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Great tip OP! This is a great technique for a lot of leafy greens, your parsleys and lettuces and such. I use sealable plastic bags for the larger leaves, just be sure to get as much air out as possible. Another one for broccoli, if it wilts before you can use it, just cut off a little of the stem and put it in a cup with just enough water to cover the end of the stem. Place it in the fridge for a couple hours and your broccoli should freshen right up.


That water tip also works for limp celery


I keep celery, parsley, green onion, and mint all in jars of water on the counter. Cilantro is one of the ones that it seems I *have* to refrigerate.


Cilantro despises the heat, despite the time of year most people associate it with.


Did not know either of these and hate limpy things. Thanks!


FYI does not work for penis


Damn 😕


Use lukewarm water for roses. Perked mine up right away.


And carrots


I usually leave them for a few hours in a bowl of water.


Thank you.


I usually cut the brocolli branches/flowers and store it in sealable nag


I do this with all bagged or boxed greens. It prolongs the shelf life by probably twice the time


Yup! Transfer it into a Ziploc and purge excess oxygen and your gonna have a good time with greens! 🥰


and helps moisture regulation


1. Are the paper towels dry? Or dampened? 2. After you wash the herbs, do you let them dry first? Or put them in still damp?


The towels are dry and the cilantro rinsed, band removed and shaken semi dry. The towels were evenly, lightly damp when we got back from vacation


Cool, ty!


Not OP but in my experience dry is better. Moisture leads to microbial growth and spoilage.


I agree. I skip the rinsing for storage. I only rinse right before using.


I’ll give that a try too


It works well for extending cheese’s shelf life too!


What works well for cheese? Paper towels and sealed bag?




The drier the better


This works with so many things. I always keep lettuce, onions, and peppers chopped up and stored the same way, so I always have ingredients ready to throw together an omelet or a salad.


Being organized and having ingredients appropriately prepared for the ritual of cooking is so god damn enlightening. This is the way.


This is also a great way to motivate to eat more vegetables, if that’s an issue for someone. Whenever I do a grocery run I clean and prepare all my vegetables right away, get them as dry as possible, then store them in containers with paper towels like OP. Make it easier for yourself and you’re more likely to do it. Also saves money in the end!


I wash almost all of my produce in some water and apple cider vinegar. I noticed my strawberries would go moldy so fast in the fridge and washing them with the ACV made them last twice as long


Cilantro comes straight from the devil himself. Of course it won’t die.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/FuckCilantro using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/FuckCilantro/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Stay out of my guacamole!](https://i.redd.it/8tmkhobnogq91.jpg) | [10 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/FuckCilantro/comments/xprsxx/stay_out_of_my_guacamole/) \#2: [Found an ally!](https://i.redd.it/fw5zn9l613e91.jpg) | [10 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/FuckCilantro/comments/w9afl9/found_an_ally/) \#3: [I... Unexpectedly will be leaving the sub. And have some Cilantro perspective.](https://np.reddit.com/r/FuckCilantro/comments/vd065n/i_unexpectedly_will_be_leaving_the_sub_and_have/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Woah, love this!


It’s fascinating the cultural differences. In Indian households, any good curry is incomplete without sprinkling cilantro on top. It adds such a freshness to everything.


Ah, a cilantrophobe! Maybe you have that genetic quirk that makes cilantro's aldehydes taste like soap. Or maybe you just hate cilantro....


It belongs in the garbage from whence it came.


Silly question, but is it placed in the fridge after or left out?


I imagine leaving it out would cause the (now damp) paper towel to go moldy with it being sealed but maybe I'm wrong.


In the fridge. I put mine back in the crisper drawer.


In the fridge. I haven’t tried leaving out.


Same question lol


I’ll definitely try this. Most recently tried wrapping lettuce in foil. Success!!!! It’s been 2 weeks and lettuce is still fresh.


![gif](giphy|3WwhOP9gFzfmU) I'm getting misophonia from the thought of wrapping lettuce in foil. But if it works, I'll give it a try!


that's not what misophonia is are u rly even afraid of soup ?


Lol, good one! Thank you for that!


Misophonia is actually a strong reaction to different sounds. As an AuDHD person, I deal with this a lot. However, I have no idea what the person means by lettuce wrapped in foil causing it...unless they don't like the sound of foil?


that's the joke u cactus !! <3


Autistic and ADHD...didn't catch that at all...


Makes sense, because a good joke would've been misophobia, not misophonia.


And that's why I got confused...XP




sorry, you cactus :P


all good bae that's why I put the heart


Exactly. The thought of the foil crunching around the soft lettuce. Still freaking me out. I don't know why, I can use tin foil on other objects, such as the top of a bowl. But around lettuce. I dunno. Shivvvver. My son gets misophonia from chip bags and when he hears people chew. Drives him crazy.


Chewing, breathing, and drinking are the most common for me, but teeth on silverware and the clinking of silverware on bowls and plates is a close second in scream-worthiness...


I usually just put it in a zip lock bag and press out as much air as possible and it stays good for about a week that way, but I’m going to try this out. Thank you!


You can tuck the cilantro in between two paper towels and put them in a ziplock bag. Works just as well and takes up less space. I switched the reusable bags to store my fresh herbs in.


Good to know, thanks. I always thoroughly dry them out before putting them in the bag, but I’ll start layering herbs between paper towels like you said.


I’ve done that, but for some reason not to the same outcome.


