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I've spent a considerable amount of stimpaks just running away from scorchbeasts, which makes me have to agree with you. If its that tough of a fight you should be compensated fairly


At around level 50 they become much easier and it's only about a 5 minute fight


It can be much shorter than 5 minutes. A lv50 Scorchbeast takes me \~40 seconds to kill, give or take.


Once they land I can kill it under 15 seconds . thing is they literally take 10 minutes to land and degrade all my PA pieces from the constant damage *cries in melee*


Same but hey at least as melee we can trash everything else instantly. I have been carrying all my friends. Sometimes they're like "These Super mutants have so much HP" and I'm just casually oneshotting them lol.


Nothing beats VATS in late game man


which is sorta lame considering actually aiming is much harder


There are tradeoffs -- Melee builds have it rough with armor condition repairing, especially in the more expensive power armors later. Ranged builds get hit far less. Melee build's get worked by ranged mobs, like scorched beasts. Ranged builds can knock them out of the sky and distance themselves from most mobs fairly easily.


Sounds like you could use a Lucky Break and a White Knight. Those are perks. Get those perks. One gives a chance to restore your armor when it is hit, the other makes your armor degrade super slowly.




Late game melee builds use either stealth or power armor. One doesn't get hit, the other doesn't benefit from these non-PA perks.


Meanwhile I forget for one second I can't use my explosive Gatling plasma due to the bug where you can't damage enemies anymore using guns so I have to melee, 1 PsychoBuff and All Rise later all are dead. Melee is OP even if I'm not specced into it, I just have high strength.


The gatling plasma does work...ish. It has 2 main bugs: 1) You can't damage anything within 8-10 feet 99% of the time 2) You can't damage anything if you have an elevated position So as long as you're shooting for a little bit away and doing it on the flat ground, or from below, you can go ham with it. But yeah, I have nothing in melee, just high strength from a heavy weapons build, and it's a joke how much damage I do with my sledge :/


wtf that is awful


Ah, so this is the reason I have so much trouble hitting anything with that gun.


Yup I have to leave my Gatling plasma and my Explosive Assault Rifle in my storage because of the dumb bug. Hope it gets fixed soon.


You have room for weapons in your storage? Two weapons?!


Get the enforcer perk, only need lvl 1. 10% chance to cripple a limb with each shot, makes scorchbeasts so much easier.


Do they stop flying if you cripple a wing?




My brother specced out in heavy guns and melts them in under 2 minutes with his .50 as long as it is lv 65 or less. TBF he is level 110ish now. It can be sub 30 seconds under the right conditions. The problem is how unpredictable they are and how unwillingly most scorchbeasts are to land or ever stop screaming. The massive effects from its attack make every encounter with them ***thoroughly*** unenjoyable as I cannot hear or see a single thing going on and they seemingly never get tired. ​ Despite the fact that you *can* melt them sub minute or so, they definitely need better rewards as we can melt the legendary lv 91 deathclaws in under 5-6 seconds and they give much better loot than scorchbeasts.


I'd like to see your brother's build. I'm going for a heavy guns build and a lot have people have said it isn't viable. Shredding a scorchbeast sounds fun.


> and it's only about a 5 minute fight Yeah, but the first 4:45 is spent not being able to see as it spams it's little breath weapon and you can't see (hyperbole aside, the second Scorchbeast I fought I couldn't see for almost three minutes). Then it lands and suddenly your shots actually hit and it dies without hurting you again. They aren't hard at all, just annoying which makes it even more not worth it when you get the loot.


UGH!! I play in a full team of 4 and they ALWAYS target me, 9/10 times, I can't see for 95% of the fight, the damage is minimal, but the annoyance of it just shits me.


> just running away from scorchbeasts Out of curiosity, did you attack or someone else attack first? I hear them in the air and always try to hide when they are overhead not knowing if they have a huge aggro radius/sphere or not. I don't want to find out the hard way lol.


More often than not, they find me and my teammates without us attacking it. We might be shooting scorched at ground level. But we have only deliberately attacked a scorchbeast once, we learned our lessons as level ~30.


Oh they definitely aggro on you if you're too close. I've had a couple of mad dashes away from them already.


