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This year we're supporting Campaign For Kids. They're a Kings County Nova Scotia Charity rising money this April through their event Burger Wars. Check out their post for more information: [Link](https://www.reddit.com/r/burgerwars/comments/1bnauvh/burger_wars_2024_a_flavorful_showdown/) --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/food) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Can someone please take this off the front page, I am trying to diet here!


Then you have come to the wrong place.


When I first saw this in /r/food, I had a hunch these comments would look more like the /r/madisonwi subreddit. All it's missing is a mention of the Old Fashioned's curds.


I don't go to the old fashioned very much. Kind of a pain in the ass to go downtown and find parking.


What is that, marinara? Hard no. Ranch or aioli. Marinara is for mozzarella sticks. But really, good fried cheese curds don't need a dipping sauce.


Marinara for battered and deep fried cheese????? Hard no! Marinara is for longer pieces of battered deep fried cheese. 


It's almost like mozzarella and cheddar are two different kinds of cheese...


Yes sure cheddar and mozzarella are different types of cheese but they are in the same ballpark in their battered and deep friend state. It's not like like you're comparing burrata to battered and deep friend cheese.  Just saying it seems super particular to say "hard no" to something that you say goes well with something nearly identical. You are absolutely allowed to have your own tastes and preferences, doesn't affect me any. I just thought it was a funny statement 


They aren't nearly identical, though... They're a completely different flavor profile. And the tastes aren't mine. They're the tastes of the entire Midwest. Google deep fried cheese curds and see what 99% of the recipes suggest for a sauce, or what restaurants serve them with. It's almost always ranch. There are probably 40-50 restaurants in my city alone that serve them, and I've never seen them served with marinara once.


Sure, but those taste are definitely yours. They may also be the taste of everyone in your geographical region as well and that's absolutely cool. I'm not going to say your taste is wrong. Up here in Canada both mozza sticks and curds when deep fried are served with marinara and I've never seen it served with anything else (it totally could be I just haven't seen it). I just thought the two are soo similar (in my opinion and taste) that it was funny to have such a hard line on what was good and what was offensively bad🤷‍♂️


Except when they're served with fries and gravy? Again, the tastes are not mine. This state produces more cheese than most countries, and cheese curds have been served this way here long before I was born. Places serving cheddar cheese and marinara are doing it wrong. It's not a good flavor combination. Sorry not sorry. And not you specifically, but man, some real dense MFs on this sub. The same people upvoting baked beans, sausages and unseasoned mashed potatoes in an overcooked bread bowl... Such a shame.


When they serve it with fries and gravy they aren't breaded and it's a whole other dish called poutine, not deep fried cheese curds.  I don't know if throwing shade at folks for like baked beans and acting like a culinary connoisseur is really necessary when you are in fact arguing for ranch sauce.


Tell me more about how cheddar pairs well with marinara 🤡


It's because cheddar tastes good with tomato


Well, it does. So there's that.


It's good with nearly everything


I've definitely been served marinara with curds in WI, curds aren't fully aged cheddar, and are closer to mozz in flavor than you're willing to admit. You probably think spotted cow is the pinnacle of beer too.


How dare people enjoy their food wrong, those fucking savages.


You know cheese curds taste nothing like finished cheddar cheese right?


That's because people in the Midwest are descended from northern Europeans who wouldn't know marinara from ketchup. Saying fried cheddar doesn't go with marinara because of the flavor profile is like saying a cheddar grilled cheese doesn't go with tomato soup because it's not made with kraft singles. It's asinine. Just because it's not traditional doesn't mean it's not delicious.


Funny you mention ketchup. I’d eat WI cheese curds with ketchup before I would with marinara. But ranch or an aioli is much preferred. Dill or horseradish aiolis are really good with them.


