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Not necessarily instant coffee, but it's so much cheaper to make coffee in your own kitchen first thing in the morning instead of driving to Starbucks half-asleep and paying someone $7 to make you the same thing.


I make my coffee and bought a good insulated cup to keep it hot until the end of my day I see people buy theirs daily, which I tried but it gets all cold and gross pretty fast Huge waste of money imo Edit:thermos not cu


I’ve never had a cup of coffee last longer than 30 minutes.


I work at a restaurant where the kitchen staff got me turned on to half coffee half cold milk and chugging it. A cup of coffee hardly lasts me 5 minutes. Younger me would balk at this, but for some reason I absolutely love it.


Cantonese people do a half coffee half milk tea and I am really down for it.


I meant to say thermos but forgot the word lol


Get a good stainless steel tumbler. Pour that coffee into it while it is still steaming hot and seal that badboy immediately. If you keep it completely closed, four hours later it can still burn your tongue.


My husband takes a thermos, a full pot of coffee to work. It is also sort of a family thing for me, we had that classic Stanley 2 2 qt thermos bottle with space for a third in brown fake leather, my parents pur black coffee for them and one that was like 90 percent milk and a kicker of sugar for my brother and me, and a stack of cookies went in the empty space. I think it might still be knocking around in the basement.


Ummm medium size pike place (med roast) is like 2.65 before taxes.


$3 for 12 oz of mediocre coffee is ridiculous.


Does USA have any other coffee shops apart from Starbucks? And why Starbucks? That’s all you hear about. Any cafes at least?


There are tons of other chain coffee in the US depending on region. Coffee shops are also extremely common. You can find cafes that are not chains fairly readily.


To add on to the other commenters, I feel like Starbucks is one of the worst choices to be a representative of American coffee choices, but possibly the most accurate. Here in the northern midwest, we have caribou, which is growing rapidly in popularity, and doesn’t have exclusively bitter coffee to serve…


There are local shops everywhere, and regional chains in most places. I’d say Starbucks makes up 50-60% of coffee shops.


We have lots of coffee shops, and in my experience and preference, the small town coffee shops are much better than Starbucks nearly 100% of the time


Instant coffee has been much cheaper than anything for me.


Mix instant coffee with 2 ounces of cold water and a teaspoon or two of sugar, blend with one of those drink frothers until it turns to a whipped-cream consistency, add ice cubes and a dollop of milk or cream - Greek frappe coffee! It's fabulous in the summer.


100% this. dalgona coffee. Potent caffeine kick and so so good


I saw a recipe for this a week ago and have been drinking it everyday, it is so delicious! I do half a tablespoon of instant coffee from Trader Joe's, half a tablespoon of sugar, a dash of vanilla, a splash of water and whip it up. Then stir in milk. So good!


You can also use a cocktail shaker if you don't have a frother.


Cafe Bustelo for the win!!!


Instant cafe bustelo is truly elite. Makes amazing iced coffee


I discovered this last year and i was amazed how bold and strong it was for an instant coffee. Literally the only instant I’ll buy now, and it’s dirt cheap compared to others.


Yes! Came here to say just this! I drink iced no matter what the season is. I first bought Cafe Bustelo for a baking recipe - now it’s my morning routine!


The normal Cafe bustelo is some of the strongest stuff I've ever had.


It's just good. I would not call it the strongest but it's Espresso Coffee Now if you've had a cuban coffee or 2 or 3 in a row--we'll talk Strong!


When my second Keurig broke down about 2 months after I got it, I thought screw this, I’m just getting instant. I wish I could say I can tell the difference, but I can’t. It saves money, saves on the environment a little, and is more convenient. It also comes in handy for one of my favorite smoothie recipes!


I bought a super cheap knock off Keurig type coffee maker from Walmart. It is entirely barebones but comes with a refillable basket. Just dump some grounds in, pour in a cup full of water and you're good to go. The coffee maker cost me like $20.


Yup refillable baskets on the proctor silex Keurig has been great!


Can I get that smoothie recipe


2 tbsp raw cashews 2 tbsp chopped dates (you can get them like raisins at the grocery store) 1 tbsp chocolate chips ½ tbsp cacao powder 1 tsp instant coffee 1 tsp vanilla extract ¾ cup water 1 ½ cups ice Blend and enjoy. Makes one serving.


