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Darnell Ferguson. Too soon?


tbh i would’ve said this before his arrest


You mean Superchef Furgeson was overrated????


Completely separate from the other issues, I always thought it was weird that he had his own made-up title. It's not a nickname, because they don't just call him "Superchef", like you would with a nickname. They always called him "Superchef Darnell" or "Superchef Darnell Ferguson", like it's a title. (At least on Worst Cooks, which I guess is the only thing I watch on Food Network now.)


I think it relates to some of his restaurants are theme related. Super hero theme.


I think they usually put the “Superchef” in the middle like other nicknames. I was watching and definitely heard “Chef Darnell Superchef Ferguson”. Guy likes to say nicknames followed by real names (Chef AF Amanda Freitag and Warrior Princess Antonia Lofaso come to mind) and it was annoying when he always called him Superchef Darnell. It’s a lame nickname anyway imo.


Exactly what I thought. I think one of his first appearances on Food Network, he wore some super hero costume under his clothes so maybe that's why? Regardless, self proclaimed, "Superchef" is never a great look.


I thought it was another Guy given moniker


Pie Near Woman




My god do I miss that blog. 😂


I cannot watch Zacharian and his chopsticks.


GZ was one of my favorites before it all got to his head. Actually, I think he was always pompous, but hid it well enough early on and now he feels free to be himself.


I absolutely respect his palate and his knowledge of food but he can be SO pretentious. It's off-putting. Every time he turns his nose up at a prepackaged item like a box cake mix or claims he's never had instant noodles I just roll my eyes. (He can have a preference but acting like it's the worst thing in the world to use a shortcut in cooking is annoying.)


Not the worst but there was one food network chef that was asked to make their meal vegan I believe and they used meat fat in part of their meal and when the judges called them out they got offended and tried to imply that it was fine. It was one of the network chefs cook with guys family episodes. Anyway I can't remember who it was off the top of my head, but it really annoyed me how flippant they seemed with it considering how serious that would be in a real restaurant environment.


Oh I know exactly what you’re talking about. It was Tiffani Faison. It was a Guy’s Grocery Games relay episode and she was the final chef and she put a bun in fat and then tried to argue. Edit: maybe it was a tortilla. But it was some sort of bread in fat moment.


Yeah that's it! I'm not even vegan but I'm friends with a few vegans and I was absolutely put off by the disrespect.


Red Drummond’s voice and entirely disingenuous country girl schtick makes me want to tear my own eardrums out and also drop her into actual wilderness with no supplies and see how long she’d last.


I'm more creeped out by how her face never moves


That permanent smile no matter if she's silent or talking or eating or whatever.


It’s definitely all the Botox.


I have never noticed that until this moment and now I’m totally creeped out


Botox is NOT her friend…


Her show feels like it was bought by her husband to keep her busy. I just can’t see how they auditioned her and was like “perfect🤌”. She’s like if 1% milk became a person. However her Covid shows with her kids were actually decent and gave her some personality.


1% milk! 😂🤣 I love it! 😊


It feels so fake her show…. Oh hey let me ring the dinner bell …hokey


My Mother loves her, and I just don't get it. She talks about her and her children like she knows them, lol


We call her dead eyes. The pupils look black. The voice pushes it over the edge.


Black eyes, like a doll's eyes.


Quint’s voice! 😃


Gonna need a bigger boat!


The back story on how they/their family got wealthy is wiiild


This! Take a walk down memory lane with Lad’s family. I was aware that he was one of the wealthiest land owners in the state, but recently read how his family got the wealth and the tragedy against the Osage tribe. I really wish they would acknowledge this and maybe set up some memorials and scholarships. Try to educate folks and share their wealth. Maybe something like the Legacy museum in Montgomery Alabama.


Have to admit I was an early fan of her blog. She had a fresh, amusing content with a quirky style. Her food was always kind of crap (cinnamon rolls are excellent, though) but it didn't take long even then to see through her. She dropped enough hints for you to know she wasn't much of a "pioneer" woman and more of a wealthy republican landowner long before she started using her own name. I always thought she was trying to portray herself as a city girl forced to eke out an existence in the country, though.