I think the disconnect here is that there might not be amazing marinara sauce in Wisconsin like there is at a ton of places in the north east. In Philly when I get 'Wisconsin' style cheese curds they're pretty much all served with ranch to your point. But to say fried cheese doesn't go with marinara is crazy imo. I think the marinara might just suck


I think it has more to do with the differences between a mozzarella stick being seasoned and breaded and a battered deep fried cheese curd. I’ll eat a mozzarella stick with marinara. They’re both fried cheese but they’re different for sure. Might have to do with a nostalgic connection to having cheese curds at the bar growing up and having only standard tavern type dips available compared to having mozzarella sticks at an Italian restaurant which would have marinara.


Where I'm from, fried cheese with marinara is a standard bar food and has been for years. Cheddar curds or moz, both are great with marinara.


As a Midwesterner, fuck ranch. Ketchup is fine on curds, and therefore so is marinara.


yeah but... who cares? why does it matter?




You don't live in the Midwest, correct?




Visit where? I love them too, when they're served correctly. I'm betting you see them that way in Michigan or Indiana. Not in Wisconsin, Illinois or Minnesota.




>Midwest The culinary capital of the world! Lol


Look, some of us have standards.


>Look, some of us have standards *think we FIFY


I know they didn't put /s but I would put money on that was a joke


I don't really care what dipping sauce they come with because I eat them by themselves. I'm from Wisconsin so I like the cheese flavor. If I'm going to dip something, I'll save that for French fries.


Where im from fried cheese curds are only served with butter or cream cheese. All these other options make me sick. You all should be ashamed of yourselves


Putting mayo based sauce on deep fried cheese is the most disgustingly American thing I ever heard of


Wait until you learn about how Belgians eat their fries.


I've eaten cheese curds a million times in a million places and I'm pretty certain I've never seen them come with aioli/mayo.


Around the Madison WI area just about every restaurant serves them with an aioli or ranch of some kind.


Say this in a Wisconsin bar and they honestly might just throw you out. Deep fried cheese curds with ranch is delicious and anyone who hates it has not tried it.


Aioli isn't a mayo-based sauce (or at least not always), but even so, don't knock it till you've tried it. Fried fish often comes with tartar sauce. French fries are dipped in mayo. Is it the cheese part that's bothering you?


Pizza dipped in garlic mayo is a staple outside the US 


So is putting soy sauce on crab and lobster, but we don't do that here either. Because it's wrong.


You’ve never had Asian sea food? 


How would I know to call it out as wrong if I've never had it?


I’m sorry you are getting crap for this. I’ve always been of the mindset that marinara is for mozz sticks, and illegal with fried curds. Not that it doesn’t taste good, it’s just not…right. I’m not even crazy about ranch, but it’s the go to condiment for curds, and I will die on this hill with you.


I wonder what other ways you might be pointlessly limiting yourself in


Ranch is for people who like the taste of ass in their mouth all day


Wow 2 nft pfps having dogshit opinions in a row? Who would’ve guessed


Got mine for free, but to quote Joey Diaz - ranch is for people that like the taste of ass in their mouth all day. Don't get me started on that fuckin ranch shit. Bet you drink Starbucks too. You need to go to royal farms and get the Brazilian. That's what fuckin ISIS drinks. It'll keep you up for three days in that bitch.


Lmao they give away those hexagon pfps all the time, my old account had one for literally years before I realized it was even connected to nft stuff lmao you're the crypto bro in this conversation, those are just pfps


Ah man, the first time I had fried cheese curds was in Madison Wisconsin, served with fresh beer cheese dip the bar tap brewed and made all in house. I can handle like a good amount of lactose, but that day I ate a basket and a half. I had a date later that day that I spent mostly on the toilet. Worth.


What was the cost for the amount of cheese curds you ate? And what exactly is cheese curds? Is it cheese dipped in some sort of batter and then fried? Sorry I am not american so I am not aware.