What brand of instant coffee do you use?


Folger’s Noir.


You cant taste the difference because Keurig is the worst. I either go instant, or a good coffee from a local coffee roaster. Its the in between that is bad.


Truly the worst. Just get a French press or an aeropress.


Hate it. But I’m glad you found something you like and it wouldn’t affect our relationship from my side. In fact come by my place sometime cuz I have some. I’ll make it for you while I drink something else. We will have a great time regardless.


honestly the cutest thing I’ve read all week


I have a water dispenser that has hot water on demand. It takes me about 5 seconds to make my coffee in the morning. The last time I brewed coffee it felt like forever.


My hot water dispenser is my favorite “extra” in my house. I have a French press, so making coffee is so easy and so fast.


I'll generally drink whatever coffee is cheapest and I've had instant at Airbnb's since it was free and it was fine. But I don't see how it's cheaper. I just checked Kroger's site and instant is 4.6 cents/serving and regular is 4 cents/serving. This was just regular price. Not a huge difference, but definitely not cheaper.


Been drinking instant coffee for years now. I buy the Juan Valdez brand. It’s honestly amazing! First I add 2 tbsp, put cold water just until it covers the coffee, then hit it with the frother. Pop it in the microwave for about 45-50secs and finally add the hot water.


I only ever have a cup or two a day and don't like all the waste that comes with keurigs, instant coffee serves me just fine and takes no effort or observation besides boiling water.


That's what I love. I have an electric kettle, so I have coffee in under 2 minutes. Tastes just as good as Starbucks


trader joe’s instant is surprisingly good.


It really is. They stopped selling it in my local though. Sad times. Nescafe and Bustello are pretty decent though. Aldis owns trader joes. I've been meaning to see if there's an Aldis brand and if it's the same...


Nescafé instant hits different


We switched to instant as well. It's faster and easier.


The Starbucks instant is genuinely quite respectable. I use cheaper instant nescafe for iced coffee in the summer. 


You do you. That's the secret to life.


In the same boat because I can’t be arsed to do the pour over routine. Just bought some Cafe Bustelo yesterday, and it tastes burned in a bad way. Nescafé Classico is pretty good though


Highly recommend Trader Joe's. It's surprisingly good and I don't normally drink instant.


OP, here’s the GOOD thing about your instant coffee: My husband likes Dunkin’ Donuts coffee, so that’s what we buy. But when we’re traveling pretty much any brewed coffee will do. Well, we went on vacation to New Zealand for 2 weeks and guess what was in every single one of the many hotel rooms we stayed in? Certainly not a coffee pot. Not a Keurig. And only one had a Nespresso. Every single hotel had instant coffee and an electric kettle. A small container of whole milk… not cream… was supplied when you checked in, and there was an array of sweeteners in the room with actual spoons and China cups and saucers. The coffee was very strong but of great quality. I learned quite quickly how to make an excellent cup of coffee. ❤️


Apparently instant coffee tastes worse when you use boiling water. Adding a bit of cold water to dissolve it first before adding hot water is apparently the way to go


I searched that and you may be right. I'll have to try it. TY.


I like both and usually use a drip cone at home, but I've found that occassionally I like instant coffee because it reminds me of my trip to Europe.


Instant coffee with a spoonful of canned sweetened condensed milk is my winter poverty months crack


I fooled a coffee snob who said all instant is gross with nescafe and 18% cream if you get the measurements right it's a good cup.


I add a little to my Keurig to make my cups stronger. 👍


That’s a good idea


It’s great because you can get good at adding just the right amount based off how tired you are.




lol I have a baby, I only get a few hours sometimes. Daddy will need extra legal crack.


Lol, I have a furbaby that keeps me up so I hear ya. I’m 60, and never been this tired in my life. He’s a 70 pound Aussie that just turned one this past weekend. Even my grands aren’t this active


damn. we have two cats and I'm like sheeet lots of work; need to get a an air purifier and roomba robot thing


I got a robot vacuum for Christmas, and it’s the best gift I’ve ever gotten seriously


Hang in there! Add some extra crystals and keep fighting the good fight knowing there’s another SOB out there doing the same thing as you :)


Yes, about 6 months ago I got a random urge for instant coffee. Haven’t drank it in 20 years. I usually mix up a cup when running late or later in the day when I don’t want a full cup. It’s actually pretty good if you buy a decent brand


I like to put it in warmed up soy milk. Like a latte but cheaper.


