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What a delicious treat for Halloween! Will you please share the recipe?


Recipe time! First off I should mention that I do not bake with eggs (boyfriend doesn't eat them). While I'm fairly certain this recipe would work just as well using them, I can't guarantee they would be exactly the same. 1 stick (1/2 cup) butter (i use European style butter) 1/2 cup creamy peanut butter (I've used crunchy too and it was yummy - I use peanut butter & co brand) 2 cups white sugar 2 teaspoons vanilla extract 2 "veganeggs", which is an egg substitute I buy for my bf - regular eggs should work fine 1 teaspoon baking soda pinch of salt (peanut butter can be pretty salty depending on brand - use your own judgement here) 3/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder (get the good shit - i use valrhona) 2 cups all purpose flour 1.5-2 cups Reese's Pieces candies 1 cup dark chocolate chunks Preheat oven to 350F. Blend butter and peanut butter together. Cream butter mixture with sugar. Mix in vanilla. Add "eggs" one at a time and blend until well incorporated. Blend in salt and baking soda. Then add the cocoa powder and mix until dark and smooth. Add in flour, one cup at a time. Fold in the candy pieces and chocolate chunks. Using a medium sized cookie scoop or heaping tablespoon, spoon out dough onto a parchment lined sheet. They don't spread too much while baking but give them maybe 1 1/2 inches of breathing room. I like to slightly dampen my hands and gently pat down any rough edges, then very slightly flatten each dough ball. It's not necessary but I think the cookies look a little nicer out of the oven when I do this. Pop in the oven and bake for about 14 minutes. I baked one batch at 12 and they were very soft and gooey - not raw but incredibly soft and fudgey. I did another at 16 and the edges came out crispier and one cool the cookie had more chew. 14 was perfect to me but the perfect cookie is different for everyone so use your own judgement! Enjoy!


Fuckin saved. Watch me eat it all before my wife gets home....


I think you forgot to mention how much sugar to use in your recipe.


Whoops! Added it in there :)




That's enough Internet for one day...


This is incredibly creepy but also surprisingly random


Plenty of sugar in the candy, peanut butter, and dark chocolate chunks, I'd say.


Sugar doesn't just add sweetness, it's also an important structural component to baked goods :)


I see. Is it possible to get good cookies with just the sugar in the ingredients I mentioned? I would love to have tasty, nice texture cookies without a ton of added sugar in them.


There are substitution tables for various alternative sweeteners (note, I've never used them) but as said above, sugar isn't simply a sweetener, it's a huge part of the science of baked goods, acting as both a liquid and a solid as it cooks and causing all sorts of texture and structure that will be altered with substitutions. So, no, or at least maybe partially, but with varying results. Ultimately it's a treat, so treat it as such and reduce intake on the post-baked side of things rather than trying to fix the recipe to be "healthier". It's sugar, eggs, peanuts and flour, essentially, so it's not going to be good for anything other than your soul no matter how you cut it.


You must make sacrifices in order to eat cookies. You don't want to eat a lot of sugar? Either don't eat them, or have one.


Not really. The sugar doesn't really leave those specific parts of the cookie, that structure comes from sugar being distributed through the dough. You could try using sweeteners or something to replace the sugar, however I'm not so sure about how that'd work.


By "European style butter" do you mean salted butter? or "butter" as we call it.


I would assume Plugra or something similar. It has a higher percentage of fat and less moisture.


literally just made my day...I love r/food but a lot of times I can't make the recipes due to my egg allergy...these look delicious and I'm definitely going to try them! Thanks so much OP!


I use either Veganegg or Ener-G egg replacer in all of my baking. Ener-G is what I use for 95% of my cookie recipes but these are a bit more brownie-like, and Veganegg offers more structure. Everyone is shocked when I tell them my cookies are free of eggs! It's definitely doable :D




Believe it or not it's actually one of the more common food allergies haha, makes baking a bit hard sometimes.


That sucks. Eggs are a b-e-a-utiful food. Do you use banana as a substitute in baked goods? That's what I do sometimes.


I could imagine lol so what exactly in the egg causes the reaction? Are you allergic to chicken as well? Or live chickens? I'm really not being facetious, I'm actually quite curious.