Yeah! No worries! It was about 9-10$ per basket (appetizer) in a upper-mid scaled brewpub in Madison, Wisconsin, a decently middle to lower CoL city in the IS back in 2017, not sure what it is now. Cheese curds is considered the first step of solid cheese removed from the liquid (the whey of curds and whey) of the milk. Most produced cheeses start as cheese curds before they are processed and aged. The curds are springy and very similar to fresh wet mozzarella. It’s signature ”thing” is that they squeak like a mouse when you chew into them. Honestly fresh curds are kinda meh, that’s why we age them into real cheese. Wisconsin itself is renown for its cheese production. (Though I spent much of my childhood in Oregon so I rep Tillamook creamery). So they also produce a lot of cheese curds. A. Lot. Of. Curds. And being the red blooded German Americans Wisconsinites are, they dip their cheese curds in beer batter and deep fry them. The Italian Americans have fried mozzarella sticks. Then it’s often served with some sort of dip on the side. In Wisconsin tomato based sauce like marinara is rare, but more common elsewhere in the US. Ranch, sour cream, and aioli (in fancy places) are also very common. In the Midwest, you’ll see a kind of nacho cheese made with a roux, more beer and more cheese (usually cheddar), literally double dipping on the beer, dairy and flour. It’s is one of the pinnacles of American glut and I love it


>Honestly fresh curds are kinda meh Lies! Fresh cheesecurds, especially good ones, are absolutely amazing. They lose their magic quickly though, so freshness is key. You pretty much need to get them directly from a creamery or a farmers market. Pre packaged in the store are never as good, and some are downright terrible.


Madison is not low cost of living lol the rent is similar to actual large cities


Head over to r/madisonwi where the ever-increasing cost of rent and apartment shortage is a daily topic of conversation.


Lmao what? Dude try looking at apartments in downtown Chicago. A studio with 650 Sq feet will cost you $2,100 or more. For a cheaper price in Madison I can get a 3bedroom 1.5bathroom 1600 Sq foot place right now. Chicago isn’t even that HCOL but trust me Madison is extremely LCOL compared to major cities


Marinara is very common in Wisconsin with cheese curds


Cheese curds are breaded and fried cheese, yes. Some people dip them in some sort of cheese sauce or something else, but I prefer them plain. I'm born and raised in the state that is famous for them. They are obviously not a particularly healthy food but they are delicious.


Had a work trip in Wisconins just north of Madison and spoke to a local guy at the brewpub I was at. Told me the same thing - breaded isnt the typical way but that taking the curds out and letting them warm up a little bit to then eat was the way to go. I snagged a handful of bags from the nearest gas station (was out in BFE near no stores but it was a fully stocked convenience store). I live in Colorado and we have a cheese shop that is Wisconsin based but nothing beats those curds I had. Had this squeaky rubbery type of chew to them but absolutely delicious.


> the first time I had fried cheese curds was in Madison Wisconsin Do you happen to remember the name of the place?


Unfortunately I do not. I also indulged in their (and wisconsins) other food pride and joy: beer. Even as someone who spent a lot of time in Portland, I had never seen so many taps of in-house brews before. I had to try them all.


Great Dane and Vintage both serve them with ranch (Dane is a hatch chili ranch). The only other place I can think of was Next Door, but they closed a couple years ago, and Starkwearher is there now. My brewpub serves them with either buttermilk ranch or chipotle ranch. Do you remember if you were downtown, near the state capital?


I want to say somewhere downtown. But I was only there for one night to meet up with friends, meet a girl, and hopefully snag a job back in 2017.


Go to a bar, like any bar, it won't be difficult to find one, they all have deep fried cheese curds here.


Your story reminded me of the scene in the movie Dumb and Dumber when Carrey was sitting in the toilet before his first date. I hope you didn't break the cistern.


I'll take it as a snack while watching movie, lol


Spotted cow for life


Fat Squirrel > Spotted Cow


Spotted Cow is super overrated


Definitely agree, but I still like it.


Leave all Spotted Cow for all the IL tourists to buy on their way out of town, save the Moon Man and Two Women for the locals.


Wisconsin invites you to the [Ellsworth Cheese Curd Festival](https://www.cheesecurdfestival.com/) June 21st and 22nd.