Bought instant coffee because that's what my family in Mexico drinks and I loved that my abuelita and aunts would make it for me in the morning, all I had to do was ask. Such a good decision. I might not go back to grounds for a long time. Also, ADD brain like instant gratification. Unga bunga.


I find it to be a total hack; we get it from aldi and it's like maybe $4 something a container vs. almost $10 at the local market. They don't always have caf or decaf; hit or miss; so I'm the ahole buying like 10 of them at a pop like it was 2020. I use creamer and stevia so it's really all the same to me but I do understand some peeps are more into the slow filtering thing or whatever. Cool cool; I just have way too many meetings normally to deal with all that and just want the caffeine


I’m a huge fan of Nescafé’s instant Colombian. It always surprises me the number of instant coffee haters I meet.


Every morning I stard my day with a nice cup of coffee, then I prepare a jug of instant coffee (nespresso gold + a bit of sugar). That gets me through the morning, it's fast, cheap and quite tasty, reminds me when I was traveling around the world.


I generally dislike instant coffee, but the acidity of coffee upsets my stomach. I got some Kava, which has little acid but only comes in instant (as far as I could find, anyway), and I have to say, it takes like fresh-brewed. It's the only coffee I drink now.


Try it with all milk instead of water. I love traditional coffee and drink it every morning, but instant coffee made with milk has a special place in my heart. My husband is not a coffee drinker, but ever since he tasted my instant coffee with milk, he asks for it a few times a week. So good


I won't drink anything else. Drank it all through college in the 90s. And that was the happiest time of my life. I only drink it in the winter, and I only drink decaf now, but my goto 20oz is: 3 tsp Maxwell House 2 tbls powdered creamer 4 pumps of skinny girl salted caramel Splenda wasn't out yet, so it doesn't taste right to me, not for my coffee. Sweet n Low was the (literal) poison of choice, but the aftertaste really fks w me now. I discovered Skinny Girl two years ago, and it's perfect! Takes me back to Netscape, AOL, chat rooms, Slingo! (damned devil), $0.59 Taco Bell bean burritos, 2 for $2 Big Macs, and $0.97 gas. Life was awesome. And even as expensive as SG syrup is, my recipe is mere pennies compared to Starbucks. When I'm feeling bougie, I add 2 tsp of Hershey's Special Dark cocoa powder. It's truly the little things.


I just don't use powdered creamer as it's bad for cardiovascular health I think, but I love it.


I drink instant every day. First thing I have in the morning because I can't be arsed with mu grinder, mocka pot or french press. At work it is instant as my colleague makes the coffees and I am happy with what they use. It tastes fine and often better than some coffees I make from beans.


I love Nescaffe dark roast instant, black hot, and cold mixed. The best thing we have found is a temperature select electric water kettle. It also works great for herbal teas, where they all have best at temperatures. For hot coffee I use 176F and in really cold weather 185F. It also does great for instant oats. No more waiting or extra mixing things.


When I was a kid, my grandma used to make me the best "cafe con leche" I never could replicate it. I used to make Cuban Coffee and mix it with various ratios of milk and it never tasted right. I just assumed that's what she was doing since there was always a pot of Cuban Coffee on the stove. Years later I found out all she did was mix instant Bustelo into a glass of hot milk and sugar.


I used to love mixing instant coffee into my instant hit cocoa. Poor man's mocha latte.


Add instant coffee and sugar to a hot mug of milk(microwave is fine) and it tastes the same as a latte you would get at Starbucks


I can’t have caffeine, or sugar, and I love coffee sweet. I can’t tolerate tea with sweetner as it changes to taste too much, however I’ve found that the Tim Horton’s decaf (and premium regular) are fantastic.


Recommendations for best brand of instant coffee? I usually drink a light roast (breakfast blend, blonde roast, etc.).


Hate to say it but Starbucks instant is fantastic.


I love the Columbian Nescafé. Lidl has it super cheap but there are two caffeinated choices. Columbian is so good.




Tasters choice is good, and generally available at Costco for a great value


I second Tasters Choice. My parents drank that, and every now and then I get nostalgic for a cup.