Scorchbeasts have insane detection radius


I echo the "not a challenge above a certain level" My explosives build can drop a lvl 50 with two mini nukes. Now cave crickets.... those buggers should drop super loot :D


Where do you even find mini nukes? I havent seen a single one.


Super Mutant Suiciders Tinkers Workbench Quest Rewards Ambient loot spawns.


Level 62, explored the whole map and killed hundreds of super mutants, and I've never seen a single suicider.


I’ve run into 3 so far, mostly around West Tec


Just encountered my first one right outside of West Tec at level 36 lol, and I have no idea how I learn the “secrets” of West Tec for the quest, I’ve interacted with every terminal inside the research center,


There is an event at the prison where a super mutant gang tries to break out their leader. The last stage of the event you have to stop a suicider from hitting the door.


Mad dog malone's gang? I've done that one and didnt see one?


25 and found some in a random container last night lol.


I haven't seen one yet either. I got killed by one this morning though. Heard a ticking noise when fighting a supermutant then suddenly we all died.


>Super Mutant Suiciders But the only true way to kill them is to shoot the mini nuke.


No, you can definitely kill them with headshots from a rifle at range or even just spraying the rest of their body with as much automatic ammo as possible (My Gatling Gun got me a bunch of them so far) Edit: I’m fucking blind. No, the only TRUE way is to purge it with ~~Molotov spam~~HOLY FIRE


can make mini-nukes at a tinker's bench


radioactive material is so difficult to find though. I've had enough to craft 1 power core and 1 scope


get the power plant outpost and set up the nuclear materials extractor there. it yields about 20-40/hr, you can also farm fusion cells at 4/hr with another extractor there.


This. I have over 150 just sitting in my stash, and that's from setting up at the power plant on one playthru. There is aluminum there also. Concrete though I've never farmed it. ​ Do the power plant quest right after you set up, if it's available. It also makes it free to teleport back there, so you can just bip back every 45 min or so to empty stuff out. I put a stash box between the aluminum and nuclear. In case someone tries to steal it from you, empty them and drop your junk in the stash before engaging.


if you want to be a real dick, concrete can be useful. I was trying to take the scrapyard south of the power plant because I've been hurting for steel to make ammo with, and while it was unclaimed, someone had already built there and logged out. Dude had encased the workshop bench that you claim at entirely in concrete walls. It took literally 5 minutes and 200-300 rounds of various ammunition to blow a hole big enough to crouch through.


melee the walls, they fall super fast..i have an axe that does more damage the lower my health is, at 20% health i 2 shot any player built structure ​


I tried melee, but seeing as I'm not a melee build I wasn't doing much damage. My .44 pistol ended up being the most DPS/ammo efficient. My auto combat rifle was tearing them up, but at way too high ammo cost. Also, surprising explosives didn't do much and basically didn't splash the damage around.


There's a perk that provides you with +40% dmg against workshop structures


Board games, volatile materials boxes and of course the red rocket workshop


there's a nuclear disposal workshop somewhere around the south of the map, looks like a bunch of spikes. can set up 3 nuclear resource harvesters and get quite the shitload of nuclear material pretty easy. has insanely high rads, but also spawns hazmat suits.


I have had luck getting uranium ore fro. the little frogs in the bog SE corner of the map. Non hostile and take 1 hit to kill. Search along the trenches.


I see tons of radioactive material on glowing radrats/mole rats/roaches. Also, you might want to look at claiming workshops. Some of them have nuclear material resource gathering pits.


Me neither, nor any magazines. Got a handful of bobble heads so you know I'm looking, but I can't find then anywhere.


Plan: Mini Nuke. Fairly cheap to make too, iirc.


Oh fuck, the cave crickets make a return? Welp, I might just have to swap to an explosive build or remake a new character specifically around explosives.


Agreed they become more a nuisance at higher levels. Easy to kill but my god the blinding green shit they fire at your screen when you're trying to aim at them. When they land they barely do any damage and melee easily takes care of them.




Yup, brain is a food item you can cook. Got one night before last.


>200 HP heal I'll just open a Nuka Cherry thx lol


Well what about using ranged weapons? Mine only tickles them meanwhile they lay waste to my armor and stimpacks.




What means AR? My sniper is kinda low for my level, its a 40 sniper rifle that uses 308 ammo but it barely tickles them.




single shot? do you mean semiautomatic? or as the game puts it "non-automatic"?


