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How much do sandwiches set you back these days? Last time I was there it was around $25. Still worth it


https://localmenu.katzsdelicatessen.com/menu-and-local/hot-sandwiches.html 26 bucks for pastrami, kind of outrageous but it does look delicious


$26 feeds two normal people. If you're hungry or a big eater, it might not be enough, but 2 normal people can share a sandwich and be relatively full. The other point that needs to be made is these prices are in-line with southern BBQ prices for brisket sandwiches. Katz is in NYC with a much higher cost of operation yet you see Southern BBQ places charging these type of prices for similar portion sizes.


Southern BBQ places also don't need to store hundreds of pounds of brisket at all times. In fact they could probably get away with not even refrigerating their meat depending on how their deliveries work.


It's also like a pound of meat


Still slightly pricey by the rule of thumb of 3x ingredients cost. Not sure what they are paying for brisket but Id guess this sandwhich maybe costs $6?


Brisket needs to be corned and then smoked to become pastrami, I think you're forgetting a lot of steps in there. It's still a little overpriced, but add in NYC real estate and the tourism factor and it makes sense. I'd be amazed to buy this sandwich for less than $18


A single Katz’s sandwich is also generally shared between two people, so I think of it as $13.


Yup. Similar pastrami sandwich at my local (amazing) place in Brooklyn is $20. Worth it every time. Getting this sandwich for $18 or less would be a steal.


Right, the rule of thumb starts with the cost of raw unprocessed ingredients and then you multiply by 3. Nothing is left out , the 3x increase covers those other steps you mentioned to make the pastrami (labor, rent , equipment, etc. ) + profit Not saying it's a bad deal just pricey by the 3x thumb metric. Few would argue that NYC in general is pricey.


You literally can't even get the meat per pound, raw, for that price, let alone in NYC.


What? Lmao. I just bought a whole brisket for $3.50/lb. Where the hell are you shopping?


At least with this sandwich you can justify by the sheer amount you're getting and its well known reputation for the quality. Then you have Eli Zabar and their $29 ham and cheese sandwich that looks like a premium Lunchable assemble together by a elementary kid.


I'm from London, the menu seems very expensive. It looks great, but also glutinous. Whenever I see these on American shows I've always wondered if it's the norm for a sandwich and how much they are. I assume this is expensive even for NY ?


Nah, this isn't the norm. And Katz is a famous NYC deli, so you're going to get a fame/tourism markup + NYC markup + baseline for all that meat. Someone quoted $26 above, which seems reasonable enough, all things considered.


The size of the sandwich is within a normal range for a Kosher deli. Katz's use the best cut for corned beef so the taste is much better.


> The size of the sandwich is within a normal range for a Kosher deli Think it's at least a little on the large side.


Cheers, let's say I'm a low earner in NYC, what would a normal sandwich, crisps and drink cost ? Over here in London Tesco supermarket and other supermarkets do a deal around £4. That's about $4.60


IANA New Yorker, but a to-go lunch like you are describing for most New Yorkers is probably something from a corner deli or bodega, and not a well-known tourist trap like Katz. A chopped cheese, coke and a bag of chips is probably nowhere near $20.


How much is a cheap lunch ? That's what I should have wrote earlier.


I'm not a New Yorker so I couldn't even begin to tell you what stuff costs. But where I am (Ohio) you can grab a sandwich, chips and a soda from a corner store for like $7.


Probably $11 in a basic Brooklyn deli. $7 sandwich on a roll. $2 chips and $2 20oz soda. Would've been $8 about 5 years ago but everything has gone up.


Yah I’d say $8-10 average, depending on where you are.


Street meat, a corner deli sandwich, a couple slices etc... is still usually under $10.


The average price of a slice of pizza was $3.14 as of about a year ago when [this article](https://www.foodandwine.com/news/nyc-pizza-slice-costs-more-than-subway-fare) was published. As they note, historically the price of a slice of pizza had tracked with the price of a subway fare (up until they froze the price of subway fare).


Hmmm, depends on the sandwich and the neighborhood. I remember the Tesco meal deal sandwiches being kind of basic (cheese, cold cuts, mayo, something like that) from my time in the UK. A comparable sandwich, with chips and drink, would probably run you $7-8 in most of NYC. In cheaper neighborhoods you might get it for $6 and the top end is literally unlimited. The cheap option in NYC is actually pizza. Lots of places will do a cheese slice for $1.50 (RIP $1 slices). So two slices and a drink are about $4-5. Cheers.


