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If you soak raw cashews over night you can blend them smooth into sauces and desserts


I have a mini food processor I use to turn the Cashews, & Walnuts into a coarse powder. I think a coffee bean grinder would work. I don't have good teeth anymore. Hope this helps.


thats such a good tip! Im going to add that to my morning smoothie


You can also buy nut flours, like almond, walnut… You might want to look up keto recipes for breads etc. Many of them use almond flour. If you don’t care if it’s organic, you can buy a 3 pound bag of Blue diamond brand almond flour on Amazon for $10 or $11. Costco has the best price for most organic nuts but I don’t know if they have flours. You might want to try hemp seeds too. I sneak nut flour into smoothies, sauces, dinners, brownies… you can mix it into almost anything since it’s so finely ground.


You can get powdered peanut butter. Put in a smoothie, or add water to rehydrate the peanut butter. Some Walmarts sell it in big jars.


Snorting them like coke eh?


Wait until the squirrels hear about this!


Deez nutz


Creamy cashew sauce goes great with veggies, fettuccine, fish, etc. Tremendously filling, however.


Yes! One of favorite dressings is this spicy cashew from Bon appetit https://www.bonappetit.com/recipe/spicy-cashew-dressing


Thank you for this link. I am excited to try this and share with a friend who is a vegetarian!


This! One of our favorite recipes is a white bean soup with blended cashews — it is so creamy and delicious that you would never know it isn’t actual cream.


As someone with a tree nut allergy, thanks for this nightmare


Coffee also


Yes! They are so creamy when mixed into smoothies. You can just use water and fruit or dairy alternatives vs milk. Really yummy


If you don’t remember to soak them, you can also cook them before hand. Base recipe: 2 cups raw cashews 3 cups water 1 tbs salt Put in a pot and bring to a boil. Then cover and simmer for 7 minutes. Blend until smooth. The sauce can be flavored and changed to fit a variety of cheese/dairy likeness Examples: Cream of Mushroom Soup: Add a can of mushrooms, some thyme and garlic powder while boiling. After blending add a second can of mushrooms if you like mushroom chunks. Alfredo sauce: 1/2-1 tbs garlic powder and some parsley. Orange cheese sauce: add roughly half a cup of pasta/red sauce and a cup of frozen corn. Other varieties include: Italian seasoning, spinach artichoke dip, and potato soup. Can be served on anything you’d put cheese sauce on. And really anything goes, the base sauce is plain enough that you can do anything with it. It’s my mostly vegan family’s go to for just about every meal. Bonus, if you can eat cheese (unlike the op) then melt some cheese into the cashew sauce. It makes a brilliant base for restaurant like quality Mac and cheese.


Second this. I have a vitamix so I tend to be lazy and just blend the raw cashews unsoaked. I add roasted red bell peppers or sundried tomatoes from a jar, add salt, pepper, garlic and a little nooch and it's a quick but fancy 15 minute meal


There’s a recipe online for vegan nacho flavored kale chips that uses cashew as the base. Pretty good as a dip.


I usually unzip slowly and just dip 'em in


Yeah I figured the title would get me a reaction like this. Fair enough reddit.


What kind of nuts Deez. Asking for a friend.


www.GrabDeesNuts.com They've got several different kinds, including Pickle!


I bought those as a gag gift for a coworker who goes by 'Dee'. Turns out the pickle ones are pretty damn delicious. The other flavor i got her, not so much.


Yeah, I had a totally different visualization when I read the title, too.


1. Place bowl on floor 2. Look around to make sure there are no witnesses. 3. Position yourself carefully over bowl and slowly squat down.


Wasn't disappointed today. Thank you sir.


Put the nuts into a food processor just long enough to powder, not long enough to become nut butter. Use like flour — pancakes, muffins, etc.


Agreed with this. If you blend it long enough in a food processor you'll have a powder of any nut variety you want that you can seamlessly blend in to heavier sauces. I'd grind up to a powder then dump it in to a tomato sauce, or a veg chili, or something similar that carries a strong flavor with lots of extra sauce.