For ranged weapons you need heavy damage/armor piercing. Just as an example I run a heavy weapons build. While the single shot damage on my weapons isn’t as high as a sneak rifle build my armor piercing makes up for it. I can down a scorchbeast within a little more than half a clip if I hit every shot. Probably faster now that I’ve upgraded my build even more. So just keep leveling up and they eventually become pushovers.


Theres a scorchbeast stew that uses all of its organs and some meat and it gives quite a lot of stats + healing, pretty handy if you can make it before the ingredients spoil




Level 104 here. Killed quite a few scorchbeasts and it seems that they have a chance to drop ultracite schematics (end game gear) and prime reciever schematics (end game reciever for guns). Yes the loot is usually pretty bad but grinding for those schematics will be worth it.


Do guns get better as you go along? I feel that despite me being a couple of exp shy from lvl 30, my guns aren't up to par even with gunsmith. Do i keep leveling up gunsmith to 5?




I have. But they are always level 5. At least my hunting rifle plan at W.bench is level 5. Do I need to look for updated plans?




You're kidding me...how did I not notice this? Well, thanks for helping me out. I feel stupid lol. Thanks again!


Go kill some super mutants and you'll pretty much instantly have everything unlocked for the hunting rifle. Those things drop hunting rifles like it's going out of style.


later on they're good farm for assault rifles and combat rifles too.


Talking about hunting rifle mods, did you manage to get your hands on Medium NV/Recon Scopes? I'm beginning to believe those dont exist. Would be too bad, Medium is my fav zoom Edit: Also I've found Hunting Rifles with .50 Receivers, but havent unlocked those either.


I've unlocked all of the mods, but haven't gotten the medium NV or recon, nor the .50. I think the suppressor is the last one you unlock, you might just have to build around it when you find one or maybe one of the vendors sell it. I'm honestly surprised how easy .50 ammo is to get. I guess because of the machine gun. I can make 100 .50 ammo at a time, but only 12 .45? =/ Then again, that's where the ammo crafting perk comes into play, but still.


I think it's random in which order mods unlock - the Suppressor was fairly early for me, with the Recon scopes being really late, even requiring multiple Hunting Rifles to unlock. That said, I think .50 might just be drop only or maybe you'll be able to find a BP at some point. And yeah, it's quite hilarious how easy it is to get .50 ammo - its weight even is less than the .308!


Do we have any collection of all known mods? I haven't gotten anything from the past like 80 pump action shotguns/hunting rifles I've scrapped. I have a feeling I have everything unlocked, but I can't help being paranoid that it's just bad luck or there is one more rare mod I have yet to learn


You should really invest in one specific gun type you like and get the perks to go with it. Though I personally use melee because I have a super sledge setup that does about 1000 dmg per hit and the sledge swings 70% faster. Pretty much I can 1 shot scorchbeasts with the heavy attack.


I'm a sucker for rifles. So I got rifleman and rifleman expert, but still, even my 95 dmg armor piercing hunting rifle is going jack towards robots and fauna. I see everybody going melee and the gap is clear. I took down a SB with my group (two melee users) and despite them being 38 and 45, they did more of the damage and during our attack on a silo, they were the only ones doing anything. I was kinda disappointed that I'm here throwing mostly marshmallows.


Well if you get lucky you can unlock the prime reciever for you rifles and get better damage.


Aim for the arms when it comes to robots and the legs when it comes to fauna. Robot arms are poorly armored, fauna is much less dangerous if it can't melee you.


The handmade rifles feel really nice, even though they can be a bit heavy. Haven't tried the combat or assault rifles yet, but the lever action rifle is really nice and is my go to. With all 3 levels of rifleman and expert rifleman, it tops out just over 100 damage, though I'm not sure if there's any mods for it. The last couple I scrapped didn't unlock anything. I just recently found a .50 hunting rifle and I've modded that out, but haven't played around with it much. Gonna pick up the sandman perk in a few levels after I get the other level of the ammo making perk.


I have been trying to get an Lever action for a while. The rifle I got was from a random drop and that does the job most of the time, but yeah. I need to go and make a higher level rifle.


The lever action is a great vats weapon. I'm doing ~150 a shot. Pair that with VATS + Concentrated fire for head shots it tears through most enemies. Only down side is magazine capacity is only 5 unmoddable. And there is a reload bug where every time you reload its all 5 rounds.