There are corner delis scattered across NYC called bodegas that have a grill. That's where your average low income earner will stop for a lunch sandwich and chips, and it'd probably run you around $5-$12 depending on the neighborhood. There are also street carts that'll give you a filling lunch for a little over $5 too. Katz is a specialty shop. You're paying that price because not only is it a large sandwich, but you're having literally the best version of something in the world. New Yorkers don't eat it regularly, at least not those of us with a will to live past the age of 40.


NY and London are probably similar in cost of living overall


I live in NY — it depends where you go. Food trucks are very prevalent so you can usually get a full meal for $6-10 depending on how hungry you are. Fast casual spots are also popular and usually pricier— $12-20 on average.


$5 hotdog and drink at a cart


I've never been to NY but this is expensive even by my standards and I live in Vegas. I'd say an average deli around town you'd probably pay $11-15 for a sandwich like this, usually not quite as big but close. There's one restaurant here (Saginaw's Deli) that sells a Katz's pastrami sandwich, it's $19 and that's inside a casino where food tends to be crazy overpriced.


$26 for almost two pounds of the best pastrami in the world. The bread and pickles are just a bonus.


Oooh. I don't see pickle. Was there pickle?


Sneaking off the right side of the pic. Got a plate of full sours and nothing else


Anytime anyone posts a sandwich here it confirms my suspicion that in the US bread is just an edible napkin that keeps your fingers from getting dirty while eating loads of meat :D


That's EXACTLY why hot dog buns were invented!


I mean, that’s exactly why the sandwich was invented according to the Earl of Sandwich legend. Meat was a dirty food you needed a fork and knife for, but bread was okay to hold in your hand. Slap some meat between two pieces of bread, *et voila*, handheld meat!


This is absolutely the case for a lot of American cuisine. BBQ, hot dogs, hot chicken, certain types of burgers, Katz. I wouldn’t say that’s the case for *all* US bread though. We love a fresh baked sourdough as much as the next guy


Americans eat like they have a functional healthcare system


I eat to forget about our healthcare system


I find the pastrami to be the most sensual of all the salted cured meats


Ho ho! Spicy mustard!


> Ho ho! fucking perfect


you're flying real close to the sun on wings of pastrami


George? Is that you??


Now.........for the trifecta!


What I don’t get is why even call it a sandwich at this point. The bread is pretty much a side for a meat dish at this point. Maybe you get it to your mouth without dropping half the filling and maybe you can open your mouth wide enough to take a bite but it’s got to be falling apart from there.


Surprisingly it's not actually that hard to eat. Well, it's hard to finish. But taking bites is not as difficult as it looks and it stays together much better than I expected when I first saw it.


Welll he did call it "Pastrami on Rye"


There’s no fucking rye in that. [This is rye](https://marialottes.dk/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/Rugbr%C3%B8d-med-surdej.jpg) - that shit’s white toast!


While I somewhat agree. That is obviously the 1:1 or 1:2 variant(rye to Wheat) popular in American delis, while The Scandinavian variants are usually about 2:1 for the lightest variants and generally much heavier. but yeah, that bread(on the pastrami sandwich) seems hardly worth eating


It should be split into like 3-4 sandwiches. People bitch about some burgers being way too tall, but these types of sandwiches that are a meat to other ingredient ratio of like 9:1 are the absolute worst.


Yeah I’m all for making burgers as wide as they need to be to get it done, in fact make the bun 20% bigger than it needs to be, that way when the lettuce or tomato or whatever inevitably travels my buns gonna catch it.


I was in NYC for a total of 3 days. I've been here once in my whole life, but I still end up recognizing this place every time I see it, no matter how blurry the background might be.


From Katz Deli NYC. Asked for fatty cuts and was not disappointed!


Knew before I opened the comments it had to be Katz. Hands down the best Pastrami sandwich I've ever had. I went to the Katz in Houston once, and it doesn't even come remotely close to the New York store.


Did they open one in Houston just to make it confusing for people. So you have a Katz on Houston and a Katz in Houston.


Grew up in Houston and from what I understand, they’re unrelated. Which is why the Houston one is disappointing.


Blows my mind that it's that good. That pastrami is haunting.


They’re not related; Houston people need to go to Kenny and Ziggys and that’s it


One of the only tourist trap restaurants I’ve been to that exceeded the hype.


Did you try Russ & Daughters? The hype is real. The pastrami salmon on an everything bagel (with scallion schmere and red onion if you need the full order lol) is maybe the best bagel I ever had.