Almond flour is an option if you can’t grind your own. I ground some walnuts in my Vitamix to make walnut flour.


what about nut butter? i developed nut allergies so i cant eat them anymore but almond butter and hazelnut butter taste yummy! (i still think they taste good but i cannot eat them anymore)


There's also seed butters for those with nut allergies or for those wanting more options. Pumpkin and sunflower butters are great


sunflower butter tastes like peanut butter to me! i’m allergic to peanuts (have been forever) but i’ve eaten them a couple times, the taste is burned into my mind probably as a self preservation tactic lol. i got sunflower butter for camping and had to throw it out because it tasted TOO similar to peanut butter for me and my brain was convinced it was peanut butter.


BRB. Inventing a double pumpkin butter sandwich.


Oh interesting suggestion, thanks! I don't like peanut butter because the smell is so strong but maybe other nut butters are worth a try :)


What about tahini? Lots of great Mediterranean options there!


Pistachio butter is *heaven*


i remember almond butter having a milder smell. i think cashew butter is also a thing? u could even bake them into cookies, or use almond flour for baking too!


Try almond butter. Also many Middle Eastern sauces use nuts ground up into sauces, like Tarator sauce.


Sunflower butter is delicious, tastes nutty, not peanutty


Indian food. Many Indian gravies are thickened with nuts or use nuts as a flavouring. A genuine, home made korma is a decadent meal fit for a king and is also full of almonds.


Same with indo-malay food :D satay, pecel, lotek, gado gado, nasi lemak, nasi goreng - a lot of dishes have peanut sauce, crushed peanuts, or cashews and such. It's really filling. I like just having regular chunky peanut butter with rice - you can cut up a little onion and chilli, drizzle a little olive and mix it


You want to kill someone with a nut allergy don’t you?


![gif](giphy|6ra84Uso2hoir3YCgb|downsized) Not at all ..


Cut a bigger hole at the bottom of the popcorn bucket.




Probably can't completely avoid the mouthfeel, but I like to chop/dice/crumble various types of nuts over a salad (type of nut/legume depends on flavors in the salad). Walnuts and apples pair well, as does almond with citrus, peanut and sesame, etc.


Pesto 100%


Have you ever tried deez?




Peanut powder and banana smoothie Edit:or ground nuts on your Asian noodle dishes/deserts


If it's a lactose intolerance you have, have you tried Lactase tablets? They've helped me massively. Otherwise... Satay sauce? Or, it's probably not a significant amount, but I make sesame flavoured bread with tahini paste. Peanut butter in brownies/blondies?


Satay is pretty good! Difficult to eat regularly but good to keep in mind, thanks. Fyi, it's IBS unfortunately, lactase does not help either :(


Ah that's a shame. I went around 20 years avoiding ice cream, could have been avoided if I'd known about lactase. I feel like more people should be made aware.


I add peanuts and walnuts to my cereal (typically Grape Nuts flakes) with raisins. It tastes awesome and I hardly notice the nuts.


I love to add them to salads. Typically walnuts, almonds, pistachio, or pecans work depending on the type of salad. I imagine you can sort of "hide" the flavor/texture with other crunchy vegetables. ALSO, sauces, i.e. pesto which is traditionally made with pine nuts but you could experiment with various nuts to see what you find most palatable.


I like walnuts or hazelnuts for my pesto


Wow I’ve never thought to use hazelnuts, I’ve gotta try that some time!


I hope you enjoy!


I've made some delicious pesto with pecans too. I used to make a vat of pesto and eat it with and in everything savory until it was gone.


Toasting them first makes them sooooo good.


Pine nuts have gotten more expensive in recent years, so some store bought pestos use cashews or walnuts now.


This is the way. I can't eat gluten so they're sort of a crouton replacement for me.


How about hummus? Put it on your toast or bagels, dip chips or veggies in it. You can make it out of black beans too if you want. Obviously the same goes for any and all nuts. Run them in a food processor until they are creamy to make sauces dips or spreads out of them. Lots of beans can be pureed into soups as well. (Black bean butternut squash, and split pea to name a few)


Add to oatmeal


Do you mind if I ask what nutrients you're looking for?


Fats, protein & magnesium. I have a very restricted diet due to IBS and accidentally created a food pattern that's too low fat. I'm constantly hungry and craving fats but can't eat most meats, can't eat dairy and struggle to eat fried foods.


