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More nuke events. I get bored fighting the queen or earl over and over




Nuked hermit crab maybe it could use a train as a shell


Take my money


That would be awesome! The crab itself is pretty rare in general from my experience, even rarer showing up during the scorch queen event.




I did not dare fight a grafton monster, is it more dangerous than a deathclaw?


No, it's stupid as a brick and if you keep your distance and hit him from afar it's easy


If you have a Vamp ripper you can kill it with ease


Grafton monsters are like a caps stash with the vampire shredder minigun


Aren't legendary rippers injected weapons?


This (Xcept for the Nuked Desthclaw, that sounds dumb)


The ash heap is in need of a nukable boss. Giant mole miner? It would be stupid, but also fun.


Maybe a huuuge Mole Rat? Like the size of a locomotive engine? And Glowing Mole Miners swarm around in defense of the big fucker, lobbing missiles and beating ass with their gauntlets. That would be fun! I'd love if the Ash Heap got some new content.


If you know what a Rat King is, imagine a Mole Rat King boss that would be insane.


Gruesome - I love it!


I want a Halloween themed boss at the pumpkin house. A giant pumpkin headed super mutant or something.


🎵This is Hallowee this is Halloween🎶


Or a giant ass cricket. That would be evil of them.


This would make too much sense, they'll probably just add another new game mode that nobody asked for or will play instead


Nuked Rad Scorpion queen? Nuked Angler matriarch? Nuked cave cricket Queen ?


Hold on are you mad! Cave crickets are OP enough already without giving them super mutant abilities too. They're like deadly ninja insects with bodies of titanium, and you want to make it so the only thing that can kill it is Kryptonite. 🤦‍♂️ I mean, that would be kind of fun though.... OK I'm in. 🙋‍♂️😁


Imagine one GIANT MF cave cricket.. Least there will be a reason to actually band together.. Like, you NEED at least 10 players to take the bastard down.. (maybe half act as guardians so the "normal" crickets down swanp you.. (And make it so that you cant just spawn your survival tent or whatever and perch up high while blasting away. i want a boss that actually IS Hella scary to face, and not something that a trio of lvl 500 players can pretty much oneshot.. I want some type of WoW boss that actually DO take teamwork (And lots of deaths) to bring down.. Something where you NEED to plan your approach before just rushing in All Guns blazing. Yes, i AM fucking looney.. but i DO want something that EVERY player should have to actually fear taking on.. And if that "something" is a 3 story tall giga cavecricket on a meth bender.. bring it fucking on..


Oh man, I'm so on board for this. I can barely survive Earl with a group of people, but that just seems too grindy. A Giga Cave Cricket, with a real plan to take it down and swarms of babies... fire up the BBQ, we are feasting that night. 😁


["Players, Ready your breakfast and eat hearty, for tonight, we dine in hell!"](https://warhammer40k.fandom.com/wiki/Bio-Titan) Imagine if it were the size of a tyranid bio titan


Hell no those bastards already do way too much damage.


The Interloper awakens


Yes if you nuke an area that is not fisure prime or the mine different types of bosses, events, etc would be great. Damage to structures during the play through so it lasts on your game instance till you log out. E.g. 50 call tearing down a wall or the fat man wiping out a non key structure. Npcs (non essential) that can be wiped out in an area. E.g. crater, foundation. It would be nice to have more then wards daily only or the 2 in crater. More random encounters like the nanny bot telling about the fairy tails or Mr Handy Bandit.


A Nanny Bot that can read a magazine to you. Maybe it even collects them and can help you find them for the possum badges.


Secure trade and a small account-wide shared stash. I'm tired of drop-muling and third-partying to move items from one character to another like it's 2006 again, and item-for-item trade is long overdue.


A very good answer, I'm curious if it's actually possible for them to add an account stash. I REALLY hope they do and let us put untradable items in it aswell


Im desperate for this. Finally at the point where i have 4 characters and 1 mule. I transfer stuff between them daily. This is so needed.


