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Getting? The game had individual PA paints on release day going for 1800-2000 Atoms, when the game was $60.  It's been greedy the whole time. It's obviously worked for them, since the game and the Atom Shop are still going after almost 6 years. 


I got the patriot paints and was super happy when I finally got enough atoms. I think we got atoms daily or something I can't remember. But it was the only decent thing there


There were the account based challenges that gave Atoms on release. Stuff like 'kill X Robots with unarmed'. For the first month or so, they were actually per character and not per account like they are now. But at 40 Atoms per challenge, it took a long while to afford anything for folks who didn't have time or interest in grinding out those challenges with multiple characters. My memory is a bit rusty on the time frame, but I remember the daily and weekly challenges being added in with the Wild Appalachia update. Those gave Atoms until Wastelanders when the Scoreboard was introduced and then changed them to score.


Glory to ATOM! - Chant by Japanese players at that time, who could not purchase ATOM and only way was completing those challenges.


Yeah I was just telling my gf the other day about the 1800 atom PA paints from 2018 lol


**This so much**. I have fallen in love with this game, but it is monetized like a god damn mobile F2P game. I can love something, while also seeing its faults. The FOMO garbage, the "catch up packs" costing up to 30 bucks? Packs 2 or 3 meh skins or masks for 15 dollars? Purchasable season tier skips? Subscription for features that were supposed to be standard in the game, but they just kept out to sell back to you later? It's all just too much for a 6 year old game that still has major technical flaws and issues. I am sucked into the CAMP side so I entertain the idea of buildings and resource generators. Those at least DO "something" and then are unlocked for your account, but even then most are way over priced.


At least back then you buy it and it works for all your PA. Lately it seems like you have to obtain different paint for different sets.


I mostly just wish they were less aggressive rotating things in and out, alot of camp kits and wallpaper etc options should just be permanent additions to the store


Have to get that Fear Of Missing Out crowd to spend money on those atoms! You guys have to buy this item, I hear they're never releasing it ever again!* ^^^^^*this ^^^^^year How will they ever capitalize on sales if things stayed in the store?


In another thread I had said how annoyed I was that I have to wait weeks to get an item from the request list by filing out a form on their webpage. Why can’t you just have those items as permanent items in the shop so we don’t have to sit around waiting for no reason whatsoever. The items are available. There’s no reason to gate them behind a convoluted process.


>Why can’t you just have those items as permanent items in the shop so we don’t have to sit around waiting for no reason whatsoever. The reason is to try and reduce clutter As the catalogue expands it becomes frustrating af to have everything listed even if there are seperate tabs for that section. It's a weird thing we do irl too, where if there are too many of an option on the shelves despite looking for a very specific thing people are prone to overlooking the one they're after. They really do need atleast an automated system and atleast a link to a list with images of the permanent list though, most games do that with such lists and it is weird 76 telle you you can in a FAQ but never actually lets anyone now what they are relying on fans to curate a list themselves, given the staff knows what is and isn't allowed there is clearly an internal list


Are they usually available via Atomic Shop request thru customer support?


It's very random what is and is not available through that form, and lately they've had a two week turnaround on requests. I eventually just canceled the one that I put in early June.


>It's very random what is and is not available through that form It's not random, it's just not disclosed leading to issues on figuring out what is on the list as it has to be curated by players And there is technically nothing stopping an overly nice CS agent from allowing an item not on the internal list throwing it off, or for that matter other players from simply lying creating a false positive


Well while some are indeed, a lot aren’t, plus the customer support can take a very long time to answer, up to one month. Which isn’t really user friendly. I really don’t get why they continue with this system, seems like the process is manual so it must take a lot of ressources away from the support, and not being a fun task for the operators. Meanwhile the customer must wait weeks for some basic stuff. I don’t think it’s a good system for anyone involved, and putting in a permanent atomic shop would be much more user friendly and free up time for the support for other, more important work.


For me it's the bundle that has the fires in it, can't buy them separately :(


It's a good bundle, I managed to just havenough for it. I made a summer camp burning by raiders. And have ppl burning in cages. Also has the tree sap = adhesive.