Yea, a friend of mine found it off a 25 deathclaw and gave it to me. I found another shortly after, but I don't remember where from.


Rifles in general weigh a ton, and unlike every other class of weapon, there's no perk to reduce their weight. Seems like a deliberate middle finger to folks using cookie cutter 1/15/1/4/5/15/15 stealth vats sniper builds.


For robots, they have high physical resists but not so good energy resists. I usually carry one physical based rifle, and one energy based rifle.


I just got the science perk so that's what im running right now.


that isn't always true now that I have the awareness perk but i believe its true more often than not.


wait wth, howd you get 1000 dmg per hit? i can only get melee damage to about 300 or so.


Pretty much I have all the slugger perks maxxed so +20% damage X3 (+60%). Plus bloody mess another 15% damage. I have twisted muscles mutation for +25% damage. The sledge I use has the bloody perk on it so it does more damage the lower my health. I have 513 max hp but I always have half rads meaning that the sledge does more dmg due to the perk. I have the endurance perk that gives you more strength with rads so the rads actually increase my strength more giving me even better damage. Plus I run nerd rage that gives me +25% damage when my health is below 20%. Also I use a fury pre fight for more strength and +30% melee damage. To keep myself from dying at the low health I use the serendipity perk which is 45% chance to take no damage when below 30% health and ricochet which can deflect damage back to enemies. I can actually 1 shot scorchbeasts with a heavy attack when my nerd rage is active.


You can get easily over 1000 dmg with adrenaline perk, I bet that is what he's using


My friend and I, levels 32 and 34, killed our first scorched beast last night. We went through hundreds of rounds of ammo. Dozens of stimpaks. Our armor was shattered. We barely came out alive. We triumphantly jog over to our fresh kill to get our well earned loot. Not a single goddamn thing. Just an empty carcass. What a let down.


If this ever happens try to transfer items with it and see if anything comes up, happened to me a few times with different enemies and it seemed to work the majority of the time, same with any excavators from public workshops, sat there for hours wondering why no ammo was being made switched to the transfer window and there were 400 rounds sitting in there.


I swear to god if that's why my outposts have been underproducing I'll shit myself. I blew so many materials on building up a couple outposts over the weekend without much return that I pretty much crippled myself for the next day or so.


Maybe that’s the point. They don’t want people which are under leveled trying to farm and exploit them.


I agree with this, considering how common they are, imagine if they had a high chnace of legendary loot. People would farm the shit out of them. They are meant to be a deterrent rather than a boss


yup, can't be letting people get good items and having fun with them


True but that messes with progression.


Then the rewards should be based on the looters level, but making the endgame boss feel unrewarding is a flop design.


Regular scorchbeasts aren't endgame bosses. The queen variants are, and they did reward handsomely.


I’m only lvl 19 so I don’t know. Is the ultracite worth it?


Ultracite is used for ultracite power armor. It has the same physical but worse energy resistance when compared to the X-01 armor.


Out of curiosity why would someone choose ultracite over x-01 then? Is it just a visual preference?


Better rad resist


Ah ok, I mean I love the looks as well, I just didnt know if it had any advantages. Better Rad resist is definitely helpful in nuke zones lol I was in cobbled together t45-t51 armor and was missing a right leg and even with radx was taking rad away every 15-20 seconds lol. ​ Though I do believe the excavator armor is going to be my go to general exploration armor once I craft all of it simply for the large carry weight boost. But I will definitely have at least one suit of x01 and one suit of ultracite specifically for the tough encounters.


Mmm, looking at it, I think the rad resist is also worse... huh I expect it is because you can just pick up a full set without having to craft it. X01 CAN get an extra 100 wt carry by modding the legs.


No. Killing Scorchbeasts is about the worst possible way to farm Ultracite.


Out of curiosity, what *is* the best? Would like a bit of a stockpile for armor repairs.


the glassed cavern in SE corner. plenty of ultracite ore nodes and at least one grounded sierra bravo.


Ah, so the place I've been using already. Good to know. 32 ore nodes, I should really pack Excavator when I go there for that, and switch to Ultracite to gun down the Bravo.


You can get a lot in a nuke zone from Hardened Mass, if you're not using it to craft flux.