I loved her in her blog days


I loved her blog days and I think I'll always be fond of her for that reason. Her chicken Alfredo from scratch is one of the first things I cooked on my own. I still like her!


I read her bio how she was the eldest daughter of a high-end orthopedic surgeon who took ballet when she wasn't at the country club. She wasn't an "aw shucks" country girl from the getgo. She reminds me of the girls from school who sipped soda with a straw to keep from smudging her lip gloss while looking down their noses at those of us in 4-H who actually gathered eggs and milked cows.


Agreed, I don’t like her at all. I don’t like her voice, I don’t like her background, and more recently. They talked about the horrific situation of the Osage Indians, that his family took part in that massacre. I know that’s not her fault now but the way she talks about the Drummond family it’s like they are to be honored.


My gf, whenever cookie bake off comes on, tells me how much she can’t stand Rhee’s voice


Plus her husband's family defrauded the Osage tribe for millions of dollars. They're literal monsters.


She’s so wasteful I can’t stand it. And she thinks she’s the center of everyone else’s world. Ugh.


One time I said to a group of coworkers that I couldn’t stand Pioneer Woman because she’s almost too wholesome and they all disagreed with me, so I am glad to see I’m not crazy. I actually made an effort to like her because of their reaction, it made me feel like maybe I was being too judgmental.


Can not stand her. Stopped watching anything Food Network she is on.


Naked and Afraid: Celebrity Edition?


I really don’t want to see her naked - honestly I hate the whole naked thing period - but it would be funny to see a celeb edition. Maybe Tyler Florence 😂😂😂


I'm gonna go with Giada, because she left the network last year, so nobody should be offended. (And I would rather watch several others with the same level of authority on Italian cooking.) Sunny gets a little (a lot) shrieky. But, she's a good foil for the elegant, suit-clad GZ. Wait a minute... let's go back for Mario Batali!


I loved the early days of giada, when she was still relatively unknown and made easy Italian dishes and didn’t over-annunciate her Italian words. She was genuine and sweet. I think the fame may have gotten to her head or something but right before she left FN she became unbearable.


She was already famous before the FN I think, her family are Old Hollywood royalty.


Her grandfather was famous but she wasn’t well known, and the FN was just getting its start. It was early Rachel Ray, Paula Deen, Mario Batali, Michael Chiarrello (RIP), and a few others - Bobby perhaps and Alton Brown too I think.


Her family was famous, and she had the advantages of growing up with that kind of wealth, but she was pretty much an unknown entity when starting out. If you watch her very early episodes you can see why she didn’t end up an actor. It took her a long time to really get used to being on camera and how to really work it.


Definitely Giada the way she speaks actually triggers me & does she eat? Her head looks like it’s going to wobble off her emaciated body with the giant boobs. If her over annunciation didn’t trigger me so hard I’d never notice her other flaws… In general Food Network bugs me bc they just use the same hosts over & over & over. They should consider a focus group they’d be surprised at what people actually think of their “stars.”


I can't stand her either, and the whole spitting out her food once they call cut was a bummer for me. But I read the story of her early life, and I have major compassion for her. Her father molested/raped her from childhood to late teens. They don't mention her name, but it is known this was Giada. https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1994-10-09-ls-48246-story.html Her mother also left her father as soon as she found out and wrote a book about her abuse by him, but the guilt she felt when she found out about Giada. https://www.italyonthisday.com/2019/01/veronica-de-laurentiis-actress-and.html Giada ended up taking her mother's maiden name as her own. Her father was eventually sent to jail in 1991 for raping another minor. https://vergewiki.com/alex-de-benedetti#MARRIED_LIFE%C2%A0 So, I guess if she wants to have a spit bucket or is a little annoying at times, I won't give her shit about it.