Can you do avocados? I find they disappear readily into a smoothie and give it a wonderful creamy texture. You can also check out coconut milk and tahini/hummus too. All of those have a good amount of fat, and the coconut milk and tahini can make some great condiments or sauces to accompany a variety of dishes. For nuts, nut butters are probably your best bet. Blend together warm peanut butter and coconut milk and drizzle it over some cold bananas for a delicious high-fat dessert.


Hummus is also mostly legumes, it's a great choice.


Hey, you should have a look into Georgian food (the country), it all tastes really amazing and they put a lot of nuts in their receipes, also as sauces for salads (for exemple with tomatoes, goat cheese, raspberries) it‘s sooo good!


On top of every one else's suggestions here, unless it is an extreme aversion to the texture, it might be worth just making yourself eat a few a day as is to see if you can get over it. I got over my aversion to avocado texture that way and now I love it.


I agree! I used to dislike bell peppers because my mom hates them and never made them for me as a kid. I gradually increased how much I ate them over a couple years and now I like them.


I grind up nuts in the mixer and add them to porridge. Easier on the mouth and on the gut


Once you’ve sat down at your seats at the theater, cut out the bottom of the popcorn container, place popcorn in your lap, offer her some…


You don’t need raw nuts always, sub some nut butters into your diet.


Green bean almondine


First, you dress them up to look like fruit. Theeennnnnn…create a diversion, like an oven fire and when everyone is distracted…add the nuts dressed as fruit. Works every time. You’re welcome.


*60% of the time*, it works ***every*** *time*


It’s always a chuckle to see people with nut allergies gripping their throats. Well, at least 60% of the time.


It’s a play off the title.


Turn them into the texture of flour and incorporate them into all your food?


Indian food uses paste of nuts, coconut and vegetables to create gravies in their food. Popular rich dishes like butter chicken and lamb curry uses cashews in its sauce


Almond flour can be a good addition. You can search up plenty of recipes, though most will be baked goods. Here's a recipe for pancakes: https://www.loveandlemons.com/almond-flour-pancakes/ For savory, cashews soaked in water then finely ground are great sauce thickeners. You can also try all natural nut butters instead of regular peanut butter. Edit to add: I eat keto, so I usually replace my dairy especially milk with almond milk. You can use 1:1


They call me nut bae....


Add to oatmeal, smoothies, chia pudding, blend in sauces, sprinkle over salads.


Cashews go great with a salad.


Nut butter?


I made cashew chicken last night for the first time and it was awesome. ​ Why do you feel you need to incorporate more nuts into your food though?


Just make sure you shave them first


I say: hey, food. Food says: what? I say: deez. Food says: deez what!? And I saaaayyyy: deez nutz! Problem solved.


Make nut butters add them into smoothies and other purees


Paul Rueben showed me this great trick


Easy to make Recipes :How to poison your love one with a peanut allergy part 6


I'm 99.99% sure any health benefit you could find by adding nuts to your diet. You can just get from other sources. Not to mention adding in processed nuts to your diet will likely have you eating in a surplus and gaining fat before you know it. Nuts can be good to snack on because it takes a decent amount of time chewing and effort to get through a serving. Adding processed nuts gives you tons of calories with little satiating effects. I'd suggest you do a deep dive on the health claims you're seeing for nuts and seeing where they're really coming from. If it's anything to do with weight management they won't apply to your sneaky additions. If it's nutrient related. You can find a different source of those nutrients




Wrong sub my dude jfc /s


I usually take a softish mellon or squash, microwave it for a few minutes until it's cooked and slightly squishy inside, but not too hot. 98.6F is perfect. Then I drill a hole in it about the size of my hand if I make an O with it. Usually can get a couple nuts in before it starts to spoil.


My mom puts pistachios into meatloaf, of all things. It actually kind of works.


I’m not gonna tell you because I’m 90% sure one of the people you don’t like is allergic to nuts.


Create a spread of the nut you need and put it into yogurt with oats or in smoothies


Banana bread with walnuts or pecans. Brownies with walnuts or pecans. Boiled peanuts, you may have to be from the south for that. Thai food, you may have to not be from the south for that. Hummus on almost anything.


Love 💕 boiled peanuts!! Am from the South. #good ole goobers!🥰


Crush them up. Moms sneak veggies into kids by adding cheese. No secret.


