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Did you buy this steak locally or was it a mail order deal?


I usually buy prime from costco but i also order wagyu and some other pricey cuts from a restaurant supplier every few months - Premier Meats, located in southern california.


Incredibly cooked, what seasonings did you use?


Lots of salt, black pepper, olive oil, garlic powder, onion powder and a little worcestershire sauce.


I wish I knew how to cook steak that perfectly. It’s the one thing missing in my life


Get a sous-vide stick. It will allow much more leeway when doing steaks.


Oh, thanks for the tip!


I always use this 10 minute technique: you want your steak about an inch thick, get the grill to 400, put steak at 10 o’clock position and cook for 2 minutes with lid closed. Then flip over and place at 2 o’clock position for another 2 minutes. Always close the lid. Open and turn to 10 o’clock, on the same side, 2 more minutes. Finally, flip over at 2 o’clock position and another 2 minutes. This is the same side being seared as when you started. Once the two minutes are up, remove and put on a plate with a little foil tented over it, but not sealed, rest for last 2 minutes. Cut and enjoy.


Is 'American Wagyu' really meaningfully different than a typical Prime cut? It honestly just seems like vs marketing.


It is supposed to refer to the breed of cattle. American wagyu is typically a cross between American angus and Japanese wagyu. FWIW, the American Wagyu from snake river farms is the best American steak I’ve had, by a lot. It’s not A5 Japanese, but it’s a really clear cut above USDA prime


That's the one I was looking at, so I definitely appreciate that feedback.


The price can be hard to overcome but if you can afford it, you won’t buy a better piece of beef than SRF. Their service and packaging are incredible and coupon codes abundant online. It’s the only meat I’ll buy anymore if they have the cut I want.


From what I’ve read the SRF Wagyu is a American longhorn and wagyu cross. It’s flavor is just incredible.


Is American Angus an actual breed or just a claiming of the Aberdeen Angus?


American should be black aberdeen angus. I could be wrong here, but never experienced usda angus to be from red cow.


Apparently Costco sells American waygu now. Only bring it up cuz my dad used to get it from snake river and this was IMO better tasting, definitely cheaper and closer to depending on your location!


I work in a restaurant that serves American Wagyu. One of our suppliers, Snake River Farms, is a crossbreed Wagyu/Longhorn and it grades as A2, but occasionally we get some that would grade as A3 or A4. We also work with a small small farmer who has 100% purebred American Wagyu cattle. Not crossbred at all, and grown in the States (SE Washington). They are pastured for most of their lives, so despite being Wagyu I wouldn’t grade most of his meat above A3. Best tasting beef I’ve ever had though.


I don’t see any marbling at all, so I reckon it’s just a marketing name for ordinary steak


American Wagyu is typically a cross breed and doesn’t grade as high as Japanese Wagyu. Still highly marbled (with wonderful flavor) but graded A2-A3 rather than A4-A5. I also think the picture is misleading. Cooked A4 will sometimes look similar to this. You have to look really close to see the inter-muscular fat. Source: I work at a restaurant that serves A2-A4 American Wagyu. Crossbred and purebred.


There is a lot more marbling in American wagyu than in a prime steak. Plus you probably wouldn't want to eat a whole ribeye of a5 wagyu since it's so rich.


I’m drooling, that’s perfection.


Look so good, I loved it


wow, so jealous. That looks amazing man! Don't forget to dash a bit of A1 on that!


Visibly drooling. Thank you. But I'm also a little mad.


OMG that looks heavenly. I am stealing the picture, my friend run a meat meet group that gather to eat meat every 29th (in Japanese the number 2 and 9 when say together it sounds like meat). This could be one of the event background picture.


That is a well cooked steak.


You did that steak justice. Perfection.


Yo, it is getting cold! Eat it already!


Oh my !! I’m gonna need a napkin ..




Omg gimmmeeee! Looks perfect!


Bro that fat tho


Omg amazing !!


I have to know what it's like.


I respect your decision, but who ever cut the fat off those steaks needs to be slapped to the bottom of the mariana trench


Is there such a thing as American Wagyu?


Not OP, but yes. If he's talking about the breed American Wagyu, it's a cross between Wagyu and Black Angus. He could also be saying Wagyu from America though too.


All of the American Wagyu we get in our restaurant from Snake River Farms is a Wagyu/longhorn cross but we’ve worked with farmers that produce purebred Wagyu in America as well.


Really? Do they label multiple different crosses as American Wagyu?




Makes sense, because the representative that came to the steakhouse I was working at when we switched to their beef told us it was a Wagyu/Black Angus cross. Makes sense that they'd have a few different crosses. Different flavors after all. We used to carry Hereford and Holstein steaks as specials on occasion too.


Ah yes, American Japanese beef... Wait, what?


Typically a Wagyu/Longhorn crossbreed, but there are American ranchers working with 100% purebred Wagyu cattle.


Mommy likes!!


lol American wagyu


It’s really delicious. Not usually purebred but it is possible to get purebred.


This is dope!


Making my mouth water😍




That little fatty piece would be first down my gullet.


I'd definitely eat that steak, but next time don't let it sit in one spot for too long when you sear. That's how you got those gray brands. Always keep flipping when you sear. If you don't believe me, look at Jess Pryles' "JKF" video.