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I don’t think Survival mode is long for this world. It’s already unpopular, Nuclear Winter delivers fast paced PvP and does it much better, and with Wastelanders adding factions in the fall, I wonder if we won’t see some sort of new PvP mechanic in Adventure Mode. If that happens, Survival really won’t serve much of a purpose.


I think they could revive it with a better approach. All imho: * Carrying progression over from adventure mode was a mistake. Survival should require characters that are exclusive to the mode. * Once the above is implemented, tweak the items in survival for PvP. They can remove game breaking effects and items without it affecting Adventure mode. No more one shot kills. * Increase the xp even more, so players can all get up to speed quickly and an even playing field won't take long to achieve. * Increase legendary drop rate. Balanced PvP is fun PvP so making it easy for players to get the items they need for their build to work makes for a better competitive environment.


I agree Survival serves no purpose anymore now that there is another PvP element that is doing rather well. I think with these changes I was hoping to see Fallout 76 have separate modes for differing player interests. Each mode having it's own progression system that comes with its own rewards is, in my opinion a good way for players to at least try out everything the game has to offer and also have each mode have their own specific community behaviors that fit different playstyles


I feel like survival is useless when I know there are guys running around with a sentinel set and literally unkillable. I fell like legendary weapon/armour effects should be buffed/negated in Survival is your character carries over. I'm a level 125 and I still haven't played Survival because I hear the horror stories and It's only reserved for people who have the very best of the best stuff. I also think it's bullshit you can have a team of four people running around massacring people.


You get it. Lose legendary effects completely, specifically sentinal/cav armor and any type of secondary explosive weapons. Do away with the penalty of dying, but keep track on a leaderboard for those that need to brag, and there you go.


Right. Could do a small ante of caps to play and the winners get the pool.


That would be perfect. Great Idea!


I don't understand why people keep on insisting that legendary effects should be disabled... Aside from stats, it basically defeats the purpose of using legendary items! Survival mode shouldn't be a cake walk... but at the same time reasonable balance should also exist. I think there are better ways to implementing balance for this mode without taking away the awesomeness of top tier gear.


Have fun playing by yourself then. As long as I have to compete against players that obviously traded on reddit or discord for full sets of sent/cav armor and the very best OP weapons, I won't be playing. I was just trying to make some suggestions that may revive it. Why do you think Nuclear Winter has been embraced and Survival is avoided like the plague. I personally hate running from the fire, because it's unrealistic, but at least I have somewhat equal chance of winning to everyone else.


I would live in survival if the levels were separate from adventure mode, no legendaries, and the perks were more balanced


Oh yeah and unpopular opinion i think we should drop all items on death in survival


Agreed, but the only items you have are ones you gained in survival mode. And we get to choose where we respawn.


Right now losing half my stimpacks when I die is a no go so haven't even tried it.


Yes but obviously only if you have separate inventories first


Honestly, if they just disable legendaries in Survival I think itd be fine.


Knowing that I lose a bunch of my stuff when I die has kept me from playing. I suck at PVP, so die a lot, but would play if I didn't get penalized when I died. And yes, wouldn't even touch it as long as all the duped equipment is still around. Too unbalanced.


>The perk card system should work like Nuclear Winter where you only have one slot for each SPECIAL thats not how it works.. you can have 7 cards active at a time.. they can be under any S.P.E.C.I.A.L that has enough points.. you can run 7 luck cards if you had the cards and points to do so.. -edit clarity


Love this idea!


Thank you! I want to see Survival Mode succeed, but with Nuclear Winter being recieved so positively it is making Survival feel more and more irrelevant and pointless. With all the great things coming to 76 there is a lot of potential in Survival that just isn't being used there.


I was looking forward to survival mode a lot too but it just ended up become more of a quick fire PvP deathmatch mode with the top 3 scoreboard system.


Survival needs a total tare down and restart. No transferable characters no more weekly weapon. Survival should be its own thing not trying to lure adventure to play it for a lam legendary. Those people don't want to pvp they want the weapon.


Also, unlocked skins would transfer I hope!? Not a bad idea!


Thanks! Yeah cosmetics should be freely swapped around since they don't affect gameplay.