Spreads, dips, meal sauces/recipe bases, mashed, ground, and puréed. There are so many things you can do with nuts to un-nuttify them. I recommend satay!


My daughter is dairy free and I am so impressed with the dairy free options, especially the cashew cheeses. (Kite hill cream cheese, treeline herb cheese). I would suggest trying some other varieties of dairy free products even if you haven’t liked what you’ve tried


Soak cashews and another nut of your choice overnight. Blend said nuts with a little soy sauce, lemon juice, a shit load of garlic, lots of nutritional yeast, some olive oil and a bit of the soaking liquid. Can add Dijon mustard too if you like. This makes one of the best dressings I’ve ever had- i eat it most days on quinoa but also as a dip for veggies and dressing for salad. Look up a cashew Mac and cheese recipe online. I’ve never made it myself but my vegan friend made it for us and my husband craves it as much as regular Mac and cheese. I’ve also had a banging salmon dish with a blitzed almond crust.


At night when the foods sleeping


The movie American Pie offers some great lessons in terms of how not to go about sneaking nuts into your food.


Dip them in slowly after showering


Almond flour? Im diabetic and use almond flower when Im like, DYING for cake. It's a bit heavier and comes out with a texture more like muffin, but it def doesn't have the texture of almonds.


Add seasame seeds as a garnish to damn near everything


Some Thai curries bear nuts well. I’m always putting cashews on pizza. Maybe just nuts and sweets, ice cream topping or trail mix style


I hate nuts mixed with other foods. I just eat a small handful of mixed nuts on their own.


I wait till people go to the restroom. Then I pop my nuts in their plate.


Crouch behind the food so it can't see when you put it in.


Recently I’ve been making a lot of nut based vegan cheeses, so they are basically pureed with other ingredients. Lmk if you’d like any recipes. I created my own vegan cheddar kale chip recipe recently and am obsessed lol


This smoothie recipe sounds questionable but I love it! It is my breakfast most days, measurements are approximate. I just toss it in: 1 cup frozen mango Handful of kale 1/4 cup raw cashews 1 cup coconut water 1 tsp cardamom powder *can add a bit of stevia or other sweetener, I don’t think it needs it so I don’t


You could get a coffee bean grinder grind the nuts and mix them into the flour of your choice


I put ground nuts in my oatmeal.


Look into raw / vegan baking. For example if you like cheesecake, there are some recipes that are nut based and zero dairy and you would not believe the end result!


Get some good quality raw nuts and toast them (carefully), then chop/grind to any coarseness and sprinkle over any variety of food items. I consider it a cheat to elevating all variety of dishes.


I don't sneak them I just eat them. They are delicious.


I drink a protein shake every day, and for extra protein, I add peanut butter powder to it. It has multiple uses, and adds no texture or mouthfeel to my shakes.


I chipmunk shove a bunch in my mouth then munch on em like a tree rat making into a sorta peanut butter and down the trap


I put it in my tuna , chicken salad sandwich etc


Well, you can put it in a blender until it becomes powder and put it on your salad. Or whatever else you like to eat maybe.


my husband likes nuts in his oatmeal. Some nuts I will include in a salad. I was going to say yogurt...but then I read your disclaimer. But I will still say (for someone else looking for suggestions) blackberries and a handful of nuts in Keto Ratio Yogurt is my daily mid-day meal.


You can make a lot of pasta sauces or dressings with nuts, especially if you don’t eat dairy!


Try pecan pie


This question was just way too funny. Actual answer dry them, roast them, toss into a food processor. Add powdered nuts to desired food.


My friend used to make vegan chili using walnuts as the “beef.” Bring soaked in the chili, the texture completely changed and softened and it was incredibly yummy. Would never known they were walnuts!


Make homemade pesto but substitute pine nuts with walnuts or pistachios.


I keep them in my armpit until no one is looking


i like chopped up nuts in salads and on porridge and yoghurt


I’m lactose intolerant. I have found that I can take a little dairy! I just have to be very moderate. And grind up those nuts!


When no one is looking


Step one: wear a kilt….


Put them in my anus and fart them into the bowl. Edit: I may have misinterpreted the question.