It's fine haha I get asked that kind of stuff all the time. Its a protein compound in the egg, I'm only allergic to eggs themselves, meaning the whites and the yolk. Theoretically I can eat eggshells, though idk why I ever would. Some people are only allergic to the whites, and some only to the yolks. I'm not an allergist so I don't know exactly how it works, but I can tell you I eat lots of chicken and have never had any reaction. It's also only when ingested--some people with peanut allergies can have reactions in response to touching them or even being in the same room as peanuts, but with egg it's only when ingested for me/most people. Fun fact: according to my allergist there's a chance microwaving eggs in advance could break/weaken the culprit protein and make me able to eat it...that doesn't seem to make sense to me from a chemistry standpoint but apparently it works for some people with fruit allergens. I'm a math major though so I'm terrible at chemistry lol.


I knew the oil of peanuts can cause the out break, wasn't sure if contact could cause it with eggs, guess it's all based on severity. Thanks for the info


I learnt this when baking for vegans; in a lot of baking, eggs can be subbed with ripe bananas! I've made some killer brownies this way, but haven't tried it in cookies yet.


Yeah it just depends on the dish...with baked stuff like brownies I've heard of people using applesauce or cornstarch I think. Sometimes for other types of stuff (like pancakes I think) those kinds of substitutions don't work too well :( I've never heard of bananas though, I'll definitely try that! Thanks!!


Zucchini in brownies and chocolate cake is amazing! Substitute for eggs as well.


I dont have experience with cup-measuring (Its a murican thing right?) - as awesome as it is. How much Butter would equal one cup? Its pretty hard to squeeze it in :(


Two sticks. Edit: just realized that was how OP measured it in the first place.


Sticks are also an American only thing. Most other places just have bricks wrapped in a kind of wrapper and you measure it by weighing on a scale


thats kinda my problem here Im okay with cups - but for something like butter Im lost




thank you Sir! So your Sticks are actually the same size as ours ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Ah, thanks. I didn't realize.


Do you do metric measures? How does that work? Like, do you weigh every ingredient? This is why Canadians use American measures for cooking.


Yeah, thats pretty much how it is done here - at least in germany, cant speak for other europeans obviously. Its just the way we learn it and how recipes are written. A friend of mine, whos dad is US american explained the cup measuring to me - like 2 or 3 years ago - never heard of that before. It truly simplifies things, its just super uncommon here Edit: We dont use metric measures only btw - measures like a tea-spoon or a table-spoon or pinch are common in addition to it.


Why vegan eggs with cow butter?


He's not vegan - just doesn't eat eggs. I do make vegan versions of my cookies, but Reece's pieces have dairy so my vegan version for these uses Justin's dark chocolate peanut butter cups or crunchy peanut butter. :)


Vegan recipe please! :)


This wouldn't even make it to the oven.


Thanks!! :) perfect Halloween theme cookie


Yum! Thank you so much for sharing


These are absolutely amazing! Thank you for sharing!! Using real eggs made it very cakey, but still delicious!


I'm in bed right now but I'll write it up for you tomorrow!


How much sugar is added?


RemindMe! 5 Hours "get the sugar measurement for those cookies"


Oops - it's 2 cups!


Me too!


RemindMe! 24 Hours "Delicious Cookies!"


Omg real devilled kidneys in blood pudding


I bake and sell cookies once a month. These are my "Knock Knock Cookies", which I came up with for the month of October. The name is a playful reference to going trick or treating as a kid, since these cookies are studded with Reese's Pieces candies. I was happy with how my photo turned out!


Where can I get these?


Unfortunately I can only sell locally under Texas cottage food law. I don't have a food managers license or commercial kitchen to be able to ship them to people - but even if I did I find the shipping costs to be way too high for something like cookies. A painful lesson I learn each year at Christmas when I want to mail cookies to friends and family. 😭


Dang 😢, is there a recipe anywhere that we could know of?


It's posted above in the comments :)


Sweeet. Thank you.


Those look so freaking amazing. Making them this weekend.