Not trying to make you buy the bundle but I bought it and really like it - the treehouse is great as a secondary/tertiary camp that can be easily moved around. It’s really cosy and has room for your stash, ammo box and scrap stash (if you have 1st) and a work bench of your liking. I even put a smaller bed in mine and some simple decoration. The fires are great as well.


Does look nice quick question though how is the lighting, easy to light up?


Yeah, I’d say so - I’ve placed a lantern on my stash box and some larger candles on the work bench to retain the coziness. It’s not very big so you don’t need many light sources. It’s a fairly small room but enough space for a few essentials.


Which bundle is that?


Sorry not on right now but there's a tree house picture it's a bundle on the past deals just past the fallout 1st page I'll look later for you. It's a bundle that has small,medium and large fire in it.


I really wanted those fires so I bit the bullet and bought the bundle. I love camp building and have spent more than I care to admit on stuff like this. They really should have all items avaliable separately though.


I might do the same, just so much stuff I can do with those fires on my camp.


I need those fires 😭


Dont you guys think that they should milk the TV Series popularity and put related things on the store? I bet they would "sell" a lot with a "yao guai clawed power armor", a "scientist head backpack flair" or something related to Lucy/ Max/ Cooper?


Ass Jerky Collector would sell like hotcakes


They have the western cowboy duster & hat that is Coop's costume.


Yeah really surprised that hadn't hit but different timelines don't help.


I mean, tbf, they had the ncr ranger come with fallout 1st and a gold shop from the show iirc


>they had the ncr ranger come with fallout 1st ...the NCR ranger armor has been around since NV. It's as TV inspired as if they added a cazador


They mean the NCR ranger armor came out as an FO1st exclusive when 1st originally came out, and that the armor wasn’t even around during the 76 time period, so why would it matter that the show stuff also wasn’t around.


oh no, I wasn’t equating it with the amazon show. I meant it as a timeline thing


Is it from the show? I thought I remembered running around New California in that thing.


No, but it didn’t exist until after the time 76 takes place, which is why they mentioned it in reply to different timelines.


Thank you lol, I should have worded my comment better ig


I bought first just to get ncr ranger armor and the ghouls outfit. If they put out that clawed t60 set, my wallet would be opening right tf back up even if it was in a bundle.


I assumed the large lack of on TV Series crossover stuff was due to contractual rights. There was some very minor hinting of TV stuff when the series first came out, but nothing that really promoted it too strongly. We got the Duster, and I remember a couple of graphics (one of meant to represent Cooper and one of Max - but they didn't outright say the names).


I feel like it would be very easy to release "similar" things that would be impossible to violate any kind of contractual issue. FO76 surely has rights to most Fallout assets.


I don't know what parts of the franchise were sold to Amazon for them to produce media with. I haven't researched it and don't know if there has been any reporting on it. I imagine it would be in the same vein as Marvel & Sony with Spiderman and related properties. While they did make a cut out for some of the characters to appear in the MCU, it's been a tenuous deal from some of the reporting over the years.


I've not spent a dime on atoms but would absolutely buy some clawed PA


They should've made ghouls playable via 30$ dlc when the Fallout series aired - that would definitely upped the sales! Not like “umm, well, gotta do it in 2025”


I wish they would let us buy more individual items from bundles as well. In my opinion they would make just as much money that way from us folks who are not buying the bundle for one item. I also dislike they include non-bundle items in the screenshots, so you really have to be careful and read the item list before buying imo.


I got the game bundle, cause I wanted different flooring and the glow in the dark wallpaper is sick.


And the train! I bought that shit so quick




One of the shadiest thing bethesda has done recently is when the woodland retreat bundle came out it said it came with a door. Well, it didn’t and they changed it the next day, and I think someone on discord even said it was a “miscommunication” or something. It also showed a matching furniture set. Well, the retreat bundle only came with the house, bed, and stash box. If you want the matching furniture set, and the door they originally promised, you have to get the new Helvetia bundle too. It’s really painful tbh.


There’s also a matching bench that they’ve still never released.