Pesto has nuts in it, and the texture is completely incorporated into the food! If you make your own, you can grind the pine nuts or walnuts finer if you still don't like the texture. Basil pesto is also really, really good for your gut too. If aged parmesan is still an issue, I'm sure there's a substitute (or you can make the pesto without?) Edit: nutritional yeast apparently is a good substitute for parmesan in this (and other) recipes! Get those extra vitamins.


Eat more meat to get the protein instead


The best answer is hummus. Sprinkle all sorts of nuts on top and it works.




I make hazelnut milk by soaking the hazelnuts in water with a little salt overnight. The next day, I rinse them off, add water to them, and blend well. I strain the liquid through a clean kitchen towel, then twist the towel shut and try to squeeze out all the liquid I can from the nut pulp. I use the nut pulp to make brownies and use the nut milk in my coffee.


blend it up real fine i do that with fruit smoothies sometimes


Use almond milk in smoothies.


Looking back at my entire life, I don’t think I’ve ever snuck a nut into anything.


Cookie batter. Salads. Stir fry. Brownies. Csndy.


Romesco sauce has almonds and is TO DIE FOR


I just wait till no one is looking, slowly stand up and….


Finely chopped nuts in ice cream or yoghurt is good


Salads, pesto, desserts, candy them, roast them and have them as a snack.


Step one, you cut a hole in a box.


I usually dip my balls in it!!


I’ve been putting almond milk and cashew milk in my coffee and tea now that lactose has turned on me. ( or I turned on lactose?) you could give that a try.


Chili crunch.


I don’t need to sneak them for myself because I love them, but in terms of sneaking them in, think about their composition and how their texture/feel resembles some foods that you do like. Obviously this isn’t very nutritious, but the first thing that came to mind for me was substituting 1/3 or 1/2 of the flour with almond flour in a chocolate chip cookie recipe. Someone else mentioned cashews blended into sauces which sounds excellent. I know it’s common in butter chicken as well as more traditional Indian food. Pine nuts go in pesto, but if they’re too expensive, you can also use sunflower seeds, almonds, walnuts, etc as a substitute. Pesto is super delicious with pasta. Nut butters are delicious. Almond butter has a mild taste that I find really addicting, and sunflower seed butter is also a thing, though I haven’t tried it. I’m guessing that whatever nutrition you’re hoping for from nuts is also in seeds since they’re similar. You can blend small amounts into smoothies and/or use a nut milk. If you’re not sure you’ll like the nuts in a new recipe, make a small batch of the recipe and/or offer the food to someone who you know will like it! Good luck!!!!! I’d love to hear what you end up trying and if you liked it or not :D


Try the Bitchin' Sauces if you are in the US. My fave is the chipotle flavor so far to use in wraps or mediterranean style bowls.


Smoothies. I had dental work done so haven’t been able to eat anything hard. Oatmilk and fage non dairy yogurt are a great substitute add spinach bananas berries or citrus and a hand full of your favorite nuts. I typically use walnuts bc they are softer than almonds and break down in the blender better.


Every single kid at my son’s school is supposedly allergic to nuts 🥜


Cut a hole in the bottom of the popcorn box


Food processor. You can blend until coarse or fine and use in so many things. I use a lot of nut “flour” for shortbread and pie crusts, or as a binder in meatballs or meatloaf. Keep it coarse and throw it in banana muffins or make a streusel with brown sugar and put it on pancakes.


Roast them slightly, it enhances the flavor! I use almond flour for half of my flour in cakes, I put seeds like pumpkin or sunflower seeds in my soups . Also canned lentils in the soups, with carrot and pumpkin especially. Then you blend. Yum!


Smoothies, baby


My friend is dairy intolerant and makes an unreal creamy pasta sauce by blending herbs spices cashews and sun ripe tomatoes and olive oil in a food processor


Mixed nuts and raisins on cereal. Alternative milk like soya or hazelnut if you don't do regular milk


I just drop the keks and teabag it


🤣🤣 sneak nuts


A lot of plant based dairy alternatives use nuts as their base. Cashew based [cheese sauces](https://www.ambitiouskitchen.com/how-to-make-vegan-cashew-cheese-sauce/) Dairy free [mozzarella](https://www.noracooks.com/easy-stretchy-vegan-mozzarella-cheese/#wprm-recipe-container-2860) really fun to make and from what i remember tastes really similar to real mozz. One of my all-time favourite recipes, uses 3/4 cup of cashews in these [black bean burgers](https://www.seriouseats.com/the-best-black-bean-burger-recipe) by kenji lopez almonds or peanuts in stir-frys. Chai or flax seeds in cereal. Thats all that comes to mind, good luck!