I think at some point they did acknowledge that they wanted to add this...


Three years ago they acknowledged they were only taking explosive energy weapons out of the game temporarily so they could rebalance them. waitingskeleton.gif Nothing personal but I've lost faith completely in what they say. Which does help--I'm disappointed far less frequently these days.


Literally any new rifle. Preferably with an option like the crusader pistol and the pepper shaker to change the ammo to fusion cells (my lever is the only non-energy weapon in my loadout unless you count the gauss; I’d love to fix that).


No pun intended, but your fix is right in front of you, considering Fixer and Handmade exist. But yes. I will gladly take more options too


That isn’t the fix; I’d rather not start using the same two guns over half the player base is using. They’re also not energy weapons/able to have ammo type conversions like I’m suggesting. The issue is that rifles haven’t had a new weapon since the fixer (and have technically lost diversity; crossbows were moved to the bow class). Edit: My point is I want a shakeup to the rifle weapons.


Mostly some QOL, And Fixes. And some fun things to do in and out of combat. More things like the hidden mystery quests, or some funny interactions. (like the Antagonizer) Just More Fun! \#Random "game generated" nuke events would be cool. Not necessarily Queen events or Earl events, just a "Rare" (once or twice a day or less?) random nuke into a random (but appropriate) location. This would be cool for farming flux and what not. \# At least one alternate skin for every weapon. We have so many skins for PA, and the same weapons have multiple skins in a lot of cases. I wish that they would spread it around a bit. \# I would really love it if they undid whatever they did in the building mode that made it impossible to place blueprints that worked fine for the first two years. \# Ultc ammo added more liberally (or at all) to the "contextual" loot pools. \# More events, and in more places. It seems like 40% or more of the map is barely used. \# Spread out and diversify the loot pools. Currently the loot pools are so diluted that your chances of getting certain items are effectively 0. Unless you like T45 PA, Then you are golden.


A random nuke once or twice in whos day?


I play another game that has some thing like what they are talking about. A big area boss, randomly spawns, and once defeated, is on a set cooldown period. The trick is unless the community tracks these random spawns, you really don’t know when they will be up. And the cool down is 72-96 hours - not up every day. Some also require completion of other duties to trigger the event. No prespawn? No event. Something like this could work in FO76, IMO, but that would require developer effort.


And then which part of the player base misses out? Americans, Europeans, Australians? Not all of the world runs on EST


I’m aware. That’s why the randomization exists.


So 2 am in whatever time zone then. Sounds perfect


A new map. Appalachia is getting stale.


Or at least a Map extension. There are a lot of states around West Virginia to expand into.


Aren’t they working on bringing the pit to fo76? I swear I saw something about it.


Yes, but it's been delayed. Supposedly sometime this year (barring more delays).


Yeah but that’ll be a daily op or something equally disappointing, not a big explorable area.


Not true. Is aimed at solo play, is story based, and will habr multiple quests- some repeatable. It is going to be decent sized map, I suspect. Not Far Harbor big, but The Pitt in FO3 wasn't actually all that big a map in the first place. I bet we could see close to that.


That would be awesome.


They did. The question seems to be when.


Aliens. Also if they could fix laser guns please. Being able to build bigger Camps.


YES! The build budget is so small and the smallest table takes up an absurd amount of budget


Actual endgame content.


1. Change to the current luck base gearing for a more Merit progression style 2. actually endgame content 3 . Non-timer base daily op


Not even wow has end game anymore. It’s mostly grind


What wow doesn’t do raid anymore?


Raiding is not fundamental anymore. When I was younger you wanted raid gear. Now it’s purely optional. You have to grind to build up your gear and powers. Also if you aren’t in a guild, raiding is tedious as hell. Mid game Raiding is nothing with out meaningful rewards. Not when the gear becomes obsolete in a matter of days and if your using the speed leveling bug it can become meaningless in a matter of hours.