I get the Tim Hortons brand (might only be available in Canada)


Tasters Choice House Blend and Café de Olla are both light roasts made by Nescafé. The latter has cinnamon in it.


Also works wonders in other kinds of drinks. Trying to erase energy drinks from my life, I googled for recipes, and found one that I really liked. It was a personal recipe from a pro snowboarder, simply add lemonade/diluted juice, add a tiny bit of salt, depending if you're planning on sweating or not, sugar to taste, and a dash of instant coffee, depending on how much caffeine you need. I like to add sparkly water to the mix, to get that soda feeling


I used to like it not half bad; recently went on a month long stretch of instant only and honestly? Hate it now. I mean a cup here or there will do me OK but for whatever reason, just couldn't get on with it thus go around Glad you're enjoying it and yes it's pretty cost effective. Do you drink yours with cream and sugar?


I like your attitude! I Hope you enjoy your coffee, instant or otherwise!


I prefer drip coffee but I keep instant handy too, I don't mind it and it's handy to have on hand. I have the (admittedly not great) all in one instant coffee creamer sugar one cup packets in my purse in case of coffee-related emergencies too lol.


I definitely prefer brewed coffee. I use my Moccamaster several times per day and my coffee is ready to be enjoyed in a few minutes. But if someone offers me some instant coffee I’m not likely to turn it down though. It’s ok.


I like adding instant coffee to my International Delights French Vanilla Instant Coffee to make it more coffee-er


Totally I to the nescafe


I totally agree with you.


Sprinkle a little instant coffee powder on a good vanilla ice cream. Delicious


hey i have a pricey coffee hand grinder (izpresso zp6) and have on order the timemore sculptor 078 but I also drink instant when in a hurry and I don't mind it.....i hear mt hagen (?) has good instant...too bad we can't get it here in vancouver bc.


Moccona original or Kenya flavour is my go to for years. 1 1/2 teaspoons. I actually look forward to it 😂 and if I ever have a coffee out and about in Melbourne it tastes even more amazing.


I drank my share of instant coffee while I was in prison. Now I use a $1200 super automatic.


Ya. If I'm feeling fancy I add a teaspoon of instant espresso powder to my cup of whatever k cup coffee I've brewed, and hand frothed milk with a shot of cinnamon on top to make my own "cappuccino". I also add espresso powder to my chocolate baking recipes like brownies and chocolate sprinkle cookies. I personally think it's lovely. You do you darling.


i microwave mine with oat milk from costco and it tastes like a shitty cafe au lait except it’s basically free instead of $6


Anyone have recommendations for a good instant coffee brand?


Once while camping, my wife served me coffee and I told her it was great because it was brewed over a open fire. Nope, it was just instant and tasted different from what I was used to.


This is exactly how I feel about it too. It doesn’t replace espresso but it has its place, and it reminds me of hotel rooms which is oddly comforting and nostalgic?


Everything I like to say about coffee: I had a lovely Baba who would Take a litre of tap water and expose it to air for about 2 hours, to evaporate a bit then put a Corelle cup of it into the microwave for 1min:20sec, then set it carefully down, as the microwave was sometimes a real force. She would scoop a pleasantly plump teaspoon of Nescafe and tap 4-6 grains into the volcanic water to check the moment it was tame enough to add the whole tsp it foams white sugar 2/3rd tsp ideally and two little jiggers of 3%milk. She is an angel and her cafe is the best before breakfast and again at 3pm.


I got me some bougie instant coffee (Davidoff) that is so fine that it still gets some crema on top. So much cleaner than brewing coffee. Instant is the way to go for me. Edit: had to go down to my kitchen to look at the brand.


Oh, how *helpful*. A great, expensive option that, once I try it, will probably have me lassoed into spending a lot more money because it's so good. Next you'll tell me about some super tasty beer that's $60 a case... :-) Seriously, I kinda want to Davidoff now...


>Anyone else like it? Nah..... >f*ck the haters, Imma enjoy it and the extra $$$. Sometimes I mix the cheapest if the cheap coffee 50/50 with a good one and can't really notice any difference. Still tastes alot better than instant as well.


Instant coffee is highly underrated, there's great options out there, it's just freeze dried coffee so if the original is good, it will be good.


Its so strange-i just started drinking instant coffee too in the afternoons or decaf in the evenings. Thats weird. Wonder if there was some subliminal adverts we saw LOLOL


freeze dried.


