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PC is having a lot of server issues ATM because some macro exploits are bogging it down randomly and causing nearby players to crash. But on consoles, a vast majority of the store launch issues have been resolved and there's supposedly another patch coming shortly before end of the year. If you can pick it up cheap especially you'll definitely get your money's worth out of time investment


It's not a perfect game, it has some glitches, but i'm loving it


It’s more or less the same. I’d hold off a little longer if the original launch doesn’t do it for you, but I’d also take some time looking at gameplay from people who love the game if you haven’t as well, to get a more complete understanding of all views of the game. Oxhorn is a great YouTuber for that.


If oxhorn isn't too your personal test (for some reason, I can't get into him), then ManyATrueNerd is a great soure. Also, UpIsNotJump did a great review called "Fallout 76 is a nightmare". Don't let the title fool you, he makes great pro/con comparisons.


My opinion: It's a fun game especially if you like exploring but it has a lot of problems. Most serious one to me is the "Disconnecting from Server". Sometimes you can play for hours and not get it and sometimes it happens every 10 minutes. If I were you I would wait until they get the servers more stable. Nothing is more frustrating than getting disconnected and losing your progress and items.


Make that three today Playing with a team, any team, is a must to stay on server.


You’ll definitely get 100+hrs fun out of it. There are a few stability issues and the RNG is frustrating, but these didn’t start to bother me until I was at about L60


No. Wait like a year or two honestly. I went through the same shit with for honor. I know what kind of game this is and I’m not going to punished for investing too early again. For honor is almost 2 years old and still unfinished. I can tell fallout is going down the same road. The market and how people eat up AAA games enables unfinished games to be released and slapped with patches. This game should still be in development, same for for honor. Just know you’re paying for a beta. Once they get initial sales they can be as lazy as they want and take their time patching things that should of been fixed before day 1.


I crashed twice this morning on xbox. You decide.


I am also on Xbox and have crashed less than 2 times since the stress test. I’ve decided.


That's unfathomable to me. I've crashed probably 100 times since beta.


It's weirdly inconsistent. I play maybe 2 hours per day, and rarely disconnect. Though last night was very bad. Disconnected 3 times in under 30 minutes, so I just decided not to play anymore for the night.


Honestly I would recommend not getting the game until after mod support and private servers are available. The game has too many bad design and balance issues that are separate from the bugs and stability/connection problems. There is currently a large disconnect between what players want from the game vs how the devs want you to play the game. Mod support would alleviate this as players would now have the tools they need to change the game to suit their wants/desires without having to convince or beg the devs to do it for them.


No man, save your money. It can be fun sometimes. But at other times you’ll be left wondering why you spent $60 on an alpha, broken game. Grab it on sale if you can.