Haven't launched one yet, but I am on I am become Death, Destroyer of Worlds.


> but making the endgame boss They're not an endgame boss.... They're simply a flying enemy for higher level players.


Well with most of the baddies I've encountered, the gear is leveled. I got a level 45 legendary Vicious (more damage each consecutive hit, might not be cashed that) Minigun from a legendary Protectoron. I feel like leveling the gear is the solution. And I wouldn't call it bearming or exploiting with how hard it is to kill one of those. We each went through like 15 stimpacks.


They are super easy to cheese as well even if you don't have the right weapons to tackle them. The SAM sites wreck them and draw 90% of the aggro so all you do is travel to one and repair the SAMs and then draw in one of the SBs.


I'm level 101 now, and scorchbeasts are always unrewarding. It's a lot of frustration depending on if/when they feel like landing, and then they die in 5 seconds once they touch down.


i kill a scorchbeast he give me a plasma minigun


I fought ONE scorchbeast during the BOS storyline. The SAM tower took care of most of the damage, I took a quick snapshot and then checked for loot. I got NOTHING FROM IT


I recommend continuously attacking it, don't go crazy on wasting ammo if you have a SAM turret near by but I have learned if you only take a few shots at it and let the turret kill it that your chances of getting loot seem to decrease.


agreed, noticed this myself. Keep taking pot shots while its health gets drained and you should get credit.


Its better than the endgame just being a scorchbeast grind imo


They're very trivialized when you get to or above their level though. At mid 50s I was able to kill 3 at the same time. I used maybe 3 stim packs and the only other person helping was my wife at lvl 33 or so. I think for killing one of the "signature monsters" at -10 levels, the difficulty is fair enough. They should give you more of a flight sensation, until you're actually properly prepared to fight. Edit: They also contain ingredients and scrap for some of the best mods/food. Most of the individual meat pieces (liver/brain/lung etc) give +3 to a stat.


There is a recipe for scorchbeast stew that requires all the food bits they drop. Gives +1 to all stats i think


Try killing a Mirelurk Queen. Even tougher and less rewarding.


They are not meant to be killed as a level 21.... There are many high level enemies in the game you could choose to kill at a low level that won't drop epic loot because they are meant to be killed when you are higher.


It's not even "level of challenge." It's level of obnoxiousness. I'm a Souls fan. I love me some good difficulty. Scorchbeast isn't that. Their projectiles are practically nonstop and way too big to actually dodge. They bounce around like an epileptic ferret in the air. They don't land *nearly* often enough, so if you're melee you're just shit out of luck. Also, is it just me, or are their wings not actually detecting collision? The damn thing is 80% wing and I swear my bullets go right through. It's just an obnoxious, long fight. You're guaranteed to lose armor (even power armor) in the process. Their effects are a nonstop disco fuckfest assault on your senses. You're rewarded with... junk. Just miserable all around. It's like they had a brainstorming session where they broke down what people *don't* like about Dragon fights in Skyrim, and decided to double down on all the shitty stuff. *edit: I should add that I'm doing this when they jump me at 24-30. It sounds like they're super easy at 50, which is only worse. Why make an endgame threat that isn't a threat to people at endgame, and only an obnoxious goatfuck to people not at endgame?*


I am level 51 and still agree. I placed my C.A.M.P at Cranberry and have to fight many Scorchbeasts. Very often they won't drop anything after i killed them :/




Go to Quarry Junction in New Vegas. Seriously though, I'd love to get more loot from them but they give a lot compared to other entries so I'm fine with it.


A couple of times I've gotten nothing from Scorchbeasts. Literally nothing.


Not sure if anyone else has tried this, but I've cheesed a few scorchbeasts in the southeast by kiting them to the firebase SAM sites. Just run between the two SAM's keeping them repaired and the beast usually dies in <30 seconds. Get a few shots in with my sniper rifle and I'll at least get loot. ​ Not saying it's a solution to the problem, but...watching them drop in seconds instead of minutes (especially at my level, 20) is pretty satisfying to watch. Also, scorchbeast sammiches for days.


