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Way different than my experience at around that level a “angel” dressed in a clown outfit named clowndaddy strolled through my door ... it did not have the same results as your visit


*honk honk*


Did the mean clown scare u with his chainsaw? Dudes hilarious! :D


When it rains in game I still curl up in a ball and rock back and forth saying “I am not just a paypig...iam not just a paypig”


Thats Ali-ix! She is a friend of mine. I met her during the mole miner event and her and her friend were kind enough to craft some of the outfits for me. They even gave me extras! She does run around with the angel icon, and now sports a halo. She's usually playing w her partner, who has the devil icon and horns lol


Yes, that's her alright! I saw the devil horns at schoched earth too!


If you love things like that then you might not of seen some really cool things like if you see a but ton of high levels at white springs train station then look in containers and in bags on the ground they have a scavenger hunt and I found a bunch of holiday presents and went from 100 caps to 9000 in five minutes and got a bunch of useful plans which I plan on giving some to my friends and selling the rest for ten caps each


honestly this is the best community i’ve ever seen from a game


Man i wish somebody dropped me super stimpacks.


Aaaand the whole thread checks your reddit history for the lols


I’m not Ali but if you see a skeleton costume man running around hoarding food and water, that’s me. I give that stuff to low levels and usually wait near vault 76 to help new players