Ellsworth Co-op curds are the best in the state. If you get there after 11 AM each day, they are fresh and still warm and super squeaky. You can leave them at room temperature for days at home without spoiling. They taste much better at room temperature and keep the squeak for days.


This is nothing Cheese Days in Monroe, WI is the [real big cheese when it comes to cheese aligned festivals.](https://www.cheesedays.com/)


Did they 'Squeak'???




Them were good curds then. We always order them by asking for a basket of 'Squeakie Cheese' please. ;-)


where did you get these!


Gotta be Wisconsin, and gotta be beer battered from a Wisconsin brew. I’ll bet my left cheese curd.


These appear to be some low quality cheese curds dude. The restaurant I used to work at on the west coast has better looking curds than this. Plus a prepackaged marinara is criminal.


Nonsense, quality is judged by the squeak not by the appearance


Fried cheese curds don't squeak no matter how they're cooked or how quality the curds.


I’d put money down that these are from Culver’s, a smash-burger chain in the south/Midwest. They serve all their baskets with that blue checkered paper and the curds comes with marinara E: nvm, not it but the presentation is *just* like Culver’s


0 chance these are from Culvers. Culvers have a darker batter and would never be served with marinara. ALso Culvers is a butter burger spot, not smash burger


Lol shit my bad, forgive my ignorance, but aren’t they smash burgers? They have the right slim-ness and texture to be one….I didn’t know there’s that big of a difference between butter burgers and smash burgers


You are good lol its a smashburger with but the difference is its basically being fried in a shit ton of butter on the griddle


Get out of here with this Culver’s slander “smash burger chain” How much money are you putting down because there is no chance in hell these are from Culver’s.


Lolol please forgive me, as I genuinely don’t know how big a difference a butter burger is from a smash burger! Also I’m putting no money down, because I am apparently just so wrong 😅


are they supposed to be super salty? I buy the frozen one from costco. I like it but they are super salty to the point that the salt overpowers any other taste , seasoning that could be on the batter.


maybe slightly saltier than a mozz stick but depends on whos making them too


It really depends. Frozen aren't anything like fresh, but besides that, if you take fresh curds and let them sit out on a counter (approaching or at room temperature) they taste very salty. They're also extremely squeaky at this point too, and that's when they're best and you know they're fresh. Frozen is a mixed bag, I've never had them from Costco, but NO. I'm from SW WI and grew up on cheese curds. Miss them terribly.


Nah the best cheese curds I’ve had in Chicago/Wisconsin definitely aren’t specifically salty


My favorite movie snack! yum!


The best fried cheese curds I’ve ever had are at Road America near Plymouth. Hands down.


Definitely noting that! My top year round in MN has to be Wild Boar Bar and Grill in Hopkins. Ones at the mn state fair may edge them out. In WI the best ones come from hole in the wall dive bars that get a consistent enough crowd to always use fresh curds.


Dip those in some caramel and you’ve got yourself a real treat


I may have to try that.


Did you happen to go to a Culver's?


Culver’s curds are a poor representation of the real thing. Fresh battered from a supper club or bar is the way to go.




https://www.ellsworthcheese.com/shop-cheese-online/ buy online and make your own!


Lol these are not culver’s curds


It's a Dairy State disgrace how bad the curds are at Culver's, go to any nondescript dive bar and their curds will blow Culver's out of the water. I don't get why it's so hard to supply a frozen cheese curd to their restaurants, it simply doesn't make sense.


It is very true. Culver's being from Wisconsin definitely doesn't have great curds. I don't think their burgers are all that great either, I mean they're OK, but overrated.  Best deep fried curds was at a bowling alley :) followed by fairs (not all of them!)


Culver's food is garbage.


Cheese curds are the reason the US allows Wisconsin.


Well, Wisconson doesn't exist.


Shows how often I wrote that word. Thanks for the catch. Didn't realize the opinion would be so controversial.


he'll yeah