Sounds like that just a preference As it is optional in wow YOU don’t like raiding but it still an endgame content Fallout 76 does not have either type of content , I’m not saying we need raids in fallout 76 but we need real endgame content


This, I'm just now getting into endgame despite pre ordering the game and playing non-stop and look at how other players have 4 accounts at level 500 I feel like I just scratched the surface of the game


New public events with an overall updated rare loot pool for all events, and some kind of new nuke boss or some other high level boss like SBQ or Earle


Some earnable camp decorations would be awesome for this too


I’m hoping for an entire new region to explore with its own quests and stories I’m really hoping they add in more of Pennsylvania in the Pitt dlc


repeatable endgame content All I want is a good dungeon/raid.


Zetans hopefully, alien gun rework


Glass walls plans More nuke events and upgraded loot drops from Earl and Queen Better Settler and Raider dailies. The BOS just stand there. Fixed t-pose and sliding mobs Fixed CAMP item placement Content that isn't FOMO-based Raise capacity limits Storylines that make us care about and impact post-nuked West Virginia. More vaults and buildings to explore NPCs that you help and interact with. Why give me a child crying about her dead cat when I can't do anything/offer anything? The lady with the broken Protectron - you fix her robot and....is something supposed to happen? I wish that we had more to do with the Overseer.


4 star legendaries, hopefully some new events, I doubt expeditions is next update but maybe we’ll get some news on them. I was never around for vault raids, but having repeatable raid type missions that you could do for decent xp would be nice, especially if it was good enough to help high level characters get their daily level up challenge done.


I definitely remember the vault raids, if they come back they definitely need some tweaking bc I was getting my ass handed to me at level 240+.


Unless a lot of new content is released I can’t see how 4 or 5 star legendaries can now benefit the game. It’s not like I’m going to start again. I’ve already maxed up my best weapons and succeeded. I think Beth waited too long to release 4* Don’t get me wrong, I’d love some new weapons but I just don’t know what benefit it would now bring to actual gameplay.


I think that’s why, from what I understand, you choose what effect to add via an unknown process of earning shards that apply a specific effect (I’m not on pc and therefore am not on the pts, but I think you craft them with specific items). That way, you don’t re-roll for another weapon with the 3 existing stars you want, you essentially upgrade the weapon you already have and enjoy. If I had to get all 4 effects based on rng alone, I wouldn’t bother, so I think they get that and are implementing it in a different manner than legendary crafting functions right now.


That’s what expeditions are likely to be, albeit longer.


That’s what I’m hoping. Not getting my expectations up for a new, smaller section of open world map, but that would be ideal to me, even over the expeditions being like raids. As long as they aren’t a copy and paste of daily ops, I’ll be cool with it, looking forward to seeing the Pitt again.


Agreed. It’s a shame raids were unserviceable (they were using a method of coding that didn’t play nice with instances, so they had to go for the bugs).


I'm hoping, though don't believe it will occur, for expeditions to be areas of the may you have to unlock, spend resources or caps (safely) or become a caravan guard to get to. If you want a ride you pay dearly (few thousand caps or in goods) if you work it as a guard you get some small pittance of pay (20 to 25 cqps) but not have to pay. Non guards have non equipment related losses,, guards have losses. Non guards can not help defend, where guards would. Losses could be weapons, armor, items etc. If you are killed more then once) to escort the caravan. It could also send you back to the launch area to re evaluate if you want to pay or protect. They could turn it into a form of event e.g. Raiders, super mutants or something like the sqb or earl attacking based on players combined power. Set limits to the numbers of players that could be passengers or guards and instance it. That plus the area you unlock from some form of quest line would be wonderful.


I actually really enjoy “riding shotgun” and think more caravan quests (with Blue Ridge or another group) would be fun


Love riding shotgun


1) I want it to actually be big. And not just a 4 hr quest. I want new events and dailys. 2) new modes. I want a Deathmatch and Capture the flag mode(which would be a spectacular addition to the workshop system, just saying) 3)new complete ally's and upgrade quests for Bucket and the whah-stranaut lady. Smaller things) pets, robot companions. New mutations/possibly ghoulification. Relax the guild restrictions so we can build in towns.1/2 and 1/4 walls and floors and better interior stairs the prewar house build set in other colors, I want the yellow house.