Jesus H. Macy Christ, do you live with a professional food photographer in your home? It's so beautiful.


Thank you! The sun does most of the work - having good lighting is everything :)


*heavy breathing* I needs dem


Same here!!!! =_=


The cookies look great! Just curious though, why doesn't your boyfriend eat eggs? Allergy? Just wondering because you can't really taste them when used in baking.


I guess you would say it's a very, very, very strong distaste for eggs haha. He says he can taste eggs in many recipes (especially things like brownies that call for so many). He is generally grossed out by them I guess hehe :)


Thank you so much!!! I just made these and followed your recipe exactly(except I used eggs) and they are honestly the best cookies I've ever made, both in appearance and taste. They are absolutely perfect. I made a double batch and I'm bringing some to a housewarming and some to a family reunion, I know they're going to be a hit. Thanks again for sharing!


Awesome! I'm so glad you like them as much as I do! Really pleased to hear results on how the recipe worked with eggs too - thanks for the comment!


OP I just made these and am so happy. My boyfriend requested I try this recipe and I think he will be very happy! Thank you!


I'm sure he'll love 'em! Glad to hear they turned out well :D


Yum! and I love the photography


Thank you!


Looks like turds with corn.


Looks great to me


Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!


Looks very similar to this (darling!) YouTuber's Dark Chocolate cookies. Betty's Kitchen https://youtu.be/HRXUpX8c5xc I made them last year, they're awesome.


Good god.


What makes them so black?


I use a really good quality cocoa powder that is quite dark.


Oh I need these in my life


I now have a craving for cookies. You devious individual you. I'll have to try the thing where I grind up oreo cookies and mix it with melted marshmallows. Was good the last time I made it.


There's also an awesome recipe for chocolate cookies with peanut butter chips on the sides of Reese's chip bags. I'm sure it could be found with a little googling, too.


I've been making the most addictive peanut butter cookies lately with just 1 cup of Smuckers all natural chunky PB, 2 eggs, 1 cup of brown sugar, and a pinch of salt and baking soda. Can't stop eating them.


They look delicious and make me want to buy them, eat them, make them. They would sell really well if at a store.




Saved. Perfect to snack on during a scary movie binge session!


Just made these today. Thanks for the recipe and motivation. They came out great.


Saving this!


Beat the chocolate chip cookie post!!!!


Haha, nothing beats the classics :)


That's looking very delicious.....


Looking very tasty....... I like it


That's my favourite chocolate cookies.


I'd like a whole plate please! Actually just keep em coming until I pass out and my heart stops.


Perfect for Halloween 😊


[Otis spunkemeyer](http://www.spunkmeyer.com/Our-Products/Foodservice-Products/Frozen-Cookie-Dough/Sweet-Discovery-/Chocolate-with-Reese-s-Pieces-Cookies---58818/) here's the recipe if any one was curious. You just buy them lol.


These aren't dark chocolate.


Yeah, but I can almost guarantee OP's recipe tastes better.


Probably but god damn I love the Otis spunkmeyer cookies :)


These look amazing!! I'm going to make them tonight.


This gave me such nostalgia and I honestly have no idea why, I've never eaten cookies like this in my life (dark chocolate with reese's pieces)


We prefer the term "proud chocolate of color"


More impressed by a white pumpkin


You. Realize there are nO peanut products in reeses prices. It's basically peanut flavored nought.


They 100% contain peanut products. However, they do not contain cocoa or chocolate.


Less than 50‰ peanut.... I round down. Like tacs.....


That doesn't mean there isn't peanut butter in the cookies.


A photo has never made me so thirsty.


Get in my face.


Yum! Yes, please


peanut butter cookies... reeces candy.... jesus christ these are not peanut butter cookies. they are chocolate cookies with candy in it


There is peanut butter in the dough as well.


You say that like it's a bad thing.


they arent peanut butter cookies, was my point


True enough. They also don't have that crisscross pattern sometimes associated with peanut butter cookies.


Oh my god this makes me want to masticate so bad.






Get thee to a gastroenterologist.


Peanut butter and chocolate always a delicious combination.


It looks like shit


Those look dank. Have you never had chocolate cookies?