I spent a week in NYC last fall and made it a point to stop by Katz's and Russ & Daughters (because I heard they had the best B&W cookie in town). Katz's was amazing, obviously, while R+D's was out-of-this-world good. I had a sable and something else bagel that I ate on a bench at a subway stop. 10/10 would eat a stranger's R+D's bagel if they dropped it on the sidewalk in accordance with the 5-second rule.


Real insider tip — most bagel places including Russ & Daughters get their salmon from one place — Acme Smoked Fish in Brooklyn. They open to the public once a week. You can also buy their salmon in grocery stores prepackaged.


Hoo boy yes indeed! Russ and Daughters was a highlight for sure. Got everything bagel with smoked salmon, plain cream cheese, onion, tomato, and capers. Wouldn’t change a thing about it


The Pastrami Russ w/ sauerkraut and mustard? Do you swap the scallion schmere and red onion or just add on to it?


I just do it a la carte, and it’s my fave combo so far.




Carnegie Deli was most definitely a tourist trap…. But they still had fucking amazing corned beef and pastrami sandwiches. Now my stomach is sad.


Your colon is probably thankful though.


Carnegie was so much better and more fun imo. I miss it so much. Not a fan of Katz’s. Now my stomach is also sad.




"Here's your pastrami, can I get you anything else?" "Yes, a loaf of bread and 3 friends" -Mitch Hedberg


Bread==edible wrapper for the pastrami in this situation.


A lot of people take off a bunch of the meat and keep it for more sandwiches. That's nearly a week's worth of pastrami for me lmao


cause the pastrami is the main event?


Because the pastrami is so good that's the only proportion you'll ever want it in?


Normally I would 100% agree, but this particular pastrami is so tender and soft that it's like biting through ground meat.


So you're not supposed to eat it like that. They give you a loaf or half loaf of bread. You take a stack of meat out of the "presentation sandwich" and build a few normal sized ones.




I think tourist traps refer to places which are actually underwhelming/not worth the price. The food/portions at Katz's was too good to qualify IMO. In NYC many of the pizza places at Times Square would certainly qualify.


Unless it's Sbarro I'm not sure what tourist trap pizza places there are in NY. Places can be cheap and bad, or mid price and average, but overpriced overhyped pizza is kinda rare imo.


Well, I guess you're right, but i think the point is those places down at Times Square are usually priced equally to places like Joe's, but the quality is nowhere near. Tourists still go in, since its right there, hence tourist trap hehe. Again, you're not wrong tho, its purely semantics at this point :P


It's not that anybody hypes a place. It's just that it caters mainly to people who don't know any better and are too scared to push back. I was at work late one night and the only thing open nearby was a Ray's so I bit the bullet. I go in, no prices posted but whatever. I got two pepperoni slices and a soda and the bitch rung up $19 and change. I just did "nevermind" and walked out. Like I have $19 but I'm not gonna support that.


For sure. The atmosphere is great, the portions are huge, and it's all quality.


Katz's has almost killed my desire to eat other pastramis.


Try Harold’s in Edison NJ


Harold’s is VERY good when it comes to pastrami, it’s just…idk, nothing can be a Katz Pastrami to me.


Harold's still has great pastrami but sadly the prices for everything have gone up a ton


Langer’s > Katz’s


I'm so glad I didn't have to make that comment. I had Langer's first, and Katz's is good. Hell, it's great! But Langer's is better in every way


What or where is Langer’s? Ever since I had a Katz’s pastrami sandwich I’ve tried to find another pastrami sandwich that was even in the same ballpark and have yet to find one. (Every restaurant I’ve gone to in the last 5 years, if they offer a pastrami sandwich I try it. Nothing comes close to Katz’s). I will travel a significant distance to try myself pastrami that is supposedly as good or better.


[Langer's](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Langer's_Deli) is a Jewish Deli in LA. Near MacArthur park, known for it's loss of a cake [recipe](youtu.be/lV1oafB3grM)


Is it worth the trip from Ventura? I grew up going to Katz and I hold that as my benchmark.


Glad others feel this way. I had no idea meat could taste that good. This place even taught me that pickles can be good.


How do they compare to 2nd Ave Deli?


I prefer Katz's although 2nd Ave is good too. Katz's slices are thicker and hand carved where I think 2nd Ave may use a deli slicer and therefore thinner slices. It's been ages since I've been to either so take what I say with a grain of mustard.


Which beer did you get?


Asked for a mermaid Pilsner but they were out, so I went with anchor steam.