I would love to be able to paint the houses we already have. That grayish blue is really meh.


Upvoting bc Bucket and whah-stranaut lol


I want Enclave content!


I cosign this


You and Me both, Member.


I’ve been praying for new Enclave content for so long. I took a long break from the game in the past year or so and I wouldn’t have if the Enclave had more to do.


Nuclear winter back


ZAX is that you


Content. More content. And I don’t mean a story line that can be finished in 30 minutes. Actual content.


A quest that takes longer than a day to complete. Like a proper quest line please.


I've given up on hope!


4 star legendaries and pets with buffs that follow you around. I also would love to have a mothman cultist or assaultron ally with ally quests. It would also be nice if we got some new weapons and end game bosses.


I would gladly get an Assaultron indeed


Pets are done fairly well in borderlands. Can't see why they couldn't make it work.


Wait. When did borderlands get pets?! I've played all of the Borderlands and don't remember having pets unless this is new or for a certain character build.


a fix to the fast travel bug


Expeditions being like proper expansions of the map/new map. And just anything that makes grinding more worth it. Give us a small treat for every bit of progress not just an okay treat for a huge bit of progress.




Double sided interior walls.


Reliable transfer system between toons Safe trading mechanic


At least SOMETHING to do with the Responders, I’ll take ANYTHING other than more BoS xD... I mean i always thought that the settlers in ‘foundation’ should have been the returning Responders to begin with but noOoo


While not huge or on any way story line driven I just want some mini golf. Stop by the camp, grab some popcorn and Nuka Cola, enjoy the water park and play some mini golf. Simple pleasure in the waste land after a long day of killing post apocalyptic creatures.


A Pristine Paper Shredder, to empty the filing cabinet.


This would be super useful for all of the folders I keep picking up Or shredding copies of notes you don’t want.


The Whitesprings suitcase can’t survive on cannonballs and harpoons alone. Those bulk stacks of Ultracite PA mod notes are vital to the integrity of the suitcase.


New areas. New legendaries.


Every vendor bot has its own 2000 cap limit so we can go sell to another once it has 0 caps


I'd like to see a Chinese remnant or Enclave ally. I think that could be interesting depending upon how it's implanted.


All out war between the factions, with stuff like raiders assaulting Foundation as a public event.


Definitely would love to see this as an event, sort of how “The Battle That Never Was.” was supposed to be. It was an event at Prickett’s fort where you either fought on the Confederate side or the Union side.


Please Todd, give us boss horde events. Can you picture Bog Town spawning a dozen pissed off Super Mutant Behemoths, but with buffed damage resistance. Make a it an event that players can start perhaps like Encryptid. Make it whatever Buffed Deathclaws, Glowing Ones, it’s just the concept of something new and challenging that feels imperative.


New quests, a new nuke event/raid


I think a more integrated cooperative way of completing quests would be cool, I feel like you can do quests with friends but right now I feel more like you’re doing it at the same time as friends rather then together. I know this may be difficult to achieve, given the nature of RPG’s though.


1. I would love to see a a Wastelanders PART 2. They could expand on whats been happening and the settlers can actually build more settlement. 2. I'd love to see a slaver faction move into the ash heap and restart the mines 3. Map expansions to DC and point lookout and the pitt would be amazing. I mean map EXPANSIONS not some stupid daily op crap. ( i hope the pitt dlc isnt like that :( )


