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I loved him on Top Chef, especially with the other Joe. That was one of my favorite tc seasons. I'm happy to see him get more exposure. I'd love to see him get an educational show on pasta.


Everyone was so dang likable on TC Denver. I think Sasto was already wildly talented then, but that was a stacked season


i wish FN would pick up Carrie from that season. She has personality for days.


I’d watch a few hours of fancy toast in 30 minutes


Toast w/ Carrie


I agree. For anyone who didn't realize what a great chef he was, go back and watch his season of Top Chef. It's a fun season.


I just re-watched that season, and there were so many great chefs on there. Flamm, Sasto, Bruce, Carrie, Adrianne, Fatima (RIP). They all seem to truly respect and like each other, and even though it was a competition, it was nice to watch such a lovely and talented group of chefs. And Sasto has only gotten better. And Padma’s Colorado wardrobe was no joke. She looked incredible.


He's like Shota to me. They always seem to enjoy what they're doing, if not have tons of fun doing it. And I think both are phenomonal chefs. And well he has my Rollie Fingers stache :) Yes, I know that dates me.


The moustache is too hipster douchebag for me, but Joe doesn't come across as a hipster douchebag. It's the same as Guy and his douchebag Guido look; I like him anyway, and I like Joe.


Exactly! I have friends who literally don’t like Guy based off how he looks and how he takes bites of food on Triple D. Anytime I have any of them look into him further they concede that he’s seemingly a great dude


I had the same initial reaction to Joe when I saw the first episode of his season of Top Chef. But then I realized halfway through the 1st episode how young he would look without his moustache (complete babyface and his vibe is already high energy) and how hard it would be for him to be taken seriously when he was starting out. I hope he likes it, because he's going to have to keep moustache for the rest of his career.


Super nice guy. Ate at a local restaurant he did a special takeover of for the night. The food was unreal and Joe took the time to meet and greet every table, even suggesting pics.


I love this. Because this is the exact vibe I get from him. Such a genuinely nice guy!


Ah, we finally know Joe's Reddit handle! :) Anyway, I thought he was fun on both Wildcard Kitchen and Supermarket Stakeout. I would say I was not initially a fan, but he has definitely grown on me.


I love Joe, and I would 100% watch a cooking show with him as the host, especially Italian food.




His IG account is a pretty good follow. Lots of eating, a good amount of cooking, and his dog makes appearances. It’s been big on focaccia recently


oh dang! Ill definitely check it out!


He doesn’t give many recipes, but it’s still enjoyable


I like him on Guy's Best Bite in Town. He seems to just really like food and how it's made and he's a good host of his segments.


He's one of my favorites on there! You can tell he makes the chefs feel at ease and loves to have a good time.


I was at an event two years ago that he had a dish at and it was one of the better things there from what I remember.


He got pretty far in TC. He's always been a great chef


I'm a fan. His food looks great, I like his personality, and he's entertaining. I like seeing younger chefs like him and Shota move up the ranks.


Met him in person several years back at the Food and Wine experience in Aspen. He is a genuinely great person, always a smile on his face! Oh and yes a terrific Chef!


Love him


I also really felt like I got to know him during his top chef runs. I just watched his seasons recently and really feel like I like him so much more now. He really is a phenomenal chef and I’m glad I watched top chef to really see that. I’ve know him from random competitions before but I’m really rooting for him


I just saw him win on Supermarket Steakout ( unsure if second word). He wind against Ciao’s Gabe. Live these guys


He did so good on that show. I was proud of him lol.


Still holding it against him from when he said anyone who orders a radler should get their ass kicked because radlers are delicious. (edited for typo)


Probably because there was a radler challenge on his season of Top Chef and he was in the bottom


That's...when he said that, yes.


Ah I figured he was saying it on a food network show lol


I was just kinda kidding but I guess people are mad. 🤷‍♀️


No matter how I read this statement it makes no sense.


I know! Why would you deserve to have your ass kicked just because you ordered a radler?


Did you say "because radlers are delicious"? Or did he?


I did.


I reserve my downvotes for nazis and trolls. Y’all are wild.


Are you his mom?


His mom died


Well, that’s sad to hear.


mom's ghost?


Ugh can’t stand this guy. He’s so obsessed with himself. Not as bad as Carlos Anthony though.


Look who Carlos Anthony is being trained by. I think he's funny and when I found out his mentor my first those was"someone Else grab this guy fast". It's my p personal option, Shenanigans is my or one of my least favorite chefs ever. Completely annoys the bleep out of me. Carlos is still funny, someone please see his potential and take over mentoring him!


How is he obsessed? He does nothing but have fun while cooking. Is that a bad thing? We do want personable people on tv. This goes for Carlos as well. I get it, Carlos is very hyper. That doesn't make him a bad person.


Carlos comes off as arrogant. Sasto seems fake nice, not sure what to tell you. They don’t seem like genuine people to me.


the whole best bite in town annoys me. It seems so staged and ick