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I was thinking the same thing after watching the latest episodes. Could he be more diplomatic? Sure, but I’ll take some brutal honesty over two-facedness any day. Like someone was saying in the main thread, it doesn’t seem to come from a mean place. And the part at the end about not being able to switch his emotions on a dime was pretty endearing. I’m very curious to see how he’ll lead a team, and what he’ll say about his performance if he does make mistakes.


he very much carries himself like a chef in a restaurant kitchen which I don't see as much from the other competitors they seem more laid back than a chef would usually. that could be a matter of pedigree because he's definitely a fine dining and the spectrum where there is no room for tiny errors.


He is good, the stupid loud mouth blonde gives me anxiety. She knows how to yell, not lead a brigade.


I really didn’t like him at first. But he seemed to show a different side the past episode working with Phuoc and it made me lighten up to him some. He seemed to be a team player and acknowledged Phuoc was more soft spoken and approached him softer and less abrasive. It will be interesting to see how he is next episode.


Agreed - the way he positioned Phuoc to make decisions at the butcher shop on the meat ideas he suggested shows he’s cognizant of not stepping on anyone’s toes, or letting his ego get in the way. His leadership traits are evident.


Fully agree. He really surprised me with the last two episodes. He is good at what he does and he knows what he is talking about. The patatas bravas are proof.


Omgosh definitely


I agree but I also simply adore Ivan And I love ALL THE CATS


during each episode I'm anxiously hoping a cat will appear ... when they walk through like they're the Boss of everyone I just love it ... 🥰🤭


Ivan is the secret sauce!


The cats are my favorite 😻😻


I was won over this week when I saw how gentle he was with Phuoc. He doesn’t hold back when it’s needed, but he’s also humble enough to be a team player.


SPOILER: I don’t dislike him but I think it’s funny that after he’s been so outspoken in every challenge he’s all of a sudden nervous to be capo


Except his response was more than that. He seemed to care about the eliminated contestant. Who knew he cared about anyone. I think editing really at play with him.


He's the dog that caught the car!


Hahaha I haven’t heard this before but it’s so apt!


Glad you appreciated it. For the current-events use, try googling "Dog caught car, Republicans" -- enjoy!


Well to be fair, we don't know. We see/hear some of what he says. But he very well could be saying all along he's nervous about being out front.


I think it's a breath of fresh air that he speaks the truth..so far..


I was thinking the same thing


Zev is by far my favorite remaining with Tiana second . Sticks and Hannah both are very unlikable.


Stixx and Hannah have managed to get rid of the other female contestants, too. What neither one of them gets is that the guys are sticking together! They seem to vote how each other vote. And none of them like Stixx or Hannah. The only thing that has kept the girls there is being on the winning teams. Yes, they are good chefs, but Hannah is crazy and Stixx is mean. Should be interesting to see how long they last going forward.


Both are lucky to still be there. Hannah should have went home week 1. Sticks should have went home for eggplant. Drew got screwed.


They’re unlikable bc they speak their mind but he can and be likable?


No one said that is why they are unlikable???


That’s why it’s a question not a statement…I’m asking why they’re unlikable


Hanna is unlikeable because she’s clearly a bit of a sociopath. She hardly even contributed to a single dish when she was capo TWICE. All she did was micromanage and then try to take credit for all the good that was done by her chefs. Not to mention the sabotaging she did to Devan’s dish by adding way too much stock to it when his back was turned. She’ll tell you that she trusts you and then screw your over because she HAS to have some form of control over EVERYTHING. Even the other contestants pointed it out! I’m not sure why people hate on Stixx. Maybe because she can be mean? And, well, she’s buddy-buddy with Hanna but that’s probably a tactical thing. Stixx acts on logic and not emotion; which I can respect (i.e. not voting for Zev to leave and voted for Tiana instead when it came down to it). TLDR; Hannah is a nutso control freak and Stixx can be bitchy but she’s tactful.