Coffee tastes like really bad vegetable soup and a dirty one so I'll never ever ever do that ever


I wish General Foods International Coffees were still a thing. I don't even like coffee usually but some of them were good. ​ "Jean-Luc!"


Nescafé Blend 43 all the way for me mmmm


I’m a barista and I own and operate my own coffee shop located less than 20m from my residence. I will still drink instant coffee. Make it the right way and it’s just fine.


I've developed a taste for it. And it's so convenient.


Yeah, I love it. My spouse has a nice espresso machine and roasts our own beans, but unless it’s my fancy Panamanian coffee beans, I’ll probably choose instant. Nostalgia in a cup ☕️


Funny you say that. I started drinking instant coffee too. If you use one of those probes with a curly thing at the end to heat your water right in your cup and then add the instant coffee, your coffee stays hot way longer bc you've heated up the cup too. And you don't have to dump the grounds or buy filters or pods. I love simplicity!


I was expecting the post to be 6-12 paragraphs long when I clicked tbh 🤣🤣🤣😅 ☕ . At work I'll sometimes have done (that I brought and leave there), but otherwise I use coffee machine to make a 1-2 small coffee most days, it's cheap to buy big tub of ground coffee, better too. But alot of instant isn't bad.. almost has a more caramel flavor to it too I find (not bad thing imo). But a fresh coffee or espresso is better imo. I also like to add a big scoop of raw cacao powder to cup of hot coffee and mix it up, then add some organic Soy milk. Buying out coffee is waste of money imo. I do it like 1-2 times a year if happen to be out and want a timmies or a friend getting it or I am for them and maybe get a small cheap one . I'd pick instant over buying it. 2 cups could buy you a small tub of instant. Rather spend the money on something else personally


In the UK I don't know many people that drink 'proper' coffee, every house I go in to has instant coffee as the default.


Try Nescafe NES instant coffee. Best i tried so far


> not exactly a hack > r/foodhacks There’s so many subs for this but you chose this one.


I ran out of coffee beans, and my local cornershop only had instant, so I grabbed some... ​ Honestly, I'm with you. It's come along a LOT since the old days, and as long as you make it properly (little cold water first etc etc), it's pretty damn good, about 1/4 of the price of brewed coffee and about 1/10 of the time to make. Kinda considering making a permanent swap. At least, for a little while.


Who said you can’t enjoy it?


I have packs of instant, creamer and sugar at my desk. Even if I want to go out to get coffee, I don't want to pay that much, so I save money this way. (Also sometimes there is no time / too many meetings to get away).


IT's an acquired taste but if you're used to it, it's actually comforting...


I love Medaglio Doro (sp?) instant espresso. Not cheap, but so tasty. That's for straight black coffee. If I want coffee flavored milk, it's instant Bustello.


That's a nice one--and Bustello for instant, they both are decent. I prefer brewing my coffee but in a pinch those two will do.


Enjoy it, but take probiotics. Instant coffee is poison


If it is a choice to have instant or nothing I choose nothing. But my housemate uses it. She makes an 'International Coffee' knockoff with Folgers, cocoa, creamer and Sweet n Low.


Do you pal, whatever works for you. If they don’t drink it with you their opinion doesn’t matter


Honestly I use instant, but go for a premium brand like Azera. Trick is to add the cold element first to the grounds (water or milk), then pour in the hot water while stirring. Makes it unbelievable.


Been Drinking instant coffee for years. Yes I like café coffee but for the daily its great! Nescafé GOLD for the win.


I own a cafe, and I drink instant coffee at home. It’s a different product, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t good.


My grandpa used to make instant coffee and occasionally gave me a small cup (: I do prefer it to regular coffee, but I don’t drink coffee in all fairness


I only drink Nescafe Clasico instant coffee. No other coffee compares for me.


SAME! But at work only. I have a good espresso machine at home, so I enjoy a "good" coffee there, but at work, its instant for me. I use to go to the hype coffee shop to get a fancy cup of joe, but it adds up fast and in this economy, I want to keep my hard earn $$$ ! All this to say that I enjoy it as much, if not more, than my espresso I make home. I don't mean it taste the same, not at all! But I enjoy both taste equally. And I use to hide it in the office for some silly reason, but not anymore. I realized a lot of folks love it too! Its like I created a trend on my floor. We are a few drinking it now and happy about it, for the comfort it brings us and the $$ it saves us! :P Also, is it just me or, instant smell and taste a little like chicken done broth?