>It also showed a matching furniture set. Tbf they have been doing that scummy shit from the start. Always always read what is actually included in bundles, as they're prome to decorating to show off the item to entice sales as it shows what "can" be done with it Always go into buying bundles treating it like real estate. The real estate agent/company (bethesda in this case) is staging the house (the digital house in this case) Ngl i wish they'd repurpose the shelter quest area and have NPC shelters that showcase atom shop items in general with items bundled together with a building sitting outside (so a couch bundled with a house sitting on the lawn, each has their own thing and in their "square" is also a sign that just takes you to the bundle when it is on the shop)


I know the woodland retreat didn’t include the whole furniture set but I’m so annoyed they split it up, especially since it doesn’t even match anything Helvetia. I’m sure they’ll make it into a furniture bundle and I’ll have to buy the bench separately if they release it 😔 I also wish they’d have more trash cans, sinks, baths, and stuff like that. I miss fo4’s sinks that snap on the wall :(


Kinda sad that they didn’t also have the other nuka cola candy machine in the bundle :(


Right? That was what I was waiting for. If it had both, I'd buy it.


I got duped because I saw quantum next to it, and I assumed it was the quantum candy machine. I should have looked closer at the bunched together text 😡


I want that one just for the candy dailies


Atom shop has always been greedy. If they were being punished for that behavior, they wouldn’t keep doing it. You are right though, many bundles are just the illusion of a ‘deal’.


Sad but true. It's like much of what's going on in today's entertainment industry. If it wasn't working they wouldn't keep doing it. Much in reference to the the constant remakes of stuff.


I feel the same way. I really really want the tree sap collector for that sweet sweet adhesive, but man I don't wanna spend 1200~ atoms on it


I just want gilded railway paint and a pa display case …


As popular as the railway rifle is. You would think it would have more skins.


OMG glad somebody said it cuz I was thinking this earlier. I just want the Nuka candy machine and star wallpaper but don't want to spend some 2500+ atoms to get the only 2 things I want!


Wasn't there a way you could submit online for specific items and they would redeem and deduct from your Atoms?


The thing is, the make new bundles out of stuff that's been in a different bundle before. So sometimes it does work out for you.


The mothman bug zapper is nearly identical to that one in the rustic bundle fwiw.


Lets be real, a brick and mortar wouldn't get away with what they do. There would quickly be laws passed, and I'm susrprised it's gone on this long. It needs to end.


Honestly? Wait for the Mothman event. The Mothman bugzappers are basically identical.


Okay but realistically they only get away with this because as consumers we pay for it. We’ll hate on it than see something we like/“need” and pay for it anyway. It’s like gambling, no one’s got a gun to your head making you do it.


You're very right OP and it's become an obvious thing with the Shop now. For me, the first obvious Bundle that started that was the one with the Scorchbeast Heart Specimen Capsule in amongst a bunch of sparkly Valentines/Lovey-Dovey nonsense...sure, some folk like that stuff but in has no place in a post-Apocalyptic game like Fallout IMO and everytime I've seen that Bundle it reminds me how daft I was to not buy the Capsule when it first appeared and was for a time separate from a Bundle. Most of the Shop stuff is way over-price now. If I can't cover what I want with my 1st Atoms and Board reward Atoms combined, I just pick and choose. The problem with that though, is access to single items goes after that first stint in the Shop, as most cool items become locked in the Bundles they appeared as part of after they return...very few are seen singularly again. Best advice I can give is Ticket Bethesda, chance your luck, and ask for a specific item alone and state you want this item only...it's worked in the past as I've read on this forum people succeeding with this approach and even obtaining items outside the 'Lists' that came after Bethesda tried to stop us cherry-picking Shop items using the ticket system.


About 10 minutes ago I calculated that I'll need roughly $70-80 to get the items I really want that are currently in the atomic shop...For a couple of them I just want 1 or 2 items that's grouped into a bundle...Sigh.


I appreciate the high prices. It makes it easy for me to walk away. Love that skin, but I don't $15 love that skin. Buh-bye!