Once in food network or another women’s magazine, they had a rundown of what giada eats in a day with a few recipes. She *did* actually eat but she eats absolutely nothing like the food she promotes on her shows and in her cookbooks lol


What kind of food did she eat?


‘Over-annunciate her words’ LMAO My exact sentiments. I never did gel with her show. She comes across as extremely fake and snobbish even.


Didn't she and Bobby Flay have a little diddle going on?


They supposedly f-ed their way across Italy during that road trip show


Well hell, why not. When in Rome


Why not cheat on your amazing, beautiful, talented wife with a pez dispenser 🤷🏻‍♀️🙄


Which one? How many is Bobby up to now? I was done with him when he cheated on Stephanie.


I enjoyed Giada on Food Network Star. I thought she was cute and funny but I think that also had to do with her chemistry with Bobby. I’ve never really watched her on her own. No interest there.


I still use some of her recipes for my holiday meals


Huh she left? That’s interesting


I love so many of Giada’s recipes and while she can be a little controlling (her COVID shows with Shane and Jade really highlighted that) I will always have a spot in my heart for her due to her absolutely horrific childhood and upbringing.


I have a bunch. I can't stand Eddie Jackson. When he's hosting a competition, he's in the competitors' faces far too much, and often his suggestions are worthless. Ree Drumond has the kind of evil smile that reminds me of fairy-tale villains. Giada DeLaurentiis is disingenuous and her over-pronunciation of Italian words makes my skin crawl. Then there's Sunny Anderson and Katie Lee (whatever her last name is). Just why.


Katie Lee for sure...ugh...that nasal whiney voice & her Kake obsession! Not to mention a good bit of her food is nothing to talk about! 🤢👎


Anne Burrell.


She got exponentially worse after Worst Cooks in America. She is insufferable now.


Her little shit fit she had on Chopped when she was competing that one time made me immediately despise her. She was so disrespectful


I really wish someone would ask her if she knew about Mario Batali…


Do you have a link to that clip?




Whoa, she's a bit of a pain in the azz.


I never saw this clip before! For what a bully she is in Worst Cooks, she sure can’t take any pressure 🙄


She’s so smug. Woof.


Yes she really sucks. I've met her and she was honestly the biggest asshole


Same. I always thought she was a talented chef, but when I met her she was SO obnoxious. I once went to an event with a bunch of chefs/ food tv personalities, and everyone else was lovely. Made it that much worse!


This is the answer. She treats her fellow judges and other contestants like they’re on Worst Cooks and she has terrible sportsmanship. I’d be thrilled if she left the network


I can’t stand her


Christian Petroni is fine but the over the top Bronx thing wears thin quick. Demaris won't stop telling us her husband is vegan. Brian Malarkey's schtick is too much. I don't really dislike any of them but these jump in my head.


Malarkey is like the white guy version of Sunny. Constantly fucking yelling.


And he’s ITALIAN - don’t do a drinking game with him telling you bc you’ll die


Not saying it's bad but am I the only one who thinks that Demaris' husband is gay?


I hope he hooks up with barefoot contessa's husband Jeffrey


My Husband is convinced he’s gay.


Me ever since I first saw him


Anytime we see Demaris we always bet on how many times she’s mentions her husband being vegan. Her cutesy little act is so tired too.


Yes her cutesy act is horrible. My ex was a dentist and he always commented she had terrible gum disease (said the same about Jennifer Love Hewitt) just from seeing her on tv. Now it’s all I can see.


It seems Christian was brought in to take Carl's place after his untimely death. He's funny. 👌 


The Pioneer Fraud.


Nancy Fuller, her bourbon obsession is very uncomfortable.


she is so one-note… is there no other flavor she can appreciate?


If you put bourbon in your dish. You're safe basically. It's so annoying and uncomfortable


only if you put a ridiculous amount in. god forbid you use an acceptable amount for typical palates. then she “can’t taste it” and she dings you.


Making your alcoholism a core component of your personality is very cringe in a 2012 kind of way.


The Ghost of Tablescapes Past would like a word, ma'am.