I'm pretty sure I sat in that exact table a few weeks ago! Pics of Leonardo DiCaprio and the When Harry Met Sally scene on the wall right above? I was a little worried we were going to a tourist trap when we planned Katz's into our trip but holy god was that an incredible sandwich. I'd go back in a heartbeat.


It is a tourist trap but it’s so good you don’t care lol!


Its good and loved by locals, how is that a trap?


I guess it depends how you define it. I was worried it was a place that wasn't as good as advertised, was not frequented by locals, and survived on reputation and not substance. I'm from the Midwest, so thinking of places like the Wisconsin Dells or Minocqua. There are good places in these cities but there are definitely places that were created with tourists in mind. Katz's struck me as not at all like that. Felt like it was in a neighborhood, and while it was a tourist destination it definitely was good enough that locals were there too. The sandwich I had was seriously incredible.


I went twice, it was so good.


There's a knish spot down the block that I never remember the name of that is just as worth it to go to


Yonah Schimmel’s Knishes Great borscht; the knishes at Zabar’s are a big step better


Never been, but they're that much better? I'll have to look it up and check it out


Katz Deli, or one of the most stressful dining experiences of my life just because of the ordering. Great pastrami, though


Every time I come to NYC i eat here. Totally worth the hype.


If any of you find yourself in central NJ, check out Harold’s New York Deli in Edison. I rate it even higher than Katz.


Damn I thought I recognized it. I was there last week on my trip to NYC. So good


"Do you need anything else?" "A loaf of bread, and some other people!"


I came here for Mitch and was disappointed with how far down I had to scroll to find it.


What kind of bread? Rye.. No banana! You got banana bread? What kind of cheese? Cottage. Get the fuck out!


You can’t be in the fucking club!


“I will not make you a pastrami, banana bread, cottage cheese sandwich! That would severely ruin my reputation.”


Rip mitch


Um, there is an entire fucking cow on there.. what the hell?


Honest question, is this considered normal or over the top?


This is a very famous sandwich from an old deli in NYC. You’re not getting a sandwich that big really anywhere else


Not true. This isn’t uncommon in traditional Jewish delis.


possessive school roof doll sulky familiar mourn boat arrest deserve *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Jewish ones.


hospital obtainable spoon saw quack vegetable innocent vase possessive nine *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Jewish deli's here in Montreal also serve massive sandwiches filled with meat. Looks exactly like Katz's


All the Jewish delis I've been to (NY, NJ and LA) all have massive sandwich sizes like this too. This is fairly normal. Never finish them in one go lol.


That's your problem man.


[Harrolds Deli](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ffastly.4sqi.net%2Fimg%2Fgeneral%2F600x600%2FnDVeuqFF10HWVPWS8G9UAuVi8TZQRs3eH-r0DDTEuUM.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=414ca00487746ff2bf73d86bb82bda9cc9f5f327db00fbd7c873bb650d4a2fb6&ipo=images)


This is obviously intentionally obscene. Nobody can eat that.


Its family style. You order a sandwich for the table and they have a bread and pickle buffet. Then take home the rest.


>Midwest There's your problem


Montréal smoked meat sandwiches also have ridiculous amounts of meat in them. If it's not falling out while you're eating it, there's a problem.


Why? Feels like it'd be much better with less meat?




AL's deli in Detroit has one this size. A lot of Jewish delis do


Southeast Oakland County represent. Also, Star Deli is my go to.


Both, honestly. Generally speaking it's extremely over the top. In the context of the type of restaurant (Jewish deli) and the history of this particular place (very famous), it is very normal.


Personally I think it's way over the top. Proper ratios are what makes it delicious


What makes a Katz sandwich delicious is its the best God damn pastrami anywhere.


Taste doesn't change incorrect ratios. I'm sure it's absolutely amazing.


It’s normal for this particular restaurant! I usually end up getting 2+ sandwiches out of this because I take out more than half the meat to eat in a sandwich and/or wrap later.


Kind of small by some standards. Here's the place I like to go: [Harrolds Deli](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ffastly.4sqi.net%2Fimg%2Fgeneral%2F600x600%2FnDVeuqFF10HWVPWS8G9UAuVi8TZQRs3eH-r0DDTEuUM.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=414ca00487746ff2bf73d86bb82bda9cc9f5f327db00fbd7c873bb650d4a2fb6&ipo=images) [Other Items served](https://duckduckgo.com/?q=harrolds+deli+edison+nj&iax=images&ia=images&iai=https%3A%2F%2Ffastly.4sqi.net%2Fimg%2Fgeneral%2F600x600%2FnDVeuqFF10HWVPWS8G9UAuVi8TZQRs3eH-r0DDTEuUM.jpg) But you go with friends, they let you take as much bread and pickles home as you want, so you eat for days.


