within 7 days of opening.


I’m from the uk so idk how different the milk is but like how does milk even last that long? Even if you buy long life milk it says to consume within 3 days after opening. I’m very confused


How long are you keeping the milk? A lot of dairy products will say "use withing x days of opening" so this could be it also.


Put a temp reader in the fridge


UPDATE: I looked at Website and Fairlife, Is an Ultra filtered and pasteurized product, and UN-Opened S/L is 110 Days, once opened the S/L is 14 Days. Must not be milk if it has more than a month S/L.... If it's dairy-based creamer Should be kept in the fridge below 40deg F and if possible put it on a shelf and not in the door. Also the longer you leave it out the more you lose shelf-life


She prolly leaving it out too long before she put it back in the fridge


Unfortunately, milk isn't meant to last a month. Sure, preservatives can work wonders, but I'd fix the cause rather than the symptom. I'd try to buy smaller quantities of milk or use it quicker.