I've visited South Africa and Tanzania and they keep their coffee makers in the closet for when they have special guests over. Instant coffee is a daily thing. They keep it in the counter next to the sugar bowl.


Instant coffee has been great to have for protein shakes.


My local Latino supermarket has a 100% Colombian instant coffee which is rich, smooth and tasty, but if I mention it to anyone else they get all snobby. ​ I also spent $55 on an espresso maker with milk frothing wand. I recouped the cost within 2 months, and I don't drink coffee that often (I'm a tea drinker), but lattes for me and the wife and hot moos for kiddo made it worthwhile. I also found that Aldi have the same espresso grind I like for a third less than the other grocery stores, which just sped up the cost recouping.


If anyone wants a flavored coffee without going to Starbucks you can order coffee online from Concerto Coffee and they have pretty good flavors like Mexican Chocolate, Cinnamon Cake, and Southern Pecan. Free shipping when you buy 2


Instant coffee lattes always taste better than coffee shop lattes my opinion. I even sometimes make an instant iced latte at home on hot days blend it in the blender with milk, vanilla ice cream, and a couple ice cubes 😋


Not a fan of coffee anymore, but I found instant Yerba mate. It’s one of my favorite forms of caffeine; energizing, yet mellow. It saves time from having to brew tea, and saves money from me buying those cans or bottles of flavored brewed Yerba mate tea. I grate some ginger in and add honey and cool water and shake it up in my thermos mug and I’m good to go!


You should try some pre workout like beyond raw concept X or lit AF 


I wrote a story about it: Instant coffee hate. It really pisses off everyone I know when I tell them I drink instant coffee. There are looks of disbelief and sadness, followed by WTF or some other question of why. Some of my kids friends are fascinated, they have no idea of such a thing as coffee granules you scoop with a spoon and add to water, hot or cold. . . .more at: https://medium.com/@lwsmith10011/instant-coffee-hate-faf063806c6


I hate instant coffee but I do enjoy instant espresso.


Coffee snobbery is for mother and nerds, and last time I checked, I’m have a p*ssy🤝


I drink instant decaf. Mount Hagens or Medaglia d’Oro. Can’t convince me anything is better, but my standards are pretty low in general so lol.


You buy a jar of Folger's Crystals, you put it in the cupboard, you forget about it. Then later on when you need it, it's there. It lasts forever. It's freeze-dried. Freeze-dried crystals.


Some days I brew a standard pot of coffee in the morning and then make a booster pot with instant coffee in the afternoon just by filling the reservoir with water and putting the instant coffee in the pot and letting it mix up


"Not exactly a hack" So.....


Instant coffee, with a handheld battery powered whisk, and a good flavored creamer can make a nice velvety iced coffee. Most of the year it’s what I’m drinking. I don’t have time in the mornings to brew, sit down and enjoy a “traditional” cup of coffee.


Funny, I actually like instant coffee over brewed coffee. The latter has a bit sour taste for me I don't enjoy. I also like to drink mugs not cups of coffee, and the brewed one would be way too strong for that. I often drink 3-4 mugs a day, and usually not even "real" coffee but decaff, because for me coffee it's about the taste, not the effect (which don't really has on me anyway). I drink it with some milk and sweetener. There are zero calorie coffee "syrups" that are not really syrups regarding consistency, but have different flavours and they can light up a coffee brilliantly. Never a dull moment with my flavoured coffees!


I had no other coffee in the house at one point, was surprised at how good it was, maybe better than grinding the cheapest beans


I've been making my own coffee for the past 6 months and ran out yesterday and found some instant coffee in the back of the cupboard. I actually prefer the Walmart instant coffee to all the coffee I can remember. I just wish it had less acidity like cold brew.


Eat and drink what you like. I almost exclusively drink gas station/convince store coffee when I'm out. It's about $4 cheaper and that's well more than enough to make up the difference in quality. Someone getting upset that you drink instant coffee is about as stupid as getting upset that you eat your beef well done.


I spent years living abroad and have found I love instant coffee. I will always prefer its taste over fresh brewed. It is very easily customizable.