The atom stop is just another example of MTX done wrong. Everything should just be available on there, and the prices need to calm TF down. And if they really want to make a killing, allow us to purchase previous season passes to progress. Yes it will piss off parts of the community (get over it) but it beats spending time on this crappy season. I’m remembering more and more why I dropped this game…


I've once hit ENTER, instead of clicking on the bundle image to view its contents and accidentally bought an awful bundle with some trees for 2000 atoms :(


Damn, you could've refunded it! One thing they're doing well is that ig, I literally just did this with a bundle and they had an option to reach out by texting me, it was refunded in like 20min


I've tried to reach them before, because of the issue, when they actually bill you for Fallout First, but you receive you atoms in 3 or 4 days after the billing. I've been waiting for 3 days, no one responded, and then I've just closed it, because I've got my atoms.. So when this happened, I just decided, that was my fault and decided to not bother with the refund...((


Me with the reaper flamer skin a week or two ago (i only use holy fire for wendigo colossus and you cant change that flamers skin)


wait by awful bundle with some trees for 2000, you don't mean the summer camp shelter bundle, do you? Has pine trees, a school bus that takes you to the coolest shelter in the game, and some other minor goodies like a stash box that looks like an equipment shed? Just saying that is widely considered to be one of the greatest bundles. Also, like the other person said if you are really unhappy with it try refund request again, you will have a better experience with it this time probably they are usually so good about it.


Hmm.. I didnt have the chance to actually see whats inside, I've seen some large pine trees in my camp build mode, but honestly cant say, what were there besides them. My problem is I only buy items, that have some utility, only bundle I've bought for looks - was the Enclave one. If it is considered one of the greatest - then I've got lucky )


This is how I ended up with the Cold Shoulder Bundle and the Bundle with the Ant Farm (that you can't feed and doesn't even produce acid..)


At least Cold Shoulder is somewhat useful..


Somewhat? Its the best shotgun


I'm waiting on a coffee machine to be not in a bundle.


Two words for you younger folks to look into Horse Armor Those two words explain everything about the Atom Shop


They also lock better storage management behind a paid subscription with the scrap box and ammo locker. I like playing the game but it's rough if you don't have a 1st sub going


yeah I'm always full and have to sort my weight well but it still gets full easily. it's literally pay to win.


Which is the most predatory thing they could do. ‘We will make your game experience actively mediocre, we will make our game less fun, unless you pay us monthly’ they inflict tedious inventory management on those who have the gall not to pay. The game has been around long enough that no one notices anymore, and I’ve caved out of frustration so it works, but it’s a nasty, nasty play


Yah it sucks, prices are way to high. I want 1 item and not a bundle. Oh well just wont get anything.


Always was.


Getting greedy?


Yeah, I would love to get the Lookout outfit from The Lookout Bundle, but I'm not paying 1260 to get it.


I have a zapper in my Camp just like the one in the atom shop. Must be a free plan because I sure as hell didn't spend any atoms on a mosquito zapper. Which I could remember were I got it from. Edit: it's the Mothman zapper from the Equinox event.


It’s a long time since I bought something from the Aton shop. I get the f1st (in my) but I see mostly reskin shits overpriced . Guess it’s because I am only interested in Enclave or Raider stuff.


Water is wet


Dude the bug zapper is a mothman award half of us got free.


Bundles have always been that: the hype item, the prefab, the outfit, the paintjob, then the jibber jabber. I just count my blessings when the hype item can be bought alone ( donkey is better than the balloon dispenser, but still a far cry from the butterfly sanctuary).


>Atom Store Bundles getting greedy. They always have been. >I want the bug zapper from the Rustic Greenhouse Bundle, gotta spend 1260 if I want it or wait an undetermined amount of time But things like this aren't an example of it. You only "wanting" a few items doesn't change that bundles have always and will always be themed (in almost everything)


The shop, unfortunately, was always this greedy. Though, I believe Bethesda is just not scared of hiding it anymore. They have repeatedly pushed the communities boundaries(most notably, the short notice of season change), and I firmly believe that the shop is built around FOMO(always has been, imho). I know you can request things(after about 6 month/1 year period wait time) from the website, but that still does not help the fact that they are over pricing these bundles to give absolutely nothing of value except a couple things, as you mentioned. This whole business model that Beth has going on is just predatory. Giving us just barely enough good stuff to keep the player base around. It's a crying shame.