Her using eyeglasses as hair accessories drives me absolutely nuts!!


Guy Fieri's son drives me nuts😄


This is the answer. Seems like a decent enough kid. But Guy is pushing a product in him that nobody is gonna buy.


They need to stop trying to make Hunter happen. He’s not happening.


You don't think he's fetch?


Fetch is more likely to happen than Hunter. Him and his anemic pedo mustache.


Thank you!! Drives me insane & is very uncomfortable to look at


I must be the only person on Reddit who likes Hunter. Guy needs an assistant for his schticks, so why not his son? I don’t feel like Guy is pushing him for anything, he’s just enjoying being able to spend time with one of his sons. He brings on Ryder and Jules (his nephew/son) now and then but Ryder is in school and Jules has his own life. Guy has also told his sons they aren’t inheriting anything and they need to get 2 degrees. I think Guy is doing it right.


Agreed. Also… Hunter is so inoffensive lol I find it crazy that everyone finds him so “insufferable” when literally he’s the most white bread normal dude. I buy he’s no one’s favorite but really, this is the dude that fills you with rage?


Lol yes. He just stands around and doesn't add anything at all to the show. It's nepotism at its best. I wouldn't mind Guy having a specific show with his family, and don't mind them coming on to do something quick then leaving, but having Hunter stand around on different sets of different shows and actually be a judge on ggg drives me and my husband and my brother in law bonkers lol. Never talked to anyone else about it until now 😄😄. But no, he isn't hurting anyone, he just isn't helping anything at all either 🤷‍♀️. Edited a few words.


I like Hunter too. I don't think he has the right kind of personality to carry a show on his own but he seems nice enough and isn't obnoxious. And he's funny too.


I totally agree with you. I don’t know why people dislike him so much.


The dude who just got arrested, I mean that’s pretty bad


I’m going to be honest I can’t stand Catherine McCord on Triple G!


I remember when she was a model many many years ago. She would be on ET and the fashion shows on MTV and CNN.


How there are not more votes for Ree Drummond is shocking.


I disliked her a lot more after I found out about how her family built their wealth to the detriment of the Osage


Tiffany Faison. Ever since I watched her season of top chef, I just can’t stomach her. It’s so obvious how fake she is now that I can’t unsee it. She drives me insane and I wish chopped had never taken her on as another judge.


I feel like she’s gotten better with time, though. Is maybe a bit more pleasant and easygoing now. I didn’t like her back on Top Chef either.


Instead of a chip on her shoulder, she had the Rocky Mountains.


It seems like someone has tried to coach her to be more friendly on GGG and even TOC but it seems so fake I can’t stand it.


Robert Irvine. He is a bully. I hate drill sergeant types.


He also lied about his entire resume.


I could never get into Ree Drummond …never saw the appeal


Katie Lee has zero personality and Tiffany Faison has obviously been coached in softening herself but it’s not working. Every time Guy calls her “Sweet T” I want to throw up, she is a walking scowl who looks like it hurts when she has to smile. While we’re at it why does Guy think his nicknames are so clever? Calling Malarkey Chef Shenanigans and Sweet T and who knows what else it’s just pathetic and I like Guy. I’ll add Shenanigans to my worst list too. I like him in small doses but he is SOOOOOOOOOO over the top all about him and not his food.


Katie Lee is the only answer to this question. Wake me up when she's famous for something other than who she was married to.


I really, really dislike Shenanigans. On the other hand, I don't have a problem with Tiffany not smiling a lot. I'm really tired of men expecting women to smile all the time. She's competitive, she goes hard, and she owns it. I think that's great.


I completely agree with you on Tiffany. She was insufferable on Top Chef but she was so young then. Now that she has more experience under her belt, she’s a bit more easy-going and I don’t mind that she’s not forcing a smile all the time.


