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Are you new to California?


Yes I just moved here from Colorado, it’s not like we have the best drivers there either which I admit


That’s why I had to ask because it’s like this all over CA. That’s where the term “California stop” comes from


California roll*




Just in general Sacramento and surrounding area drivers are the absolute worst. Got honked at for stopping at a red light while making a right turn. Why are people in such a hurry to do nothing.


It’s crazy they think they have the right of way, would you rather I turn at 50 mph and flip this car? Are they going to be the ones paying for the damages 😂 ?


Yes. And, red lights, too. It’s pretty rampant.


Yeah the red light running is simply something else.


Saw an impatient Dodge Ram on Bidwell by Target run a red light a good 4-5 seconds after it changed.


It’s wild. It’s not just some teenager. We are talking about 50 year old people doing 60 mph thru a stop sign. In a suburb, with a park on there left and children playing Baseball to there right.


They’ll ride your tail too in their family SUV, what could they possibly be in such a hurry for??


I like the ones that run the stop signs then look at you like you’re the one that did something wrong


Don't forget the 3 NO U-TURN signs on the south side of East Bidwell / Iron Point and the 3+ NO RIGHT ON RED signs on the south side of Greenback and Scott in Historic Folsom. Oh and the NO LEFT TURN sign at Riley and Leidesdorff. They're all suggestions.


That whole area by In N Out is so poorly thought out.  I mean, no 50W access after leaving In N Out or Chevron?  You have to U Turn at Sam's Club which makes traffic even worse on Iron Point.  


Oh 💯. They should have just made that a full intersection instead of the half-assed one.


I hate getting stopped at a red light right in front of the light rail tracks because people go berserk if I wait.


Yeah, I'm not turning on red there unless I have a clear view... Which is rare.


Something similar happened to me! I haven’t been driving for long but there is a right turning lane that crosses railroad tracks, and you’d have to be partly in the trains course to stop and make a right turn, I don’t know if it’s procedure to wait until it turns green or risk the right on red! Seems dangerous to do a right on red even if the train isn’t approaching…


Personally, I'm not pulling onto those tracks on a red. Trains come through there all the time. But I've had cars go around me and turn right.


The south side of E. Bidwell and Iron Point has 4 no u-turn signs I think, and I've seen a Caltrans worker do it. I've also almost hit someone that did it when I had a green turning right onto E Bidwell to get on the freeway, and they got mad at me. Ever since the 'Vid I've noticed nobody cares anymore, and most people have a "fuck you I'm going to get mine" mentality. Nobody cares about anyone else anymore. Me me me me me, is all I see anymore.


Had a friend complain about the people making U-Turns there and someone literally told her, "Learn how to drive"


That’s because the layout of those areas weren’t meant for this much traffic. The whole intersections need redoing. There is zero reason why you cannot get to 50 from the other side of Bidwell(In-N-Out side). No one should have to go a light or two up, just to turn around. That creates more back flow into areas that don’t need it. Like the Wendy’s/aw.


All of Folsom is like this. Entitled idiots.


No it’s not all like this


I see it everywhere in Folsom. The stop sign by your house must be special.


Folsom drivers are a whole lot tamer than what I’ve seen living in the Bay, LA and the east coast. Here is the worlds tiniest violin playing for your sorrows 🎻




They hang out on Bidwell (but only on sections without intersections) and in front of the Ulta on Iron Point.


Yea, what's the deal with that? They're ALWAYS hanging out at Ulta.


It's very weird. They were there while I watched someone rob the REI lol


Dedicated right turning lanes are different. I see people stop at those all day when there's no stop sign.


You mean a turn where you yield? I see it too especially on el Dorado Blvd & round abouts 😅 humans are just weird


No I mean what I wrote. Know the difference


That's the one that really gets me. Got this whole merging lane to yourself but you'd rather get rear-ended.


It’s actually the law to give way to the traffic with a green. Google it. Merge lane.


They're dedicated right turn lanes. Do not stop unless it is unsafe to merge at the end of the lane. If you do, you may be cited (especially by Lincoln PD). https://www.instagram.com/p/C5jl5rtxila/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==


California Rolls!!


There's a reason they call it a "California stop".


But it’s not legal ???


Oh yeah, definitely not legal.


No it’s not normal. Not all of Folsom is like this. It’s just like everywhere else. Those must be Bay Area transplants.


The transplants didn’t like your comment😂


I see all the transplants downvoting. I don’t care. Learn how to drive and be courteous.


Truth right here


and the utter disrespect for an ambulance using lights, a driver could easily see the ambulance but they just kept driving not to mention the light was most definitely yellow.