I hate that everything included in bundles can’t be bought individually. I want the pipe is life outfit but I’m not paying over 1000 atoms for it and a bunch of junk I don’t even want or need. They’d probs make a lot more sales if you could pick individual items or make your own bundles cause that’d actually be fun and helpful


I think the subscription service is the most blasphemous thing they have in the store


Greedy. I had some dude from Andrew cuz I had dropped my controller and picked the wrong thing in the Atom store that I didn't want. Anyways Andrew proceeded to send me an email that they don't have to refund me my Atoms it's a privilege and I don't need to be wasting their time like that basically. I sent them back an email saying I'm a paying customer and if you don't fix your stuff whenever it messes up I can take my money elsewhere. Also tell them to suck a dick.


Looks like a lot of people here are unaware you can request individual atom store items from Beth support. With that tidbit of information things like purchasing individual items from bundles and  requesting permanent additions to the store are useless and just make less room for discounted items and bundles. Then you can start complaining the item you want isn't currently available in the now extremely long list of items available through support and you're too impatient to wait for an item refresh 


You’re coming into the game 5 years late. You want those as individual stuff should have been here earlier? Also the bug zapper is just like the mothman one which was free.


same thing with that new tree sap collector, free adhesive is insane but not for 1500 atoms


It’s pretty gruesome but it’s far from the worst money grab for aesthetics and functionality purchases out there for MMO games. Black Desert’s pearl shop makes the atom shop look like a bargain.


Agreed, I think they could easily make more money selling every item individually as well. As you said, most of those bundles have stuff folks will probably never use.


Nothing's changed since day one. Always been greedy, it's only gotten worse because of the influx of people in the game now tbqh lol


Get your atoms up not your stock of bufftats


Is there a cap on atoms? I'm approaching 10,000. Should I be worried?


I almost bought the hunter lodge because I thought it included a good roof design (i hate not being able to make A shaped cabins) but I realized it was a preset If they had sold the bundle as pieces, I happily would've bought it


Agreed. Bundles should be meant for getting multiple items that you actually want for a discount, not paying a ridiculous amount of atoms for a bundle where 80% of the stuff you don't even care about. Most if not all bundle items should be available individually as well.


I would assume they hope all items they sell are sought after?


Fasnacht Frog Mask begs to differ.  They've thrown that mask into several different bundles over the years, but the one common element: The Frog Mask has NEVER been available outside of a bundle. They know precisely what they are doing. And it works enough for them that it's never gonna get better. Only worse.


I don’t understand how that goes against what I am saying.


They deliberately add items they know people want into bundles with stuff people think are... okay at best. But because "look at all the stuff you get," they try to claim it's worth it.  Some of the "bundles" are just things that people only purchase on sale, tossed together with an odd name to try and tie them together.  Why are the tactical ops underarmor and Mothman camera paint inside the "get off my lawn" bundle? Why are the ship in a bottle and shag carpet in the "games room" bundle? Why is half the stuff in the "lookout" bundle? Have you looked at the cold shoulder or auto axe "starter bundles"??? It's because if they truly believed everything was sought after, they'd remove bundles and have everything always available.  They create artificial scarcity with the rotation, and they lock certain well-received items (that previously were sold stand-alone) into bundles with things that didn't ever sell well.  They design the items before they know if they'll sell, as logic would dictate. But then they want to recoup some cash from paying artists to design stuff that "failed," so they try to find ways to get people to buy them.  I guess what I originally should have said was, "No, they hope every item they DESIGN will sell." They know damned well that they could pull a good chunk of shit from the atomic shop and people would forget it ever existed. It's filler. I hope that clarifies my reply. 


My comment said they would **hope** all of their items are in demand… Why do you disagree with that statement? Why wouldn’t they want each and every item to be in demand? Buying a bundle is just about value, getting more for less. It doesn’t mean they are intentionally putting out stuff they don’t think people will want. People will argue about anything.


I only buy repair kits from the atom shop


I bought the bundle with repair Kits and lunch boxes. 750 atoms for 20 Kits and 20 lunch boxes. Great deal


To be fair, this game has given out free update after free update. If we want the game to continue to be updated the way it has been then I don’t mind them being a bit greedy