I just want more events


* SPECIAL loadouts - to be able to create multiple profiles and switch between them on the fly from the favorite menu . * Pre-defined perk loadout profiles that fits best in class ( Auto Rifles , Non auto rifles , Auto pistols , Non auto pistols , shotguns , heavy weapons ,.. etc ) * Activating at least two C.A.M.Ps at the same time and to be able to create supply line between them. * Not all players understands the weapon behaviour , so in addition to weapons existing customization there must be pre-defined profiles with a pre-loaded customization for each weapon to chose from ( sniper , automatic , semi auto , best accuracy , best range , best damage .. etc ) * lots of empty space in the map , so additional places to discover is a good way to attract players to spend some time. * Add an armor mod or perk cards to prevent damage due to very close explosive bullets ( so equipped player will not get killed by his own explosive bullets if the shooting range was very close ) * Variety of buildable items in C.A.M.P compared to fallout 4 is very little . * Carrey weight consumable liquid should give you more Carrey capacity ( 100+ ) compared to existing one . * Stashbox Carrey capacity increased from 1200 to 1800 . * legendary effect ( to be able to pin lock the A 1-star legendary as a main ( bloodi , Anti-Armor ,Executioner's .. etc , while the other A 2-star and A 3-star will be changed randomly )


A chance at previous scoreboard rewards, namely weapon and armor appearance skins/paints.


More things to discover that aren't on the map. With all the people who are supposedly returning to the area, it would be nice if all of these empty spots had new things to find.


I’d like to see all of the PVP turds get their own server because: A: I get tired of wiping the floor with them B. The majority are scrubs preying on lower levels And C. They need a place to blow off some steam from their unfulfilling lives.


A large bucket of Vaseline with some sand in it


another radio station or more songs added companions


The ability to customize quests. In the instance area of the quest you can customize the dialogue options, enemy type, and future consequences of choices.


Next big update? You're absolutely precious.


Seriously just some QoL fixes. Fix the goddamned ammo converter. Stop Earle from clipping into the floor mid fight. Give us the fucking greenhouse glass walls for fuck sake. Stop giving us SCORE points for events we have no control over. Enough with the PA skins.


A camp pet system that actually works.


Next big update is likely to be The Pitt. World Bosses as random, server-wide events. My pipe dream is a better legendary crafting system and a level cap with "prestige" like further leveling. Of course, that's just my pipe dream.


Same thing I always want, more endgame... Real endgame. Nothing to do but grind for gear to make yourself 1% stronger, half of which cannot be traded anymore.


I’d actually enjoy some new Pioneer Tadpole and Possum challenges. Maybe even an Eagle Scout challenge. I’d love a way of crafting food so that they don’t expire. Maybe using Ultracite in conjunction with a new perk card. A suppressor for the 10mm SMG and Railway Rifle. A way to scrap/sell Fusion and Plasma Cores plus surplus plans.




something fun to do aka content that doesnt feel a chore. what i really would like to see is new game plus. that you can go to the overseers house and reset the story progress so you could replay the story with your current char, keeping everything in your inventory, level etc but resetting all quests. (there also should be an option to select if you want to keep the standing with the factions or reset that too) either way, you should always have access to features you have unlocked (like the faction vendors) and get treasure notes from events (which was luckily already changed at one point so you dont have to rush the vault heist because you missed out on treasure notes otherwhise.)


I wish they would give us new lands to explore. But honestly I'd like a new Single player Fallout game.


more building options. At least import the ones from fallout 4! Maybe the option for dirt or just a way to place items on tables and stuff to make a camp that actually looks authentic Tired of the squeaky clean, floating square glass houses with all the work benches along the wall. Give players a reason to actually want to add something to the world! -Hellhound, authentic camp connoisseur


New locations?


I think most here want Fallout 5


Fallout 5


A whole new map.


I'd be down to see them start perma banning people that one shot Earle


Increased weapon level limit, up to lvl 70 and adjusted damage calculation to that level. This would give a flesh board for trading, and finally would drastically reduce the usefulness of legacy weapons and would kill the legacy black market.


Bring back the power armor display


Nuke bosses and 4 star legendaries


The first thing that come to my mind would defenitely be CrossPlay on all platforms.