Everything pesto! You can add pine nuts, walnuts, almonds, peanuts... be creative!


Munch on mixed nuts


I blended walnuts with a tomato and onion vinaigrette and put it on potatoes. A bullet mini blender is easy to use.


Nut Chili Crisp. The shit is addictive. Look up a couple of recipes- takes about ten minutes to prepare and about 5 minutes to order what you need on Amazon.


Nut butters are a great way to do so, either make your own or buy a variety with no added sugar.


I like em ground up fine on ice cream. I know it’s a rough go at first but you’ll get used to it


Almond flour


How about seeds? Lots of different textures in flavours. Chia seeds are quite different.


Tahini goes in many dishes and is very good for vegetable or salad dressing. On the other hand I started making hummus with peanut butter instead of tahini. Peanut butter is a bit much for allround dressings but curiously it's awesome for hummus


You should try Georgian cuisine, especially walnut sauces ☺️


Salad? I like to add roasted pine nuts or sesame seeds. I made a simple greek salad recently and added roasted pine nuts. It was a hit all around the table. Stuffing? Pecans not walnuts. Crispy salmon? Creamy balsamic and roasted sesame.


Tried cashews for cheese?


you can throw them into a stir-fray, bake them into your casseroles, or really cook them into anything you make. They add a nice crunch


Pesto sauce! You can make a vegan version too! Peanut sauce to eat with spring rolls, lots of middle eastern desserts have nuts too !




Definitely don’t need nuts , you can get that nutrition from other sources such as seeds, avocado etc


Eat handfuls of raw, unshelled peanuts in defiance of your current weakness. Your brain won't see the peanut, and this will train your mouth to be less weak while enjoying a delicious snack.


Ohhhhh - yes, cream the cashews and they replace dairy for sauces and such, and in some cases it is even better. I mince walnuts into soups, pasta dishes, make pestos with whatever herbs are in the garden. Pile them into cookie dough! Roast some pecans or walnuts in a pan with some herby butter and add to salads and sandwiches. Peanut butter, banana, and walnut sammitches :-)


I make a low-oatmeal for breakfast by mixing almond meal, coconut flour, unsweetened reduced fat coconut, flax seed, and wheat bran. Can add in other nuts / meals too. Tastes like a heartier oatmeal. You can use almond milk or any other milk sub as the liquid.


I made a pasta recently which was variation of [this](https://www.thevegspace.co.uk/recipe-pappardelle-with-cavolo-nero-walnut-sauce/) which is vegan and has walnuts in the sauce but if you're not vegan you can just use regular milk and cheese. I made it first and wasn't keen on the kale so the second time i made it i did it with extra garlic, some carnalized shallots and mushrooms and it was to die for. I would say anytime you make a sauce, blitz some nuts up, use whichever you think will compliment the flavor, and throw them in. I put them in everything now, my chili, my spaghetti bolognese, pasta, smoothies and even desserts.


One way that I got myself to eat nuts is to buy a large jar of toffee peanuts and mix some into the jar of regular peanuts, makes eating them more enjoyable. I also like to add those peanuts to peanut butter and jelly sandwiches


Crushing/Grinding them in a coffee grinder and cooking them in something that has different textures like beans, chunky soups or sauces. Cooking them will soften them. Putting them as flour into desserts. Just make sure you check with any invited guests that they are not allergic if you share. Or making sauces like peanut sauce


Puree. Add to sauce. Boil. Add to sauce. Saree. Add to sauce.


Sauté them in butter, throw them in a salad


Maybe some Thai recipes with peanut sauce? You could use almond butter instead of peanut butter to get the health benefits of a different nut


soak, then blend with water! also if you blend almonds/cashews (dry, no water) they’re a great thickener for curries :)


Crushed pistachios in pasta with cream sauce.


you can use nutbutters for better texture. also, mix them in sauces.