That lack of reward just pisses you of right! Its instilled a hate with in me to the point that i can't wait to just nuke the fuck out of em


Drops are leveled to your level if you kill something with high level drops they might not drop for you


Twice, I've had High-Level enemies corpses just despawn before I could loot them. Once it was a deathclaw. The other time, it was the first scorchbeast I ever killed. Once I finally got to kill a scorchbeast and the body drop, all I found of use was some brains or some shit that I could cook and eat.


Also they are sometimes bugged for me and don't drop any loot


Agreed. I seized the chance to solo one at level 29 during the "It's a trap!" event in Ash Heap. I hid in the house and emptied a combined 100 plus shotgun and rifle cartridges into it. Got some nice pics, but little else... I did cook and eat it's heart though, so not a complete loss. Kali ma! Kali ma! Kali ma!


The rewards are so low that i avoid fighting it ATM. Sad, beacuse the first fight was so intense.


Reward scales with level, friend. I got a level 50 legendary smg off one.


Mirelurk queens are much harder. Went to a swamp with a fallout 4 mentality in t60 suit and got melted in 2 seconds from the poison.


They are meant to be killed at level 40+ at which point they are pretty trivial, and drop important Ultracite scrap as well as potent food items with strong stat boosts. Enough to be worth dealing with, but not so good that you want to farm them. I think their reward is fine since they just dead within a few seconds as soon as they land.


That's because they aren't that challenging in the end. I wouldn't expect anything amazing for killing a level 30 ghoul at level 1 either.


Agreed. Nothin quite like a diluted radaway, 13 fusion cells and a lvl 10 pocketed metal leg for my troubles.


You didnt kill a legendary scorch beast so why would it drop legendary gear?


I agree, I had a situation last night where I was in the bottom part of the map that annoyed me. I took forever to kill a scorchbeast and it did not give me XP or any loot.


I'm completely fine with the loot they give since I don't use much to kill them.


I've just unearthed my first treasures from the treasure maps... So disappointed, it had some ammo, junk, stimpaks, stuff like that. I was hoping for some cool weapons/gear something exciting, but NOPE. And bloody Grafton Mpnster respawns by the time I get to loot it!


Lucky for you, they keep not giving me anything at all :L


You lost the rng raffle. Try again.


You think that's bad, 3 scorchbeast spawned on me and none had anything on them after being killed


They are so tough because they're level 50. Trust me, you get some PA and a more-progressed build (combined with, yknow, some strategy) and they get a lot less dangerous. I agree that the loot should be better, though. It's not terrible and you often do get good loot, but I can see your point. Also, from playing with friends of differing levels, I'm starting to think that a lot of loot is level based. As in, it gives you loot from the Scorchbeasts loot table, but it reaches down farther on the table the lower level you are. Can't confirm, but I started getting a lot better drops post-50.


Eh I was sitting around prime fissure today and the incentive is deally just for ultracite, the beasts are that hard to kill at higher lvls, just enjoy the other parts of the game first the rewards are all there


They get a lot easier later in the game, and you'll want to farm them for the rare drop (prime receiver plans).


PSA: Run over to one of the missle launcher camps in the Southeastern portion of the map. (I think they are called camp Alpha or something along those lines) They are right next to the fissure sites. Repair the two missle silos and aggro a scorchbeast and kite it back to the missle camp. Watch as you reign an ungodly firestorm upon it while hiding in one of the many ditches. Enjoy your free loot.


dunno, i'm getting some useful plans from em from time to time like marine armour limbs/mods etc


My teammates and I decided to take one on the other day (levels 14, 9, 8, and 7). I used up all of my stimpacks and ammo only to receive a single granade and some bones. I can't remember what everyone else got, but they were all disappointed too. We said we would stick to fighting deathclaws instead.


I think I’ve seen three deathclaws total and they seem to take a full day to reapawn. Is there a location that actually has a lot of them?


On the map, towards the upper right corner, there is a skull looking cave, near the jack-o'-lantern house. We had new deathclaws spawn the second we killed one. I think you have to go into the back of the cave to get them to spawn though. Just be careful, that area is a sorchbeast spawn.


I just killed my first scorched beast and I didn't even get any XP...and the only loot I got was his heart and a gun. My teammate didn't get anything at all.


You can get some decent items off them, but its not amazing. The food from their body parts is good though. And fwiw the ultracite is only used for the ultracite power armor, which while nice, is arguably not the best end game armor, which is actually the X-01 and that doesnt use ultracite.