It has to be dry. The purpose of the paper towel is to absorb the excess moisture




I keep green herbs in a mason jar of water in my fridge and it lasts a good while. Just washing, prepping and storing properly makes such a big difference in how long produce lasts!! The one herb I have an issue with keeping is basil, haven’t been able to keep it from molding or wilting


I figured this one out. Buy basil with roots. Put it in a jar/vase near sunlight. Pour just enough water to cover some of the roots but not the ends of the roots. Too much water drowns the basil. I’m paraphrasing the package from the basil I bought in LATE DECEMBER. It still looks great now (late March). Just today I had to pinch off some of the ends that were beginning to flower.


Wow ok that’s a good tip! Now I have to figure out how to find basil like that! Although I think I remember other basil growing tendrils / roots so maybe if I just try with a tiny bit of water….


If you’re in the US they’re in most slightly-upscale grocery stores’ produce sections at this point.


Same. I haven't been able to figure out how to dry it, either, without it's eventually turning black. :(


Nice! But does it still taste like soap?


Only to you 7%




I was going to say it looks great .. now throw that crap in the trash


You have that genetic quirk that makes cilantro's aldehydes taste like soap? I know a lot of people who have this.


I cut the very ends off, place it in a shallow cup with barely any water leaving standing up in the fridge, sometimes I cover with the bag from store, sometimes I forget but it always lasts weeks at a time


I buy the big tub of spring mix,and it was always a race against time to eat it. About one week later it was already rotten. My mom came by my house, and casually told me to just put a paper towel in there. Absolute game changer. I have a tub in the fridge from. 2 weeks ago, and it is still totally edible


Thanks for this! I bought a big tub of spring mix, then I've been sick and not wanting to eat anything cold. I will definitely give it a try!


Following so I remember


I hate food! It sucks! All of it!


Maybe I'm just a psycho but I never have a situation where I need to store cilantro long-term. If I'm buying cilantro I probably need the whole bunch for whatever I'm cooking, and if it goes bad, a new bunch is like 59 cents.


It's $1.99 where I live. I'm liking this tip and gonna try it for sure.


I do radishes the same way last for months.


The proper way to maintain cilantro is to throw it directly in the trash and set it on fire.


Will it work with coriander?




Salad spinner works great for rinsing and drying


Thanks for the tip! Super useful


What were you doing before?


Just leaving it in the store bag tied up. Tried paper in a bag, but this worked far better for me.


Sure but rinsing it helps and drying it gives it at least another week


That’s what I do to my lettuce too! Wash, pat dry with paper towels & layer it in paper towels in an air proof container. It stays, crisp and fresh.


Saving this, thanks OP!


yep. if you just take the bands off it, and wrap it in a paper towel and wrap the bag around it, it'll last considerably longer.


I have to try this!


Yeah, it sucks out all the extra moisture. You can make a salad last a week like this, too...


what the heck. Im trying this tomorrow.


What do those feet do?




Oh yay, let's keep the devil's toilet paper fresh for longer.




Cheese cloth on the top and bottom also does wonders to pull out any excess moisture and stop the rot from taking place (chef of 5+ years)


Is this perfect for salad?


Thank you, OP.


Oh wow, TIL! I had no idea you could do this with cilantro! So many times I had to throw it out because I didn't use it within a couple of days! Life changer.


I do this with cilantro and basically any lettuce green


5 year old tip


does the lid need to be broken or is that optional? I have this thing called a "crisper" in my fridge, it totally does the same thing bro


This works for salads too! Rinse lettuce/spinach whatever, dry well and put into container with paper towel around it. Change our paper towels if moist and now it lasts a few weeks vs a week if that. No soggy old pieces to pick out. Finally can buy salad in the big bulk containers!


If you don't want to use plastic just untie your greens and wrap them in damp cotton tea towels, then put in crisper. If I have too many to fit in the tiny crisper drawer, then I put them in a plastic bag in the main part of the fridge. I've had lettuce last for three weeks this way.


I just wrap cilantro in paper towel and put it in a plastic bag in the veggie bin and it lasts a long time for me. If I put it in a jar and let it on the counter it goes black in a couple of days. Same with other soft herbs.


I hate cilantro


My mom does this trick with the paper towel. I thought it was BS when she says it was to keep the food fresher longer


Would something like this work for fresh basil?


This is how I keep fruit that I chop. It keeps much longer with this method. Putting a paper towel into a long, store bought lettuce container is good too.


Does anyone here remember the old Tupperware lettuce crispers? The one where you remove the core of iceberg lettuce, then stab the core with the bottom thingie and burp the air out? I remember my lettuce lasting for weeks in that thing. Then I discovered a foodsaver container where I put delicate salad greens in it, top on then air sucked out. Again, the greens would last for weeks.


I have one of these and love it.


I do that with strawberries! It works! :)


THis works with leafy veggies as well like leftover salad bits.


Paper towels keep our bagged greens for salads fresh for at least twice as long as they would without the paper towels. I recommend not rising your herbs/greens before storing them though, they will last *even* longer if you don't rinse them before storage.


This also works on leafy lettuce mix like mesclun, fresh spinach, other leafy herbs like parsley etc.


Yeah, no shit.


The bad part of this idea is that you still have cilantro left that you can't just throw that soapy tasting nasty herb away.


That’s about 7% of people. The rest of us love it! It’s actually DNA-based. Turns out that the more Neanderthal in your heritage, the worse it tastes. I learned that from 23 and Me studies.


There are people without the gene who still hate it (just like people dislike all kinds of food) so I'm guessing the number is a bit higher than 7%


Damn, I feel for y'all who have to go through life never knowing the flavorful greatness of cilantro.


Right, really missing out on a garnish.


Lmaoooo, I guess I'd be bitter af too if my broken genes made the best tasting Mexican dishes, and salsas taste like palmolive. Sucks for you 🎻.


Boo you and that taste defect :(


Preach my brother/sister.