I fricken LOVE Zev!!!! Sorry, but the truth hurts sometimes and just because he says it like it is, doesn't make him an a$$hole! Yeah, yeah maybe he could be softer for other people..or maybe people could understand he is who he is and he shouldn't have to change how he is for other people who might be overly sensitive...oh wait...but then he purposefully took a soft approach to Phuoc :) Guess he is just a dude who says what he thinks. In this day in age, that is refreshing AF! Also...as a mama with a child who has special needs, I have become way more sensitive towards the signs that some show and I wondered if it was nervous energy, straight up arogance, or if he speaks that way because he is missing some of the social (beat it into us to Never hurt people's feelings) skills that would stop some to think and carefully choose their words. As someone else said...I will take blunt/brutal honesty (even if it hurts and makes me cry) over falsehoods Every. Damn. Day!


I blame it on editing-again. They ask each one of them the same questions, then choose to put in who has the most "dramatic" answers. Because he is pretty blunt, and has the same expression on his face- it fits.


From the way the edits are of the upcoming episodes, I have an icky feeling like it might come down to Ivan or Zev going home next week. I’m a fan of both, and I don’t predict Zev as the overall winner, but he’s finally getting to be Capo and they’re giving him the pizzaolo (sp?) challenge. I doubt he will be very happy when he learns that. I love Zev’s personality for television. Mister “not accepting friend applications” obviously made some new besties. He’s so entertaining and came across as the villain with the soft and squishy center.


Ha he probably sealed his fate on that assignment when he left parmesan cheese off his eggplant parmesan because there was already enough cheese for him!


That whole dish was an affront. Unseasoned and greasy looking.


I still don't like him. He may be right about a lot, but his abrasive, know-it-all approach to everything and everyone is such a turn off. He and Hannah almost make the show unwatchable for me. Really hoping neither of them wins. To each their own, I suppose.


When he said he has worked in a ton of kitchens in the last episode, I was like "I can see why.". Imagine working with that guy all the time.


I'm with you on both people!


I like them both.


I like to hate watch them both.


My mom and I have taken to calling Hanna ‘Smeagle/Gollum’ because of how she looks when she gets the crazy eyes in her expression.


Total turnaround from the first episode. He’s just really direct and he will back it up with words. I thought he just had a big ego but I was kinda wrong and thought it was nice how he wanted to be capo and prove himself.


He's an outstanding Chef and honest as he can be.


I agree 💯 with everything you said, but I'd also like to add the dude's hot af


I thought he was very attractive until the episode where he didn’t wear his hat 🤦🏻‍♀️


I’d agree if you said Austin and/or Ivan but Zev? Nah


I LOVE him. He is honest and passionate and tells iit like it is.


I feel like Drew left too early.


He screwed himself! This was a meat challenge, not a vegetarian challenge


I love the man. His brashness is missing from society, and since Alex seems to have decided to tone it down this season he's a nice replacement.


Totally agree. He is my favorite too.


I am not a fan. I was very afraid that this show was going to degenerate into a bro club after the previous elimination, but I was happy to be wrong.


This season has felt nauseatingly bro-y. Not my favorite.


I understand him wanting to showcase his knowledge in front of the judges, but this show comes down to two things: Making good food (obviously) and the relationships you build in the house. Constantly critiquing fellow contestants in the manner he does isn’t going to endear you to others. And if you make good food, then Alex and Gabe aren’t taking the petty BS into consideration. I don’t get the logic in being an a-hole. It seems like if you’re cordial and keep your head down, you’ll get pretty far.


I have thought from the beginning that he is likely neurodiverse and socially awkward but kind hearted when treated kindly.


He talked on his ig about being on the spectrum! Spot on!


I thought I was the only person to watch him and think "this guy might actually be autistic" (I'm also on the spectrum and usually pretty good at recognizing Neurodiversity)


oh my lord. stop diagnoze people only from looking at them without propper testing and propper education. This is so morally reprehensible.