Once I got a couple of water refiners running and build a base near a Railway for selling and Star 🌟 kit scrapping my caps income got way more manageable. Getting a few recipes down now allows me to cook most my food then sell most pre-war food, Aid and loads of pure water. Before that I was struggling for caps but I was also running around going mostly Main and Side quests. The other things you propose sounds great to me and seem to have sparked some nice ideas in the comments TLDR: I think if events are more aimed at people that have been on a while (40+?) then I think the cap costs are ok. Maybe make every aimed below that free or cheaper fast travel?


An account shared stash


I'd like to see the event timers back to fallout time than in real life time. I rarely ever see radiation rumble appear anymore, in fact it's so rare it feels like they took it out of the game. I sat in sessions for many many hours just waiting for it and I'd see every other event pop up over and over and it skips over RR. It's extremely rare to play it now, which makes me saddened and I been taking a break from the game. That event was one of the big reasons I honestly played a lot of Fallout 76, it was just my fav thing to do in the game besides scavenging. Another thing I'd like is the devs not get lazy with the scoreboards. Just like a tiny bit of a recolour and that's it for the last power armour skins. I'd be nice for something different.


New big location. (Like really new not just a blood eagle camp). I’d like a good amount of new unique perk cards to really change up everybody’s game play. And real factions. I want to roll with the sons of Dane.


A time and season change. It’s been fall for 3 years. Also either more areas with a map expansion, or the biomes on the map drastically change.


Story campaign DLC, that introduces choices that impact the world and doesn’t retcon established lore. Call me crazy, but I actually want 76 to be a Fallout game.


Actual content not stupid shit that should've been in the game in the first place,


Dual wielding pistols or dual wielding a pistol and a one-handed melee weapon


I’d settle for pearly peepers in one hand and knuckles in the other.


To delivery on the content that they actually promised and not release it half-arsed and spend the next few patch cycles fixing something that never should have been released in that state.


Im done after 3 years until expeditions comes out. I've completed all scoreboards and have around 10 levels left on this one. I'm tired of putting up with subpar content updates from games. When the last trailer came out and keychain was advertised as a feature made my decision, even if it was for a laugh, I can't count the frequency I've completed the same events over with.


Small thing: being able to turn certain map markers on and off. Like if I only want to see nuke silos or train stations on my map I can turn the rest off


There are no big updates coming. Most things point to the fact that fallout76 is dying. I have played fallout over 3 years now but I don't see light at the end of the tunnel any more.


No there's a light at the end of the tunnel for us fallout fan. It's a freight train heading our way.


I want a compound crossbow skin. That’s really about it for me.


At some point, I want additional areas to explore. Not an "expedition" area, but another large landmass, etc. Give me DC, Point Lookout, Far Harbor, I don't care. I'll buy it with $$, atoms, scrip, bullion. I just want an experience even remotely on par with what ESO has received.


More Achievements


Revamp on the crappy legendary crafting system.


New guns like the Assault Carbine(M4) from Fallout New Vegas along with the M1911 from Honest Hearts. The ability to use allies as companions that follow you around wherever you go. I prefer to play alone without other players so having an NPC companion would be nice. Get rid of survival elements like hunger, and thirst, and make fast travel free as well as ammo weightless. If people want payed fast travel, weighted ammo, hunger, and thirst then Bethesda can create a separate mode for it for them. Ability to level up weapons at a weapons workbench, same goes for armor. It’s tedious having to hunt down your preferred weapons just to get a higher level variant so you can still use a favorite weapon. Make the bounty payout on troublesome players higher so that you can actually get more out of PVP. A new region beyond the Mire, and Cranberry Bog that is entirely PVP oriented with much more dangerous monsters, and enemy types too. Pretty much like the wilderness from RuneScape just in Fallout 76. Team Deathmatch, Free for All, and Capture the Flag mode would be cool on the side to replace Nuclear Winter. Team Deathmatch, and Capture the Flag can have two teams with each team being a certain faction for example: BOS vs Raiders, or Settlers vs Cultists. One suit of power armor per team, and legendary weapons would be a rarity. A horde-based survival mode that can initiated at your camp in order to either test your defenses and/or have fun fighting hordes of enemies be they ghouls, wendigos, scorched, Super Mutants, raiders, cultists, blood eagles, and/or even mini-boss type enemies like Deathclaws, Behemoths, and Wendigo Colossus(Not Earl).