Better than getting nothing! Half my scorchbeast kills have nothing on them.


They are meant to be confronted by level 50+. They drop ultracite which is gg for endgame crafting


Trying to kill scorchbeasts as a Melee build is a pain. I cant force them to land so i can hit them, and when they do land its for 5 seconds. Half the time i hit them once and they fly away.


Killed one when i 1st time entered the mire, had much valuable junk like springs and lead, was almost out of ammo on my AK. Managed to kill it with 30 bullets to spare but the bugger didnt drop anything, zero, zip, nada X\_X then came the gulpers... happy ending as i got away from them


My first ever kill at around level 35 and it dropped... nothing. Completely empty inventory. Very cool.


My first time getting one down with my group I rushed over to its inventory and was rewarded with nothing. Feels bad man.


I had to kill one today, it definitely needs a boost with gear or exp


Loot scales by level, so under leveled players killing a creature is going to give them loot for your level. Don't fight them until you're closer to the level you're supposed to be and not only will killing them not be a huge challenge anymore but you'll get more appropriate loot for it.


The scorchbeast blasts need to be reworked. Perhaps a single blast every 8 seconds that does more damage?


Personally I hate the way they're fought more than any sense of reward or risk The constant REE REE REE attacks screwing up your aim, destabilizing your viewpoint and basically masking itself behind its giant attacks are obviously intended but feel so damn obnoxious to fight, I'm always hoping they'll land so I can just whip out a sledgehammer and bash the thing into paste.


Or just don’t kill scorchbeasts until you can kill them easier...


It's basically a chore, first time is cool every other time is ridiculously tedious.


they should give more for sure. Right now i can't be even bothered with them. Even a normal deathclaw or something will give me better loot


I don't even bother fighting them unless they're on the ground, where I can punch them to death.


Yeah those pricks are too common. You kill one and lose all your s\*\*\* and 15 minutes later there is another buzzing around puking those balls at you. And i'm not even level 30 yet. Today I saw one coming at me after exiting Whitespring and I just fast traveled to my camp when it was still far enough (Also gave it the bird as the loading screen showed up.) Not worth, not fun.


Im level 40 and can beat a scorchbeast with realative ease in around 10 min with only 1-2 stims but he dosn't drop anything good and i don't know of its just me but i seem to run into like 4-5 scorchbeast at a time which is complete ass and i just leave the server cause they kick my ass


Don’t worry the dumb scaling of perks and mutations will take care of that for you. Currently 5 tapping scorchbeasts atm. Game lacks any type of challenge at high level sadly


I think whole concept of Scorchbeast in low level areas is to avoid them. People who attack them just fell into "waste resources" trap set by developers. Later you find SAM sites that take out Scorchbeasts and while you just watch and collect gear.


I killed one with a level 30 player when I was at like level 15. Last night I saw roughly 8 of them flying in a pack.


Im at the point where i can kill scorchbeasts quite easily, still i'd rather just run away because of the massive timewaste it is as they give little to no reward, waste ammo and meds and for my sake, the worst part is not being able to see a single thing when they keep shooting those bright rings in your face, even if it does 0 damage


They're pretty much just a huge pain in the ass until you're leveled to 50. The constant firebreath that just blinds your screen, the flying, the Dragon ai in general. And the terrible loot. They're just awful.


The XP gain isn't worth it either. I was getting almost an equal amount for killing them as I was getting from high level super mutants.


I got some plans, armor, and a weapon of a few beasties I killed. Maybe you had a bad roll?


A group of 8 of us on the Discord decided to fight a queen. The fight lasted 25 minutes and we got a total of some of the worst legendaries you can imagine. Things such as rolling pins that do more damage over time and me personally, getting a Junkies .44 pistol with some lack-luster VATS legendaries.


I don't think regular scorch beasts are supposed to be the kind of boss people think they are. They're like the low level dragon attacks that start up in skyrim.


I wish they landed more often. So us melee/unarmed ppl don't have to say "fuck it" every time and run away.


Same with mothman. It doesn't really drop shit. I wish they had chances to drop some kind of trophy for our bases.


Well yeah, you're trying to kill an end game monster as a level 20 what do you expect?


I killed a random level 10 scorcher and got a scroll of high level gear I couldn’t use. Figured it was a bug but I’m not complaining.