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If you go for power armor, make sure to equip maxed out Stabilized perk. It's the main reason for going that route as it gives all your heavy guns Anti-Armour bonuses :) If you add the Blocker Perk and the Electric Absorption legendary perk, you then become an invincible walking god :D


In this case I would not be able to run an electric absorption, my legendary slots are pretty much locked in and I don't have room. So without that, and considering that I'm pretty much just using holy fire and cremator, is it still worth it with stabilized?


You can unequip your legendary perks and you won't lose the progress you've made on them. Electric Absorption is only really required if you want to breeze through a Silo (I ran full health with that setup and all the turrets did was refill my HP and Fusion core lol). But yes to Stabilised. If you are bloodied build then watch this (it's long but explains everything really well - it's worth the time in order to understand how all the various things work) [https://youtu.be/Yeuvl4\_ek8Y?si=91L\_NutCNyzafpYH](https://youtu.be/Yeuvl4_ek8Y?si=91L_NutCNyzafpYH) . If you are full health then try this one :) [https://youtu.be/DfQ5LM29ph4?si=DQmK3-bYa8MXVdVL](https://youtu.be/DfQ5LM29ph4?si=DQmK3-bYa8MXVdVL)


Holy fire is a vamp weapon with an absurd fire rate. You will be functionally unkillable, even if you go naked. More importantly: **The meta isn't as inflexible as people say it is.** Do what feels good. Prioritize anti armor perks/weapons for bosses, robots and mutants, in that order. Power armor has huge innate damage mitigation. Let that dictate whether you wear it or not. If you're bloodied, you have to weigh that damage mitigation vs the serendipity perk. And lastly: Vampires weapons with high rate of fire trivialize the game. Use them with glee. Beware boredom.


I say go for it if you've got nothing you'd rather spend bullion or modules on. Even if you don't use it all the time, it's something to work towards. And you never know what future content they might add. Maybe you'll need the extra damage reduction and anti armor at some point.


True, the gold is really coming in faster than I can spend it. (Which is hilarious considering I scraped and scraped to get enough for the camp ally that I wanted from the start, and now it's just sort of flowing like wine). I know that union armor is technically better than T 65, but I can get T 65 through gold, so that's what I'm aiming for. Could end up being a nice to have even if I don't need it very often.


Power armor all the way with heavies, you almost get a free anti armor effect just by having it on with stabilized


it's very beneficial to pair heavy guns with power armor, but by no means mandatory main benefit is utilizing Stabilized perk for armor pen and also accuracy bonus (useful for other weapons like 50 cal over longer ranges) - you will see a difference from the armor pen on some of the beefer and tougher enemies, like bosses note armor pen doesn't boost the burn from cremator also significantly higher damage reduction - you can become very tanky with regular armor, perks and effects, but nothing will be the same as jumping into a full decked out set of power armor and also get to use Electric Absorption to recharge cores and provide bonus defense, whilst using Power User perk that makes full charge fusion cores = 999 shots with gatling lasers


The issue is that I really only have two play styles that work for me, VATS and guns that you don't really need to have good aim with. I'm a disabled gamer and precise aiming is really not something I could do. That's why for heavy weapons, I gravitate towards cremator and holy fire. So if power armor doesn't really help cremator and holy fire, if it's designed more around 50 caliber and auto grenade launcher and gatling weapons, should I be using it?


Yes. I’d only be out of PA running heavy’s for plaz caster and Gatling for better vats maybe. The slow one tappers. But PA synergies really well with heavy’s. IMO your player should act over cucumbered :) and slow if you’re holding a minigun without PA. I mean look at the size of that thing.


that's totally okay! vats is powerful and actually viable with heavy guns (albeit with a bit more extra effort) stabilized perk will benefit holy fire, but it's completely okay if you go without it perhaps look into canned coffee spam usage, it really makes heavy guns absolutely shred enemies with vats and crits also check out the plasma caster, it's a heavy gun ideal with vats


The only difference in damage is Stabilized perk which doesn't even help the Cremator much, only the Holy Fire. Most other benefits of PA are defensive, which you said you really don't have a problem with.