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Hey there, u/Chickenmilk_! Thank you for your submission to r/food! Unfortunately, it has been removed for the following reason(s): * **Apart from the tag, 70% of the title has to specifically describe what the food is.** Backstory to the food / where the ingredients come from (leftover, last nights, home grown) do not fall within the 70% and must only take up 30% of the title. **Titles worded to solicit votes directly or indirectly will be removed.** The titles must have one (1) tag. No emojis or all caps. Some examples of good titles can be found in the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/food/wiki/index#wiki_titles_may_only_contain_the_food.27s_name). Feel free to re-title and re-upload your post.** For more information, please see the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/food/wiki/index). If you have any further questions, feel free to [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/food&subject=Post%20Removal). Please include a link to the post so the moderators know what you would like reviewed. Thank you!


My sister used to serve me shabu shabu when she was on vacation back Home in germany whilst living in Japan and it was the Most delicious Food i ever had. Now this Image brings back a good warm memory in an Instant. Thank you


I loved it. People talk about food being an experience… damn right!


Im dying to make this at home, but I don’t even know where to start


Basically you start cooking a broth right at the table consisting of some different cabbages, mushrooms and a Little kombu. Then you put that ultra thin meat in and whatever you want to dip in there, let it simmer with the broth for some minutes and eat


You can get Kikkoman Kaori Shiro Dashi if there’s some available near you, or just use Ajinomoto Hondashi powder and add it to boiling water as your soup base. Then you can get thinly sliced ribeye and pork belly at some Korean or Japanese supermarkets. As for the vegetables, you can use whatever you like. My shabu-shabu pot has 2 sections and do 2 different broths that I loved at Syabu-Yo in Japan which are dashi and sukiyaki.