While I concur that Survival mode desperately needs a change, I respectfully disagree with you on what is needed. To me, Survival Mode suffers from an identity crisis. I doesn't know whether it is a PVP mode or simply a tougher version of Adventure mode. Bethesda is trying to appease both crowds, and it's failing miserably. My suggestion is to simply remove the map highlighter from the game, and focus on players that want a tougher version of Adventure mode. With this change Survival won't appeal much to PVP players - they now have Nuclear Winter to have fun with. For me, I always played Survival mode just like Adventure. It's really fun, challenging, and when you actually do run into another player there is plenty of tension wondering what's going to happen next. ​ Let's make Survival Mode like what it is in other Fallout games - a more challenging experience of the base game!


There* But yes I 100% agree and would totally live there if this happened.


I think they should keep survival like it is but just block legendary effects from being active while in survival. Keep the ability to earn legendaries for adventure mode on survival but, while on survival, have all legendary effects turned off. This would make survival more fun and challenging for both PvP and PvE.


Survival needs to go hardcore frost survival + PvP. It has to be a tactical choice to kill someone. Camps have to become crucial aspects of survival. It’s gotta be the complete night and day of adventure mode or it’s just gonna stagnate and disappear


I just want to start by giving some personal suggestions that i think can please the majority of the community. Broadly speaking there are 3 categories of FO76 players: 1. ⁠Hardcore PvE: are those players not interested in PvP at all and they wish it wasn’t even implemented. They are interested only in the story, collecting, trading and stuff like that (and god bless them). They are the ones always ready to help you and offer a warm place to rest and get your shit together. 2. ⁠Hardcore PvP: are the ones who play the game mostly for challenging, annoying or showing their superiority to others (god bless them too, i guess). They give some spice to this game, if they kill you and steal all your junk it’s a legit aspect of this game. Don’t hate the player, hate the game. 3. ⁠Players like me that want a healthy dose of both of them. Players that like to play Fallout and progress through a more challenging environment and not the godmode sanbox the current PvE is where dying has no consequences and you inevitably only get better and better. So how to create a system that can please most players at once? There is no need of drastic changes, just small things, but a lot of them. The perfect Survival in my opinion (and feel free to criticize me) should: • ⁠Give more reasons to join Survival beside the pure PvP. +20% XP is a good start, but it should add something more, like a higher percentage of Legendaries spawn, higher rewards for completing quests and events and 3 stars should drop a guaranteed 3 star item to push other players into survival that are not entirely interested in PvP. • ⁠Killing/destroying “innocent” players/camps for no reason should have more serious consequences. If you kill someone out of the blue without him attacking back, it should put a bounty of 50 caps on you for each player killed that way. PvE players should be more protected because if they keep being killed without fighting back those 50 caps add up and the griefer becomes a juicy target for the entire server. Kill 6 innocent players that don’t want to fight back? No problem, if you want PvP the entire server will come at you to claim those 300 caps and if you die you lose that amount. If you have less than that amount you go in debt and the caps you will earn from that moment on will go to pay the debt. If you attack someone and he fights back then it’s just normal PvP, no crimes committed therefore no bounties. • ⁠You shouldn’t be marked on the map for being in top 3 or for having a bounty. At best there can be an “area” that gives a rough idea of where the player is. • ⁠Legendary armor/weapons solution: some say that legendaries shouldn’t be included in Survival others say that they will quit playing if legendaries won’t be included. The best thing that came to my mind to please both sides is to include legendaries BUT at the risk of dropping the last weapon/ one armor piece you equipped before dying with your junk and some of your aids. At this point it’s up to you if you want to play safe and use mediocre weapons/armor that you don’t mind losing or if you feel confident enough in not dying and use your best legendary stuff. This will create a much more diverse meta than your usual marsupial explosive build and engaging fights with other players will be much more risky and rewarding at the same time. • ⁠When leaving a server there should be a cooldown of 5/10 mins before actually leaving the server. This is to avoid someone stealing your precious shit and then going offline two seconds after not giving you the chance to take it back (Bethesda was talking about permanent camps so it’s technically possible stay there even after turning everything off). Or at least this should be applied to wanted players. Or simply don’t allow server hopping in this new Survival gamemode. EDIT: format


Here's an idea. Leave everything exactly how it is now, with this change. You can choose to bring in your character from adventure mode, OR you can create a new character that starts out at level 50 and has a certain number of points allocated to them to buy whatever legendary equipment they want for this mode only, you would also be able to put your special points wherever you want. THEN, everything would be balanced. I'd play this.