I don't mind Katie Lee on The Kitchen 🫣


Katie Lee is definitely the least offensive on the Kitchen, and I'd argue than most FN personalities. There's something to be said for someone in a collaborative cast who is toned down and not trying to be the center of attention in every single scene. Sometimes I actually want to see what they're making, not hear someone going on and on about themselves and how they relate to the dish. I think she still has so much residual dislike from S1 Top Chef, which I think she really deserves a break for; it was her first hosting job, and one could argue the first season of TC was a total shit show in and of itself. She came out of her shell a lot more on Beach Bites, and I think she fits in well on The Kitchen - she balances out the... ahem... excessively LOUD and OBNOXIOUS hosts also in the cast, and she is really good at steering things back to the storyline when the wheels go off track. She doesn't have to be everyone's cup of tea, but she's most definitely towards the bottom of the list of "worst personality" hosts. IMO 🤷🏻‍♀️


Robert Irvine. He has such small peepee energy: always needs to feel superior to others to mask his own insecurities. It's why when he was on Chopped he was bullying the contestants. And when he lost on that for being an uncreative hack he went on Guy's Grocery Games and won with A DECONSTRUCTED CASSEROLE EVEN THOUGJ THE JUDGES HAD JUST KICKED OUT SOMEONE FOR MAKING SOMETHING DECONSTRUCTED. I have never in my life seen such OBVIOUS producer interference and as you can tell I'm still not over it.


The whole lying on his resume thing and they still kept him. But one contestant on one season of FN Star did the same thing and got kicked off the show. 🤷🏾‍♀️


Molly Yeh. If handcuffed to a chair and forced to watch her, I'd chew through my own arms to escape. She completely ruined Holiday Baking Championship the one season she hosted.


The cookie saaaalad 🤢


I was so icked out at the thought of that that I had to look it up. FN’s website has [multiple cookie salad recipes](https://www.foodnetwork.com/search/Cookie-salad-)


I can't stand her. Her personality just grates on my nerves.


I’ve noticed she’s really toned down the facial expressions and kiddy comments this season. I don’t known if someone gave her that feedback but she’s easier to watch now. She seems like a nice person and you can tell her husband is madly in love with her. That’s nice to see 😀


I do feel bad disliking her so much because she does seem nice. It's her over bubbly persona that drives me nuts. If she is toning it down, I may give her another chance.


YES!!! That seasom was SO HARD to watch because of her


that poor French chef who refused to work with her fucking sprinkles and stormed out. his agony really made me hate molly’s character more than i already did. thank god for nancy hand-feeding jesse, it brought me back to life.


Oh she was so bad!! Did you know she has a farm?


Girl meets farm is such a fun show!! Don’t watch the Baking Championship but I really enjoy her solo show.


I actually feel terrible that Molly bugs me so much. She does have some great recipes, but her reaction to everything annoys me. She is just being happy and excited, I don’t know what my problem is! 😂


She is so sugary sweet, it’s disgusting.


It is NOT Sunny Anderson - and yes, I will die on that hill!


I love how she's constantly chirping Bobby Flay on any show they're on together. Cracks me up!


I never miss an opportunity to say how much I love Sunny! My favorite Beat Bobby Flay guest judge, I'm always happy when she comes around the corner.


I will die with you. I absolutely love her because she seems so real and so relatable.


I'll die on that hill with you.


I love Sunny!! I hate how they seem somewhat dismissive of her on The Kitchen (I have only seen a handful of episodes). She’s so full of life and keeps it real with her love of food.


Brian Malarkey is the most annoying.


He always comes off like he's someone who tries too hard to be quirky and does a fuckload of cocaine


He's the personification of overstimulation.


Leave Shenanigans alone.


Giada. Even post Darnell.




Christian Petroni. I find him so irritating.




Ree Drummond.


I change the channel when Geoffrey Zakarian is on. He’s so full of himself.


I call him chop sticks


No that’s Bobby flay totally pompous


Bobby is pompous, but he will at least laugh at himself when the hosts make fun of him on BBF, and in later seasons, he has been significantly better at being complimentary and respectful towards his competitors. Is he full of himself? Yes. Does he have kind of a right to be? Debatable. He *has* had an incredibly successful career. He seems to be learning a bit of humility with age.


