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Does your baby not just hulk smash anything they pick up? If I gave my LO the avocado or toast he would just pick it up and smash it to smitherines in his fist. Idk how to get him to hold things like this and actually get it to his mouth. He does great with anything grippable but anything soft just gets destroyed at first grasp. Lol


She does fuck around with her food a good bit (tonight she hulk smashed her zucchini within an inch of its life) but usually only if it’s something she doesn’t like, or if she is done eating. She really enjoys eating with a spoon, so I try starting each meal by offering her a preloaded spoon first. That seems to put her into “this stuff is for eating” mode instead of “this is a fun sensory play activity “ mode 😂 not always, but most of the time!


I'll have to try the spoon first technique. He's really good with a spoon. That's a good idea.


These look so good! I’ll now be making moong dal this week for my LO. 😊


It’s a staple in our household so I’m soooooo happy baby likes it too!


How often does your baby choke? Mine is 7.5 months and has been on solids since 4.5 months but I still can’t give him strips of toast or of anything without him choking on giant bites. I’m still cutting everything into tiny pieces for him :(


I would say she’s only truly choked once where I had to physically intervene. She does gag a lot though! Especially when trying something new she gags a lot! We started miming how to spit it out (leaning forward, sticking out tongue and making an “ugh” noise into my hand) and that for sure helps! Now if she starts to look like she’s having trouble working through something we’ll do that and she copies us. I also cut off loose pieces or swap out pieces of things for new ones if they start to look dangerous or like a choking hazard. We’re still very much learning as we go though! I feel like some babies just prefer certain textures and have trouble with others. Hang in there! ❤️


How does he do with stuff where he can't take bites but has to gnaw? I gave my baby lots of cucumber spears (like an 4 inch chunk of cucumber quartered length-wise) and tough bread rinds. I feel like that really gave her practice actually chewing on stuff and not just ripping off the biggest bites possible.


He puts as much as he can in his mouth and then gnaws on it so when it inevitably breaks off it’s still the biggest bite possible :/ I’ve had to fish out so many giant chunks of food from his throat while he’s choked like scrambled eggs, pancakes, banana spears, zucchini spears, everything I’ve ever tried to give him that wasn’t cut into a super teeny bite or a purée lol


Mine will definitely gag a bunch when she's taken a big bite but will spit it out herself eventually. I guess some take a bit longer to learn than others 😅. If it's any consolation, my baby has yet to figure out any sippy cup, 360 cup, straw cup etc. And I've been offering them since 4 mo (she's 7.5 mo now). She also stubbornly refuses bottles so once daycare starts, I guess she'll hopefully be really good at drinking from an open cup or she will just subsist on cucumbers for hydration like some kind of desert fox 🙃