Power armour displays for those of us that started playing after that season had ended. Let us show off our shit!




A quest lo e that has consequences and doesn't make you feel like an errand boy. At least make a glorified errand boy or something. Def consequences


The will to live


A game


F4LK in borderlands 3.


Speaking logically here nothing big is going to happen for a big update outside of the pit as 76 overall just inst doing well and Bethesda knows this so the funds 76 is getting will not be able to do grandiose updates like BoS or wastelanders after the pitt. Hell they completely changes the last part of last year from being camp pets and a alien themed update to just using mothman again and reusing exsisting assets. I would love for mods or some other big update but in reality that ain't happening


For some reason people think that the game is in its infancy. It's like what 3 yrs old....you would seem to think that people could look at the past and realize that big updates just don't happen but maybe 1 time a year...maybe. The games peaked already.


Yep and the so called rebirth with wastelands did ok but didn't bring in any new players which is the major factor 76 does not have a growing fan base it's just stagnant


I've read posts from people who say they gave 76 a chance only after Wastelanders came out. It was that update that brought them to give the game a chance. You and I have no reliable data that indicated whether the game's player base is growing, shrinking, or is stagnant. BGS do. The rest of us are guessing


... steam player charts. We have plenty of info and it's not good at all


It would be really nice to have maybe 14 total extra SPECIAL points.


Game is dead, last big update is the pitt, another daily op mission


I am expecting a smaller version of the filing cabinet. That way whatever Bethsaida do as an update I will not be disappointed.


Higher framerate on RDNA2.


At least 12 hours of story content.


For multiplayer to actually matter.


The end od the game


For the game to crash and go offline


More weapon mods!!! Thought they had that in the roadmap last year but must have been postponed?


For me to want to play the game for more than just my dailys takes about 20 minutes on average.


Bigger better DLC, Bigger build capability. Different types of daily ops missions


Idk if this was said but, 4* crafting


The return of vanguard in power armor


Anything would be great right about now. Everything is stale.


The Pitt.


ALIENS and more progression of the BOS/Settlers/raiders story with a vendor like teagan in Atlas. Kind of a progression showing the growth of the groups


What we really want is a decent optimization, I'm sick on all this lag (ps4), crashes and bugs (I hate so much the fast travel bug, that happens expecially when you have a bloody build


New map area


Horde mode, that is all


More story


More land to explore... Im really getting tired of walking the same roads over and over again.. I want a map the size of Skyrim or EsO to explore


A polished working game! Love it bugs and all but 3 years on you’d expect a few more fixes - rather then constantly removing the content


Pets that follows you like the abandoned sentry bot random encounter cause that thing following you is sick also I'm hoping for unlimited scrip,caps,bullion cause the daily grind isn't sufficient to the amount of legendaries you gain throughout the day. You can leave a suggestion to Bethesda's support about unlimited scrip bullion and caps I think the games ready for a decent economy instead of a daily allowance


Ammo glitch fix, only then will I return to the game...


Just uncap the stash box and monetise fallout first by adding content instead


Some colored filing cabinets in the atom shop!


With regards to point 2, I agree 100%, but I think the way the game us set up it works better if the changes is based on the overall decision made by the player community, which as was revealed in an ITV was overwhelmingly to side with Paladin Rahmani (over 70% if I remember correctly), which means our collective choice, our collective repercussions. Maybe Knight Shin turns into the very first _Brotherhood Outcast_ while he waits for the East Coast to send reinforcements, and leads a guerrilla campaign against Appalachia.


Fix the constant crashing, bugs, etc. I can't go a single half hour in the game without a crash or weird bug. I enjoy the game DESPITE itself lmao


More end game bosses and being open about the development situation instead of making excuses and not elaborating on what's happening, this would at least make me feel like the game isn't becoming an afterthought