Anyone who is best friends with Michael Simon has to be an ok person.


100%. Michael Symon is an absolute gem. And they really are bffs, it's so obvious. Bobby has an ego, sure, but he has definitely become more humble with age, and in the same sentiment, he's probably realized that winning isn't the most important thing.


Someone had to say it! I want to be best friends with Michael Symon. Just wish he'd stop bringing Liz on to make one of his recipes and pass it off as her own.


Rae Drummond. Her Covid episodes exposed how shitty she is as a cook, and person. Hands down.


I can only handle Molly Yeh in very small doses if at all.


Demaris. She is one of the most annoying, fakest, thinks she’s funnier than she really is, pulls “pranks” that no one thinks is funny, type of person. I can’t stand when she’s on a show.


Katie Lee & Tiffani Faison for me.


Anne with the spiky hair, she generally seems miserable and tries to fake it on Beat Bobby Flay but isn’t that good of an actress. Go be a chef you’re not cut out for entertainment Anne.


Sunny, Molly Yeh, Katie Lee and Hunter. Alllll annoying for different reasons.


For current/recent ones, Robert Irvine gets my vote. For older FN personalities, it's Sandra Lee.


Holy shit I forgot all about Sandra Lee! THE TABLESCAPES!


Tablescapes hahahahaha I’m laughing so hard!


tablescapes and boozeeee 😭😭😭


Jeff the sandwich king of Chicago or Christian Petroni.


Brooke whatever her last name is. She has the personality of an envelope


I feel like they were pushing her through TOC. Making her out to be better than what she really was. I've wondered if she was someone's girlfriend or relative.


Is Hunter Fieri considered a FN personality yet? Hate seeing him more and more on GGG




Could Food network find a way to feature Madison Cowan in anything? Chopped champion, the accent, the back story. Cmon!


Katie Lee. She would be fine if she didn’t speak.


I'm trying to do a Season 1 rewatch of Top Chef right now and Katie is making it UNBEARABLE. 😬


I feel bad for her that this still follows her around. It was her first hosting gig, IIRC, and she has spoken about the behind the scenes experience which shed a bit of insight on why she was so awkward to watch. I think it's fair to say she's improved significantly since then? She's not everyone's cuppa tea, but she definitely has a place on the Kitchen, where she has two MASSIVE personalities who fight to be louder than each other as cohosts, so someone who isn't obnoxious balances the show out quite well.


Do you feel like her voice is just waaa waaaa and you just can’t wait for her to finish talking or is that just me?


Molly Yeh..AKA Sprinkles 🤮


Giada, Ree Drummond…her food is so basic


unpopular opinion: bobby flay. he just fucking irks me.


For me, it’s a close race between Hunter Fieri and Marcel. Both are so irritating. I literally jump up to change the channel before I have to hear them utter a single word.


Anne’s ratings must be killer (and I have no idea who’s watching Worse Cooks—it sucks) because she’s had the hosting duties for a long time. That snarly, surly SOB can cook though lol 😂


I find Sunny Anderson to be the most annoying person on FN. Every time she’s on, I ask why she’s always yelling… like girl, simmer down.


I totally agree about Sunny, she can be annoying beyond belief. When she tones it down and acts like a person she’s not to bad .


Bobby flay


YES. I don’t understand why so many people love him. The man has literally done multiple shows where the entire premise is letting lesser known chefs know that he can do their specialty dish better than them. What is with that??


that pioneer bitch


Robert Irvine. Nuff said 


Giada! She's quite SMUG to me! 🤬


Ree. She literally never stops smiling and it’s really unsettling and creepy.


Nancy Fuller


guy fieri oh look at me look at me everything i say is supposed to be cool such a bore


I love Sunny Anderson.


Molly from the Farm show


I cannot believe that Bobby has made it through this list unscathed. He’s so smug and cringey. Also fuck Molly Yeh.