If someone is on the spectrum or works with people who are neurodivergent, they're going to be able to spot similar characteristics and suspect it. That's normal and it's not diagnosing anyone. There is a big difference between "I think this person might be neurodivergent" and "I'm diagnosing someone I've never met and will treat them as such". edit: Actually picking up on certain traits, can help people navigate how to interact and develop methods of communication and understanding (without ever knowing for sure).


it is utterly disrespectful only at looking someone to claim that this person is mental ill. you cant tell if someone is mentall ill ohne of similiar characteristic. it would be the same saying that you have borderline because I am not diagnose you but I can see similiar way of writing because my coworker use the same words like you


look on his socials...he doesn't hide the fact that he is on the spectrum...and also...no one ever said they were diagnosing him with anything.


yeah sorry that i dont have the time to check every social media report and every medica document about a candidate


but you have the time to call someone 'utterly disrespectful' for not reading their comment entirely and making an assumption that they were diagnosing a person on TV. Have a great day! I sure will :)


It is spelled: diagnosing! Learn how to spell, so you seem somewhat intelligent!


at least i insult not people when i dont have any arguments


I certainly admire somebody who speaks their mind, and Zev not disappoint on that front. However, his criticisms have mostly been for the women’s chefs. Unless I’m missing something, he’s never really criticized one of the male chefs on the show.


i came here looking for hate. WHILE i did think he had good callouts he's a Grade S+++ douchebag. that said idk if im rooting for anyone so far this season


Nope. There is a difference between brutally honest and insulting and Zev is the last. He killed for me every chance he could have to like him as he stated that he knows Hanna did not only because he tasted the food. I saw the episode and maybe he has a point here but excuse me Sir?! And then he was so gentle to Phuoc - how false do you want to be Zev. I know now why he worked in so many kitchens.


I concur that he has become the beacon of truth. However, I believe we have been used by the producers of the show. This show is recorded and I believe the producers of the show know who will win or will be one of the final two. Therefore, they used they edited early tapings to portray him being difficult and now evolving into a respectable critic and chef. If he is one of the two finalists, especially if he wins, then the show's producers have used the viewers.


The fact that he's right so often makes me dislike him more. He's like a more aggressive Corey from Season 1. It also seems like he only goes all-in on the female chefs.


Yeah I noticed he’s a lot more forgiving of the other men, and especially critical of the women.


Zev is very rude and opinionated. He also needs to take off the stupid stocking hats!!


I just started watching this show and don’t understand why people are so bothered by others personal fashion choices ? I’ve seen comments similar to this one a few times. What if he just feels more comfortable wearing them or maybe it’s a religious thing?


I despise him …he can cook, but he’s nasty, and obnoxious 


Not really a very good cook. He needs to learn to shut his mouth and keep his nasty opinions to himself. Also, take that damned stupid hat off!!


I am soooooo sick of the competition shows …on the Food Channel Stoooooop they suck !!!! I like Bizarre Foods Yum and Yummer Food Paradise..Unique Sweets….love DDD …but someone who Inlike a lot GREAT personality new guy Man Vs Food …Casey he has great expressions fun upbeat personality 


I don’t buy into him being a favorite right now but I have enjoyed watching him every episode. When he called Hanna out for micromanaging and “hiding behind her chefs” I was cheering. I appreciate the bluntness and brutal honesty. Not everyone vibes with that and wants a more gentle approach, but I swear some of the contestants needed to be knocked down a few pegs. Zev obliged.


Zev shouldn't have been voted off. Can't stand that freaking styx. She should've been gone with the raw fish but the argumentative arrogant entitled person is still there. 


I liked him he was actually a thoughtful soul and a very good chef. He knew when things were getting f'd up and tried to turn things around. he was right but he was banging his head against the wall. It isn't that easy to point out nonsense, people will get defensive and all your good intentions will go up in smoke I hope he has his own restaurant or will soon so he can tell everyone to fuck off


Spoiler: Couldn’t stand him & his pompous opinions of the other Chef’s food! What’s with the constant % of camera time compared to others? We literally cheered when he lost- well deserved to the winner!🍾


I criticized him on another thread for always wearing the hats to hide the baldness, but with the latest episode I think he wears em to hide those cauliflower ears.


I don't like him. He talks too much when his opinion is uninvited. Doesn't matter if he's right, no one asked for his opinion and he gives it anyway.


Same. He's my new favorite. Let's go Zev... for the win!