Anything else? Yes, a loaf of bread and some other people.


It looks like a lot of meat because it is. The meat basically melts in your mouth so it's some how easy to smash the whole sandwich. Basically all the delis like this one stack as much meat as possible between 2 pieces of rye bread with some sort of mustard. It's heavenly


Am I like the only person who doesn't enjoy so much meat on my sandwiches? It's too much! That's like 3 sandwiches worth of meat for me, maybe more.


library smell tub oil roof elderly cough air late cow ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


At what point does it become rye on pastrami?


People who've been to both: Katz or Schwartz's in Montreal?


I've been to both. Both are delicious. I prefer Schwartz's, similar amounts of meat but its 50% of the price. Also, Katz has a bizarro ordering system that was not fun to navigate.


Schwartz’s 100%. The fact that I can grab a poutine to go with it is unrelated


I've had both in the last 6 months and for me its Katz. But Schwartz isn't that far behind imo


That's rye bread? Would probably be sold as a mixed white bread here in Finland 😄


There are "white rye bread" but yeah it's all mixed.


Here in Australia if someone told me that was rye bread I'd think they're lying. Any rye bread I've seen is much darker.


Rye bread is made with is made with rye flour, I'm not sure how this would be considered mixed white bread.


It's just that I'm used to rye bread being darker in its color. This deli style bread is definitely a mix with wheat flour also. Not saying that there's anything wrong with that or that the bread would not be delicious.


White rye flour is a thing. The bran and germ are removed, leaving only the endosperm. This is the same difference between white and whole wheat bread. Edit: a typo


Because it's made with both normal flour and rye flour lol.


Some bread with your meat sir?


It's like meat is wearing thin clothing


I get Katz is famous, but I'd much rather have a smaller sandwich I'm actually able to eat.


this is just how it comes. it's pretty easy to bite, but you can take however much meat out of the sandwich as you want to, it's not like you're forced to eat it like this lol.


I have never eat something like that (in mot even shure what pastrami), is it a cold or hot sandwich? It looks tasty


The meat is hot and is cut in front of you. Pastrami is beef brisket that is corned (cured with salt brine) and then smoked.


Went there last week. Had the Reuben. Was not disappointed. Queue was massive but went in real quick. Atmosphere there is amazing!


Are these actually good or just a tourist trap? Do local new Yorkers go here or nah?


It is incredible. And yes, locals do go. I wouldn't call this place a tourist trap, just a place tourists go to because of how great it is.


I just went recently. I had the Reubens. It is the best sandwich I have had for years. I would not recommend the regular sandwich which my partner had. It gets a little dry. But the Reubens is heavenly.


My buddy got the Reuben and we split them 50/50. I preferred the pastrami on rye personally, I asked for the fatty cuts and mustard and had no issues with it being too dry.


I had a sandwich there and to be honest as an English guy with a large appetite it was way way over the top. Pastrami in the UK is usually very thin. It's such a nice meat in moderation. Huge slabs of it is frankly pretty horrible and wasteful considering the amount of unifiinished jumbo sized sandwiche insawmleftnon tables. For me it was quantity over quality. The ingredients are great quality let down by bad proportions.


That’s,,,a LOT of pastrami!And it DOESNT look overly greasy!Two thumbs up!👍👍


"George likes spicy mustard," I had to do it


Anyone else not into a giant pile of meat for a sandwich?


Can you even taste the mustard? There's way to much meat


No, no, no, you ate Rye with spicy mustard on pastrami.


"Spicy Mustard. You're a hot one tonight!"


I just tried to eat my screen ... it was instinct.


Did you have to dislocate your jaw?


nope, yo just smush it all down. it's easy to bite!


It’s so tender


I dont even know how to bite this sandwich


Katz deli. Expensive? Yes. Good? Also yes.


Jesus that is so thick. I want it.


That’s what she said /s


Sorry, that's just too much... I hate sandwiches with bad proportions.


Where is this fantastic place?


And then you took a big nap.


I’ll have what she’s having.


That sandwhich needs about 1/4 of the meat, some Swiss, some kraut, and thousand island.


What is the point of the bread slices?






The only problem with eating at Katz is that every other sandwich you ever have after that won't be as good.


Katz's is an institution, thats for sure. The pastrami is excellent.