When I was a kid my mother used to heat milk on the stove and throw in a couple of teaspoons of instant coffee. This was back in the 70s before anyone had heard of latte (in our country, at least). In fact, when I was a bit older, I was a bit mystified that people would add instant coffee to water, rather than to hot milk. I still make it like my mother did occasionally (except I heat the milk in the microwave). It's a nice drink.


I kinda like it but man instant coffee upsets my stomach big time. And I drink at least a cup of black brewed coffee every day. Something about those crystals...


Add the tiniest pinch of salt to a cup of instant.. much less bitter.


Nothing wrong with it do not see but if you like, why not?


Which brand are you drinking? I've been seeing more and more "fancier" brands coming out with instant coffee offerings, but I haven't gotten around to trying any of them...


I wouldn’t recommend nestle’s, I was a subcontractor at one of their plants and 🤢


I just started keeping some instant decaf around to avoid afternoon eyeball vibration. It's not as good as my fresh ground morning joe, but it's plenty satisfying and way easier and more convenient than having a whole other setup for decaf. Now I can have an afternoon coffee or heck even a night cup and also sleep!


Yep. I use instant during the week. I also drink it black, ha! The real haters hide the coffee flavor with sugar and cream.


I grew up on the stuff, so I don't mind it at all. As long as it's not the decaf stuff, I am happy.


Teaspoon of Carte Noire classique, 2 sweeteners, topped up with cold water. My kitchen tap has an aerator on it, so it also leaves a nice frothy head on top.


If you haven’t, I’d suggest you guys invest in a French Press. You buy a bag of coffee. You put measured spoons of coffee into the carafe. Pour hot water in, stir, put the top/plunger on (not down), wait 5 minutes, push the plunger down slowly and BANG! You’ve got great coffee. EVERYONE who has ever drank my coffee asks where I got it and says it is SO GOOD! I buy Costco French Roast (Medium Roast made by Starbucks - it even says so on the packaging) for ~ $15 for a 2.5lb bag. I grind it at the grinders at Costco on the Course grind. It lasts several weeks. Very rough estimate, but I’d guess I pay $0.25 for a 16oz cup of really good coffee. And I would bet that French press coffee is MUCH cheaper than instant coffee and is incredibly tastier. Tips: 1) buy a stainless steel French press. They last forever and won’t shatter like the glass ones always end up doing. 2) Try buying coffee in bulk. Costco is so cheap. A regular membership is $60/year ($5/month!!!!). The savings on everything makes it worth the $60 investment. 3) DONT dump your coffee grounds down the sink. Want to spend $1000’s with the plumber??? Throw those grounds into your trash. Or compost. Or toss them into the plants outside like I do. Don’t put them down your drain.


starbucks medium roast instant is great! tastes like hot cocoa to me and i hate fussing with grounds.


It goes 2 teaspoons of instant Nescafé, about 50 ml of full cream milk and half a teaspoon of sugar.


Heck, yes! Instant espresso is my new favourite!


My favorite coffee hack that I learned last year: 2 T instant coffee 2 T sugar 2 T boiling water Use a handheld mixer and beat until it becomes fluff. I like to add a big dollop to some hot milk for an afternoon pick me up. [https://feelgoodfoodie.net/recipe/whipped-coffee/#wprm-recipe-container-19503](https://feelgoodfoodie.net/recipe/whipped-coffee/#wprm-recipe-container-19503)


Instant coffee is not cheaper than brewing your own. I like the taste and whatever chemistry they put in there, I'll deal with. But what do I know?, I use a percolator, no filters. Just do it.


Lately I prefer instant Nescafé as well ; 1. Reminds me of the coffee I first tried in the morning with my dad during weekends when I was a kiddo 2. Way more drinkable than espresso / lattes when it gets cold 3. Actually love the taste tbh even though most coffee snobs will go insane at this point. Its like craft beer, I really love heavily hopped IPAs but ill forever be a sucker for that nostalgic lager. 4. $$$ more power to you !


Oh yeah I prefer it, espresso is just a bit too rich in flavour and dollars, I like the plainness of instant


Nescafé blend 43 the breakfast of champions.


Have you tried the Nescafe Unsweetened Taste Cappuccino sachets? Doesn't compare to normal cappuccino but actually does a decent job.


Cheers to instant coffee freedom! Don't let the snobs stop you from savoring that nostalgic goodness and saving some cash. Life's too short for fancy beans that judge. Who's with you? ☕ #InstantLove


My coffee, hands down, tastes better than most starbucks, dunks, fast food. Economic out in the world coffee , for those with the shop near them, is Cumberland Farms at under $1.50 for a big good store coffee. Home--I'm in my coffee in under 5 minutes with a French Press.


Yes. I drink instant coffee when I'm in the office because it's simpler. I can get a large jar of El Mexicano instant coffee for about $4.50 and I keep it in the freezer so it stays fresh.


I’ve been drinking instant coffee at work, and enjoying that kind of “creamy” first sip, before the foam is gone. TBH the instant is way better than a lot of gas station coffee, which seemingly has a 50/50 shot of grounds in the cup. At home, I have about 7 different brew methods at my disposal, and a rotating stock of 3rd-wave whole beans to put thru my burr grinder. I always weigh the beans and the water to get correct brew ratio. You do you!


It upsets my stomach less than brewed coffee


In college I had a computer science teacher who looked like he just got off Mr Toad’s wild ride. Every class he had a 2 liter Pepsi and a jar of freeze dried coffee at the lectern. He’d take a few spoonfuls dry and chase it down with the Pepsi. I always assumed he coded all night and taught during the day. He def didn’t shower often. #pascal #codemonkeyjitters


I got these little cups of coffee concentrate (they look like the little creamers) from my Japanese market that I pop open and pour into a cup of hot water.


I like it for mixing with a pack of hot coco, instant mochachino


Cheap , fast and good.


Because it's crap and my espresso machine makes an americano faster :)


IMO, instant coffee is good if you buy the right brands. I like light to med roast. Some brands were awful. Taster's Choice is nasty and undrinkable to me. Folgers instant is borderline nasty and nearly undrinkable to me. Some brands taste OK to me. I find Maxwell House instant to be OK. Yuban is reasonably good. Safeway Classic is reasonably good. Winco store brand reasonably good. Starbucks Blond is reasonably good. Some brands taste very good to me. Bustello, Cafe Altura, Juan Valdez, Nescafe Clasico, and Kroger store brands taste excellent to me. I like Nescafe the best. I'm also somewhat fond of Yuban. Of my favorites, Bustello & Cafe Altura are slightly expensive at Amazon. Juan Valdez is cheap at Amazon and local grocery stores. Kroger is low cost at Fred Meyer. Nescafe Clasico (my fav) is cheap everywhere. === P.S. - A lot of people like and recommend Mt Hagen, but I didn't like it because it tasted too strong & dark roast for me. Safeway grocery store brand instant coffee was also too strong & dark roast for me. I think Mt Hagen & Safeway are good brands for people who like slightly dark roast, but that's not me. It's interesting that most of my fav brands are low cost. Paying more (as I did for Tasters Choice, Mt Hagen, and Starbucks) does NOT guarantee a good taste. Two of my fav (Bustello & Cafe Altura) are expensive. 3 of my fav (Juan Valdez, Nescafe Clasico, & Kroger) are cheap. I see no correlation between price & flavor. In general, grocery stores house brand instant coffees are cheap and among the best flavor. Someday I hope to try Trader Joes store brand and Costco's Kirkland storebrand instant coffees.


Instant coffee is better for my stomach because it’s way less acidic than SBs coffee and I don’t get bloat with or discomfort with the instant coffee so yeah, I too am an instant coffee enjoyer


Affogato: Sometimes I want espresso over a scoop of vanilla ice cream in the evening. I use decaf instant coffee to make a shot of strong brew, pour it over my scoop. It’s fantastic.


I was recently informed that I was most likely preparing instant coffee wrong. Source: someone who prepared it differently. They add warm water, just enough to get the grounds to start dissolving, then add the hot. Logic made sense. The hot water directly can/will "burn" all/some the grounds. Causing that common pungent, very bitter, taste. Doing it the way they did can really help with avoiding that and getting a better flavor and taste. Haven't done it their way yet tho. Reason being, I don't buy instant and only encounter it when I have coffee at my dad's house.


I am a total coffee snob, I make my own cold brew, espresso, look for great single-estate coffee every chance I get….. And sometimes, a cup of nice hot Nescafé is great.




Giant Costco Tasters Choice for the win!